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Bzprpg - Kumu Islets

Friar Tuck

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IC: "You want to put me on a giant kinloka wheel?" exclaimed Hatann "No thanks, if that's all right. Look, let's ask if we can find passage on this ship" he said, pointing to a mid-sized yacht.They couldn't. The entire ship would be filled with cargo, and the Vortixx captain wouln't even hear them out."Fine." sighed Hatann. "I'll run on your wheel, but only to the southern tip of Le-wahi. After that, we're going overland."


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IC: The Shadow & KraalKraal set off after Agira.The Shadow got back into the small boat which had brought him here, gesturing to Sentraken. The Shadow, too, had been told Laz's plan.OOC: Kraal to Le-Wahi.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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Salvinn opened his eyes for a moment and saw a Skakdi running off with the Money he'd given Stralix, that's not Stralix, was all that went through his head before he fell unconscious again.

IC: When Septimus had decided to walk around the marketplace some more, he did not expect to see Salvinn lying unconscious on the ground. Quickly running towards the other being, he inspected the Vortixx's wounds, finding a burnt back."Cersei!" he shouted worriedly to the other Vortixx. "Salvinn's injured!"

Ic: Cersei and Anavel rushed over. "I'm no doctor, but we need to get him out of here. The public square is no place to be treating people," the Vortixx said. She gingerly picked him up, since she was the only one who had the strength to do it, and carefully led the group into the residential quarter.Finding a house with propped open door, she kicked it open wide and entered. Septimus might have felt a little nervous for the trespassing, but Anavel didn't care, entering without a second thought. Once inside, Cersei set Salvinn on a table.
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Ic: Guess I have to help it along... "I'm no doctor, and I have serious doubts about any quack we find here in this town," Cersei said grimly. "That said, I'll do what I can here, but I'm far better at killing than I am at revitalizing," she said. She looked around the room, though, one by one spotting ingredients she would use to heal Salvinn's wounds. But she had to demoralize Septimus before she could use any of those things.

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Ic: Good. Depression, just what I need. "Hey, wait a minute..." Cersei said, thinking as she looked at a shelf. Suddenly, she started grabbing jars and containers of ingredients. "Bowl. Two handfuls of rose petals, three plops of honey, a bit of hot water, a cup of sweet milk, mix it good. Cayanne, bamboo oil, ground takea shark tooth, and a dash of Miracle Cactus. Mix again."Salvinn, this might sting a bit," she said, rolling him over a little more to have unrestricted access to the burn. Using the spoon, she plopped large heaps of the paste on Salvinn's wound, but she wouldn't rub it in, especially with her sharp gauntlets and gloves. "Sept, you rub it on. Spread it like it's butter on bread," she said. She also wanted him to do it since the action of helping would, she hoped, raise the matoran's hope.That was the kicker. The sweep from depression to hope in Septimus would, theoretically, activate Salvinn's 'Mark,' thus empowering him and giving him strength. This would allow her to watch the magic at work and, of course, help heal Salvinn.

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IC: [Septimus]Septimus nodded, face set in an expression of grim determination, his former worries drifting away as he concentrated on helping his friend. Cersei had told him to spread it like butter on bread, but he didn't actually like butter, so quickly replaced the word with jam."Got it," he said as he rubbed the ointment on.OOC: Miracle Cactus: It creates miracles.

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OOC: Laz and Ignotus are different people, wotsiznum. Laz is the teal one with the plan. :PIC: Laz"Of course I told him what the signal was. I told Kraal, anyway. Don't trust Agira." Laz whispered the last sentence, in case Ignotus heard him.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: By the way, wotsiznum, what do you think of the fact that the land actually was stolen from the Mystix by the Matoran?IC: Ignotus & Laz"He plans to overthrow Ignotus." Laz whispered back. "And don't pretend to be shocked; Anyone except Ignotus can tell you've tried to overthrow him more than once.""It's impolite to whisper." Ignotus pointed out.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: Sorry for the delay. So...many...RPGs. IC: GunnerGunner raised an eyebrow, but did not comment.'Very well then. In that case, I find the best method of learning is the good old trial by fire.'No sooner had he uttered that phrase, than his sword came slicing through the air above Doomslayer's head.-Void



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OOC: True, but Ignotus is the real big-bad. I'm planning to throw 'im into a few other RPG's, too. He's already in Techna. Of course, the him in Techna is after the events of Shadows.IC: Ignotus"I have known for a time, Zar." Ignotus said, not looking at him. "But I will not go to great lengths until there is proper evidence with which to mark you a traitor. You are an invaluable asset in the air."Either way, I suggest you take good care of your armour, because it may not be there much longer if you question my authority again."

Edited by Pirok the Va-Matoran


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: The Captain grabbed the piandao and barely blocked the broadsword with its blocking edge-holding it, Gunner could see, almost as he would his kukri to block the same blow at the point its blade widened. He saluted even as the blades ground against each other with his other hand. "YESSIR! TRIAL BY FIRE!"Then Aki frowned. He appeared perplexed. "...Wait, where's the fire?"



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: I see, does shadows take place in the RPG-verse or the main one?IC (Zar): "I- Yes, of course," he stuttered, bowing, "Master," he added hurriedly, just in case. This damaged his plans severely. Hopefully, in the coming battles, an opportunity would arise. For now, he kept silent, waiting for the signal.

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OOC: Shadows takes place in the main timeline. For now. :evilgrin:IC: Ignotus & Laz"There have been traitors in our midst before, Zar." Ignotus commented. "Do not forget what happened to them.""Nothing happened to her." Laz pointed out.Ignotus turned to Laz."If you were anyone else you would be dead." He spat at the Mystix of Crystal. "And I was not referring to her. There have been other traitors."


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC (Black Spot Inn):Raknar felt oddly warm as he woke up. He pulled his right arm out from underneath the oddly-thick covers to rub his eyes, thus removing the haze of sleep. Why was he so warm?Then he realized something small, brown, and fluffy had been pulled out from under the covers. He picked it up with his one free arm and stared at it for a moment.It was a miniature, plush version of him.Suddenly feeling lightheaded, Raknar realized the thickness of his covers wasn't due to the blankets. His right hand reached over his body to grab the corner of his blanket, and he pulled--A cascade of plush Raknars fell off him, like a waterfall of cotton, to land atop and around him like a mountain.And he screamed."DOOMSLAAAAYYEEEEERR...!!"

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IC: "Hm, sounds like Rakkie found his presents!," Doomslayer exclaimed with a grin. "I just know he's going to thank me cuz they're so cool," he added jubilantly.The toa blocked Gunner's attack again in the same manner. This time, however, he was more prepared and generated enough force to lightly jar his foe's arm in the block, using the height drop to unleash potential energy while his own strength poured into the blocking edge of the blade.

Edited by Pein



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC (Black Spot Inn):Another plushie flew across the room and struck Lohkar. "I don't care," said Raknar, both his hands now pressing his pillow over his face, his voice muffled almost beyond recognition. "Take 'em. Just get out and leave me be for a while."While Lohkar surely couldn't see, beneath the pillow, Raknar's face was burning.

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