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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: RumbleThe bartender shook his head in amusement. "Down the hallway, third door on the left." He chuckled.Rumble smiled again. "Shall we?" The Toa had not a clue that anything was going on, let alone that Sinina might be dangerous.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:MihaMiha was really thinking about replacing Havon as the leader of the Hau Karda. Not because she wanted to, mind you, but because Havon seemed to do NOTHING at all. Just stand there. "Hey, great speech Havon. But how 'bout we practice what we preach and actually do something!".OOC:*Bump* C'Mon guys...@NStephenHWe're going to Po-Koro to find out stuff about the temple.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC: Note...Miha's perception of time is the same as real life? :PThe only reason I haven't posted is because only you and me seem to still be here...lol. IC: Havon - Onu-koro -Havon looked at Miha with a raised eyebrow. "It's only been two minutes...calm down." Havon looked at everyone else, they hadn't said anything. "Well, I guess that means there are no objections? Good! Follow me everyone!" They all went down the tunnel that would lead them to the Po-Wahi Desert. OOC: Bunnying whoever is with the Hau Karda in Onu-koro. Havon and his team to Po-Wahi

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Kale Ironshaper- Onu-koro docksIC: As the ship gently bumped into the dock, Kale opened his eyes and stretched. He had been trying to contact people from the Song for the entire trip, with no luck. He walked out onto the deck just as Dehkaz called for shore-goers.He leaned back and stretched again while saying, "I'll come. I need to loosen my legs anyway. Still not used to traveling everywhere by sea, yet."OOC: I don't know if this was answered already since I don't have the time to read through the discussion topic with it's two and a half pages and hour pace. But we came here to pick up somebody's matoran engineer so that we could do the renovations to the Fowardi.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Dalia, ZanthosShe would never admit this to anyone, but she was lost. Somehow, she had gotten seperated from the rest of the Bad Company, and now she was lost. By chance, she happened to wander past the building that Zanthos was kept in.Zanthos had grown bored waiting to be let loose. The door that help him there snapped and started to sink into the ground. When, there was enough room to allow him to walk out, he simply stepped out the door, staggering a bit from the lack of energy, and went on to find his mask. It was easy to find, it was in a small room with other confiscated goods. He placed the mask on his head and simply walked out, noticing a Toa of Water nearby. Not even waiting for an invitation, he grabbed her collar and started to run, using his gravity powers to make her lighter. He started to run off towards Ko-Wahi, not exactly sure where the tunnel came out of.OOC: Dalia and Zanthos to Ko-Wahi.

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OOC: Voima from Ko-Wahi.IC (Voima, Onu-Koro):Voima hurriedly stepped in the streets of Onu-Koro. Although he felt like he had enough time, he preferred to keep moving quick.Voima smiled. He knew exactly what he needed to do to find the next clue to a treasure undreamt of. He had succesfully trapped Voi and his "friends" in the cave in Ko-Kini. They were all probably dead now, or unconscious. It was a shame, really. After all, Voima only wanted to help the Matoran. The foolish Toa around the island just didn't understand his methods. Killing Makuta might require sacrifices other than one...Voima tried to look inconspicous while he arrived at the town centre. He looked at the Onu-Suva, that once held Toa Onua's great Kanohi. Now it was the last monument dedicated to that heroic Toa of Earth.Voima knelt beside the Onu-Suva searching the slots for the next clue... and all the while, he tried to ignore Onu-Matoran staring at him.OOC: Voima is open for interaction.

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IC: Kurot"Hey, wait up!" Kurot burst out of her cabin strapping her daggers to her waist. Irritably, she noted the progress of the rest of her crew and dove over the rails. Landing in a crouch, she picked herself back up and charged after them.


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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IC: Viroki and FidelasAt a frustratingly slow pace, Viroki stepped through the desolate tunnels of Onu-Wahi. To her side, Fidelas stepped quietly, his eyes set dead ahead. Around them, lightstones mingled with cold, uncaring grey rocks that only served to restrict their path. Their destination was simple. Ta-Wahi, where they believed an old friend, Rasinof, to be hiding. But their route there was more complex, with Viroki electing to travel down the more disused paths to the village. Her reasoning was that she was currently under the impression of being followed, so with more desolate surroundings, it would be easier to detect an intruder.She was beginning to regret the decision as the silence descended upon her. Naturally, Fidelas wasn't much of a talker, but his silence was beginning to niggle at her. She generally enjoyed the Matoran's determined quietness, but now it just added to the atmosphere and emphasised the sheer loneliness of their path. She readied herself to cuff the Matoran for his unintended insolence, if only to give herself something to do, when her eyes fell upon an archway before them. Good, the three quarter mark. It was about time.Picking up the pace, they stepped through it and into a narrow cavern that bared little difference to the tunnel they had just departed. The only notable differences were the presence of a fork in the road, one path leading to Ta-Koro, the other to Ko-Koro, and a large ledge hanging high over their heads. The ledge appeared to lead from another tunnel, and seemed to exist only as a dead end to any lost travellers, or a marvellous sight for this with an affinity for jumping from large heights. Viroki suspected that would only be a one-time hobby. As they stepped forward, Viroki noticed Fidelas freeze and halt moving. She turned, read to fling insults at him, but stopped when she saw how tense he had become. She knew he'd heard something and so paused to see if she could detect it too. Faintly, the sound drifted to her ears. She shifted her head and was able to link it to the tunnel high above them. Someone was walking down to the the ledge. Feeling her own body tense up, herself, the Skakdi readied her mind to send a blast of heat vision in the direction of the intruder, should it prove necessary. Fidelas could then finish them off. But perhaps she was just being paranoid, she considered. There was no sign they were a threat and could just be a confused Matoran who she could laugh at and ignore. But somehow that didn't seem likely. Less so when a bolt of energy soared from an unseeable position and exploded the ceiling above their heads.Debris rained down above their heads and Viroki had to dive away from Fidelas to avoid getting squashed, as a huge chunk of rock unlimbered itself from the roof and fell towards them. Heavy thuds shook the very floor itself as rock collapsed and pounded against the cavern, sending swarms of dust into the air which Viroki clamped her hand over head mouth to avoid breathing in. Eventually, the onslaught grew to a close and only the sound of the occasional pebble shifting could be heard. Unsteadily, Viroki picked herself up and stood shaking on, hands on a recently formed pile of rock to support herself. She looked around at the wreckage that had so nearly brought about her end. Looking up, she saw nothing standing on the ledge. Whoever had caused this had left. She swore to hunt him down. She then proceeded to glance around, but could see nothing of Fidelas."It's alright," a quiet voiced wheezed from behind a wall of wreckage. "It's stopped. Are you alright, Viroki?"The Skakdi sighed with relief. She couldn't face losing her servant just yet. He was still useful. But things weren't looking optimistic when she considered the pile of rubble before them. "It's blocked off one half of the cavern," she said. "I can't get around.""Neither can I," Fidelas replied. Silence followed him and settled for a few moments before he spoke again meekly. "I'm scared...What do I do now?"Viroki felt a pang of sympathy. Fidelas' loyalty had been unbreakable and he followed her like an injured Rahi. Now he was forcibly separated. She looked around the cavern at the damage and saw that there was only one exit. The path to Ko-Koro. All others had been blocked by the cave in. "Do you have any way out?" she responded.She heard the scuffling of the Matoran's feet pacing his side of the cavern. "The rocks have covered the tunnel back to Onu-Wahi. But the tunnel to Ta-Koro's still intact."She sighed. "Go that way then. I'll travel on to Ko-Koro. We'll meet up in Ta-Koro soon. Just go to an inn and stay there. I'll find you eventually. Don't cause any trouble.""I promise," Fidelas vowed and Viroki heard his footsteps drift away as he raced up the tunnel, leaving her all alone for the first time in a long while.OOC: Viroki to Ko-WahiOOC: Fidelas to Ta-Wahi


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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IC: Sinina, Onu-Koro"Cianta." Sinina lied, using one of her dozen fake names. Twenty other males had attempted to make moves on "Cianta" in the past, and only one survived. And he never walked again. As she spoke, she scooted closer, biding her time.

Edited by D.A.V.E.


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IC: Sinina, Ga-Koro"Impressive..." She replied, continuing her seducting movements. Her right hand stay on her hip, about to be used for something different than seduction. "You're certianly strong..." She said, feeling his arm's muscule with her left hand.


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OOC: XD I just realized I've been putting "Ga-Koro" as Sinina's locations. Too many Hound posts...IC: Sinina, Onu-KoroSinina's sly smile grew larger. "Oh, I don't doubt it." She said softly. In a blur of movement, she drew her Tanto, and placed it directly under his neck. It hummed with electric energy, and sparks shot off of it."Now then," She said, her overly-feminine voice replaced with a cold, cruel, but still feminine one. "Why did you show so much interest in me? Who sent you?" She asked through gritted teeth, believing that someone had sent Rumble to assassinate her.


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IC: RumbleSwiftly, a single spire of earth rose the last few inches to ground the blast. He had started to create it moments after Sinina pinned him. "Good luck with that."Ravage kicked Sinina off of him, and cracked his knuckles. "Now, are we gonna do this the easy way, or the hard way?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Onu-Koro):"There", Henkka said. He pointed at Onua's Suva where Voima was doing something. Henkka knew he should probably leave this body soon, for reasons he could not explain. He just needed to do one thing more..."Me and Stronin will cover you from that hut", Henkka said, pointing to an empty hut nearby. "You go and try and talk to him. With me aroud, he'll just get enraged..."

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Kale Ironshaper- Onu-wahi tunnelsIC: Dirt,dirt,dirt,dirt,rock,dirt, glowstone,dirt,dirt,dirt.There was a lot of dirt down here, away from the sun. Kale could feel his armor contracting ever so slightly as the temperature went down with them.He sped u until he was walking next to Dehkaz and asked, "So where is this engineer that is going to rebuild our ship for us?"

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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Kale Ironshaper- Onu-wahi tunnelsIC: "I should probably write up a list of all the things needed for cannon then." The silver toa said, conjuring a metal tablet with a sweep of his hand.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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Kale Ironshaper- Just outside Onu-koroIC: Kale turned from his scribbling and welcomed Kurot with a friendly nod and a quite chuckle at her comment.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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OOC: SONG POST, containing exerpts from her themesong, Knights of Shame.

IC: Sinina, Onu-Koro

Dance baby, dance, like the world is ending.

Using the force Rumble had used when he swung his pile-driver, Sinina lept to the side, and his fist went soaring past.

Dance baby, dance, 'cause the world is ending.

Flipping into the air, brought her leg down in the direction of his head, and then jumped back to safety. Posing suggestively, she grinned at him.

But his last kiss, all suckers, they will cease to exist.

Blowing him a kiss, Sinina taunted him.


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IC: Rumble Rumble caught the blow on his arm-mounted piledriver, before rolling his eyes. "I can't tell if you're tryin' ta fight or flirt."OOC: Yeah, I wasn't 100% sure what you meant by that. Now I know. :P

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Sinina, Onu-KoroSinina grinned. "Both. Now then, shall we dance?" She asked as she shot foward, launching blow after blow, and sending electrical charges at random.Between kicks, jabs, blasts, and all other sorts of madness, she even attempted a few a stabs with her tanto.OOC: Off to watch Doctor Who (matt smith), don't expect any post for either 45 or 90 minutes.

Edited by D.A.V.E.


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