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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC (Dekuna): Dekuna followed after the two rahi, two toa and one Matoran on foot, and headed towards the tunnel that would lead him and his team back to the jungles of Le-wahi. He made sure to stow Miha's tablet safely in his backpack so that it would not get broken on the trip.OOC: Dekuna and team to Le-wahi.

Edited by The Lorax


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IC (Weta): Weta tried to to duplicate Cikren's feat with his own arm, but was unsuccessful. After trying and failing several times, he suddely shapshifted into a brakas monkey. In the rahi's anatomy, it wasn't nearly so difficult."It looks like the doctor did a better job than we thought" he commented. "If you can do all that, you're still better than most."


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IC (Weta): "Just give it a bit of time to fully heal and you'll soon be back at your best." he told her. "Other than that, I don't think there is much you can do about it. Just wait for nature to take its course." He laughed at himself then. "Ha, I'm starting to sound like Tang. Did I tell you about the old hermit I used to live with? We did a lot of waiting for nature to do its thing. It was all very profound, but he was much better than at it than me. I'm just not really the hermit type."


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OOC: Er.... Right.... Um, random thief attack? :PIC: DeyrThe Le-Matoran made it into Onu-Koro, and looked over his green shoulder to see if Nanashi was there.IC: Cikren"Sounds... Facinating. I would like to hear morea bout this Tang," the Toa of Ice replied, interested in the concept. She swung her legs up off of the edge, and sat cross-legged facing Weta.



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IC: Onyx, Onu-Wahi CatacombsSilence reigned utter and complete. Not a single whisper was spoking in the abyssal depths of Onu-Wahi. It was a void of death and pain, a void with no escape. But someone had conquered the void, and built a kingdom in it's ruins. The being known only as Onyx had done all of this, and more, untold, blasphemous things in the name of conquest and power.And now he is ready. Ready for the war that is about to begin. But who will make the first move? Who will begin this game, one that uses beings instead of peices?Let your opponent take the offensive. Thought the Dark Lord, from where he sat on his throne. Make them think that they, not you, are the powerful one. The one with cunning and intelligence. And then you strike, only taking what is necessary for them to be dissillusioned.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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OOC: Thief... I'll RP him... :DIC: NPC thiefThe Skakdi grinned, and held up a bag of widgets... Nanashi's bag of widgets. " 'Tis 'yurs?" he asked, his grin widening. He was missing some teeth, and he held a zamor launcher to the Vortixx's chest. " 'Cause it mine now."



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IC: Nanashi"You sure you want that?" Nanashi said. He flashed his purple dagger. "'Cause you may not be happy with what's inside". Nanashi cut the money bag, and sand poured out. The skakdi looked confused, and Nanashi planted his foot in his face.OOC: does that count as an auto-hit?

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



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OOC: Sorta... Ever RP a fight?IC: NPC thiefThe foot planted itself squarely in the Skakdi's crooked face, knocking him onto the ground. The thief fired off the zamor, but missed. The blue sphere struck the opposite wall, and shattered, causeing acid to start eating through the hardened earth.Enraged, the Skakdi used his vision power, and twin beams of pure heat raced towards Nanashi.



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IC: Onyx, CatacombsOnyx, disrupting the silence, snapped his fingers in summoning. In what seemed like milliseconds, Luncora appeared. "Find Rasp and Twitch, and bring them here." Onyx commanded, his voice low and dangerous. Luncora nodded, and then slipped back into the shadows.In a few mintues, he reappeared, dragging the Toa and Matoran behind him. Both of them were fighting back, but Luncora's grip was tighter than a vice, and stronger than protosteel.Onyx guestered in dismiss, and Luncora slid into the shadows as before, leaving the pair alone in Onyx's presence. Noticing him, they both bowed down completely, muttering "My lord" and "My honor" in an attempt to create favor.Onyx's thoughtful frown remained. "Stand." He said in his calm, yet gravelly tone. The pair quickly got to their feet, their eyes filled with curiosity and fear. "Both of you have failed your last mission. A lone Toa defeated you. You crawled back bloody and bruised, half blind." Onyx said, his voice deceptively calm. "Faliure is not an acceptable action." He said, snapping his fingers once more. A green being, dressed in a strange suit of armor, stepped foward.


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OOC: Oh yeaz... :PWell, as a fellow noob, want me to show you a bit of stuff?IC: NPC thiefThe thief rolled out of the way of the lunge, and moved his fist to bring it down on the Vortixx's back.IC: DeyrNanashi's knife landed next to the Le-Matoran, who was watching the sene unfold with a sense of awe. Looking down at the weapon, Deyr decided to help his friend. Just as his hand closed around the knife, Ryed took over, and a sharp pain shot though Deyr's mind."Now," Ryed said, "This feels good."The Le-Matoran advanced on the Skakdi.



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OOC: All will be revield in good time... :evilgrin:Although, he's basically evil. Nuff said.IC: NPC thiefThe kick sent the skakdi flying towards a certain Le-Matoran, but the thief didn't notice. He loaded another zamor and fired it at Nanashi.IC: RyedThe Le-Matoran looked down towards the Skakdi infront of him, his eyes burned with hate and malice. A grin spread across his Kaukau. Without warning, Ryed brought the dagger down into the Skakdi's shoulder. The thief roared in pain, and swung at the Le-Matoran. He stopped mid blow, however, as Ryed began to twist the dagger, as well as digging it in deeper into the organic flesh.The Skakdi eventually passed out from the pain, and Ryed pulled the dagger out, wiping the blood on the tunnel floor."Now, that wasn't so bad."



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IC: Ryed"I've never felt better. No, wait, that's a lie," Ryed said, twirrling the dagger around his fingers. "Anyway, I suppose you would like to talk to Deyr, eh? Yes, he'll be back soon..."He suddenly grabbed his head, and fell to one knee. Once he stood up again his eyes were clear, and it was obvious Ryed had disappeared."Uh... What past-happen?" Deyr asked, holding his head, "And why do I have-carry a short-dagger?"



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IC: Nanashi quickly analyzed the situation. Deyr had some sort of multiple-personality disorder. He decided that the alternate could probably protect himself. And could do some damage, as the skakdi encounter had proved. He also thought that until he knew more, it probably not be safe to risk angering it. So he lied. "The thief attacked you," he explained "You raised the knife in defense, and I stabbed him".

Edited by gdfgdfgdfice

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



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IC: Deyr"I'm much-greatful for that," the Le-Matoran said cheerfully, not realising that Nanashi was lieing. Deyr glanced down at the unconscious Skakdi, and the back the the Vortixx. "Well, I think-believe we should walk-go now.""Oh, yeah, this short-dagger is your's," he added handing the knife back to Nanashi.



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IC (Weta): Weta took his time to answer this question, wondering how he could some up his mentor in a few sentences. "Tang was a very wise being, who spent much of his life in a small house in the jungle around the Kini-Nui. He studied the earth and stars, discovering much about the mysteries of this island and the will of the Great Spirit through meditation. When I became a toa in Le-koro, Turaga Matau thought that I needed instruction on the ways of Mata Nui and how I might do my duty as a toa, so he sent me to become Tang's apprentice. For 25 years until his death, I lived in his hut and learned what I could of his wisdom. He was a great Matoran, devoted to the three virtues, but in his old age, disease slowly wore away his body even while his mind aspired to yet more wisdom. His passing was a great loss to this island and its people."


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IC: Onyx, CatacombsRasp moved his hand for his crossbow, but in a flash, the green-armored being shot foward, his hands moving expertly. In only a few seconds, the crossbow was a pile of wooden peices, entirely dismantled. Rasp never had a chance. The strange, green creature's hand grabbed Rasp by his neck, crushing it before he had time to take another breath. Twitch rushed foward, but the being was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, it dropped down on him, from where ever it was hiding on the ceiling. The sound of a sword being drawn could be heard, and as a blade flashed in the torch-life, Twitch's life was taken.A low, resounding clap filled the silence. "Well done, Halion. You have found a place under the banner of Onyx." The Stone Lord himself he said with a gravelly laugh. Halion bowed, a grin on his face.OOC: Halion live in Profile Pages.


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OOC: Here goes feces.Bunnying of all chars done with express permission.IC: Sulov soon met the two matoran he had seen earlier on his way to refuel. This, too, proved to be good news.Both Ussalmatoran were apparently now part of 7th. The one taller than even he with a medkit was named Brovuv Mirok, found Koskium; the other was called Komisk Runion and, while short, was visibly s######. They would make good teammates-Sulov had been in want of a medic especially. And though the two bickered, he soon discerned that the seeming hot-blooded altercations they were constantly engaged in were friendly.The commander quickly restocked on kielbasa and bula beer. He then acquired crossbow bolts to replace those he had lost. Finally, the matoran nodded momentary leave and moved off to Muv.He fed his companion Ussal a light snack and some water. Sulov knew he could afford no more on such time constraints as he had at present. Then the matoran gave her a quick rub behind the stalks and saddled up. Once outside, Sulov chatted quietly with Kruzov and Krovuz while 7th formed up. The commanders had to work out an arrangement of power distribution. But while the other two Squadron Commanders were just as qualified as he on paper, they yet ceded unofficial control of the regiment-and-a-half to him; all knew that the matoran best suited for the job was the one who had revolutionized warfare.Sulov turned and inspected the ranks. He nodded once at what he saw.An elongated wedge stretched out behind him, its tip before the commander. Uyism and 7th's supply ussals sat behind him while Tarnok and Gavarm were its points. The two additions to the squadron were on either side of Sulov; behind them stretched out the small mass of Kruzov and Krovuz' regiment.The trip was no short one-and not well-timed either, considering it was now night-but Sulov didn't mind. He'd set up a watch system wherein three Ussalmatoran kept awake at all times to lead and act as sentinels for the wedge. The rest could sleep in their saddles."Forvarts," Sulov said finally, and then he kicked Muv into a gallop and let his eyes close to welcoming darkness as the very ground shook under the responding movements of a regiment and a half worth of Ussalmatoran.OOC: 7th Squadron and 10 Ussalry NPCs to Le-Wahi.

Edited by Armadijo



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Cikren"Oh, I am sorry. He sounded like a great person," the Toa of Ice said, upon hearing that Tang had died. Trying to change the somewhat depressing subject, she asked, "Would you mind telling me some of the things he taught you?"IC: DeyrThe Le-Matoran nodded, and continued on ahead, completely oblivious to what had just happened. "Yes, lets continue-walk."They reached Onu-Koro in a matter of minutes, and Deyr seemed impressed by the village. "Very interesting-cool. To have a home-village underground. Although, I much-prefer sing-song Le-Koro."



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IC: TakaI have entered the Onu-wahi tunnels to track my target. Hmmm... He has been here, and left quite a mess. Maybe I'll help this poor skakdi fellow. After all, I wouldn't want him to die before the interrogation.Taka lifted the unconscious skakdi that Nanashi and Deyr had fought, and disappeared into the tunnels.OOC: He is NOT open for interaction, unless he attempts to assassinate you.

Edited by gdfgdfgdfice

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



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IC: TakaTaka walked through the small crowd in the Onu-koro bazaar. Spotting his target he moved in. He worked his way towered him, and activated his knife. With a small whisper it slid out of his gauntlet. Shlip. A stab in both kidneys and the upper spine. Taka moved away, leaving his target dead. Next time he'll make sure not to make bets he can't pay himself.OOC: Civilian Killed, react accordinglyIC: NanashiNanashi nodded, and looked around. He saw a small bazaar. There would be food there. He hadn't eaten in a while. "Let's check out the bazaar"

Edited by gdfgdfgdfice

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



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IC: [Arkrak]"A 'clean' shot is when the shot isn't messy," said Arkrak. "As in if blood didn't get everywhere. Yet 'clean' shots would still have blood. Are you saying that the dart pierced his body without blood exiting? Once you reach the organic parts of our bodies there will be blood. I should know. It's hard not to when I accidentally stabbed myself in the chest."

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IC:NPC Skakdi"Maybe you didn't know this, but Avians apparently don't have as much blood in their system as Toa.Or something like that..." The Skakdi said, rolling his eyes. "That, combined with the small puncture area contained the blood."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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