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What Did You Do While The Forums Were Down?

Illustrious Var

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I was a brand new member when the forums went down, but I was on bzp a lot before as a guest. I pretty much continued life without it or Bionicle, checking the site every once in a while, focused on school, sports, and things there. Glad to see it's finally back. - Darok

"You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement." - Steve Prefontaine

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I had an awesome summer. met a lot of new people in my community and made some really good friends. worked on school. started my pursuit for college. continued in my writing.

It was all a lie. There's nothing wrong with you.

Nice of you to say. But you of all people should know:

there's plenty wrong with me.






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Danced like a madman, Made several stopmotions, Entered a bagpipe class, Meddled in live action films, and MINECRAFT.

It's been so long since I've been on a forum site, I forgot how to Banner.


This is a problem that Mark Ruffalo had at the start of Thor: Ragnarok, but mine is more difficult.


Although, I think an equal amount of Chris Hemsworth will fix it.

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I browsed the forums with the lo-fi verson XDWell, I did until the site stopped saying that it was offline (you know, that blue page), and it started showing the "Board Message."Whoa, serious Deja Vu right there. --:ruru:



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I played games, watched movies, listened to music, read books, celebrated a birthday. And My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. :wub:

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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As far as Bionicle/Lego is concerned I got overly nerdy with making cars, to the point that they no longer had spaces for drivers, and were designed to purely go as fast as possible when you push them. I had them fitted with Diffusers, and was carefully shaping the front end so it didn't have a leading edge that caught the carpet, incredibly pedantic stuff like that. Still I enjoyed it.

- Taipu1.


HighFly Matoran


BZPRPG Profiles

Have you seen my Blog? I understand if you haven't

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Honestly, shortly before the forums went down, I kinda stopped coming here...though I'd VERY occasionally check to see how everyone was doing, etc...but then the forums were down. *LE GASP*Anyway, as for what I did while the forums were down, I FINALLY got around to my lifelong dream of learning martial arts. (Currently studying at a karate dojo that also teaches various weapons, with arnis/baston/kali sticks as my weapon of choice.) Oh, and watched more anime, been to more conventions, etc...But it's great to be back. I will honestly say that BZPers are like family to me. Missed you guys.

Edited by Zanza

---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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Well...I didn't even know it was shut down. I was away for a while for several reasons...I have a new puppy that I'm still trying to house-break *but he's so cute!*; I'm in my first year of college (can't really complain yet; I'm liking the new freedoms and liberties that the classes have to offer), watching videos online, browsing around, hanging out with family...my time has been quite busy, and eventful. Still, I'm glad the forums are back! ^_^

Hahligirl56 - fan since 2004.

"The fool wanders, a wise man travels." - Thomas Fuller

"Problems are only opportunities in work clothes." - Henry J. Kaiser

"Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up." - Jesse Jackson

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