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A Question About Teridax

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I don't know about the Nui Stone (unless it was to weaken resisting Toa once the plan was finished), but the Ignika was needed to revive Mata Nui, and to further Teridax's plan in taking over.

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The Nui Stone I'd imagine was to strengthen his position if need be. He might give it to Toa who fight for his cause when he takes over (I believe at one point Ahkmou was a possible shadow Toa). Alternatively it could be a clever scheme, give it to Matoro, who defeats all the Barraki with ease, follows Voya Nui, thanks to the Nui stone easily makes it on time, sacrafices himself for the MU, the Nui Stone ends up in the swamp of secrets, and when the energy storms start a potential threat to Makuta's rule is destroyed.

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The Nui Stone was kind of a side goal. He really didn't need it, but it'd be nice to have. I recall Greg saying he had Ahkmou in mind for gaining its power, since the shadow leech that attacked Takanuva was meant for him. Once he had Mata Nui's body, guess it would have been a nice bonus to have a super-powered Toa of Shadows loyal to him to help quell rebellions while Teridax attacked other worlds.As for the Mask of Life, he wanted the Toa to have it to save Mata Nui's life, but he needed to make them think he wanted it for himself. How do you think they'd react if he directly told them to take the Mask and run? They know the guy, he has a history of deception, they'd delay saving Mata Nui's life to figure out whatever Makuta was up to.


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Makuta would certainly want something that could increase his power, and the Nui Stone would have done that. Unfortunately (for him), he didn't get it, but it didn't really matter in the end.As for the Ignika, Makuta did not want Mata-Nui to die because he wanted to take control of the body. If Mata-Nui died, the entire MU would collapse. However, he didn't want to reveal his plot otherwise the Toa Inika would try to stop him, so he let them believe that he wanted Mata-Nui dead.-don't touch my pocket protector

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If I recall correctly, Teridax planned for Ahkmou to become a Toa, and if so, he would have shadow-leeched him and given him the Nui Stone, so as to have a powerful Toa of Shadow on his side.As for the Ignika, what everyone else said was correct; he needed Mata Nui to be awakened for his plan to go any further.signoffffff.png

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For the Nui Stone, it was partially the reason Mutran had to find Tren Krom: the Makuta hate the idea of powerful artifacts/beings existing without their knowledge/control.

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I imagine the Nui Stone was merely because he could. Because he knew of its existence and where to find it, given he was already in the Pit, and right next to it, he decided to take a detour to go and grab it for himself. As somebody else mentioned, he would likely have given it to somebody on his side, such as Akhmou. Having it destroyed was a slight inconvenience to him, but nothing groundbreaking, just a mild irritation and one that had no relevance anyway. It may also have been a distraction to convince the Toa Mahri that all he had in mind was gaining power via traditional means and artefacts, in the same way they would have believed he wanted the Ignika for its power.His desire for the Ignika is probably more easily explained as all he wanted for that was to make the Toa think they were doing the right thing by NOT giving it to him and inadvertently helping him with his plan. By making he seems as thou he desired it for himself, it would make the Toa panic and believe him to be a terrible threat, encouraging them to speed up the revival, before Mata-Nui perishes once and for all.


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Maybe part of it was just to distract from his real goals? A slight effort to capture one of the most powerful objects in existence might be enough to get people thinking that's his goal. Keep in mind at the time his enemies (along with us) assumed he didn't want Mata Nui awakened, and the success of the plan depended on them thinking that. It could have been seen as a grab for something to help stop his awakening.

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I imagine Teridax would give it to some Toa of Shadow willing to maintain order in the MU, or just to keep it out of the hands of any other Toa.

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Wretched Automaton stated things pretty clearly. I agree with him on just about everything he said.One side-note to be mentioned is that Makuta did have a tendency for lots of back-up plans. Granted, a lot of the plans we thought to be back-up plans initially were actually either part of the one Plan or intentional distractions, we would eventually find out when he assumed control of the MU robot. Regardless, maybe the Nui stone was just another back-up plan or distraction - as well as potentially an artifact to strengthen a Shadow Toa enforcer as almost everyone has suggested. It's hard to tell, because it has always been hard to tell Teridax's motives. What was clearly a main directive at certain story points is revealed to be a distraction; what was once a back-up plan proves to be a component of the master Plan; what was an optional directive is exposed to be crucial to his success. Makuta always has been tricky and unpredictable, but we knew at least most of his plans after the main story's finale and that leads me to back up Automaton.


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Here, allow me to help clear things up.In Makuta's Guide to the Universe, Teridax specifically writes on page 56:

I even enlisted [Matoro's] help in a ridiculous scheme to harvest the fragments of the Nui Stone from remains of the late Toa Tuyet - a marvelous diversion, if I do say so myself.

So, the whole thing about the Nui Stone was meant to distract Matoro. In this case, Teridax just wanted to mess with his head. And he ordered the bringing of the Staff of Artakha so he could "study it."But yes, I'm sure that Teridax could have put the Nui Stone to some use... not that it would have helped him, seeing as how the stone in this Tuyet's armor was fake. :akaku: X-Ray :akaku: Edited by X-Ray

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