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So, lately I've been getting back into MOCing, and I've decided I'm actually going to post pictures of them now! This one, unlike my previous MOC is a made up character and utilizes a more complex and custom design. I actually like him so much, I might write a Short Story, or perhaps Epic detailing his adventures. I also provided a small history of his life which you guys are welcome to read! :)



Kyraan of Ta

- Builder, Mask Maker, Soldier, Chronicler, Civil War Leader, Criminal, Mercenary, Redeemed Hero -


(~100,000 + Years Ago)  Kyraan was created during the early stages of the universe as a Ta-Matoran laborer on the Northern tip of the Southern Continent. He was tasked as a builder and mask-maker, originally slacking off and would often break focus while working, but over time has excelled at his crafting skills to the point where he could craft and build double the amount compared to his comrades.

He is eventually selected to be one of the Matoran to go to Artakha and labours there happily for several thousands of years.

(100,000 Years Ago)  Kyraan labours in Artakha and excels well in his profession, and is part of the team that builds the first Toa Canisters in Artakha. As the project nears completion, he becomes intrigued with Toa and their adventures, wondering if maybe one day he can become an adventurer himself?

(95,000 Years Ago)  Kyraan leaves Artakhato become an adventurer and sets out to explore the world, visiting his former Koro, and eventually landing on Stelt, where he was recruited into Pridak's army of Matoran.

(95,000 Years Ago)  Kyraan moves up the ranks of Barraki Pridak's Legion and witnesses the creation of the League of Six Kingdoms.

(~87,000 Years Ago)  Kyraan is mentored by Pridak in militant strategies which make him feel uneasy regarding the entire operation and he deserts Pridak's legions. Due to this, he is punished and is only severely maimed by Pridak. Kyraan wanders and makes his way to Zakaz, home of the peaceful Skakdi species, where he meets an inventor, Avak, who helps the Matoran and rebuilds him into a stronger form. He makes way to the Northern continent where he accompanies, and becomes a Chronicler to a group of Toa on their journey to Metru Nui. He goes back to his life of being an expert craftsmen, and serves as becomes a writer due to his experience as a Chronicler. He eventually writes a book, titled Barraki: Rise of the Kingdoms, reflecting on his time with the Barraki. Due to this, he became a popular figure in Ta-Metru, becoming very close with all Ta-Matoran and holding them to a higher regard than others.

(79,500 Years Ago)  Kyraan becomes involved in the Matoran Civil War and due to his former experience as a soldier and military commander, and becomes one of the Matoran of Fire who lead one side of the war. Due to his new-found belief in Ta-Matoran supremacy, he becomes ruthless and adopts much of Pridak's old tactics.

(79,100 Years Ago)  Kyraan is sentenced to the Pit along the other leaders. The Matoran Civil War ends. He spends the next 78,000 years in the Pit, reflecting and regretting his past decisions and actions.

(1,001 Years Ago)  Voya Nui skyrockets to Aqua Magna, the pit is flooded and Kyraan is released from his prison, however he is moderately mutated by the waters into a much larger form than most Matoran. The process caused him to grow spikes out his armor and to become a water breather. He witnesses the Barraki's degradation and manages to avoid them. He steals a waraxe and shield from Hydraxon's weapon cache, and flees as far as possible from the Pit. For the next 100 years he wanders and explores the underwater regions of Aqua Magna and brings judgment to former Pit prisoners in the far reaches of the planet. He befriends a small herd of Hydruka who assist him in his quest for redemption and justice.

(300 Years Ago Kyraan gets ready to launch an assault on the Barraki Fortress, but is prevented by the descent of Mahri Nui. Instead, he works on rescuing the Matoran that descended and employs his Hydruka to provide air for the Matoran. Eventually, he finds an apparatus that would enable him to breathe on land, as well as a motorized vehicle with gliding capabilities. He takes both with him and goes to the giant hole in the chest of the Great Spirit, where he makes a desperate attempt down the waterfall and makes it to the Southern Continent. Here, he makes way to a small city where he serves as a mercenary, specializing in underwater operations. 

(Present)  Kyraan witnesses Teridax's takeover and decides to join the resistance forces, eventually fighting alongside Gali during many of the battles, making his way onto Spherus Magna where he would lead a platoon of Matoran in fighting Skrall. After the defeat of Teridax he became amphibious.

(Close Future)  Kyraan's records have been discovered by Vakama and the Order of Mata Nui, and he has been selected to become one of many Matoran that would be transformed into Toa Cordak, Heroes of Desolation, tasked with hunting down various criminals and threats to the Universe that escaped after Makuta crashed. He was tasked with hunting down and bringing justice to Pridak and his rising armies, partially due to the fact that Kyraan had crossed paths with the Barraki before, and is familiar with him. When he was transformed, he kept his menacing Pit appearance, partially due to being exposed to the Mutagen, partially due to the rebuilding Avak did on him, and partially because he wanted to to be reminded of his cloudy past. Shortly after his creation, he was stationed on an Island Fortress with Toa Krakua, who trained him, before he went off to find and bring Pridak to Justice. Shortly after his departure, the Fortress was attacked by a band of Spherus Magna criminals, and Krakua delivered his message from the future to Toa Vakama.



Thanks for reading. :P

Onto the Pictures!



Pit Matoran





Body Detail


Arm/Shield Zoom In

Leg Zoom In



Toa Cordak



Front Zoom In


*cracks knuckles*


Arm Zoom In

Leg Zoom In

WarAxe (flail mode)


Note: When designing the Toa, I started taking apart the Matoran, reinforced the body to represent that he quite literally grew into a Toa. Same with the arms and legs, and axe. :P



I honestly see the Toa as one of the better MOCs I've created. Please let me know what you think, and if you would like to see any other angles for either models! :)

Edited by Archon~
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"For one to truly feel alive, the person must kill oneself a little bit each and every day."


Check out my MOC, one of the new generation of Toa on Spherus Magna!

***Toa Kyraan***


@RRB: glad you like the story, it took me a while to write it up. :P


@Seltz: Glad I could pleasantly surprise you! :D


@Mohamed Marei: Thank you! And, I tried to limit the gunmetal since I wanted the Mata red and silver to stand out mostly. I thought the places I put the gunmetal on would give the impression that it's well-dispersed, I even put a small piece on the back to go with that. Where would you put more gunmetal, just wondering!



"For one to truly feel alive, the person must kill oneself a little bit each and every day."


Check out my MOC, one of the new generation of Toa on Spherus Magna!

***Toa Kyraan***


Wow. Great job with the story and character! Most MOC's i see aren't that great (not throwing out any names), but these rank up there with the featured Lewa and Tahu's on the home page. Great job!

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran


Wow. Great job with the story and character! Most MOC's i see aren't that great (not throwing out any names), but these rank up there with the featured Lewa and Tahu's on the home page. Great job!

Hahaha, thank you so much! That actually means a lot, and you have inspired me to create another Moc that would be a part of the Toa Cordak "team". :)


Also UPDATE: I rewrote his story (the Future section) so it says that he is going after Pridak (due to former relations) instead of the Element Lord of Water, because this story seems more plausible and relevant to his story. Do go on and read if interested. :)



"For one to truly feel alive, the person must kill oneself a little bit each and every day."


Check out my MOC, one of the new generation of Toa on Spherus Magna!

***Toa Kyraan***



Eventually, he finds an apparatus that would enable him to breathe on land, as well as a motorized vehicle with gliding capabilities.


Did you end up making the vehicle? Sorry, just a derpy question I had to ask

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran


No, I haven't sorry, but good idea! :P

Plus, his Matoran form has been taken apart and made into his current Toa state, so it wouldn't make sense for me to make the vehicle now, when the Pilot is a hulking, spike armored Toa of Fire. :shrugs:


Maybe I'll do it if I ever try and do a pre-mutation form?



"For one to truly feel alive, the person must kill oneself a little bit each and every day."


Check out my MOC, one of the new generation of Toa on Spherus Magna!

***Toa Kyraan***

  • 9 months later...

This is a very impressive Moc. The bright red and the silver flow together well, and I enjoy the weapons and the backstory you gave this guy. I'm also a fan of the breathing tubes, since they vaguely remind me of how they were used on Hydraxon. Very nice!

Thank you to the Dark Beings Banner and Avatar Shop for the banner! Brickshelf Gallery  BZPRPG Profiles 




Shadow, while this is a stupendous MOC, your comment is a thread revival and as such will have to be closed down by the mods.

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran

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