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Bzprpg - Kumu Islets

Friar Tuck

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IC (Hatann): Hatann did follow, and soon found that Dhaejun lead him to a place called the Black Spot Inn for breakfast. Since he was loaded with the pirates' gold, he bought the two of them some very nice grub. While they munched, he said "Thanks a bunch for the bed last night, Dhaejun, but I really should be leaving these parts pretty soon. I have business to attend to, as well as finding a healer to look at my leg."OOC: Dhaejun is most welcome to object or come along, since both characters would do well by working together.


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IC (Hatann): Hatann's smile turnrned into a malicious grin. If Dhaejun would join him, elemental powers could be very helpful in his line of work. If, on the other hand, word spread of his alliegance... he guessed it wouldn't matter anyway."Well, as I mentioned before, I find that enemies are much nicer dead. In my business, I make all sorts of beings much nicer, both my own enemies and others'. I've recently been employed by a Turaga, and I think you can guess the rest. Now, I could use some help. Would you be game for that sort of a business trip?"


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OOC: FYI, Mystix can see in sunlight, but not well, and only if they've been out in it for a while so that their eyes had time to adjust.IC: Ignotus"True; We will have to find somewhere to go, as we will not be able to do much at dawn." Ignotus commented.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC (Hatann): "As I said, I got this assignment from a Turaga. We met up in Onu-koro. Apparently he's hiring the best killers on the island to form a criminal organisation. NEX, he called it. Now, wht do you say? Come with me and we'll find someone to knock off, and we'll split the pay. I might even throw some elemental powers into the deal". The last part was partly a joke, but it was also a sore point among the Skakdi on Mata Nui that finding a friendly countryman to work with was a difficult business.


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IC (Sentraken): Suddenly, to everyone elses surprise, Sentraken collapsed to the ground, clutching his head. He groaned in pain, almost muttering, "No, no, not you!" as his mind was seemingly invaded.FEAR ME"No! I am the dominant power! I shall be victorious!"THEN FEEL MY POWERThe Makuta began to tear apart Sentraken's mind. His groans turned to shrill cries, his memory, his ambitions, all tore from reality by the Master of Shadows.You are weak, Vortixx. You would never have gotten far. Was his last words to Sentraken before crushing his mind. The Vortixx fell to the ground, unconcious. When he awoke, he would have forgotten his plans, forgotten his homeland, forgotten the Mystix, and forgotten himself. For now, he dreamed dark, dark dreams, knowing naught of his circumstance.

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IC (Sentraken): Suddenly, to everyone elses surprise, Sentraken collapsed to the ground, clutching his head. He groaned in pain, almost muttering, "No, no, not you!" as his mind was seemingly invaded.FEAR ME"No! I am the dominant power! I shall be victorious!"THEN FEEL MY POWERThe Makuta began to tear apart Sentraken's mind. His groans turned to shrill cries, his memory, his ambitions, all tore from reality by the Master of Shadows.You are weak, Vortixx. You would never have gotten far. Was his last words to Sentraken before crushing his mind. The Vortixx fell to the ground, unconcious. When he awoke, he would have forgotten his plans, forgotten his homeland, forgotten the Mystix, and forgotten himself. For now, he dreamed dark, dark dreams, knowing naught of his circumstance.

I don't think you're allowed to control Makuta. Did you check that out with a staffie?IC: Ignotus"Sentraken? What is it?" Ignotus asked, slightly disturbed by the event.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC (Hatann): "I've been there recently" Hatann said in a scating voice, "And I've tried their tea. Give me rum any day over that stuff, but it was all they had left. Some puny little Matoran and her toa friend drank the whole bar dry!" He took a moment to calm down and stop his rant from going any further. "I'd say Ta-koro for a start. Their hospital's not half bad and takes all comers."


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IC (Hatann): "Ta-koro it is then" Hatann confirmed. He finished eating the last of his breakfast and made his way outside to the docks, looking for a boat back to the mainland. he had no idea what had happened to the gukko that had brought him here. Af ter he had leapt from its back, his mind had been on other things. "Stupid bird" he muttered to himself.OOC: I hear the Infernavika is taking passengers. Maybe we could try for a ride :P


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OOC: No, Tooroko stayed on board the whole time. He just was more easily pursuaded to defect by Hatann's lies and false promises. He never got the chance to act on them, however, before the whole saga was resolved.IC (Tooroko): "I've been here the whole time, Odhran." he replied. "I just thought his offers of wealth and power were worth hearing." He hoped the admission wouldn't get him kicked off the ship for mutiny.


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IC: [Septimus]When Septimus had decided to walk around the marketplace some more, he did not expect to see Salvinn lying unconscious on the ground. Quickly running towards the other being, he inspected the Vortixx's wounds, finding a burnt back."Cersei!" he shouted worriedly to the other Vortixx. "Salvinn's injured!"

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IC: Ignotus & LazIgnotus turned to Agira."Leave him. He was weak."Laz walked over to Ignotus, Kraal and Agira."Emperor, we appear to have won the battle. We suffered a lot of casualties, but I believe we will soon be able to make all-out war on Mata-Nui." He noticed that the end of his sentence had earned a glare from Ignotus. "If you want war, that is. Of course."

Edited by Pirok the Va-Matoran


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: Oh, if things work out the way I have them planned, it will work out very well. :evilgrin:IC: IgnotusIgnotus used magnetism to push Sentraken away."Listen to me. Your name is Sentraken. You are an... ally of mine. I saved your life, from a Toa."Ignotus was an unusually good liar, but being a leader required that.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: [Darylhii]Despite being a merciless being who liked attacking people because he felt like it, Darylhii was bored. He was bored because there was nothing to do, and there were no beings that he could try and kill. The invading bird-creatures had been fun to fight, but they had been easily driven back, meaning that he now had nothing else to do. That meant that he would have to go somewhere else for fun, like his home region, Le-Koro.A destination in mind, the former guardsman of Le-Koro slid down his tree, and headed in the general direction of the forest region of the island.OOC: Darylhii to Le-Wahi.

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