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IC (Information District): KyrahkHe shook his head, muttering to himself."No, we are not flipping it. I do not intend on working on it, so we should just leave it how it is."IC (Housing District): Vrf-3The low hum of his propulsors carried him low to the ground. He could fly higher, but he did not wish to do so. he was out on patrol, hunting down criminal scum."Slowly and silently he glided along, the bane of crime, the ultimate security the City had even seen. He was stealthy and silent, not making any more sound than he needed to. And the criminals would never expect him."He suddenly flew up against a wall to hide as a citizen passed him by."The criminals had eyes everywhere, but he knew how to remain unseen, and that was why they feared him."He continued floating along, self-narrating. He had gotten distracted once again, this time it was his own fault."He was the greatest hero the city had even seen..."

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IC Information District: Bio"Okay. I guess we'll never know what happened to the Taxi." Bio said, turning back to the Library. "Are we leaving now? I would really appreciate it if we get there quickly, as my object might be picked up by someone else."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC(Ga'mal outside of Housing District noticing Vrf-3)

"You can preach about not smoking all you want, but I am just fine and will not-" Just then she began to cough violently, small bits of spit flying from her mouth. She keeled over from coughing, but immediatly regained her composure. Ga'mal was about to say something when a being talking to himself (Vrf-3) walks by them."Uh, you okay, there?"-Mef Man

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IC (Information District): Kyrahk."Well, shouldn't we wait for Nikaron?"He asked Bio, not wanting to just ditch the Toa.IC (Housing District): Vrf-3He turned, gliding about a foot as his moment kept up from moving. Then he turned, his eye scanning the person who had spoken to him."Affirmative. All of my mechanics are running at just below maximum efficiency."

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IC: Sylux (Sniper Point on rooftop, Science District)Not wasting any time, Sylux took quick aim at the being who climbed out the window and fired a bullet at him. In quick succession, he aimed for his original tagret Amnchey and fired two concentrated plasma bullets at the female Steltian. Things did not turn out as he expected them to. Typical ADR security was one thing he was counting on but some being climbing into their room via window and pointing a gun at him? That was odd and a sentient being with a gun was far more dangerous than the average robot. Hopefully, his bullets would kill the Steltian and the Toa or injure them at the very least. If he failed to kill his target or grab the computer, he would have to wait or scout out another opportunity.

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IC: Tain, Concerned, Outside Housing District"Are you alright, Ga'mal?" Tain said with concern. Upon seeing her regain her composure he relaxed slightly, but concern remained in his eyes.Then he noticed Bukaj's reaction to Vr-3. And he facepslmed, subtly placing his hand on the butt of his concealed pistol, just in case.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC Information District: Bio"He can follow us. Look, I payed big bucks to get this thing, and I can't reach it." Bio said, glancing at the time. "And if I don't get it in the next... Uh... Ten Minutes, someone else is gonna grab it."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Vrilni: With Ga'mal, Tain, Bukaj, and Vf-3: "Quite the people magnet, aren't we?" Vrilni commented, slightly annoyed. "Well, since it looks like I won't have the chance to talk to you alone for a while, Ga'mal, I may as well tell you now. I need your help in hunting a hacker."


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IC (Housing District) Vrf-3"Woah! Uh... please put that away before you damage someone... what did I even do?"His one optic was wide open, and looking right at the weapon. If it were possible for him to look terrified, he would have."Please don't shoot me."Then he heard someone mention a hacker."Ooh, hunting a hacker? Can I help?... if I don't get shot first..."IC (Information District): KyrahkHe sighed and nodded."Alright, I guess we'll get it, then return here."

Edited by The Dark Chronicler

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IC: Kinksh - Metal Cat / Science DistrictThe metal cat managed to quickly and stealthily get down the building before finally reaching the bottom of the street again. At its masters whim it rushed across to the opposite side of the street, in the building Amnchey was based it. Admist the panic and chaos, it easily slipped in through the open doors and made its way to one of the elevators, pawing at the buttons in order to get in.The way up kept being stopped by being who figured they needed to escape, whom promptly left upon being aimed at with the weaponry. It would be reaching the top soon enough...-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC (Information District): Kyrahk.He walked along behind Bio, feeling guilty about just leaving Nikaron."I'm not feeling all that hungry..."IC (Housing District): Vrf-3"I don't know what you are speaking of!"He looked at Bukaj tilting his form slightly in confusion."Hey... were you part of the VRF project too?"The other robotic being looked rather similar to... to himself.OOC:... That was completely unintentional. I hadn't seen Bukaj's profile yet.

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IC Information District: Bio"Really? How am I gonna pay you now?" Bio asked. This is great! Now I don't have to pay him for his protective services!"And here we are." Bio said, as the two entered the Library. He quickly headed to a shelf in the back. "It's on that shelf, top rack. Small box."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Tain, Interested, Outside Housing DistrictTain's attention was now firmly on Vrilni. "Might I offer my assistance? This sounds like a chance to actually get somewhere."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: (Science District)As Shade headed through the streets, he found the scene of panic and chaos that resulted from a sniper-attack. Hearing what happened, Shade began to help the citizens escape. With Shade directing them, the beings quickly got out of the building. One of the beings, a Toa, ran up to Shade. "There's a person with Weaponry in the elevator!" he shouted before running off. Shade instantly contacted the closest Toa Techna as he entered the building. Slamming his hand on the down button, He waited for either the Elevator to come down, or for it to come down after dropping it's current cargo off.IC: (Public Library)Nathius sighed when he saw where his last 10 books on his cart needed to be shelved. Right in front of where the group was. Inching his way over there, the toa quietly started to shelve, hoping nobody attempted conversation.


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IC: EmmaEmma nodded, 'It was good to meet you too Hrunja.'She hesitated, 'So, uh, I'll just get going...'IC: TenkoTenko looked over to see another being there, shelving books (Nathius). He walked over, regarding the efficient method he used to shelve.'So, do you work here?' he asked.IC: Renen'I'll have you know,' Renen said, indignant, 'That I would never hire their kind of protection. The only reason they wanted to kill me, was that I refused, and then tried to kill them!'OOC: Yes LL, I was talking about your group.-Void

Edited by Emissary to the Void


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IC (Information District): Kyrahk"Oh don't worry, I'm sure I'll be hungry soon enough."He walked over to the shelf, reaching up and grabbing what Bio had wanted, before turning and handing it to the Matoran.IC (Housing District): Vrf-3"You look like a Robot. Is your internal memory chip a little loose or something?"He then realized shutting up might have been a better idea. The other robot seemed rather mad.

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-==IC: Kairan//The Glitch Paradox==-Kairan nodded."I see then." Kairan said, and thought for a moment."Maybe you should try and get an actual Guard to be stationed somewhere nearby, just in case they try and get further payback..." Kairan said with a slight frown, as he groaned slightly about his injuries, and shook his head."Next time I see that Vortixx, however, I'm gonna give him a better parting gift..." Kairan muttered, as he slowly stood up with a wince./EDIT: OOC: Emissary, or Hubert, where is the ToT game stuff going on? Like, Information District, or Science District?

Edited by Fullbringer Blade
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IC (Housing District):"Please. Do you want to see what is inside me?" Bukaj groaned as he projected a visual of his body out. What appeared to be inside was a Tren Krom-like being, only stuck in a sphere form without any organs. The projection faded away as Bukaj stopped the sequence. "Now do you see?"

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IC Information District: BioDarn. "Oh. Okay." Bio said, opening the box. Inside were a bunch of small, yet insanely sharp, jewels. He pulled them out, and showed them to Kyrahk."See these? They are small jewels in wires. All I do is loop one end of the wire around one of my fingers then swing the jewel to create a slicing, spinning disk for me to atta-I mean defend myself with. They cost a quite a few widgets."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC (public library): A small sigh escaped between Torch's lips. Forget trouble following him -- people were often his biggest concern. He didn't like crowds. He also didn't like chatting with strangers. A second sigh was stifled while it still resided in Torch's throat. Deal with it, he berated himself. You're a Toa Techna; you can handle gunshots and flying fists; why can't you handle normal conversations? "I haven't heard a gunshot," replied Torch, "but I have heard that the library was attacked recently. Which reminds me" -- here he turned back to Onua Gentii and Solaris -- "while you're looking for the book, books, whatever, can you tell me what you know about an attack here?"

IC: Solaris (Public Library)Solaris thought for a moment."Well, I wasn't here when it happened," the old librarian said. "But I did clean up the mess left behind." He typed a few more keywords into the computer. "I think I found just the book you need."He got up from behind the desk and hobbled into the aisles of cyber-volumes and pulled out one of the fancy modern pads that books were stored on. He didn't like these new cyber-books. He preferred dusty old volumes with actual paper and ink. But, whatever the kids liked these days..."Here we are," Solaris said, handing the cyber-book to Torch. He then eyed Onua Gentii suspiciously. He could have sworn that he didn't work here...Oh, but there were many a-hirings these days. Great Beings' know who actually worked anywhere any more!

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC (Science District, the building under attack):The elevator door pinged, then slid open. Shade found himself eyeball to eyeball with-"Hello," came the bored voice. Forcyte stood before him. "Judging from your alarmed expression and wide-open, concerned eyes, you are the one who sent the distress call for a Toa Techna. I would like to remind you that we are not at the average citizen's beck and call; I was merely in the area due to the assassination attempt. So consider yourself lucky.""Now, come with me." With an authoritative snap of his fingers, Forcyte beckoned Shade into the lift. "The assassin, as you well know, is positioned on an adjacent building trying to hold off the ADRs and my colleague Matrapolix. He will succeed, and he will get away. That is a foregone conclusion. My job is to search the demolished office and find evidence of his employers. You will be my assistant in this."Forcyte turned to Shade, his eyes seeming to bore into the Zyglak's skull. "Do not let me down."OOC: Lord Darkon, you have been drafted. :P-Shyyrn

Edited by Shyyrn

"Let me realize that my past failures at follow-through are no indication of my future performance...

...They're just healthy little fires that are going to light up my resolve."

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IC (Housing District): Vrf-3"I believe from those scans that an organic creature is inside of your mechanics. You should get that removed, it might be what is causing your memory chip to have issues."Came the mechanical voice from Vrf-3, he was not understanding the situation quite right.IC (Information Sector): Kyrahk"...What was that doing in a library?"He looked at the weapon."It looks so ...primitive."The last word was said with a little disgust.

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IC Information Sector: Bio"Would you trust me if I said you probably don't want to know?" Bio asked, grinning slightly. "And yes, it is primitive, but I do need something easily concealable. You know, just in case."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Kinksh - The Metal Cat / Pro Coding Cor. Tower - CEO's OfficeOne of the other elevators, the one that the cat had entered through, dinged as it reached the top floor. The few ADRs posted all turned to face the elevator. Unfortunately, the floating robots hadn't thought to look down, and the cat simply rushed out of the elevator and went under them before they could fire.Moving quickly into the room, the cat growled before leaping at Matrapolix, attempting to knock the Toa Techna down from his precarious position right at the edge of the office and send him falling to his death, or at least out of the building to give the assassin a clear shot.Back in Implant Your Cash! Kinksh considered the possibilities of this. It would be impossible to link him to the dead Techna, or any of this. But still.. he had to be careful.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC:How did he get there before them, if they were hurrying also? Seems like they'd get there at the same time.IC Information District: Bio"I call them, Gem Slashers." Bio said, putting one on his finger. "Wanna see how they work?"

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC (public library):Torch caught the glance from Solaris to Onua Gentii. He also, for a wonder, misinterpreted it."I'm sure he was just trying to be helpful," Torch said, hoping to mollify any hard feelings. "He has the build of a librarian, that's for sure. And, speaking of you" -- the Toa Techna of Plasma turned to face the assistant -- "were you here during the attack?"

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IC (Information Sector): Kyrahk."... Are those things even legal?"He had a raised eyeridge. He turned and nodded a greeting to Nikiron.IC (Housing District): Vrf-3He barely moved out of the way in time to avoid the attack. His entire metal body was shaking, clearly startled."What was that for?!"

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IC(Ga'mal talking to beings outside of Housing District)

"Stopping a hacker?" she asks, but there was no time to add anything else. Soon, the round being was attacking the latest robot. "Stop it!" she barks at the two, hand grasping her knife. She looks toward Vrilni and says,"I'll help you,"the Matoran turns to the new arrival,"you should probably go so you don't get her,"she turns to Tain,"you can come with us,"and finally to the round being,"and I'll return to CKC with you." It was alot to say, but it needed to be spat out before they all killed themselves. The group had been here too long and there were things to do and places to go.-Mef Man

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IC (Housing District): Vrf-3There was a few seconds of silence, then he realized what was going on."Apologies. I did not understand. But it also brings to question why you attempted to attack a security robot."He was really thinking about taking the advice of Ga'mal and just leaving. But attacking a security robot sure made him suspicious of the other orb.IC (Information district): Kyrahl"I don't have one."Was his reply.

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