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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC:NPC Skakdi"Now that's an interesting case. The lock seems to have been broken by his room mate, Wozzuk. See the scratch marks on the door knob? That's what Wozzuk inflicts every time he opens the door." He then pointed towards some claw marks on the wood slightly above the knob, where the infiltrator had broken the wood in order to disable the lock. "Now you see that? Those are the same marks."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC:NPC Skakdi"Well, Iroiit normally live by themselves, digging through dirt to find metals to eat. They also have no sense of right and wrong, nor do they know of evil and good, merely living and dying." The Skakdi explained, taking the explanation from the Iroiit's BZPRPG Wikia page.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC:NPC Skakdi"He also has no sense of right and wrong. Maybe the Avian ticked him off or something, making the guy mad. Since he has no sense of right or wrong, murder might possibly be the next step."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC:I've actually decided to turn one or two of the Inn-Habitants into actual PCs. I just need to figure out which one I like more.IC:NPC Skakdi"Well, yes they get mad. What kind of question is that?" The Skakdi asked. "What, you think that they don't have emotions because they 'aint a Toa nor a Matoran?"

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC:NPC Skakdi"..." The Skakdi just stared at Arkrak, before shoving keys into his hand and heading down the hallway towards his room. "Those should open the doors to the rest of the rooms in this hotel. If you need me, I'll be praying to whatever deity exists in this Karzahini of a island that my business survives you detectives."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Taka, somewhere in the onu-wahi catacombsInterrogation attempt 5"Now then," Taka said "for the last time, was anyone with him"The Skakdi remained tight lipped, but muttered something about painful(and embarrassing) memory's.Taka drew his broadsword. He tipped the chair the skakdi was sitting in back. It crashed to the ground. Taka raised his blade. He whipped it down, stopping right above the skakdi's neck. "Was anyone with him?" Taka asked.The skakdi talked. "A matoran, Le, about yeh big." the skakdi said. "He was the one who stabbed me".Taka memorized this information. He knew that the matoran must know how to fight, considering the damage he had caused. Taka removed his blade. As he left the room, he flipped a switch. A compartment opened, and a swarm of Kinloka came out. The result was a impeccably clean room.OOC: Kinloka are those rat things, right

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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IC:Inn-Habitants"Oh shut up!" "You're still here?" "What does it take to make this guy shut up?" "What the heck is with the detectives on this island?" Apparently the Innhabitants weren't very happy with Arkrak's shouting.OOC:Filler post is filler.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC (Weta): "No need to be sorry" Weta responded. "He knew for a long time that his death was inevitable - there was nothing anyone could do. He chose to spend his last few months doing what he loved out in the forest, and then died happy." He reflected on this for a moment, glad that he had been able to convey something of Tang's greatness. "As for what he taught me, he had an amazing knowledge of the forest and what lived there - of all nature really. As for what he saw in the stars regarding Mata Nui, that was less defined, to me at least. One thing he did impress on me, however, was that everybody in this world has a purpose and a destiny. No matter how evil they might seem, they have a part to play in fulfilling the Great Spirit's designs. There is some good in everyone, and some good that they can do. Speaking of such things, are you ready to continue our quest for the bells? Two still remain, one in each of Po- and Ga-wahis."


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IC: CikrenThe Toa of Ice stood up. "Yes, I am ready," she said, nodding. "Although, I might not be doing anymore back-flips anytime soon."Cikren went down stairs, retrieved her curved sword from their room, and waited for Weta by the door. As she did so, she thanked the Inn's owner for letting them stay, and left the Onu-Matoran a tip. The suprised being thenked her, and hurried off to a back room.



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IC (Weta): Weta also returned to the room to collect his posessions. He decided to also take the destroyed bell with him, just in case he would need it later or someone might try to re-install it. He dropped t into his backpack and headed outside to meet up with Cikren and head off down the tunnel that would take them to Po-wahi.OOC: Weta to Po-wahi.


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Song-BloodbrandIC: A message reverberated across the Bloodbrand."Testing 1, 2, 3. Can anyone hear me?"

Edited by Silvan Haven

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: (Tarcvor/Whenua's hut)By the time Tarcvor had entered the village of stone, the night had begun. Matoran were heading back into their homes, a new set of guards began their patrols, and ussal were being wrangled into pens. It seemed normal, except for one little fact. Walking up to Whenua's hut, he noticed a large number of guards surrounding it. "Halt, Toa." one by the door said."What happened?" Tarc said."The Turaga's been kidnapped, his hut is closed from the public until further notice.""Could I investigate, please?" he said earnestly. "Turaga Vakama was just kidnapped, I'm hoping there might be some clues inside.""Go on in."Tarcvor entered the hut and examined his surroundings. At first glance, it looked rather normal. Scrolls and trinkets remained untouched on the shelves and the bed was made and clean. The only thing that seemed out of place was a dimmed lightstone, lying cracked on the floor. The Po-Toa figured Whenua had tried to ward off the foul shadow Toa with it, and failed. Two Turaga kidnapped, now it was time to see if the rest were still there. So, Tarc went to Po-Wahi.OOC: Tarcvor to Po-Wahi.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC:Miha"When I find that Karz of a Turaga, I'm gonna..." Miha's musing were interupted as she bumped into a Toa of Fire. "Oh hey Miha! BioBeast sent me!" "Oh, okay-wait, who sent you?!" "You know, 'Da Boss. BioBeast. You might know him as the 'Noble Knight?'" The Le-Matoran sighed, and continued past Fiva. "Oi! Oi! Oi! I'm supposed to tell you to head back to your Hau Karda friends, and tell them that all six Turaga were captured." "All six?!" "Anyways, don't worry about NEX, just get going." "Wait, you have to tell me what happened! When it-" The Le-Matoran was lifted by Fiva's mask, and tossed back where she had come, landing on top of Havon. "When I get my hands on that Toa...""Now to wait for summer, when Pyrrhon gets online... Inactivity, here I come!"

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC:Miha"Vakama and Nuju were kidnapped." Miha said, barly believing the words she had just said. "That means 5/6 of the chroniclers company have been killed/are missing, and all six of the Turaga have been kidnapped!"IC:Miha"Vakama and Nuju were kidnapped." Miha said, barly believing the words she had just said. "That means 5/6 of the chroniclers company have been killed/are missing, and all six of the Turaga have been kidnapped!"

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC: Fowadi from Po-Wahi.IC: DehkazThe Toa of Magnetism stood looking out over the sea, and over to Onu-Wahi. The land was covered with Matoran-made tunnels, and there was very little, if any, plantlife on the suface."Looks like we made it," he commented, absentmindedly twirling one of his knives around.



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OOC: Hatann from Ta-wahi.IC: After a time of running in the dark, Hatann abandoned the main tunnel to Onu-koro in favour of a twisting side route. He took another turn, and another soon after, leading Kaerhi through a labyrinth of tunnells for over an hour, and never pausing to choose which path to take. The paths mostly sloped downhill, but there was no real way to tell where they were headed. Eventually, they ended up in a large, bare cavern, which seemed to be a dead end. No other passages lead out from it."The tablet back there," he explained, "it said NEX on it. Nothing else. There are others like it scattered all over the island, and they're all sitting on dead bodies. It's a sort of sign, you see, a marker. They mean that NEX is taking credit for those murders. NEX is a group of people like myself who are hired to distribute these tablets. We're the deadliest killers on the island, all united under one banner. What's so important about the tablets? I dunno, but that ain't my business. I kill people, and put tablets on their bodies, and get paid for it." He finished his explanation with a wide smile of malice. Now comes the hard part he thought."Now that you know that, I'm going to give you a choice" he said. "I'd like you to join up and do the work with me. If you do, we can split the pay, loot, weapons, whatever we get. You'll also get me watching your back along with the rest of the organisation. If you'd rather not then I'll have to kill you here and now. You know too much about me and you've seen this place. Just for your information, we're kios from anywhere. Nobody comes into this particular network of tunnels anymore, and we're far below the surface. Nobody would ever know if you never came out, or anything that might happen to you in here. It's a very useful place to me, both to work in and as a hideout. Now, what do you say? Will you join or die?"


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IC:Crun"Finally" Crun said, coming up from the kitchen with food platters. "Oh, and by the way, if someone offers you a 'Rahi on a Stick' while we're here, do not accept." He shuddered. "Those things are like food poisoning incarnate."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC(Kaerhi): Kaerhi followed Hatann through the tunnels, the winding tunnels. Hatann had led him into an empty cavern and starting talking about the tablet. He listened to him about the tablet, then he threated to kill him if he didn't join up with the organization he spoke of. "It seems," Kaerhi said, "you've given an offer I can't refuse."OOC: Godfather for the win!


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IC: Hatann laughed "Well that's the point, isn't it? If you refuse and go blabbing all over the island, thing will get pretty difficult, you know? That's why I have to be sure before I tell you anything. Now, you didn't have any trouble killing those guards on the bridge. You did it quickly and quietly too. Now I need to know if you could do that again. So I'll ask you again: will you join up?"


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IC: Hatann took the hand and shook it. "I'm glad to hear it" he said. "Now, with that over, we can relax a bit".He strode over to the far wall of the cavern and took out his mace. Rather than smashing anything, however, he turned the weapon around to that the handle was facing the wall. With a grunt, he drove the shaft into a crack in the earth and twisted it. Like a key turning in a lock, a door appeared where there had seemed to be nothing but bare earth and swung open to reveal Hatann's hideout.It was a small cave with the roof allowing just enough room for a Skakdi to stand up inside. It contained a simple bed, a few weapons and materials for Hatann to make and fill his zamor spheres. On the walls were various trophies: kanohi masks, bent swords and shields, a glowing sphere which lit the cave with a dull purple light and other trinkets Hatann had taken from his victims."This is my pad" he explained. "A good place to lie low or plot schemes. Water drips in from above into that bucket over there, and I keep a bit of grub around so I'm well supplied. You hungry?" he asked. "I know I am."


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IC(Kaerhi): Kaerhi's eyes slightly widen at the hidden room. He took a mental note on Hatann, he was resourceful as well. Kaerhi walked in the room, taking a good look at all the items in it. He apparently has been murdering for a while. "You said, 'organization.'" Kaerhi questioned, "What kind of organization?"


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IC: "I meant that there are a group of us all working together for the same thing. NEX is an alliance of killers brought together under one banner. We have a leader who will sometimes select targets for us, masterminds the organisation and makes sure we all get payed as agreed, and numerous members who do the dirty work and make sure the meddling security forces and detectives don't come after us."


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IC "It is, for most of us. We're a pain for everyone else, of course, but that's just how we make a living." He thought about that for a moment, considering the irony of his last statement. "Well, not so much a living as a killing, really. It's very lucrative. Now did you want some food? I've got a bit of dikapi bacon if you want it."


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IC: Hatann pulled the food out of a cupboard and passed a dish of meat over after taking a few strips himself. "I don't" came the reply through his half-full mouth. "So I need to restock pretty regularly. This stuff's only a coule of days old, so its good. Mostly I get the types of food that will keep for a while, cos I never know when I'll be back here."

Edited by The Lorax


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IC: "Its a trophy" Hatann told him. "That one belonged to a toa of iron" he said, pointing to the mask in Kaerhi's hand. "He was a fighter that one. Tried to absorb all my armour once he realised I had cut his jugular. He died to quickly to get far though. Whenever i make a particularly memorable kill, I take something from the body to serve as a memory. I don't have too many great masks like that one - when I kill toa they usually get broken in the process. That kualsi from our friend back in Ta-koro will make a nice addition to that collection" He took the mask out of his backpack and placed it on a shelf next to a ruru.


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