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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC:Alright, this is taking too long. I have places to go, and things to do with Fov...IC:FovAnd Fov's attack missed, his sword swinging over Dekuna's head as Dekuna's sword sunk into Fov's injured leg. The Vortixx cried out in pain, and fell to the ground. "Well, that was a battle well fought." Fov said, handing his rifle over to Dekuna. "I am glad to know my invention will be put to good use." He then focused on patching up his leg.Miha"Well great, that wasn't a complete waste of our time." Miha said, rolling her eyes. "Let's get a move on."

ooc: I knew I missed a post somewhere, sorry, I was on sping break.IC: tangua"I am still a bit lost here. What exacty does that thing do?"
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ooc: I knew I missed a post somewhere, sorry, I was on sping break.IC: tangua"I am still a bit lost here. What exacty does that thing do?"

IC (Dekuna): "It shoots lightstones" Dekuna explained, "But so that they break apart on impact and release a burst of light. I suppose it could blind someone or scare off rahi that like the dark. It will be very useful if we ever get caught in a kofo-jaga nest or need to fight more Rahkshi. I hear they hate the light as well."


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IC: Zealokan'Could be useful. Good work, Dekuna.' He patted his teammate on the back. 'I could make modifications to it, increase its range, capacity, maybe even its power. If you ever use it, try to infuse the lightstone with Sonic Energy, then it'd make an effective stun weapon.'

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC: Zealokan 'Could be useful. Good work, Dekuna.' He patted his teammate on the back. 'I could make modifications to it, increase its range, capacity, maybe even its power. If you ever use it, try to infuse the lightstone with Sonic Energy, then it'd make an effective stun weapon.'

IC: Tangura"That wouldn't work. The photons can't be manipulated by sonic energy. If you want to stun someone, just vibrate the air arond there head a little, could give them a concussion." Tangrua interjected. "You could focus the beam a bit more, using some glass, but that is the extent of this weapon's power. However, the basic principal could be used to create more, and possibly more focused. but I think that this is preety much the best that it can get." He reached into one of the pockts in his cart, and removed some glass, and some bambo. Edited by NStephenH
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IC:FovThe Vortixx finished fixing up his leg and stood up. "Ladies ladies, you can stop arguing now. The real mechanic is here." He picked up the gun from Dekuna's arms. "You see this girls? This is the best that you can get." He smirked. "There's a reason you don't see Toa usually trotting around with these kinds of weapons. Because only Vortixx can make them." He placed the gun back in Dekuna's hands. "And if I find out that one of you inexperienced mechanic wannabes has touched my Lightstone rifle, I will hunt you down."OOC:No seriously, you can't improve on his design. Staff says so.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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I.C. Kranuka"Well the Kumu Islets do sound interesting. I hear there's lots of crime there, so we'll have to be careful."

IC Fehron"Here, too, in case you haven't noticed those two Skakdi and that Toa of Sonics."
I.C. Kranuka"Mata Nui is a dangerous place. Well, let's go! We'll have to make it to Le-koro first." The group went towards the Le-wahi highway.


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IC: Zealokan'Yes, but while the light may not be able to be manipulated, the physical matter of the lightstone can. And anyway,' He said, tapping his Kanohi. 'My Mask is able to be used specifically to make workarounds to problems like that. I'll figure out a way.'

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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I.C. Kranuka"Well the Kumu Islets do sound interesting. I hear there's lots of crime there, so we'll have to be careful."

IC Fehron"Here, too, in case you haven't noticed those two Skakdi and that Toa of Sonics."
I.C. Kranuka"Mata Nui is a dangerous place. Well, let's go! We'll have to make it to Le-koro first." The group went towards the Le-wahi highway.
IC Botan"Sure!"OOC: To Le-Wahi


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IC:NPC Skakdi"Don't know, don't care." The Skakdi growled. "As long as their out of my hair. Now, you were going to take a look at the body...?"FovFov turned to Havon. "Hey, so you're the leader of this ragtag group? I've been thinking about it, and I've decided that I'd like to join your group." He hesitated. "If that's okay with you that is."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC:Depends on what you mean by, prepared... :P I'll send you a PM telling you what's not exactly prepared.IC:NPCSkakdi"Alright then." The Skakdi said, guiding Arkrak into the victim's room. "Would you like to know everything that Chronn learned before he vanished?"

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC:NPC Skakdi"Alright, the Victim is an Avian, he was rooming with Wozzuk, the Iroiit. The door's lock was broken, suggesting that the room was broken into, and there's a dart sized hole in the window."Miha"I'm fine with it." There was a reason that Miha was uncharacteristically okay with it, but she wasn't revealing it now.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC:This entire inn is a tribute to all foreign species. :PIC:NPC Skakdi"What's an Iroiit?" The Skakdi mocked, spitting on the ground. "Typical Toa behavior. Iroiit are Matoran sized beings, that have four arms."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: [Arkrak]Arkrak nodded, and began to search the room for any evidence of someone else having been in the room. If not for the broken lock on the door, he would have dismissed it as merely someone shooting the being through the window, but the door's presence meant something else was going on."I wonder ..." he muttered, crouching down to look at the floor. "If anything is here."

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IC:RoomThere was a few books, and various objects scattered around the room, almost as if somebody had rifled through the stuff. Other than that, there was nothing, not even glass on the floor next to the window.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC:Fov"Any good with Mechanic and Tech? Do you even know who you're talking too?" The Vortixx seemed very insulted at Zealokan's question. "I built all my weapons. See that Zamor Launcher on my back? I built it. The Lightstone rifle on my back, and the one in Dekuna's hands? Built 'em yesterday. This Electro-Chute Blade? I found it on the ground and fixed it up three days ago."NPCSkakdi"I don't know, I don't rummage through all my customer's stuff." The Skakdi said, raising his hands in confusion. "What I do know is that it's pretty late. I'm gonna go to bed."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC:Miha"Great, now that that's settled, I have a suggestion." Miha said. "Our group is getting a little bit too big if you ask me. I say we split up, and turn the Hau Karda into an organization of groups, which all work for a common goal, under a common leader. Each group would have a leader, but all groups would listen to the leader of the entire Hau Karda." She turned to Havon. "That would be you by the way."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: CikrenA quiet "Ah" of pain came from the roof of the Inn, as a somewhat complex stretch aggrivated Cikren's still sore shoulder. She held the stetch for a minute longer, before caving in to the throbing pain, and releasing it.The Toa of Ice sighed: she had been up there for only thirty minutes, but already, she had to stop to avoid injuring herself further. Cikren quietly cursed the rock golems, and sat down at the edge of the roof, watching the various beings go about their day.



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IC: Dorian (Coast, Onu-Wahi)It had now been three hours. The Skakdi had left without even acknowledging his offer of a contact, and the rest of Bad Company had been delegated to wait for his return. And while Dorian was used to waiting for up to days on end, some of the other members of this motley little crew weren't so used to having to sit idly by, and their tempers were starting to rear up, giving nothing but strength to the cool blue brand situated on the beautiful young Toa's shoulder.He smiled a bit in ecstasy as the light blue began to glow through his jacket and decided that he could get used to waiting for his "teammate."-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Zealokan 'The problem with that is the different teams stating in contact, sharing tactical info, etc, whilst split up around the island. Any ideas?' He shrugged his shoulders, his mind blank.

IC: Tegam"Runners" Tegam suggested. "We have multiple runners with masks of speed who we can trust deliver messages, and have frequent messages. or we could find someone with a mask of telepathy. I am all for the idea of the split up, we could split up between koro's, and assign names accoridngly. Po-karda could be the po-koro group"OOC: Good idea, bu there should be frequent meetings. Edited by NStephenH
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OOC: As soon as you said 'Runners', I thought of Mirror's Edge. Which gives me an idea...IC: PayigesShe stepped forward to speak. 'Yes, Runners would be a good idea, but Kanohi Kakama are hard to come by. And the different environments would require different types of movement. Maybe... If we could devise a way to move through all these terrains, we could be as efficient, perhaps even more efficient than a Mask of Speed.'

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC:Miha"Or we could just use the bases we set up as bases, and have note boards for messages." Miha said, rolling her eyes. "Each team would be able to fend for themselves, so I doubt a meeting of the entire Hau Karda would be very often."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Payiges'"Yes, messages on a note board, out in the open, for all to read." No, we're trying to be covert, not advertise. Messages need to be passed on by word of mouth. And say one team knew something the others didn't, we can't just leave it on a note board, that's tactical info that could be used to our advantage.' She crossed her arms, waiting for Miha's no-doubt good argument.

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
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IC:Miha"If we know it, then Makuta most likely knows it." Miha said, giving her good argument. "It's pointless to hide the info, because either Makuta really doesn't want us knowing that kind of info, and thus will try to destroy us and the note, or, he doesn't care who knows, and the info isn't as important as we think."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Payiges'He's had the power to raze entire villages, and he hasn't. I'd say we'd be safe trading info for a short time. Until he catches on, we'll send Runners to each others bases, then we'll figure out another way.' She looks up to Havon. 'And anyway, it's Havon's decision, in the end. What's it gonna be?'

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
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