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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Sinina, Ga-KoroSinina didn't seem to notice he was speaking. Or that he was blocking her attacks. She simply went faster, used more advanced and dangerous blows, and created electric blast that wouldn't simply be grounded by ground. Well, technically, it would be grounded, but it would be a grounding similar to the grounding of lightning. Lots of static bursts, and small explosions.A grin grew on her face.


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IC: RumbleRumble thought everything was going great. Then he was tossed backwards by a small shockwave created by grounded lightning."Whoah." The dwarf grinned as he stood back up.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC"Ready, Ire?""OK!"Voima felt a tap on his shoulder."Erm, excuse me? Voima? Can I help you with something? I've quit helping those morons, you see, as they are rather.....dumb."Inside, Trad was thinking, 'Believe in the lie. Convince yourself!'

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Onu-Koro):Henkka lead Stronin to an empty hut."Stronin", he said. "Tell me, have you noticed anything... unusual, since you met... Henkka?"IC (Voima, Onu-Suva):Voima turned quickly, but didn't react to Trad's approach by using his powers. Instead, he smiled. "I have no idea how you got out of that chamber, but I know you wouldn't have found me if you had switched sides. Where's Voi?"

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IC: Rumble"Karzahni." Rumble dove toward the side, using his Pakari to increase his speed. The bolt narrowly missed him. "Okay then. Looks like you're gettin' serious."With a smirk, a fist of earth flew a Sinina.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Sinina, Ga-KoroSinina moved at an impressive speed, launching into the air, flipping a few times, and then landing a few feet in front of Rumble. The fist of earth sailed past her before crashing into the wall. "You've got to do better than that..." She whispered in a seducing manner.

Edited by D.A.V.E.


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IC: Sinina, Onu-KoroSinina's hands shot foward, grabbing onto the pile-drivers, and using them to flip up and foward, so that she may land behind Rumble when the flip was completed. As she flipped, she sent hundreds and hundreds of volts into the pile-drivers, which happened to be attached to Rumble.


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IC: VorshiinVorshiin bashed the Fader Bull aside with his hammer. He wasn't going to let these evil creatures into his village. Another charged at him from behind, dazing him but not causing him to fall. He swung his hammer around and it connected with the monster's face, sending it spiraling. A snort caught his attention and he looked behind just in time to see another bull charging for him. He tried to bat it away, but it teleported somewhere off to his side. He whirled around, prepared for impact this time. He lunged forward, catching the bull on the head with his massive fists before it could stop its charge or warp away. It reared back and fell over, not dead but not a threat at the moment either. Standing up, he noticed the matoran of the village rushing forward, cheering, to thank him for his brave deed. He accepted their praise, picking two of them up and putting one on each shoulder. Grinning with pride, he strode back into the village.OOC: Vorshiin now open to interaction.

Edited by Zyke the destroyer


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IC: [stronin]Stronin blinked. Then he blinked once more. Then he stared at the being who he had thought was Voi several seconds before. He continued staring, before his mind finally snapped somewhat, and he promptly hugged the other being."Never thought I'd meet you again," he chuckled as he let go. "So, why are you back this time? More omnicidal maniacs attempting to take over the universe?"

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IC:"I've disposed of him. But as he has a tenacious streak for survival, I wouldn't say how long. He's at Ko Wahi, freezing himself half to death." smiled Trad. "Now, what are you doing? Digging for Toa Stones?"Ire (with a handy bow and arrow borrowed from a friendly Toa ,she was quite a good shot), on the other hand, was hiding behind one of those huts, which coincidentally, was the one where 'Voi' and Stronin were hiding. She heard everything. She let out an involuntary gasp of shock. 'It's all true, Trad never lied.'

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Onu-Koro, Hut):"I'm back because I came", Henkka answered. "My time travelling is no more random. When you killed Alex, you freed me from the vicious circle. Alex restricted my abilities. With him gone, I can go wherever I need to be. Not without limitations, though. I can't travel into what would be the future for me if I still had my physical form. But I can sense trouble in the past and I can arrive to help."Henkka turned very serious. "One reason I came here was to tell you of something concerning you and me. You see, before you learned for the first time me and Alex were time travellers, no one had ever found out our true identities. But when you did, you gained a... special trait. You see, you are able to notice changes in time. Whenever I mold history, present changes for you. Unlike anyone else here, you will still remember your old version of reality. And if anyone should ever learn who I am while I'm in a person's body, he or she will gain that ability. So far, you are the only one. And I'd rather keep it that way (OOC: Henkka doesn't know Ire heard their conversation. Ire too has that ability now.).IC (Voima, Onu-Suva):"You know better than that", Voima said, his eyes narrowing. "But how? How did you find me?"

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OOC: If my responses with Rumble are slower, I apologize, it's because I find it more difficult to get into the mindset of a dull, dimwitted brute. IC: RumbleRumble only had time to coat his piledrivers in earth, minimizing the shock. It still hurt like karz, though.Rumble turned around, breathing heavy. "Clever one, ain't ya?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Don't worry, that's a good thing. :PIC: Sinina, Onu-KoroSinina smiled as she shot foward, driving her knee in the direction of his abdomen, and at the same time, attempting a electrically-charged back-hand slap. "Clever? Karzahni no. Perhaps perfect..."


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OOC: Fortunately for me, Rumble is pretty much the opposite of me. He's stupid, I;m relatively intelligent. He uses improper grammar, I speak properly and clearly. IC: RumbleRumble's solution was to jump back, just out of range. "Pretty good at fighting, though. You remind me of someone I used ta know."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Cysero (Bar, Onu-Koro)"Real men get fruit cocktails all the time, dirt-for-brains!"Cysero Sin'clair was in the middle of a heated argument with the bartender about the masculinity of drinking alcohol laden with pears and cherries, and so far, there was no end in sight.-Teezy



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IC: Dahlia (Onu-Koro Bar)Dahlia rolled her eyes. She'd sat down at the bar at least three minutes ago, and still the bartending Matoran hadn't noticed her. The Matoran and another customer, an obnoxious Le-Matoran were debating agressively and loudly about whether or not real men deserved fruit cocktails or not. Something along those lines. She wasn't creeping on their conversation, of course. The fact that the arguers were only a seat removed from her made their dialogue a bit difficult to drown out."You know what," the Matoran of Plasma stood up on the crossbars of her barstool, leaning in front of the Le-Matoran to slap down a couple of widgets for the bar-tender. "I'm the one who deserves a fruit cocktail, I've been waiting long enough." She nodded pointedly at the bartender, splitting her Kanohi Huna with an amiable grin, just in case getting in the middle of a man-to-man arguement wasn't the wisest thing.

Edited by Zosia Darr

(disclaimer: none of this banner art is original, I just smooshed it together in gimp. Torchic, Matau)
Those pesky firespitters... 
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NPC: Bartender (Bar, Onu-Koro)"Yes, ma'am," said the bartender dutifully, sliding one over to her with a wink at Cysero. His blood began to boil, and he sat down, cursing mentally."Of all the places to come and practice Kohlii..."-Teezy



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IC: VorshiinAs Vorshiin strode into the bar, all eyes turned to him and his unusually bulky, disproportionate form. He clunked over and sat down next to some Le-Matoran whose argument with the bartender he had heard from outside the place. He gazed around at all the eyes on him, very irritated. Despite all of his heroic deeds protecting the Onu-Matoran, most still looked at him like he was a two-headed Kane-Ra."What?" he boomed, "A Toa can't get a drink after a hard day's work?"

Edited by Zyke the destroyer


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[in Character][Amorian] [Onu Koro bar]Sitting at on a nearby stool, Amorian glanced at the commotion with ill contained annoyance. He toyed with the cup in front of him, still half filled with his drink."No you can't," he snapped belligerently."Since when have these mishapen giants we call heroes priority over a matoran, ay?"

Edited by Zarayna: The Quiet Light
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IC: Dahlia"A Kohlii player-" Dahlia began as she caught the Le-Matoran's mutter as she slid back towards her own seat, and cut herself off before she made a bad joke about Kohlii-heads and Kohlii players. At the Matoran's questioning glance, she recovered. "Aha, go figure. I didn't expect to find a fellow sports-Matoran here tonight."

(disclaimer: none of this banner art is original, I just smooshed it together in gimp. Torchic, Matau)
Those pesky firespitters... 
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IC: Cysero (Bar, Onu-Koro)"Yes, well, in an establishment such as this, that doesn't surprise me," he said, settling for a cup of soda and taking a sip. "My name is Cysero. And yours, fellow sports lover?"-Teezy



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[in Character][Amorian] [Onu Koro bar]"Sure," Amorian answered, getting to his feet with a faked half stagger. "You see, when I see some hulking, swelled headed toa barging into here, I get ticked as it is. But demanding service like that? Euh, just get out of here before I lose what's left of my temper!" he fairly yelled, one hand resting casually on his sword hilt.OOC: Barfight can start now. ^.^

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IC: DahliaAbruptly, Dahlia choked on her drink. Between hacking coughs, she managed, "Cysero?"Coughing. "As in Cysero,"More coughing, curse Mata Nui. "Cysero Sin'Clair?" One final and undignified hack, and her throat was clear. She refused to be embarrassed. Everyone choked now and then, no biggie. "i'm Dahlia. Karz, I can't believe I didn't recognize you outside the stadium. I suppose it would be insulting to ask for you to sign my Kohlii stick?" She grinned genuinely, but out of the corner of her eye regarded a yelling drunkard a bit further down the bar.

Edited by Zosia Darr

(disclaimer: none of this banner art is original, I just smooshed it together in gimp. Torchic, Matau)
Those pesky firespitters... 
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IC: Cysero (Bar, Onu-Koro)"Wha? No! Of course not!" he said, returning the grin and whipping a pen off the bartender's order tray. "Sure, Dahlia. Of course I'll sign your stick."Then he stopped and cocked his head before laughing quietly."That was a good one," he said. "You had me going there. I was actually looking for the stick."-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Vorshiin (and a couple NPC's)That was it. This Matoran had just crossed the line. Vorshiin stood up and swung his massive arm around, connecting his club-like fist with the loudmouth's face. Other patrons shouted in fright and anger as Amorian spun around and fell onto a table with a sharp smack. Two very unhappy Skakdi, who had been sitting at the table, stood up. The larger of the two landed a punch on Vorshiin's jaw with surprising force, knocking the Toa back a couple of steps. Oh, it was on now. Vorshiin grabbed the Skakdi by his shoulders and flung him into his friend, knocking them both to the ground. He felt a sudden, weak blow on his back from an angry Po-Matoran, who was then pulled back and punched in the mask by a very drunk Ta-Matoran. And before you could say Gukko, a bar fight had broken out.


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IC: DahliaReturning the laugh, Dahlia shook her head. "Even if I had it with me, I wouldn't make you do that. Besides, I'm more of a Ta-Koro fan. No offense." She took another sip of her drink. "You see, I'm more of a recreational player actually. I know it was a while ago, but I saw your last match against Ko-Koro. You've got some amazing shots. I'm a defender, you see. I think I could learn a thing or two from you, if you're ever free."OOC: Cue lively barfight background music :D

Edited by Zosia Darr

(disclaimer: none of this banner art is original, I just smooshed it together in gimp. Torchic, Matau)
Those pesky firespitters... 
Library | The Sculptors and the Smelters | The Ternion Review Topic 

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IC: Cysero (Bar, Onu-Koro)Cysero laughed genuinely and took another sip of his coke, sliding the money for Dahlia's fruit cocktail to the bartender."Well, Dahlia, I could gladly spend some training sessions with you. We could team up and cut Ko-Koro or Onu-Koro down to size--"He stopped suddenly as a fellow Le-Matoran was thrown into the air, and only Cysero's lightning-fast reflexes stopped him from breaking his neck against the wall. Setting the Matoran down, he and Dahlia turned to view the barfight, which was now raging with malice and adrenaline."Oh."-Teezy



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[in Character][Amorian] [Onu Koro bar]Expecting a blow, Amor was already in the process of ducking when the fist of the toa send him stumbling back, graze though it was. He let himself fall, rolling ont a table and scattering drinks in every direction. At the same time, he was on his feet, and leaping forwards at Vorshiin, following the path of the knife he had thrown at the aforementioned toa's neck. It unfortunately went through the arm of a drunk ta matoran. Amor growled and threw himself into a dive, and between Vorshiin's legs, viciously aimed an armored elbow at the unarmored inside of his foe's leg. Coming up and twisting around, Amor had a knife in each hand, ready for the next attack. Unfortunately, the next attack came from a skakdi,m who simply picked him up and threw him at the bar. Slamming into a barstool was painful, even through his armor. Amorian staggered to his feet just in time to almost smash his head into the chin of a matoran sitting nearby. Before he could turn he had glanced at said matoran. Then:"Dahlia?"OOC: Btw, the blow you landed could be easily counted as autohitting, so i hope you don't mind me retconning a little.

Edited by Zarayna: The Quiet Light
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OOC: That's why I like to stick with confused, hopeless, depressive, insane characters....That doesn't really sound right when you say it loud. Also, strangely, most of my female characters that active, no, check that, ALL of my female characters are constantly active. I'm apparently kinda messed-up. Oh, I posted a status update that's rather important.IC: Sinina, Onu-KoroSinina faked a yawn. "Fascinating. Can we just fight, please?" She asked as she coated her hand in electricity, which then shot off as multiple -at least a dozen in number- arcs of lightning.


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