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The Kanohi Force


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Chapter 4: The Mods Are On To Us


One day in the bustling metro of BZ-Metru, a certain office building in the heart of the city was turned, by the power of 12 Toa of Stone, into a giant pillar of stone. From the BZ-Metru government building, the leader of the bustling city lowered a pair of sunglasses as he looked on at the destructive landmass. “Mother of Mata-Nui…” Black Six said, making a reference to the ever-popular rage face.


The leader of the department of editing, -Windrider-, looked on as well. “This… goes against BZ-Metru regulation, as well as Bionicle canon! Toa of Stone can’t combine into Kaita, Toa Nui, or an Omnipotent Stone Grand Master of All Things Good!”


The mods gasped, flustered. They know what they had to do… stop the Kanohi Force.


Meanwhile, in said towering pillar of stone, the Kanohi Force was sitting at the meeting table of LEEDURSHIP. Ghidora  ed and said, “Let this meeting of the Kanohi Force LEEDURSHIP Counsel begin! Shadow, membership report!”


The 1st Shadow sighed, stood, and announced, “New membership applications flowing in! Soon, our army, erm, I mean members will be larger than any other organization in the Metru!” 


            Arzaki and Jakura Nuva started creeping away to the back room. “Finally, it’s time to prove that Gukko Lord can in fact lay eggs large enough to use as foosballs!”


As they stealthily crept away, Gukko Lord shouted, “I heard that!” and commenced attacking them with the Gatling launcher on his Protector of Earth. Unfortunately, it ran out of ammo after six shots, and the Bird Lord stood dejected.


Suddenly, Arzaki pulled a life-sized Gatling launcher out of Ghidora’s pockets, and aimed it at Gukky. “Say hello to my enormous friend!”


Suddenly, the rock wall next to the LEEDURSHIP table exploded. “Was that me?” Arzaki asked, confused. Through the hole, the infamous Mods walked in. Jakura, Arzaki, and Gukko Lord dove behind the gatling launcher. Black Six and –Windrider- flew through the wall and used their administrative powers to levitate The 1st Shadow, Ghidora, Dallior, and Pohatu: Master of Stone, and hold them in custody. “~T1S~, ghidora131, Dallior, and Pohatu: Master of Stone, you are hereby under arrest for creating an uncondoned pillar of stone in the middle of BZ-Metru and leading this establishment. We have no choice but to hold you in custody until further notice.” And after that, they began flying to the Mod Tower to be judged.


“No! Wait! I’m a Premier Member! Help!!” Ghiddy shouted as he flew across the skyline.


“You can’t do that to me! I have actual storyline importance! This is the only place where I can do what I want! You’d make towers of stone too if you had to get bossed around by the story team!” Pohatu screamed. 


“I told them not to!” Shadow yelled to Black Six. “Also, what would make you think I did this? I’m your personal representative in this forum!”


–Windrider- then repaired the hole in the building and followed the prisoners. 


Once they were gone, the remaining three Kanohi Force leaders gasped and stepped out from behind their shelter. “Oh noes! The mods took them! What do we do?” Jakura Nuva asked confused.


As they considered whether they should flaunt their leedurship powers and mess around, or save their friends, the doors opened to the office building. “Hello?” someone with a thick Southern accent asked. “Is this here the Kanohi Force buildin’?” It was a blue and white Toa of Ice. “Hey. The name’s Kovika. I’m here to help.”


“Kovika?!” The three fugitives asked in unison. “Aren’t you just the guest star?” Gukko asked.  


"STOP! You're gonna break the Fourth Wall!" Arzaki shouted.


"It's been broken since Pohatu crushed it with a rock tower!" Gukko retorted.




"THIS IS A FREAKIN' COMEDY! LOGIC IS NONEXISTANT!" someone shouted. It was such a ruckus, even the narrator couldn’t understand who said it.


“ANYWAYS…” the Ice Toa guest star shouted in a thick Southern accent. “Aren’t we, um, gonna to save your friends er somethin’?”



Meanwhile, in the Mod Tower, -Windrider- and Black Six had imprisoned the four Kanohi Force leaders responsible for the giant stone pillar in BZ-Metru as they tried to come up with a punishment. Once finished with their plans, the two most feared mods throughout the whole of BZ-Metru stepped into the detainment bay, thunder crashing behind them. First, Black Six slowly walked up to 1st Shadow.

“~T1S~,” Black Six said, actually saying the word “~T1S~”, “you are hereby charged for leading and condoning this event that happened inside your own organization…” “I argued against it!” Shadow yelled, a little too early. Black Six growled, “AND mocking a Mod, I hereby retract one Proto Point from your Proto Bar.” The 1st Shadow could feel the energy drain from him.


“Next, ghidora131.” –Windrider- said as he approached Ghiddy’s cell. “You are hereby charged for…”


“WAIT A SECOND!” the prisoner shouted. “I have something to say!” Black Six walked over to the cell with –Windrider-, curious what babblings would spring from the brook of Ghidora’s mouth. Ghidora reached into his pockets… and pulled out a puppet show stand, 4 extra arms, and puppets of every character in the Bionicle universe. He then donned the Toa Mata puppets… and began to re-enact the entire Bionicle story, extra serials included.


Once he was finished, Black Six and –Windrider- were in tears. “That… was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen.” Black Six said, a smile on his face and tears in his eyes. “You are free to go.”

Ghidora, Pohatu, and Dallior all cheered.

Then, The 1st Shadow asked, “Wait, do I still have -1 Proto?” –Windrider- sighed and whisked the members of the Force back to their building.


“Whew, that was close!” Pohatu sighed. “Well, it’s back to Okoto for me! Protector of Stone, I summon thee!” He then was joined by the Protector of Stone and the Golden Mask of Stone. He donned the mask, powering up and gaining his kaboom-erang sandshoes, and flew away to the mystical island of Mata Nui- er, I mean, Okoto, back to help the Toa Mata, er, Masters, save the benevolent ruler Mata Nui, I mean, Ekimu.


The three almost-prisoners sighed and went to the basement, trying to find where their friends could be. They eventually found them, with Kovika, in the basement, which had been converted into a deluxe mansion suite, complete with hot-tub and an Xbox One with all of the digitally-remastered Bionicle video games, including the yet-to-be-released Okoto video game.


“What are you guys doing in here?” Ghidora asked. “Weren’t you going to come save us?”


“Well, that’s a long story.” Gukko Lord responded. He then turned back to the TV, where Bionicle: Mask of Light was playing.


And the camera zoomed out from the basement, out of the tower, and to an establishing shot of the BZ-Metru skyline. The lasts things we hear are the beautiful tones of Jaller screaming, “Ta-KOO-ah!” Ta-KOO-ah!”



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"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran

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Speaking of getting a lot done, I need to speak with the team a little about burning things stuff.

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:a: :r: :z: :a: :k: :i:

I got Monster Hunter World on PS4, add me at bmrjw2 if you want

Also I play FFXIV, my main is Anastasia Willow on Exodus but I've got characters on every NA datacenter.

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I wonder if anyone would like to see what happens when I cross a Tarakava and a Kane-Ra? Would any like to be involved in experiments on rahi?

  • Upvote 1

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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Everyone has something special:

Pohatu:MoS has a reboot.

I am a Bread Enthusiast.

Ghidora loves puppets.

Arzaki Loves Burning Stuff.

TIR knows about mixing Rahi.

Jakura is Jakura

T1S makes great comics.

Gukko Lord is obviously part Gukko Bird

And Dallior is, well, let's just say he has more rocks in his head than a Po-Matoran.

  • Upvote 2

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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