Alex Humva Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) This is where we discuss FTL, where updates go on, and where you post your profiles. Please note that even if you PMed me your profile, everyone needs to post their profile here. Public record and all that. Also, FOR THOSE WHO DID NOT GET THE SKYPE MEMO: We're starting off shortly after we left the final human outpost in this sector of space. Current floating on impulse drive through a lifeless system, will jump out in a little bit. Feel free to interact on the ship in the mean time. Incidentally, here's a command flow chart to show who you peeps answer to in the long-run. Click for full resolution. Also there's a bunk chart, to see who you're rooming with on this ship.There is also a ship schemantic thingy; Deck One, Deck Two, and Deck Three The Complete Player & Character Compendium Ace BlottsOccupation: Boarding.Rank: Spaceman First Class.Profile: Player: Ringabel.Player Status: Inactive.Ameli HadikOccupation: Colonial Adviser.Rank: None.Profile: Player: Basilisk.Player Status: Active.AndromedaOccupation: Public Relations.Rank: First Lieutenant.Profile: Player: The Mugbearer.Player Status: Inactive.Anna TreisonOccupation: GunnerRank: Spaceman.Profile: Player: Tiz Arrior.Player Status: Active.Ashley LandesOccupation: Fighter Pilot.Rank: Spaceman First Class.Profile: Player: Princess Anna of Arendelle.Player Status: Very Active.Au'RehnOccupation: Engineer.Rank: Spaceman.Profile: Player: First Son Jiyu.Player Status: Active.Can SkinterOccupation: Security & Boarding.Rank: First Lieutenant.Profile: Player: Xomeron.Player Status: Left RPG.DeuceOccupation: Hired Fighter Pilot.Rank: Warrant Officer Third Class.Profile: Player: Commander Viral.Player Status: Active.Devas SindorinOccupation: Chief Engineer.Rank: Captain.Profile: Player: Basilisk.Player Status: Active.Estelle WalkerOccupation: Flight Commander & Auxiliary Officer.Rank: Major.Profile: Player: Queen Elsa of Arendelle.Player Status: Active.ErrogavenOccupation: Security & Boarding.Rank: Spaceman Basic.Profile: Player: Avmatoran.Player Status: Active.FrancisOccupation: Psionic Sentry.Rank: Spaceman First Class.Profile: Player: Takuma Nuva.Player Status: Inactive.GeburahOccupation: Federation Ambassador.Rank: None.Profile: Player: Last Son Amakusa.Player Status: Active.GeistOccupation: Engineer.Rank: Spaceman First Class.Profile: Player: The Abysswalker.Player Status: Inactive.Jessie TaylorOccupation: Security Detail & Boarding.Rank: Spaceman.Profile: Player: JAG18Player Status: Inactive. Karin RenardOccupation: Doctor.Rank: Captain.Profile: Player: Kothra,Player Status: Leave of Absence.Kelezagg Occupation: Security & BoardingRank: Spaceman Basic.Profile: Player: Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons.Player Status: Active.Kenshin HarkinOccupation: Chief of Security.Rank: Captain.Profile: Player: Silvan Haven.Player Status: Active.MatonOccupation: Weapons Engineer.Rank: Airman.Profile: Player: Criminal Scum.Player Status: Active.Palmira OjedaOccupation: Command Officer.Rank: Colonel.Profile: Player: Engineer Alex Humva.Player Status: Active.Nicole SaranyOccupation: Doctor.Rank: First Lieutenant.Profile: Player: Atton Rand.Player Status: Active.RainbowOccupation: Counselor.Rank: None.Profile: Player: Fabulous Sunshine.Player Status: Hubert.Signi OverchkinOccupation: Botanist.Rank: Captain.Profile: Player: Necro.Player Status: Leave of absence.Sophie ChastainOccupation: Executive Officer.Rank: Lieutenant Colonel.Profile: Player: Plank Sinatra. Player Status: Active.Souper SaladdOccupation: Chef.Rank: None.Profile: Player: Zhangku.Player Status: Active.William DanielsOccupation: Weapon's Officer.Rank: Major.Profile: Player: Simon the Digger.Player Status: Active.Wulf KharonOccupation: Security detail & Boarding.Rank: Senior Spaceman.Profile: Player: Shadowhawk.Player Status: Active.Vincent LiuOccupation: Engineer.Rank: Spaceman First Class.Profile: Player: Last Son Amakusa.Player Status: Active.ZhanarOccupation: Adventure Capitalist.Rank: None.Profile: Player: Xomeron.Player Status: Active.Zokander ZahmOccupation: Navigations Officer.Rank: Captain.Profile: Player: Fiercer Than Fire.Player Status: Semiactive.ZossOccupation: Psionic Adviser.Rank: None.Profile: Player: Visaru.Player Status: Inactive. Edited July 14, 2014 by Engineer Alexandra Humva 6 Quote 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 "In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong
Burnmad Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) Name: Kelezaag (tolerates nickname Kel, does not tolerate the Human name Kelly, as she has been referred to as, by some fools, in the past)Gender: FemaleAge: 49Species: Mantis (Clan: Kriggtnaft)Profession: BoarderSkills: Combat, Mantis diplomacy (Which isn't much of a contrast to combat, either)Items: Small emerald idol of her clan's god of war, Kreiggeaz.Appearance: Kelezaag is a somewhat short Mantis, but with a long thorax. Her exoskeleton is a rich, dark green color, and very smooth, obviously excluding the long blades on her forelegs, which are almost obsessively kept sharp, being not only a weapon, but a feature of great pride among Mantis. She is also in possession of all her limbs, a state that, among Mantis, does actually require specification.Personality: Kelezaag is sly, clever, and generally has an air of secrecy and scheming about her. In other words, she is an average Mantis. As for her differences from other Mantis, she possesses a passion for her race's, and especially her clan's, culture and heritage, a trait that is very uncommon among Mantis. Unlike most, she tends to look for solutions to situations that rely on her own ingenuity, as opposed to her combat prowess (not that she lacks the latter). She takes great pride in her ability and accomplishments, to the point of being almost vain. Lastly, she has an uncommon desire to further her entire race, as opposed to the usual Mantis desire to further oneself; rather a pipe dream, however, seeing as the Mantis would never stop fighting among themselves long enough to focus on their advancement as a whole. Thus, she settles for the advancement of the Kriggtnaft clan (And herself, of course). She doesn't harbor any specific grudges, though, like all Mantis, dislikes the rapid expansion of Humans, seeing it as a threat to all races.Biography: Kelezaag was brought up communally, as all survivors of infancy in the Kriggtnaft clan are. The key points of her teaching were thus, in descending order of importance placed upon them by her many relatives; self-advancement, advancement of her clan, and her own heritage. She was also taught the extensive history of the Mantis race (mainly focusing on their many great wars). At the age of 8, she began the transformation from her nymph stage to her adult form, a change that also signaled the beginning of her training in melee combat, operating shipboard weapons, and piloting. At 12, she began participating in her clan's regular hunts. At 19, having officially paid off her debt to her clan (a cultural convention observed by some clans, in which a Mantis repays his or her clan for the resources expended in their upbringing; many, however, including Kelezaag, continue to pay dues to their clan, so that they may rely on their assistance in tough spots), she departed from them and became a freelancing professional boarder. Since then, she has been a part of hundreds of voyages of varying lengths, with several dozen of them ending in her leading a mutiny, appointing herself the new captain, and then proceeding to lock her fellow mutineers in a compartment she would then vent. By selling the many ships she acquired in this method, she amassed a considerable amount of wealth. It was more than enough to retire, but like many Mantis, she found continuing to work (and amassing more wealth) much more appealing than stretching in the sun all day, getting, in her own words, "Old, weak and susceptible to assassination." However, she ran into a problem; by allowing too many survivors to return to Mantis systems and spread word of her, she had amassed quite a bit of notoriety. So, as a result of her pride, few captains would hire her. This was the point when she was contacted by the Federation; an ingenious, competent, and most of all, widely famous Mantis, whose dangerous tendency to lead mutinies was offset by the small amount of other Mantis on the mission. She eagerly accepted a position as a boarder on the Kestrel.Weakness: Pride Edited March 29, 2014 by Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons Quote Avatar by Brickeens
shadow pridak money gang Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) Name: Sophie ChastainGender: FemaleAge: 32Species: HumanProfession: LieutenantSkills: Ranged combat specialist, moderate engineering prowess, capable third-string fighter pilot if she really has to beItems: Sophie carries two weighted knives that were originally designed for throwing, but that's always a bit impractical since once something's thrown you have to stroll over (in the middle of a combat situation, mind) pick it back up, and aim it again. Not too keen on that. So she keeps them at her sides generally and sticks to what she knows will work in a combat situation- her "soulmate," a top-of-the-line Federation sniper rifle and matching spotter drone. No jewelry to be found.Appearance: Of average height (5'10) and slim of figure (145 lbs), Sophie's arms and legs are corded with tight, compact muscle under a mild tan complexion. Her hair is dark brown and falls down to her shoulders, where the tips end in lighter, almost cocoa-tinted tips, a bit wavy though she's in the mild quirk of straightening it to avoid having to focus on it later in the day. Before assignment to the Kestrel she was a bit heavy on the makeup to bring out the healthy glow in her dark eyes and sharp face, but that habit cleared up rather quickly after volunteering for the Federation.Personality: Sharp-tongued and sardonic, though not exactly morose. Charismatic and self-assured, though never brash. Tough but fair, duty-bound but quietly individualistic, the little sister forced to assume the role of the big one. Sophie has (almost forcefully) toned herself down after enlistment, perhaps having accepted her grim fate as an intelligence operative and role model for the crew of the Kestrel and determined to make the best of it.Biography: The Kestrel would not have ever made Lt. Chastain's list of career options in junior year Career Management...if she had gone to junior year, anyway. At the lowest minimum age she had cut her losses with high school and gone to work repairing and driving her sister's food truck through the French Quarter to make money off the tourists (she never was directly responsible for making the food; as her old army buddy would later needle her, "if we kept the battlestations stocked with Chastain's gumbo, we'd clear a third of the galaxy in a single tour.") She went off into the military largely because of a brief spat with her sister that caused her to leave New Orleans and take what money she'd earned to seek enlistment. Originally, Sophie believed her talents lay in engineering, but through sheer luck and a few adventurous risks during training she found she had a natural aptitude for marksmanship in addition to engineering. Originally tasked with a few simple tours squaring off against pirates in the outer sectors alongside an old Academy friend of hers, Sophie engaged in a few more lowkey intelligence operations before being assigned back closer to the homefront, under the command of her old friend, now a Lieutenant in her own right. After the Mantis attack and subsequent assignment of her friend (who had not stopped climbing the ranks, and now held the title Colonel) to the command of the Kestrel mission, Chastain was given a lieutenancy of her own. -Tyler Edited May 4, 2014 by LONG LIVE TYLER Quote SAY IT ONE MORE TIME TELL ME WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND
Havelock Vetinari Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) Profiles and infodump on their home colony. Already approved. Name: Devas Sindorin, Captain Gender: Male Age: Thirty-two Species: Human, Vendarian offshoot. Profession: Chief Engineer Skills: Devas is, as his title suggests, a highly-trained, highly experienced engineer in a variety of fields, though he has a particular focus on industrial engineering and mechatronics. If it can, in theory, function, then he can, in theory, fix it. If the tried and true method of kicking it until the machine submits to his will fails, then he’ll be forced to call upon the wealth of technical knowledge he’s accumulated over the years and do things the hard (and less fun) way. His engineering ability aside, he is an experienced soldier, having seen action during the first Mantis incursion. As he can be counted on to be cool and level-headed in combat. The training provided to him by the Imperium ensures he is capable of using most firearms competently and hold his own in melee combat. He also has training and some experience as an officer, befits someone who commanded a small squad of combat engineers aboard a battleship. He knows how to manage a team of engineers and coordinate with other departments….and he has a knack for digging up technically valid rules from ages gone by and using them to his advantage. Items: Devas carries two Vendarian firearms both of which utilize plasma technology. The first of these, the V-45 Assault Rifle is the most common weapon in the Vendarian armed forces and for good reason. The design is simple, durable, easy to produce, sports an attachable grenade launcher and is relatively high-tech as such things go. The fact it can be buried in the sand for a year and still function when you dig it back up is a pleasant bonus. The second is a V-98 Pistol, a simple, rapid-fire pistol design that bears all the hallmarks of Vendarian practicality. It isn’t anything special, as pistols go, but it shares the durability all Vendarian weapons possess. In addition, he owns a few different types of Vendarian uniforms, suitable for a variety of different environments and terrains, though all our variations of the basic officer’s uniform (pictured below). The pockets and utility packs of these uniforms are typically crammed with various miscellanea relating to his position on the ship and…just about everything else really. He’s been known to produce novels from them on occasion. He always wears a golden necklace with a dark red gemstone inlaid in it, around his neck. He has another necklace of the same sort, though the gemstone of that particular necklace has a bright red coloration. He doesn’t like to talk about them. Appearance: Tall and looming, Devas doesn’t bring to mind an engineer when one first sees him. The Chief Engineer almost always wears the traditional uniform of a Vendarian officier, which effectively hides his appearance. The only notable deviation would be the necklace mentioned above. To date, no one on the vessel has actually seen him without his gasmask on. If one were to actually accomplish this feat, they’d find he has a mop of dirty blond hair that appears to resist all attempts at organization, perhaps because it’s been crammed into a head-covering gasmask for most of its existence. His skin, as is typical of Vendarians, is a dark tan, though marred here and there by white scars and other such blemishes. His eyes are a bright red and quite within the Vendarian norm in that regard. His time in the military has hardened his body to a lean, muscular peak, which has come in handy when he needs to do heavy-lifting on the job. Personality: Devas keeps to himself, sleeping in the engine room despite being assigned a bunk. He keeps the ship running but doesn’t seem to enjoy interacting with other the other crewmembers. Aliens, in particular, seem to be an object of hatred for him. He’s outright stated any aliens that intrude on the engine room will be treated as enemy combatants. Overall, he appears to be a withdrawn, somewhat angry, loner. The reality is somewhat different. Devas is on this mission for a very definite and personal reason, his husband was killed during the first Mantis incursion and he’s more or less thrown himself into the mission completely, hoping that bloody revenge will do something to ease his despair. It isn’t working. He still takes pride in doing his duty to humanity however and tends to be slighty more friendly with those who work with him in the engine room. He’s a fair, though demanding, man to work for in that respect. Biography: Born on Vendar, raised on Vendar and honed to a razor edge by the military, Devas served as a combat engineer for the Seventh Army for most of his life. He was, like most Vendarian children, raised on the tales of the past and the tragedies inherent to them. He took these lessons to heart, even by the standards of the Imperium and enrolled in the military at the age of eighteen. He met his husband, a shock trooper named Alev Ceveti, during his first real tour of duty on Timur where he proved himself to be a capable engineer, capable enough to be noticed by the fleet. After his tour of duty concluded, he married Alev. Devis soon found himself approached by the fleet who, due to confrontations with a growing band of alien pirates, found themselves in need of skilled manpower. He accepted their offer. In a rare moment of inter-governmental cooperation, he found that the ship he was serving on was working alongside the Confederacy during their anti-pirate patrols and he befriended one of the Confederate officers, the current colonel. After the patrols ended, he stayed on with the fleet, rising through the ranks until he reached his current position. An officers commission, coupled with the benefits afford to Alev (now a sub-officer in the shock army) ensured that the two had a relatively stable existence, as such things went. Then the Mantis attacked. Though the Imperium was well-prepare for the attack and defeated the Mantis utterly, Alev was amongst the casualties. Devas shuffled through the following weeks mechanically, doing his duty, eating and sleeping. He almost stopped talking completely and still prefers isolation to this day. When his old friend called on him for a mission against the Mantis, he leapt at the opportunity to avenge his husband and exact vengeance on the insectoid menace. Name: Ameli Halik, (Former) Enclave Director, currently a Colonial Adviser. Gender: Female Age: Thirty-four Species: Human, Vendarian offshoot. Profession: Colonial Adviser (which appears to be a very very nice term for “political officer”) Skills: As a secret police officer/colonel adviser Ameli is quite skilled in the field of espionage, particularly counter-espionage, interrogation and other forms of information extraction. Due to the extensive training each officer undergoes she is extremely skilled at reading body language, slight inflections in the voice or tone and the like. Her former position as an administrator also ensures she is familiar with the bureaucracy that law enforcement tends to run (or not) on and the proper procedures to follow in such a case, within the Imperium at least. As a secret police officer, she has some combat ability and was put through a hurried version of shock trooper training, resulting in formidable ranged combatant. Her melee skills leave something to be desired however. Her third ability is a result of her academy studies, she has an extensive knowledge of human colonies and how they operate and think, making her a useful asset for any starship to have on hand. The fact she also knows just who to kill, kidnap or bribe to acquire influence in this colonies is (the intended function of) unintended side effect of her studies. Items: Ameli typically has various tools of the trade on her person, scanners, drugs for interrogation, a data slate with numerous guides to various colonies upon it, another data slate that doesn’t exist and is coded to her DNA and protected by so many layers of security even the TIA would blush that certainly doesn’t contain anything you need to know about and other such things. She has in her possession the typical uniform of a high-ranking secret police operative colored black and gold and based on the officers uniform used by the elite Shock Armies. She has two weapons, a rapid-fire two-handed pistol not unlike the machine pistols of old, known as the SP-234 and commonly used by law enforcement on Vendar. For heavier combat situations she prefers a V-45 assault rifle. She a sword for close combat situations, though it rarely sees use. Appearance: As noted above, she wears a typical secret police officers uniform (shock trooper uniform this uniform is patterned after is pictured below). If one were to view her without the gasmask, the first thing they’d note is her deep red eyes, a common shade in the Vendarian offshoot of the human race. Her skin is a light tan, again a common coloration for a Vendarian. Her hair, typically cut low and short, is a light, sandy brown. As such things go, she is fit and relatively muscular, though due to the relatively low stress of her position, she isn’t quite up to the standards possessed by the Vendarian military. There is a noticeable scar across her face, a result of an encounter with a particularly irate Bastionian she was investigating. Personality: Ameli is an extremely sociable person and, by the standards of the Imperium, quite tolerant. This means she only tried to beat an alien crew member to death after it touched her shoulder and didn’t put up too much of a fight when the guards pulled her off of it. Friendly to those she can tolerate (which is to say, humans who don’t disgrace her ancestors) she’s always looking to learn about the culture of other human planets, if only to note the pitfalls the Imperium may need to avoid. That said, she is a secret police officer and won’t hesitate to carry out her duty if the Imperium should demand it. Her loyalty to Vendar is unquestionable. Biography: Born on Vendar, Ameli had as happy a childhood as one could expect in the colonies, safe and secure in one of the largest cities on the planet, guarded by dutiful police officers, tireless soldiers and thick, solid walls. From a young age, she admired the masked men who made the streets safe to walk at night, we stood vigilant against any corruption that might fester and rot the Imperium away from within. It was only natural then, that her path led to her joining the police force. She started as a simple initiate within one of the secret police agencies, shuffling papers, standing guard and raiding the homes of lawbreakers and traitors within the government. She did her job well, by all accounts. When the Imperium invaded Bastion, she volunteered to be amongst the first secret police officers to land upon the planet. It was an interesting time on Bastion, the military more or less ruled it completely and setting up a functional Imperium-style planetary government while riots and underground fighters still plagued the streets only served to make the job harder. Still, within seven years, the Imperium’s hold on Bastion was airtight and Ameil was in charge of her own small enclave of officers. When she was selected by the Imperium to take part in a secret, multi-government mission to end the Mantis threat, she jumped at the call. Unfortunately, the mess hall incident ensures she’d made less friends then she had hoped. These days, she mostly spends her time in her office, twiddling her thumbs, doing busywork and desperately engaging those who walk by in conversation. Colony Name: Vendarian Imperium, known as the Demon Sector to the Mantis invaders. Government: Military Dictatorship/Oligarchy. The top levels of government consist of a “State Board” of generals and admirals, along with the heads of various agencies such as the numerous secret police organizations who, while technically part of the military, maintain their independence from direct military oversight. This board reports to a single leader selected from amongst their members. This leader is known as the Emperor or Empress who has the capacity to override them in all matters, only checked if they outvote her to a man. The Empress and the military board share power in theory, but the empress undoubtedly controls the nation. The current Empress, Tavania IV, has recently appointed a secondary board of advisers who wield power in her name, distancing the government from the military to a certain extent. These advisers are known, collectively, as the Iron Thirteen and each have power over one “sphere” of power. One member of the Iron Thirteen might be charged with overseeing the economy for example, and be given the resources needed to carry it out. Below the top tiers of the government are the local planetary commandants who oversee the day to day administration of the world and the deployment of local defensive units. These commandants report to the board and the Empress. They have recently lost much of their power to the Iron Thirteen however, resulting in some discontent amongst them. In short, the commandants no longer set policy on their own, but are forced to obey the rulings and dictations of the Iron Thirteen by the command of the Empress. This pattern continues down the ranks, the heads of local industries and such as are appointed by and report to the commandant, and through them, the Iron Thirteen. The military and secret police forces are a separate matter and report directly to the State Board, with no input from the Iron Thirteen. The lowest level of official government is the local councils which are appointed to oversee the fortress-cities and their various townships. Each city sports their own council and selects one of their number to send to a province-wide council that compiles reports and sets local policy on certain matters. In a practical sense, these low-level councils are effectively powerless, helplessly following the lead of the higher tiers of government. Overall, the government of the Imperium has near complete control over the economy, the military and the like. Independent corporations are nearly unheard of within the Imperium. This level of control could be called, not unjustly, dictatorial. At the same time however, the government has ensured that none of its people starve or are without work, that everyone is educated to some extent and that law and order rarely break down. The Triad ideology ensures that the government is uniformly harsh when it comes to alien sympathizers or aliens themselves, but beyond activities deemed treasonous to humanity the government is remarkably nonintrusive in regards to the way its citizens live their lives. The government concerns itself with the survival of the Imperium and Humanity, if something lays beyond that sphere the attitude is remarkably lax and tolerant. Out and out rebellion is punished, but a protest march is likely to bring about swift change provided it is not seen as an attack on humanity or the values of the Triad. The government would be eager to end the crisis in a permanent way (a brutal crackdown would only encourage violent revolts) so that it can return its attention to the matter of survival and thus, tends to take the demands of protestors seriously, if they turn out in strong enough numbers. Military: Roughly six million soldiers, in addition to police forces. Organization The Vendarian military is organized into a multi-tiered structured based on the amount of training and practical experience one has, as well as their performance. In general, one can expect to be promoted when a position is available and if they have demonstrated above-average abilities and dedication to duty. The military, in this regard, is very much a meritocracy and any signs of nepotism and favoritism are normally dealt with quite swiftly. The current six million men and women under arms are formed into thirty armies of two hundred thousand soldiers; each of these armies is led by a commandant who reports to the military board. In total, each general on the military board commands three commandants. All Vendarian armies are not all necessarily equal, of the thirty armies currently formed; ten of them are classified as elite units or “Shock Armies”. These are forces are the best of the best, the cream of the crop even by the high standards of the Vendarians. The Vendarian water bound and space bound navies follow roughly the same pattern in this regard, though their numbers obviously vary. There are no true Vendarian air forces, as such things full under influence of the space fleet. The space fleet itself consists of a dozen true military craft with numerous troop transports in addition to this. A group of carriers serves as the core of the Vendarian fleet. There are, of course, a great many spaceflight capable fighter craft within the Imperium, but most of them are effectively limited to planetary duties. The Vendarian water-bound navy is built around mobility and stealth, with submarines and the like being the order of the day. Some submarine models are capable of surfacing and deploying surface/air-based vessels as the situation dictates. The primary purpose of the navy, however, is providing a mobile sort of orbital defense. As a consequence, missile and carrier submarines are the most common type deployed. Equipment and Selected Examples Below are selected examples of Vendarian uniforms and a general summary of their military equipment. Specific coloration and the like, are, of course, dependent on the environment they are deployed too. Grey works well enough for temperate climates, but would be foolish in the extreme in a subarctic environment. (Basic foot soldiers) (A uniform variant used in environments outside of temperate range or subject to extreme weather. A desert, jungle, near-constant rain and such as) (Fireproofed uniform variant, for use in hazardous environment, also used by those unfortunate souls on flamethrower duty) (Variant used by scouts, frontline snipers and the like, extremely weather resistant and equipped with various devices to aid in whatever task they’ve been sent to complete) (Heavily armored uniform variant, often used by units tasked with breaking through fortifications and other extremely dangerous duties) (Frontlines officer, worn by the higher ranks and, perhaps, some decoys scattered about) (Specialized officer units put through a variant of shock army training, often tasked with guarding a VIP and other places of importance or destroying key parts of the enemy defenses, rallying a sagging line etc) (Variants for use in particularly harsh environmental conditions, modified far beyond the multifunctional example above due to the specific nature of their environment) (Selected generals, from both the normal and shock armies, generals and extremely high-ranking figures have no set uniform) The basic kit of the Vendarian foot soldier consists of several pieces of multi-compound armor designed to protect the user from many types of energy attacks (kinetic, laser etc) alongside a multi-function gasmask and a supply of oxygen should worst come to worst. This is far from the only function of the masks, with built-in computers offering various status updates, several different types of vision and other such things. Further equipment tends to be dependent on the exact nature of the soldier. A sniper, for example, would be issued gear tended towards ranged combat, maneuverability and long term survival in isolated, hostile environments. An officer on the other hand, would be given thicker armor, a gasmask with additional functions integrated into it. For example, it is capable of linking directly to any observation drones on the battlefield, providing a useful tactical display. Their weapons, regardless of their specific place in the organization, are plasma-based. Shock Armies Below are selected examples of the uniforms and equipment in used by the elite Shock Armies of the Vendarian Imperium. They are, without exception, of high quality and are modular in nature, allowing a uniform to be adapted to any environment with relative ease. Colors, clearly, vary with the environment. (Basic shock trooper uniforms, generally more hardy, functional and maneuverable then typical uniforms) (Shock trooper sub officer uniform, generally used by low-ranking officers on the front lines) (Uniform used by high-ranking officers and their bodyguards/various decoys, reckoned to be one of the best pieces of equipment fielded by the Imperium) (Uniform used by the elite commando units fielded by the Shock Armies, the abilities of this already formidable suit are only enhanced by the cybernetic nature of the commandos themselves) The Shock Armies are the pride of the Imperium. These elite forces are put through a training regimen that could be described as brutal, hellish and near-lethal if one was feeling particularly dramatic. Their kit reflects their value to the Imperium as a whole. No expense is spared when it comes to equipping them with the finest the Imperium can produce. Their basic gasmask includes a multitude of functions and capabilities that are reserved for officers within the normal forces. As a consequence of this, they are also one of the more expensive parts of the army, though any who see them in action do not question the soundness of the investment. Their commando units in particular are quite expensive due to the extensive rebuilding they undergo upon the completion of their training. By the time the process is complete these commandos could fairly be said to be more machine than anything else. Police, Public & Secret. (Venderian police officers) The Venderian police force is well-armed enough to count as a near-extension of the military force though there are notable differences in their training programs. While the military focuses on tactics, maneuvering and the like, the police place extreme import on procedure, investigation, interrogation, psychology and the like. While they are trained in combat techniques and military matters it is of distinctly secondary importance to them. Their tendency to recruit from veterans and the like does ensure that, if called upon, they can carry out military duties in a competent manner though if the situation is desperate enough for the police to march to the front lines, chances are they’ll do little more then buy time. The Secret Police are, unlike the public forces, not a single overarching organization but rather several different organizations, charged with intelligence gathering, espionage and various other tasks. To solve the eternal question of who watches the watchers, there are several divisions of secret police charged with monitoring the government and, of course, other secret police organizations. Their equipment is patterned after the uniforms and weapons of the elite shock armies, though their uniforms are normally a coal black with gold decoration, in contrast to the more practical coloration sported by the shock armies. -Top Secret- Cadre Sixty-Six The Vendarian Imperium does not take kindly to secrets, feeling that every project should have some amount of oversight from the various secret police organizations. No system of security and containment is perfect however, and the Imperium is no exception. Answering to the Empress and select members of the Iron Thirteen, Cadre Sixty-Six is a private army of operatives independent of the other mechanisms of government. Their existence is top secret, not even the military board knows of them, the secret police have no inkling of their existence, it is likely only a dozen people outside of the organization know of them. The reason for this obscene amount of secrecy is simple. While Cadre Sixty-Six is insanely effective and dangerous, they are no longer entirely human. Their genes have been modified, their body rebuilt using cybernetic components and, it is whispered, xeno technology. If word ever got out about them, Vendarian society would be thrown into complete chaos. As it stands, this cadre of black ops soldiers is sent in when all other avenues have failed or would fail. (Cadre Sixty-Six soldiers, heavily armored and equipped with top of the line technology) -End Top Secret- Vehicles Vendarian ground vehicles are almost exclusively hover-craft. The reasoning behind this doctrine is simple, the Imperium covers a wide variety of different environments and while treaded vehicles and walkers might be suited to certain environments, they certainly aren’t suited to them all. Hover vehicles, however, preform adequately in nearly any terrain. Their armored divisions tend to favor lightning strikes and hit and fade campaigns. When supporting infantry, they tend to be used to punch holes into the enemy defenses, allowing the infantry to pass through unhindered and flank enemy positions. (Examples of Vendarian tanks, typically used to spearhead attacks or fortify defensive positions) (Examples of Vendarian APCs, which fulfill a variety of roles in addition to their primary troop-carrying vocation) (Vendarian Jetbike, used to for quick deployment and scouting purposes) Vendarian Fleet The fleet consists of roughly a dozen military vessels of varying sizes and functionality, though the most common craft would be the simple but versatile combat frigate, charged with holding down a line of defense and protecting the more vulnerable craft of the fleet. The core of the fleet consists of large star fighter carriers, which have proven to be a hefty force multiplier in fleet engagements. There are several expansions planned for the fleet, but such things are expensive and take time. The fleet prefers to fight defensively, all things considered, but can handle offensive actions if called upon, as the invasion of Bastion proved quite well. The fleet also counts planet-bound fighters and drop ships amongst its numbers, effectively replacing the air force. (Examples of Vendarian fleet craft, they are notable departure from standard human designs, perhaps signifying the differences in culture between the Imperium and the rest of humanity) (Vendarian dropship, used to transport troops in space (with, hopefully, the help of a carrier) and on planet and, upon deployment, provide aerial support) (Typical Vendarian fightercraft, capable of both space-based and planet based missions, though it tends to rely on carriers for space-based activities) Vendarian Navy As noted above, the Vendarian navy has no dedicated surface battleships, instead relying on a variety of submarines to fill in the gap. It is reasoned, in the age of spacecraft and orbital bombardment, that surface-based vessels would be little more than floating target practice. When surface operations are required, a carrier submarine typically surfaces to deploy small, fast, surface vessels. (Vendarian surface vessels) Population: Roughly one hundred and forty million. Territory: Two systems, with four habitable worlds between them. Vendar serves as a capital and has the largest population, with the remainder scattered between the worlds of Iskander, Timur and the annexed world known as Bastion. Vendar is an extremely earthlike planet. Vendar plays host to multiple continents and island chains, most of which are unsettled at the moment. The only heavily settled continent lies within the northern hemisphere of the planet and has a nominally temperate nature. This planet was one of the first settled by the Vendarians and thus, the settled regions are much urban then one might expect. Fortress cities dot the landscape, with smaller fortified compounds and trench systems surrounding them. Transportation between these cities is typically done by aircraft or via the underground network of tunnels and subways. Military bases are present on nearly every continent. Timur shares a system with Vendar and is the opposite of its sister world in many ways. It’s habitable in the sense humans can survive upon it, but most of the planet is a mixture of desert and savannah that is, to put it lightly, not ideal for human life. Settlements tend to focus on the massive mesas that dot the planet which are much more hospitable and, sometimes, even pleasant. Each settlement exists mostly underground and resembles a system of bunkers more than a city once one strays away from the great hollowed out chambers that serve as public squares. The surface of these settlements is given over entirely to the military, who, in customary Vendarian fashion, fortify them extensively. Iskander, first colonized after the Vendarians won their independence, is located in a neighboring system. The planet is locked in an ice age, but remains habitable to a certain extent. Fortress cities and small communities cluster around areas with high geothermal activity, drawing power and warmth from them. The military maintains bases all over this world, many of which hide projects and prototypes, nestled away in the coldest, most inhospitable corners of the world. This world also played host to the armies that invaded Bastion, a legacy that remains in the form of several extensive military complexes capable of housing immense numbers of troops, if need be. Bastion shares a system with Iskander and is, currently, the only planet that the Imperium has annexed by force. Oceans dominate the majority of the planet, with only one landmass that can properly be called a continent. Steaming jungles, twisting marshes and the like make up the majority of the environment due to the warm nature of the planet’s climate. The cities and communities Bastion plays host to a notably different from the Vendarian norm, though efforts have been made to fortify them properly, one cannot remove decades of architectural heritage within one decade. Political Alignment: The Imperium has theoretical ties with the League of Independent Planets, but the conquest of the Bastion colony has ensured their relations with the League are cold at best. Notable Biological Features: They Vendarians have an extremely common tendency towards tan skin and red eyes. The shades of the skin can vary from a light tan to almost brown, but other shades of skin coloration are rare in the extreme. Eye coloration is much the same, shades of red are the norm and “normal” eye coloration is rare enough to be commented upon. The Vendarians are also notable for their unusually high metabolism and the relative kindness with which old age treats them. These abilities are widely suspected to be the result of genetic manipulation, though only a few outside of the Vendarians themselves know the truth of the matter (they were, oh yes, they were). Beyond that, they have a noted tendency to roll their r’s. Culture: The two defining traits of the Vendarian Imperium would be its rampant militarism and ubiquitous xenophobia. These attitudes are reflected in the dominant political philosophy of the Imperium, commonly called the Triad by those who support it. The Triad ideology is built on, as the name suggests, three core principles. First, that the universe is a hostile and uncaring place, that there is no fairness or judge amongst the stars to determine what is just and what is not. There is no one out there that will protect humanity from the threats all around it. All other parts of the Triad build off this basic assumption about the nature of the universe. The Mantis invasion has erased any doubts that Vendarians may have had about this assumption, and support for the Triad ideology is at an all-time high. The second part of the Triad builds on the first, as there is no power capable of or perhaps willing too; intervene on the behalf of Humanity and the Imperium, measures must be taken to ensure the Imperium can stand on its own against any conceivable threat. Survival is placed over abstract concepts like morality, ethics and other such things. They are not ignored, but they are just less important to the core of the Triad, that survival is the first goal of any species, the basis on which all accomplishments are built. If you cannot survive, then you are, ultimately, irrelevant and weak, meaning it is the duty of the strong to look after you, even if you would object to such a thing. Survival at the expense of other species is considered to be a simple necessity, for, naturally, all other species seek the same. Do unto them before they do unto humanity in sum. This is the part of the Triad often cited to support the Imperium’s aggressive annexation of Bastion, as that world’s defenses were, in the view of the Imperium, woefully inadequate, the Imperium felt that it would be better off under its protection. The fact they had to wipe out the military of Bastion and forcibly extend that protection is, under the Triad, irrelevant. Humanity as a whole was strengthened, that is what mattered. The third and final part of the Triad is a simple doctrine of power. To the Vendarians it is the logical conclusion of the first two parts of the Triad. To survive and care for the weak, one must acquire power, preferably military power for words only mean so much in a universe filled with treachery and lies. Power is the only thing that can keep the Vendarians alive and protected in an ultimately uncaring universe. As the first part of the Triads states, there is no one that will save them, the second part insists they must take matters into their own hands and care for themselves. The final part of this Triad, often called the doctrine of power, declares that a strong military and a firm loyalty to the Imperium and Humanity is only way to accomplish their basic goal of survival. The direct influences of the Triad on Vendarian culture are easy to see. The Triad’s encouragement of militarism and seeking power ensures that the Imperium’s first priority is the military and sound physical defenses as well as the resources needed to support such endeavors. The fact that their first contact was with the Mantis of all aliens, ensures that their doctrine of survival is also a doctrine of xenophobia. They have seen what humanity is capable of when they’re fighting their own kin, to their minds, pondering how a completely alien mind would measure humanity is terrifying in the extreme. Insofar as the Vendarians are concerned, the galaxy is full of predators; strength and power are needed to fight them off. One would think this attitude would result in a uniformly harsh, brutal, humorless people. This is not precisely the case. As life in the galaxy is, to the Vendarian mind, hostile in the extreme, the common belief is that one should seize what happiness and comfort they can. There is no use; after all, for fighting for a life so empty that death would be a relief. The Vendarians are, after all, human in the end, not simple machines. They seek what comfort they can with gusto, be it in love, religion, simple hobbies or other such things. When left to their own devices, when survival isn’t on the line and aliens a distant boogeyman, the Vendarians pursue their chosen hobbies and comforts with gusto. A general may spend his off time learning to paint masterpieces or he may simply travel the Imperium, seeking to collect a sample of each plant for his personal garden. So long as they don’t disrupt the Imperium overmuch, such activities are encouraged. A notable manifestation of this desire for comfort is their cultural obsession with gasmasks. Due to their history, gasmasks are strongly associated with security, safety and the like. To them gasmasks are much like a talisman against the horrors of the universe. Proof that human ingenuity can overcome any threat and provide safety for the entire species. Gasmasks are worn by nearly everyone in the culture while in public and only taken off in the privacy of one’s home. Seeing a Vendarian ‘unmasked’ so to speak, is regarded as an intimate gesture, one only made to family, close friends and lovers. Such a gesture indicates a high level of trust in the viewer. The Vendarian in question is deliberately making themselves vulnerable, trusting that the viewer will do nothing to harm them. There is a certain exception to this trend however; genetic modification for entertainment purposes is regarded as a massive insult to the forefathers of the Imperium and the suffering they endured. Such things are outlawed completely and merchants who sell such things are often executed or imprisoned for life. To a Vendarian, treating genetic modification so lightly is tantamount to personally destroying their families’ grave in front of them. No graver insult exists within their culture. There is a similar stigma against slavery, the Imperium has been known to seize any slaving vessel in their space, slaughter the crew, free the slaves and leave the bloody, beaten corpses of the slavers behind as a warning for others. History: The Vendarians were born in captivity. They are not a natural race, by that account. They were born one hundred and sixty years ago, the product of experimentation with the human genetic code. An attempt to create a race of super humans, a breed ready to meet the demands of live aboard generation ships for there seemed to be little hope of breaking out of the prison that Sol system had become by any other means. They were bred, probed and prodded by uncaring, clinical hands. Their creators, whoever they were, had formidable resources at their command. Entire mountain ranges on Mars were given over to this secret project. The desolate, red spires of rock and dust served as the womb of the entire Vendarian race. It is the nature of a beaten dog to turn against its masters however. You beat a creature long enough, you break it completely, but if you strike it one more time, the creature will tear out your throat. The creators of the Vendarians forgot this very important lesson, seeking only ways to apply the ‘improvements’ visited upon the Vendarians upon a larger population. When the end came, it was and brutal. Guards were torn apart by frenzied mobs, bulkheads pounded in by beams of steel. One hundred and thirty years after their creation, the Vendarians could be considered a free people, albeit one unknown to humanity at large, isolated as they were in the wilderness of Mars. Knowing little of the outside world, the Vendarians became semi-mythical tech-bandits, wondering the wastes of Mars in scavenged vehicles, always covered by environmental suits and gasmasks. As they tasted freedom however, as they grew into their own, their thoughts slowly turned to vengeance, to those who had robbed them of their dignity. They grew bolder. (Examples of Vendarian dress during the free Martian stage of their existence) When a group of Vendarians infiltrated one of the great cities of Mars, they stumbled across a symbol that had been worn by those they had slain during the revolt. When they returned to the mountains, they spread the word that their tormentors appeared to live on. For the second time in their history, the Vendarian people prepared to make war. A great army was gathered, marshaling from the Martian wilderness. To the citizens of the city and indeed, the Sol system at large, it appeared as though an army had sprung up from the dust itself to make war upon them. The Vendarians seized the city, overwhelming local forces completely. They could not know what they were up against, knowing but little of humanity at large. This was their undoing. Sol responded with overwhelming force, crushing the Vendarian forces in but three days. The ramshackle vehicles and crude weapons that the bandits sported were simply incapable of matching the high-tech equipment of their enemies. Within two weeks, the last of the Vendarians mountain homes had been captured by the victorious forces of humanity. Their decade of freedom was at an end. Humanity, by and large, had no idea what could be done about them. They had, seemingly, sprung out of the wilderness of Mars. They spoke a language that, while vaguely understandable, was confusing at best. The fact that someone was running about in the shadows, burning evidence, silencing witnesses and clearing databases did little to help them understand matters. Eventually penal colonies were established on the Moon. This was where the Vendarians spent the rest of their existence in Sol, locked away from the rest of humanity and watched over by increasingly nervous guards. When FTL was discovered and Humanity reached out to the stars, the Vendarians were amongst the first colonists sent out. To the farthest habitable system Humanity could reach. The sooner the entire incident was forgotten, the better, seemed to be the opinion of the human governments. Under the unblinking eyes of Confederacy soldiers, the Vendarians made a new life for themselves in the stars. Their population, already large from their time on the moon, grew larger yet. They became more worldly, more understanding of the universe around them due to the efforts of benevolent forces within the Confederacy. This, unfortunately, had the opposite effect then these forces had hoped. As a people, the Vendarians had seen the worst of the universe, and learning that they were quite close to the Mantis did little to ease their paranoia. The uneasy truce between the Vendarians and their Confederate masters couldn’t hold forever and fifty years after the Vendarians had been hurled into the stars, they revolted. Confederate presence on their worlds was light and easily overwhelmed, indeed, the conflict is popularly known as the “Three Day War” by military historians. The Confederacy, in no mood to fight a war when it had more pressing matters to engage in, more or less allowed them to leave. The Vendarians militarized, expanded and became increasingly xenophobic, fearful of the universe around them. Programs were launched by the new, independent government, to bring yet more resources into their grasp. They colonized Iskander on their own initiative, with no support from other human governments, a feat they remain quite proud of. This time period was something of a renaissance for Vendarians as a whole, their culture became more defined, their identity solidified, the experiences and wisdom passed down from generation to generation became a coherent ideology that united the entire civilization. They designed and fielded their own fleet of combat craft, military vehicles, weapons and much more. They were, by the end of this period, more than a people, more than a group brought together by common suffering; they were, indisputably, a nation. An Imperium. Still, the scars of their past haunted them, wherever the Imperium looked it saw potential threats, horrors hiding in the shadows. Ten years before the Mantis invasion, they turned their eyes to the colony of Bastion. Their neighbors were, in the Vendarian’s estimation, prey presenting their throat to a predator. They had only a small military to defend them, with a smattering of militiamen serving as a reserve. They also showed no sign of changing this any time soon, ignoring the Vendarian ambassador and the concerns he constantly raised. The Vendarians ever mindful of the horrors visited upon their ancestors began preparations for an invasion, reasoning that if someone was going to invade Bastion, it might as well be someone who had its best interests in mind. When the Vendarians struck, they struck quickly and efficiently. The Third Shock Army, supported by the fleet, quickly overcame Bastion’s defenses. The Imperium then set about rebuilding Bastion to the trying standards it held itself to. While not wantonly brutal, this invasion was a clear violation of Bastion’s rights as a colony, not to mention the numerous civil rights violations inflicted upon the civilians of Bastion. At this point relations with the League and the Imperium became quite cold. Still, the Vendarians consider the invasion justified. When the Mantis hit the Imperium, their armies stood strong and beat off the threat completely, albeit it at a cost. If they had not invaded Bastion, the Imperium insists, everyone on that planet would have been dead. Edited March 27, 2014 by Basilisk 1 Quote I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.
Silvan Haven Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Name: Kenshin HarkenGender: MaleAge: 52Species: HumanProfession: Away team heavy/HackerSkills: Highly skilled at mid to close range combat due to his backround in special forces. In addition to this he is also a competent hacker, capable of overridingdoors and temporarily taking over certain systems. While somewhat less so then his other skills, Kenshin is capable of finding his way around a variety of machines. While certainly not a mechanic, he can do basic things like emergency repairs on vehicles.Items: A suit of powered armor that, aside from the normal strength enhancements and protection comes with a hacking suite and a pair of plasma armblades. The armblades are eighteen inches long and made out a special type of metal that is coated with plasma when activated. Due to the extreme ranges of environments that a special forces operator would be fighting in, the suit is environmentally sealed. High grade filters provide air most of the time however, if the outside environment is deemed unsafe or the user enters the command it will switch to an internal life support system.Appearance: Black hair with thin eyes so dark brown as to be almost black themselves. Despite his Japanese heritage Kenshin is rather tall, a full 6' 3" and he has done everything humanly possible to turn it all in to solid muscle. Despite this, he hardly looks muscle bound, instead having turned in to a lean and fast killing machine. Due to the extended amount of time he spends in the suit Kenshins's skin is almost ghostly pale, contrasting sharply with his dark hair and eyes.Personality: Kenshin is a soldier through and through. HIs first loyalty is to the Federation and his mission. On the battlefield he is a professional. Off the battlefield he is surprisingly normal. Over twenty years as a special forces operator seem to have done very little to his world view. In it's simplest form, there are good people out there and bad people out there. In order to make sure the good people can lives there lives in peace then somebody has to keep the darkness away.Biography: Kenshin joined the the Terran Army shortly after his eighteenth birthday, burning through basic training before heading for Advanced Individual Training as a technical specialist in the special forces. Since then he has been in a variety of conflicts across the portion of the galaxy reachable by humans, for the most part behind the scenes. He normally takes part in the kind of operation where he would need to kill you if he told you about it. Needing an extra something to make sure that the mission succeeded, High Command sent him with the Kestral as it makes its way through dangerous space. Quote "I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."
JAG18 Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Name: Jessie “Jess” Taylor Gender: Male Age: 22 Species: Human Profession: Security Personal. Skills: Specializes in hand-to-hand combat, is very athletic, has limited street fighting experience. Items: A decent knife and his most prized possession a small locket that used to belong to his mother. Appearance: About six-feet, not particularly muscular, with a medium build. Brown hair, a narrow face, small scar on his cleft chin. Suffers from Heterochromia Idirium (left eye brown, right eye blue. Personality: Loyal, unpretentious, serious, self-deprecating, and slightly introverted. Biography: Grew up in an impoverished town in the boonies of a human colony, got his first job at seven and was left the oldest of four half orphans at the age of twelve. Completely self-educated, he worked several odd jobs attempting to help support his family. After the death of his father, when he was just seventeen, his family scattered and he spent his next few years wandering from place to place looking for a purpose, when one day he got into a bar fight with the guy who turned out to be his future employer. Signed up with the Federation in hopes of serving a cause greater than himself. Weakness: Very ignorant of most sciences and disciplines, is very job/duty oriented and does not do very well in times of idleness. Quote Close up of a Camembert Cheese on Wooden Table by Laker on Pexels
Takuma Nuva Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) I'm beginning to see why Alex called mine "barebones". xPName: An amalgamation of sounds not reproducible by alien tongues. For the sake of establishing communication, "Francis".Gender: DudeAge: Around 20 human yearsSpecies: SlugProfession: Psionic SentinelSkills: Limited Psionic Interrogation, Mediocre Telekinesis, Psionic SonarItems: Arm blades, gaming console, pet rockAppearance: Dark blue with patches of lime green that come and go with the waves of ooze. Green eyes. Black long coat and fedora.Personality: Intelligent with little patience for "lesser minds". Somewhat greedy and will manipulate others to get what he wants but still full of zeal for his cause.Biography: Grew up in a small community of slugs with a simple life. He recognized that he had the brains to take him anywhere so he decided to go out into the world to increase his wealth and flex his brain muscles.Weakness: Somewhat slow. Easily tracked by the slime trail he leaves. Doesn't always know when to shut up. Takuma Nuva Edited March 27, 2014 by Takuma Nuva Quote If The Good Lord had intended us to walkHe would not have invented roller skates.-- Willy Wonka
Havelock Vetinari Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 I'm beginning to see why Alex called mine "barebones". xP We're insane. Every last one of us. Don't worry about it. Quote I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.
Burnmad Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Not to mention, we have no lives. =P (at least, i don't ._.) - Quote Avatar by Brickeens
Zhangku Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) Name: Souper Saladd (Name too incomprehensible for human tongue to pronounce) Gender: Slugperson Age: 30 Species: Slug Profession: Cook Skills: Cooking, Stealth, and Snark Items: Crystal Laser Gun Appearance: Forest green skin with pink antennae Personality: His lordly snark towards those xhe considers lesser (Everyone) is legendary, and for the most part xhe seems aloof. Although xhe does listen to what everyone says and actually is interested in other lifeforms(Why does your character do what they do? What makes them tick? Why can't they all just stop thinking for a gods ###### moment) Biography: Classified due to a series of unfortunate events. From the planet Systarnius near the outer reaches of Slug Space, Souper Saladd was born as part of a relatively recent spin off of the varied slug species that all share the same slug to slug psychic powers. As a young slugling, the colonial capital of Sluknar (Shortened for Terran files), was the slugperson’s home until it was destroyed utterly as a result of a[REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED BY THE TERRAN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. Xhe eventually reintegrated with survivors of Systernius’ destruction, and started a family. However, in order to make ends meet, xhe became a chef for the Highest Bidder Restaurant and was eventually hired by the Terran Government for off-world colonies due to their famous ability to make food out of anything edible. Hired on the Kestrel as a chef, Souper Saladd remains as a troublesome, snarky, extremely chef-wise, and overall remains to be someone who looks at themselves as able to do anything xhe needs to. However, xhe tends to be incredibly uncomfortable being around a large amount of people and has shown this since their REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED BY THE TERRAN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY at the hands of REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED BY THE TERRAN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Weakness(es): Salt and Crowds Edited May 26, 2014 by Zhangku Quote
Snelly Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) Name: Ashley Landes Gender: Female Age: 20 Species: Human (Genetically modified, scans would show small traces of feline DNA…) Profession: Fighter Pilot Skills: Skilled pilot. She can fly circles around almost anything. She’s got extensive combat training and is very athletic. Largely hand-to-hand combat and the use of small to medium firearms. Her hearing is incredibly sharp, and her other five senses are above par as well. Update: Due to more recent events Ashley has manifested psionic powers, though she hasn't learned how to completely control them. Items: Sidearm, various gear for missions, various personal effects, and a ball of yarn. Pets: An orange tabby cat named Ginger. Appearance: A woman of average height, she has a rather slim figure and pale skin. With medium-length blonde hair and brown eyes, her most striking features are her brown cat ears and tail. Sorta looks like this. Personality: Cheerful, adventurous, and eager to please. She more than ready to get into the fray, give her an order and she'll follow it to the best of her ability! She has an overly curious personality and can be easily distracted when off duty, she'd never allow her behaviour to interfere with her work. Biography: Ashley was always a bit of an odd ball, so when her friends heard she was going to Buenos Aires to have some cosmetic changes done to herself they were not surprised. However when she came back with cat ears, a tail, and the ability to purr that was a bit shocking. She'd undergone cosmetic genetic engineering to try one of the more exotic and wildly popular trends going around. It was insanely expensive though, and when her parents found her college trust fund oddly empty they were less than thrilled. She quickly decided to join the military after that, who accepted her despite her eccentricity. She scored particularly well as a fighter pilot, and when through extensive training to become one of the best. She didn't get chosen as a fighter pilot on the UFS Kestrel because she's cute. Edited May 25, 2014 by Princess Anna of Arendelle Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
Eevee Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) Name: Estelle Walker Gender: female Age: 30 Species: human Profession: flight commander and auxiliary officer Skills: Estelle is one of the best fighter pilots in the military. She fought on the wars with the mantis and was noticed for her excellent flying. She also is skilled in hand to hand combat, but not as well as crew members that partake in boarding parties. Items: Besides her fighter, The Falcon, she uses a plasma revolver and a short sword Appearance: Since the human life span for humans has increased, despite Estelle being 30, she appears to be 22. She has bright green eyes that are prone to glint with mischief. She has pink hair that she often keeps in cute, loose pigtails, ponytails, or down. She has peach colored skin and stands at about 5 foot 6 in. She is in good physical shape, not super muscular but rather has an athletic body that appeals to many of the opposite sex along with her, often described as, cute face. Personality: Estelle is an interesting character. She is prone to be mischievous at times and playful. However, she can be very easy to aggravate and sometimes gets angry, mostly when her underlings do not listen to her in a combat situation. She also enjoys teasing her shipmates playfully, but never to the point to cause any real emotional trauma. She also is a risk taker, something that was noted about her while she was a fighter pilot on earth as well. She doesn't hesitate to risk herself, especially for a shipmate. Yet, with all the differences on how she treats her shipmates, there is one she is always happy to see, her slug dog Spot. The green, and sometimes slimy (though he can control it for the most part) mastiff resembling alien canine is her favorite companion, maybe along with the Falcon. Biography: Estelle grew up on earth. Her parents were separated because her mother was stationed in Munich and her father wanted to stay in the former USA. She would travel between the two, learning to fly old crop dusters with her dad. The pink haired girl stayed in Munich mostly with her mother though. She entered the military as soon as possible and immediately, after basic training, opted to be a fighter. She quickly proved her skill in the art and learned very tactful moves with great speed. Her first test came when the mantis attacked. Her squad was sent on several missions, Estelle already in The Falcon at this point. They were sent into a particularly dangers area and many of her squad mates were shot down and... Didn't make it. Sadly, Estelle was shot down as well but luckily took a mantis with her. As both woman and mantis emerged from their aircraft, they could tell they were injured. Estelle had a pistol and luckily wasn't as in bad shape as the mantis. However it did come to close quarter combat, with her killing it, and Estelle ending up with a nasty scar across her back after the encounter. Much to her relief, the Falcon was able to repaired and upgraded perfectly. When the colonel asked her to be the flight commander, she immediately accepted. Edited March 27, 2014 by Rawrmouse Quote
Burnmad Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Basilisk, what exactly are the details of this mess hall incident? Because I had been planning to have Kel making enemies in the mess hall, so it would work for that to have been between her and Ameli. Then again, there was nothing mentioned in your post about nursing wounds, so it might not work so well. =P - Quote Avatar by Brickeens
Constructelf Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) Okay, I'm assuming that "Magnus" refers to me. If not, let me know. Name: Vincent LiuGender: MaleAge: 31Species: HumanProfession: Maintainence ChiefSkills: Fixing machinery, cleaning the ship, managing the maintenance crew.Items: Vincent carries with him a Walther PPK, a weapon of a long bygone era. He uses this weapon only in emergencies as ammunition for it is extremely hard to come by and has long ceased production. He uses it mainly for the surprise factor; nobody expects anybody to use such an outdated gun. He also carries his toolbox (filled with wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers, etc) everywhere he goes.Appearance: Vincent is a tall, surprisingly lanky man of Asian descent. He keeps the goatee on his face very well groomed; everywhere else on him is usually covered in soot and grime, however. He dresses in a maintenance variant of the Kestrel's standard uniform.Personality: Vincent is a relatively simple man, only really wanting to earn his keep by doing what he does best. He joined the crew of the Kestrel simply because that was the first job offer in the paper he could find. He is quite friendly once you can get him to talk and is very good natured.Biography: Vincent grew up the youngest child in a working class family. While his brother was lucky enough to go to university, Vincent decided to go into the trades field, eventually finding a job as a mechanic. He worked as a civilian mechanic for a number of years until the business he worked for went bankrupt. After this, he saw a job offer for the military and signed on, continuing to work as a mechanic, occasionally doing janitorial duties as well. He eventually was assigned to the Kestrel, where his hidden talent of managing people showed itself.Weakness: Vincent isn't the brightest bulb in the drawer in terms of academics, so trying to discuss anything sophisticated unrelated to technology will probably leave him clueless. As well, he gets easily startled in combat situations and isn't the brightest tactical thinker. Edited March 27, 2014 by A Magus With Class Quote
Havelock Vetinari Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Basilisk, what exactly are the details of this mess hall incident? Because I had been planning to have Kel making enemies in the mess hall, so it would work for that to have been between her and Ameli. Then again, there was nothing mentioned in your post about nursing wounds, so it might not work so well. =P Alien touched Ameli. She then began to beat it to death with her lunch tray. Security pulled her off not long after. Vendarians, as a culture, are deeply deeply screwed up. Easy to see why, but I don't plan to pull punches in that regard. Quote I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.
Burnmad Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Ah, well, that sounds more like something that would happen to a Slug or an Engi. I'll think of something else for Kel. =P - Quote Avatar by Brickeens
Necro Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) Profile? Profile! Name: Signi OvechkinGender: MaleAge: 74(Rock equivalent to about 24 in human years)Species: RockmanProfession: Combat specialist. Ship botanist.Skills: Hand to hand combat, firearms, botanyItems: A tie-dye bandana, various botanical tools, a collection of small firearms, assorted human music, and paraphernalia from the human sports of hockey and football.Appearance: Average height for a Rockman, though still much larger than even a tall human. Signi's rock-textured skin is smoother than that of most Rockmen, giving a rounder, more human appearance, though still very much stone in appearance. Has a tie-dyed, fireproof bandana tied around his neck at almost all times, and occasionally puts on a jersey for either the Chicago Bears or New York Rangers football and hockey teams, respectively. Always keeps a silver Federation insignia pinned to his chest, or whatever clothing he happens to be wearing.Personality: Incredibly laid-back. Speaks in a flat monotone nearly all the time, few things short of a blaster shot will get him at all riled up. A notable exception to this is when watching the two aforementioned sports teams. In those cases, interfering with him usually ends with a trip to the medbay, and losses tend to cause dents in the hull. Typically tries to act as a mediator in arguments between the crew. During boarding missions or engaging enemy boarding parties, fights with the abandon of a brawler, but still speaks in monotone. Has a soft spot for humans and human history, particularly the middle to late 1900's. Boxes for fun, and will happily spar with any crew members interested in amateur facial reconstruction.Biography: Born onboard a Rock expeditionary vessel, Signi spent his youth traveling the stars on the fringes of human space. While there, he developed a fondness for human culture. Once he was old enough to venture out on his own, he made his way to earth, observing and learning about human society before eventually being accepted to Harvard, where, in addition to his studies, he played football and ice hockey before an injury ended his career. With the time freed up by the lack of athletics, he added a second major on top of his Human Anthropology major: Botany. Signi had always loved plants on the rare occasion his family's vessel stopped on or near a planet with extensive vegetation. As such, he was in awe of the forests of earth, and when the opportunity to study plant life opened, he went through eagerly. Shortly after completing his degrees, Signi's alma mater, along with many of his colleagues and friends still attending, was one of the many victims of the Mantis attacks. Upon receiving the news, he applied to the Federation academy, rising quickly through its ranks in no small part due to his physical prowess compared to his mostly human comrades, and a predisposition to the hand-to-hand techniques being taught. His unusual combination of skills in combat and botany led to his selection for the voyage aboard the UFS Kestrel.Weakness: An unhealthy fondness of his plants. Though reflexes and upper body are quick, foot speed is lacking. Can be pretty racist to the Mantis. Edited March 27, 2014 by Necro Quote
Krayzikk Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Ah, finally I get to pull out the profile I've been sitting on for a few weeks. (Pre-approved by Humva a while back) Name: William Daniels, Major (O-4)Gender: MaleAge: 32Species: HumanProfession: Weapons OfficerSkills: William, as one would expect from his part in the mission, is remarkably skilled at his job. Firing orders are heard and followed with incredible speed and precision, and he knows the Kestrel's weapons as well as the back of his hand. As one would also expect from an officer of his rank, he is capable of assessing a situation and formulating a response very quickly, a trait he has found useful in many situations. Less expected from a shipboard officer, however, is his skill with personal weaponry; A very good shot with most sidearms, and at the very least a competent one with common model rifles.Items: William carries a coilgun revolver of fairly common make as his personal sidearm. It's a mid-caliber model of the autorevolver variety, chosen for its reliability and compatibility with most common munitions. He doesn't mind its relatively low capacity (Eight shots before reloading) much; He feels that if he ever ends up in a situation where he needs more than eight shots, he better have been smart enough to bring more firepower along. Additionally, he carries a slim tablet computer along with him. Said computer is primarily for personal use, he is most often seen using it to read various books in his off time, but it is nevertheless protected by military grade security to safeguard against the possibility that the little professional information on it could be stolen.Appearance: Of fairly average height, perhaps a bit above, William is a youthful-looking man with light brown hair kept almost exactly at maximum regulation length. Nonetheless, it manages to look almost eternally messy to a slight degree, the only noted exception being official events with prior notice. His face is usually set in a cheerful half-grin, his dark blue eyes glowing with perpetual energy. On duty, he wears the Kestrel's standard uniform, a skintight jumpsuit beneath a long-sleeve dark gray shirt and a pair of pants of the same color. His revolver is kept holstered at his side, and his tablet is usually tucked under one arm. The only things that really set his appearance apart are the rank insignias on his shoulders. When off the ship, at resupply stops in particular, he dons decidedly more casual attire, wearing a nondescript light gray overcoat over said attire.Personality: One of the first things that one notices when they meet William is the fact that he isn't one to stand on ceremony. Rank, in his eyes, should not color every shipboard interaction. "Friendly" is one of the most common adjectives to hear applied. The Major is a perpetual night owl; He tends to be awake, if not out and about the ship, at most hours, and it has become something of a question as to whether or not he sleeps at all. Nonetheless, he never seems to be tired, though he does seem to always have a coffee mug in one hand. When off-duty, he's usually indulging in one of his hobbies; Old science fiction. Movies, novels, the occasional video game, he's fond of it all. Despite the usual picture of cheer, he has a tendency to become deadly serious when the situation requires, to the extent that one almost wonders where the science-fiction-loving coffee hound went. The surest way to trigger that level of seriouness, notably, is a situation involving the Mantis. Biography: William grew up on Earth, the child of upper middle class parents. The older of two siblings, he had a fairly uneventful childhood. While his sister tended towards more artistic pursuits, he preferred more factual fields, which led many to comment that he took more after his father (An engineer who worked on several classes of the military's ships) than his mother. A decent student, he graduated school in good standing, and it was thought by his family that he'd enroll in college, and perhaps go into engineering like his father. He had, after all, expressed interest in the ships his father worked on since he was a child. Which is why everyone was surprised when he enrolled in an officer's academy for the Space Forces. Upon graduation, he was enlisted in the Space Forces as a First Lieutenant. He served with competency on several different ships, eventually earning the rank of Captain by the time the Mantis attacked Earth. On the eve of the assault, he was serving as the Weapons Officer on board the UFS Archangel, an older battleship that had been in service for several decades. In fact, it was slated to be decommissioned within a few years, and as such, was left behind as part of the skeleton force defending Earth when the main fleet journeyed to the Engis' homeworld. Reports after the fact characterized the Mants' strike as brutal and devastating, but they don't do the fight justice. The force had been caught almost entirely off guard, and several vessels were destroyed within the first twenty minutes, ripped apart by the foe's superior numbers. The Archangel regrouped with the remaining vessels to mount a futile defense, and due to the ship's heavier armor, they managed to remain in the fight longer than most. But no matter how well the small force fought, it was clear that they were doomed from the start. Despite its armor, the Archangel was soon crippled. Its captain ordered the crew to abandom ship, none too soon for the ship was destroyed no sooner than the lifepods launched. It was in large part for naught, anyway; Only a few of the pods launched actually made planetfall, the rest shot down by the Mantis fleet. Then-Captain William's was one of the few that made planetfall. He landed not far from London, and was quite quickly forced to help defend against the encroaching Mantis forces. After a few days, when the main fleet returned, William was one of the only surviving members of the force that had been present in orbit, let alone the Archangel's crew. When the dust settled, roughly a year ago now, he was promoted for his conduct during the Mantis' initial attack. He served briefly on another ship before being tapped to serve as Weapons Officer on board the UFS Kestrel.Weakness: Though he is athletically fit, William is, at best, a competent hand to hand combatant. Forced into close range against a better fighter, he will quickly find himself on the defensive, and without a change in the situation, fighting a losing battle not long after that. He can handle the average thug off the street with ease, but against a trained fighter... He is not likely to fare well. 1 Quote On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point? Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG
shadow pridak money gang Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Basilisk, what exactly are the details of this mess hall incident? Because I had been planning to have Kel making enemies in the mess hall, so it would work for that to have been between her and Ameli. Then again, there was nothing mentioned in your post about nursing wounds, so it might not work so well. =P Alien touched Ameli. She then began to beat it to death with her lunch tray. Security pulled her off not long after. I don't always agree with you, Bas, but you can always make me laugh, you. -Tyler 1 Quote SAY IT ONE MORE TIME TELL ME WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND
Takuma Nuva Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Looking at the hierarchy sheet, I'm guessing the "O"s stand for "officer". What about the "E"s?Takuma Nuva Quote If The Good Lord had intended us to walkHe would not have invented roller skates.-- Willy Wonka
Snelly Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Looking at the hierarchy sheet, I'm guessing the "O"s stand for "officer". What about the "E"s?Takuma Nuva 'E' is for "Everyone else." :3 1 Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
Krayzikk Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Looking at the hierarchy sheet, I'm guessing the "O"s stand for "officer". What about the "E"s? Takuma NuvaEnlisted. Quote On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point? Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG
AuRon the champion Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) Name: Au’Rehn (Name derived by colony locals. Family name of ‘Au’. First name of ‘Rehn’).Gender: FemaleAge: Exact age unknown, somewhere around early twenties/late teens.Species: Human.Profession: Engineering Assistant.Skills: A variety of Engineering skills. Au’Rehn is adept at fixing, making, and improving technology. As well as scavenging.Items: Engineering tools. Uniforms. Few personal belongings. A dress bought for her by Ashley.Appearance: Stands close to six feet with close-cut black hair, with dark, almost black eyes. Wears standard Federation uniform at almost all times.Personality: Au’Rehn says little, except for when something must be said. Has displayed a fine wit, and a lack of regard for public opinion. She also has a curious nature, eager to learn more about the world around him, and how it works. This has suited her quite well, as she works as an assistant in engineering. When Devas doesn't want or need her, Au'Rehn has a habit of wandering around the ship.Biography: Au’Rehn was born as a ’colonist’ on Yubokun, a former colony world. At some point in the colony’s history, society broke down, and when the Federation arrived to clean up, they found Yubokun a wasteland by the colonist’s design. What colonists could be found were taken for questioning, and the planet became a dumping ground for ships, outdated technology, and more. However, not all the colonists were found by the Federation, and those that remained began to build solitary lives in the world that was rapidly filling with faulty tech and other junk. Leap forward to present day. Au’Rehn lived in a small community of individuals, and like all who live on the junk planet, used the materials around them to build what they needed. Building out of junk forced those in Rehn’s community (known collectively as the ‘Au’) to constantly fix their own creations. Eventually, the Au were able to make contact with a Federation ship that had been dumping outdated drones on the planet, and contact between the Au and the Federation was reestablished. When Rehn was old enough, she joined the Federation, becoming enlisted on The Kestral as the Assistant Engineer. Since joining The Kestral, Rehn did engineering stuff, revealed that he's actually a she, did more engineering stuff, and developed an interest in the ship's resident Catgirl.Weakness: Is a regular human with no real combat training/experience. Edited May 27, 2014 by First Son Jiyu Quote BZPRPG Characters
Havelock Vetinari Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 ...So, how long before the ship ends up in a state of civil war? We all know it's going to happen. Quote I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.
Burnmad Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) I'll say a month, give or take a week. Edit: And lol, "civil war". Kel-on-a-pike is a more accurate description of the most likely outcome. =P - Edited March 27, 2014 by Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons Quote Avatar by Brickeens
Havelock Vetinari Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Please. We're all civilized beings here. We'd lynch her. Quote I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.
Burnmad Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Oh, while we're talking about Kel, anyone who wishes may interact with her. She's not really going anywhere specific at the moment. She might be interested in forming some sort of coalition of alien outcasts, though she'd probably be an outcast in said group. =P - Quote Avatar by Brickeens
JAG18 Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 J. Taylor ain't exactly busy right now either; he's probably just viewing surveillance monitors like most real life security do. Quote Close up of a Camembert Cheese on Wooden Table by Laker on Pexels
Snelly Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Ashley wants to be friends with everyone so go ahead and talks with her. <3 Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
Burnmad Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 I think she's going to be in for some disappointment there. xD Hehehe. Francis is my new favorite character. =P - Quote Avatar by Brickeens
Havelock Vetinari Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Good luck with the Vendarians. They don't like Gene Deviants much. Quote I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.
shadow pridak money gang Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 chastain <3 -Tyler Quote SAY IT ONE MORE TIME TELL ME WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND
Snelly Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Good luck with the Vendarians. They don't like Gene Deviants much. Miracles can happen....though probably not that one. XD Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
Burnmad Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 I like how anyone who's not a Mantis can open their character up for interaction, and instantly get two different responses at once. xD - Quote Avatar by Brickeens
Alex Humva Posted March 27, 2014 Author Posted March 27, 2014 I did warn you about this mate. Quote 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 "In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong
Burnmad Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Meh, it'll be easier once I make my... Rock... character. Nope, this isn't going to be getting any better. xD - Quote Avatar by Brickeens
Alex Humva Posted March 27, 2014 Author Posted March 27, 2014 I suppose you could try socializing with the other Mantis, whenever Falcon shows up. Quote 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 "In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong
Constructelf Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Quick question: if we happen to make a new character, will we treat it as if it had been on the ship the entire time? Or will there be stops at outposts where new characters can jump in? Quote
Ehksidian Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 hahok, lemme dredge up my profile from he depths of my PM box... Quote Steam name: Ehksidian
Krayzikk Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Meh, it'll be easier once I make my... Rock... character. Nope, this isn't going to be getting any better. xD - In fairness, in addition to the handful of xenophobic characters, there's also the characters who were personally present for the Mantis invasion. Even if they aren't xenophobic, such things tend to push tolerance to the limits. Quote On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point? Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG
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