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Steal the Mask 2


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I cut open my stomach and throw my intestines at you. While you are traumatized by the sheer horror of the situation, I take the mask and run away, sewing up my stomach simultaneously.


My mask, although I'll be lacking my digestive systems now...

Edited by Toa Onaku
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In my last seconds before dying of starvation, I detonate a nuclear device I had secretly placed right below us. The whole area is blasted into kingdom come, and I revive in the center, holding the mask. I then make my escape while eating radiation-pills.


My mask.

Edited by Toa Onaku
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I force choke you.


My mask.

9HYoRY7.pngKayn's Thought: My hiatus of Bionicle has ended






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I force crush you.


My mask.

9HYoRY7.pngKayn's Thought: My hiatus of Bionicle has ended






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I reach into your belly, and pull out hundreds of Pupwa's old DNA tests. Your body then realizes how many tests are in there, and the laws of physics pursue you for the rest of your days. While you're fleeing, I take the mask.


My Mask. Step up, son!

Edited by Dapper-Kun

Morally unambiguous.

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Physics was already chasing me, and I use it for my advantage to cause an intense gravitational field to form around Pupwa, crushing him into nothing, and taking the mask with it.

The blood ritual pays off, though, and the mask re-appears, fully intact, in my hands.

My mask.

Edited by Ehks


Steam name: Ehksidian

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