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Happy 15th anniversary, Bionicle’s 2002 storyline! :)


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Hi, guys! :) I know that Bionicle had ended a year ago sadly, but let’s be happy about Bionicle for something else. You see, this year, 2017, is the 15th anniversary of Bionicle’s 2002 storyline. I know that this year that we got the music album for the movie, Bionicle: Mask of Light’s 14th anniversary, but if you think this isn’t enough for this year, then let’s celebrate the 15th anniversary of the 2002 storyline. That would enlighten you more. :)


Let me tell you the 2002 storyline:

The 2002 storyline is about the Toa Mata fighting against a new menace that Makuta Teridax awakened, which are chicken-like creatures called the Bohrok, who want to destroy the island of Mata Nui and enslave its people with their mask-like “brains” called the Krana. The Krana are both the Bohrok’s strength and weakness, so the Toa have to collect lots of their Krana in order to defeat them while a Matoran named Nuparu invented mechs called Boxors to fight the Bohrok. After the Toa did, they find the Bohrok’s nest, where they discover mechs called Exo-Toa. They use the mechs to fight against the Bohrok’s twin queens called the Bahrag in order to end the threat. However, the Toa learn that using their elemental powers is their only hope, so they combined their powers to imprison the Bahrag. Then, the Toa touch Energized Protdermis, which transform them into stronger versions of themselves called the Toa Nuva. The Bohrok are defeated.


To celebrate, let me ask you this:

What are your fond memories about the storyline and/or what do you like about it?

For me, I like the Bohrok. They look cool, and it’s very cool that they work like an army, can turn into balls, and can attack people using their heads, like a chicken pecking, and launch their Krana to mind-control their victims. The Bohrok are the villain counterparts of the Toa Mata because of their elemental powers (well, except for Levahk because it has Acid powers while Lewa has Air powers, but both are green. Lol. :) ). It’s neat that the Bohrok have those Turaga-like creatures called the Bohrok Va to assist them. The Va too can launch Krana and has Bohrok shields for heads.

The Boxor is quite impressive because it has hook-like hands that can punch Bohrok, similar to Iron Man from Marvel using his Hulkbuster armor to fight and defeat the Hulk. :)

The Exo-Toa are awesome because they are mechs that can be used by the Toa, and the Toa could use them to fight the Bahrag.

The Bahrag are epic because they look like giant versions of the Bohrok, and when they attack people with their heads, they can try to eat them, similar to the Muaka and Kane-Ra from the 2001 storyline.

The Toa Nuva look very cool. They are like Super Sonic from Sonic the Hedgehog, but the transformation is permanent. I like their silver armor. Makes them look stylish. I love their weapons because of the designs and the Toa can use them with two functions, one for fighting and one for transportation (it’s what the Toa Masters from Bionicle’s 2015 storyline had). Their masks look like that they just came out of a mutating goo, which I find cool as well.

Next, the combo models. The Bohrok and Bohrok Va Kaita are cool, but the Bohrok Kaita’s legs look kind of hollow, and they have stubby arms. The Toa Nuva Kaita are awesome as well, but the one with Lewa, Kopaka, and Gali looks weirds because of how the instructions build him. I mean, he looks like a strange-looking hunchback.

The alternate models are alright. It’s cool that Boxor can be rebuilt as a big steed. The Bahrag look mighty cool and terrifying as a giant spider-like creature, but they look very weird, and I don’t think that the mouth-chomping function is stable because there is so much stuff in there. The Boxor’s alternate form is alright, but it looks a little weird because it has awfully-long arms pointing downwards.

As for the story and media, I think the story is very good, and the comics and Bohrok Online Animations are great. I like the part where Onua encourages Lewa to remove the Krana from his face (the second time Onua saved Lewa from being mind-controlled. The first being Lewa being controlled by an Infected Kanohi.). The Toa Mata going scavenger hunting for Krana is a neat quest, though I wish we could’ve seen more of it, like see in each and every Toa Mata collecting all of his/her Krana before regrouping at the Bohrok Nest. It’s interesting that the Krana are like organic counterparts to Kanohi. It’s awesome that the Toa Mata and the Matoran used mechs to fight the Bohrok and their queens. It’s also cool that the queens have all of the Bohrok’s powers and extra ones. It’s awesome to see the Toa combing their powers to imprison the queens to end the threat and then get transformed into the Toa Nuva.

For the Bohrok Animations, I thought they’re good. It’s neat to see what the Matoran are during the Toa’s adventures. It’s where we see Hewkii and Macku “secretly have a crush with each other”, and I find that cute and funny (even though that Greg Farshtey made love non-canon). I also like the part where Takua went to confront the Bohrok while trying to protect the Matoran. :) I like that the animations used the animation style from the Mata Nui Online Game, though that I wish that there’s a similar game for the storyline.


So, guys, what are your fond memories of the storyline, what do you like about it, what’s your favorite 2002 set, favorite character(s) in 2002, favorite moment in the storyline, what things remind you of the 2002 storyline, and/or how would you celebrate it? For me, well, my favorite sets are the Bohrok, Exo-Toa, Bahrag, Tahu Nuva, Lewa Nuva, Kopaka Nuva, and Onua Nuva, and my favorite characters are Tahu, Lewa, Onua, Nuparu, and the Bahrag. :) The things that remind are:

1. The Cybug craziness from Wreck-It Ralph in 2012

2. The mutated monkey rampage from The Powerpuff Girls Movie in 2002

3. The Brain Attack and Invasion From Below storylines from Hero Factory

4. Those tiny Insecticons that transform into balls from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in 2009

Edited by Lenny7092
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I like Lego, Bionicle, and Hero Factory!:)

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I love the 2002 storyline as well! The krana were my favorite. (big surprise) The Toa Nuva were not the best sets IMO as they were too similar to the Toa Mata, and had too much silver. Boxor and Exo-Toa are some of my favorite sets because of the neat functions. I cannot judge the bahrag as I do not have it. 



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Looking for one of those prototype bohrok faceplates with the magnifier.

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Pahrak was my very first BIONICLE, the one that started it all (at the time, I was disappointed, I wanted Tahu Nuva :P ) Looking back that little guy just fills me with nostalgia, I still have him since 2002.  :smilepahrak:

Pahrak was my first as well! I think I got like 3 or 4 copies of him for some reason. Many fond memories of the Bohrok. ^_^  :pahrak: 

The things that remind are: 

1. The Cybug craziness from Wreck-It Ralph in 2012 

2. The mutated monkey rampage from The Powerpuff Girls Movie in 2002 

3. The Brain Attack and Invasion From Below storylines from Hero Factory 

4. Those tiny Insecticons that transform into balls from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in 2009

Also the Droidekas from The Phantom Menace. :lol:

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I love the 2002 storyline as well! The krana were my favorite. (big surprise) The Toa Nuva were not the best sets IMO as they were too similar to the Toa Mata, and had too much silver. Boxor and Exo-Toa are some of my favorite sets because of the neat functions. I cannot judge the bahrag as I do not have it. 



Well, you could just say about how they look. I mean, they look scary, but very cool. They can reach and bite on something.:)




Pahrak was my very first BIONICLE, the one that started it all (at the time, I was disappointed, I wanted Tahu Nuva :P ) Looking back that little guy just fills me with nostalgia, I still have him since 2002.  :smilepahrak:

Pahrak was my first as well! I think I got like 3 or 4 copies of him for some reason. Many fond memories of the Bohrok. ^_^  :pahrak:

The things that remind are: 

1. The Cybug craziness from Wreck-It Ralph in 2012 

2. The mutated monkey rampage from The Powerpuff Girls Movie in 2002 

3. The Brain Attack and Invasion From Below storylines from Hero Factory 

4. Those tiny Insecticons that transform into balls from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in 2009

Also the Droidekas from The Phantom Menace. :lol:



Man, you guys like Pahrak, don't you? Lol. Anyway, yes, the Droidekas are like the Bohrok because of their ability to roll and transform from balls to their true shapes. Plus, they have hands that shoot stuff, like the Bohrok.:) 


Anyway, I'm surprised that not many people are talking about it lately. I wonder if anyone else like the storyline like I do. 


Well, I just thought of something: In 2007, in a chapter book called Prisoners of the Deep, the Toa Nuva awakened the Bohrok. I don't know why Greg Farshtey brought it up, but I think of it as a good way to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the 2002 storyline.:)

  • Upvote 1

I like Lego, Bionicle, and Hero Factory!:)

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I love the 2002 storyline as well! The krana were my favorite. (big surprise) The Toa Nuva were not the best sets IMO as they were too similar to the Toa Mata, and had too much silver. Boxor and Exo-Toa are some of my favorite sets because of the neat functions. I cannot judge the bahrag as I do not have it. 



Well, you could just say about how they look. I mean, they look scary, but very cool. They can reach and bite on something. :)




Pahrak was my very first BIONICLE, the one that started it all (at the time, I was disappointed, I wanted Tahu Nuva :P ) Looking back that little guy just fills me with nostalgia, I still have him since 2002.  :smilepahrak:

Pahrak was my first as well! I think I got like 3 or 4 copies of him for some reason. Many fond memories of the Bohrok. ^_^  :pahrak:


The things that remind are: 

1. The Cybug craziness from Wreck-It Ralph in 2012 

2. The mutated monkey rampage from The Powerpuff Girls Movie in 2002 

3. The Brain Attack and Invasion From Below storylines from Hero Factory 

4. Those tiny Insecticons that transform into balls from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in 2009

Also the Droidekas from The Phantom Menace. :lol:



Man, you guys like Pahrak, don't you? Lol. Anyway, yes, the Droidekas are like the Bohrok because of their ability to roll and transform from balls to their true shapes. Plus, they have hands that shoot stuff, like the Bohrok. :) 


Anyway, I'm surprised that not many people are talking about it lately. I wonder if anyone else like the storyline like I do. 


Well, I just thought of something: In 2007, in a chapter book called Prisoners of the Deep, the Toa Nuva awakened the Bohrok. I don't know why Greg Farshtey brought it up, but I think of it as a good way to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the 2002 storyline. :)


*Prisoners of the Pit


That revelation did strike me as a surprise, too. They managed to work it in perfectly, though. The Bahrag calling the Toa and Bohrok "brothers" suddenly made perfect sense.

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Favorite set was the Boxor. I wanted an Exo-Toa, but I never got one, but whatever.


I got the Toa Nuva for Christmas of 2002, and it was one of the best Decemberweens of my childhood.

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One of the reasons I loved 2002 so much (Still do, and this also applies kind of to 2001) is because all the sets meshed together really well, functionality wise. Krana could be fired from a Bohrok and attached to a Toa, alternatively, a Toa could knock the Krana out of a Bohrok. A Bohrok-Va could fire a dormant Krana into an empty Bohrok suit of armour to activate it again, whilst a Boxor could knock the Krana out of the Bohrok. There are so many ways the sets from both 2002 and 2001 interact with each other that 2002 was a fantastic runner-up year to Bionicle.


Collectibles were also great. Collecting the Krana made you feel like one of the Toa Mata, collecting the Krana before entering the Bohrok nest/hive.

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One of the reasons I loved 2002 so much (Still do, and this also applies kind of to 2001) is because all the sets meshed together really well, functionality wise. Krana could be fired from a Bohrok and attached to a Toa, alternatively, a Toa could knock the Krana out of a Bohrok. A Bohrok-Va could fire a dormant Krana into an empty Bohrok suit of armour to activate it again, whilst a Boxor could knock the Krana out of the Bohrok. There are so many ways the sets from both 2002 and 2001 interact with each other that 2002 was a fantastic runner-up year to Bionicle.


Collectibles were also great. Collecting the Krana made you feel like one of the Toa Mata, collecting the Krana before entering the Bohrok nest/hive.


Well said, pal. That same collecting feeling goes to the 2001 storyline, where you feel like one of the Toa Mata by collecting Kanohi masks before entering the Makuta’s lair.


Plus, the launching function with the Krana is neat, and the Krana can grab onto someone’s head tighter than a Kanohi mask. That’s neat, too.:)

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I like Lego, Bionicle, and Hero Factory!:)

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