-Windrider- Posted June 7, 2016 Posted June 7, 2016 So dang, okay, The Fall of Hearts, The Great Mass, and The Sham Mirrors are sitting in my Amazon cart thing. Oh, Windrider, totally forgot to mention it last time, but you should definitely check out The Sham Mirrors by Arcturus as well. Phenomenal progressive metal album, with elements of avant-garde, symphonic and black metal. Has a great dark ethereal atmosphere and great compositions. Their keyboardist is a classically trained pianist, and they make great use of his talents. I should ask - and bring it over from the other topic - I have Mastodon's Leviathan, and it's pretty great, so how does Crack the Skye compare? Quote
Queen of Liars Posted June 7, 2016 Posted June 7, 2016 Crack the Skye is less heavy and a lot more proggy, with long and winding songs. Still fairly heavy and has the same great riffing and other general Mastodon goodness, but goes for more of an ethereal feel (since conceptually it's supposed to represent the element of aether). Personally, Crack the Skye is by far my favourite Mastodon album. Quote ___ ___ ___
Laughing Man Posted June 7, 2016 Author Posted June 7, 2016 So dang, okay, The Fall of Hearts, The Great Mass, and The Sham Mirrors are sitting in my Amazon cart thing. it's more expensive but I would recommend the CD/DVD digibook edition of The Fall of Hearts if possible. beautiful packaging and the bonus track "Vakaren" is one of my favorite songs on the album. Quote
-Windrider- Posted June 7, 2016 Posted June 7, 2016 it's more expensive but I would recommend the CD/DVD digibook edition of The Fall of Hearts if possible. beautiful packaging and the bonus track "Vakaren" is one of my favorite songs on the album. Oh nice, I saw that! Usually I'm pretty wary of bonus tracks, and like to get editions without them when possible, but this could be an exception. Quote
Laughing Man Posted June 8, 2016 Author Posted June 8, 2016 Katatonia is pretty renown for the high quality of most of their B-sides and bonus tracks, a lot of which have become fan-favorite songs. "Unfurl", for example, was a B-side on the "July" single and it's one of their most popular songs which they play live on occasion. if you decide to get anything else by them, in pretty much every case I'd honestly recommend going for a version with bonus tracks. the various reissues and 10th anniversary editions are the way to go, with the exception of their first album which just has some demo tracks as bonuses. if you want to get their album The Great Cold Distance at any point (it's my personal favorite of theirs), I'd wait until later in the year as they're supposed to be reissuing it for its 10th anniversary sometime soon. the reissue will undoubtedly include "Unfurl", which as mentioned before, is pretty much a must-have. Quote
-Windrider- Posted June 8, 2016 Posted June 8, 2016 Totally ordered the version you linked and The Great Mass. Gonna hold off on the other for now until I actually get a chance to listen some more. 1 Quote
Laughing Man Posted July 15, 2016 Author Posted July 15, 2016 popping in to express my frustration at the news that Dirk Verbeuren has left Soilwork to join friggin Megadeth. what a massive waste of talent. 1 Quote
Bambi Posted July 15, 2016 Posted July 15, 2016 ...Sigh.Wonder how long before he's out. Quote [my blog] [custom emotes]
Johnny Truant Posted July 16, 2016 Posted July 16, 2016 popping in to express my frustration at the news that Dirk Verbeuren has left Soilwork to join friggin Megadeth. what a massive waste of talent. aw jeez i wish dave didnt suck all the life out of his drummers playing no pun intended, i totally did not mean that cuz of...you know, nick menza... just...megadeth smothers good drummers and i dont know why but i feel like its daves fault Quote only in dreams.
Evergrey: Toa of Music Posted July 22, 2016 Posted July 22, 2016 Oh Megadeth's drumming isn't that bad. Anyway, I just got around to listening to The Book of Souls album from last year and I'm loving it. And aside from The Unguided, Anthrax, and Megadeth, I haven't really heard many new albums from this year, any recommendations? Also new Evergrey single coming out on July 28th and new album in September (pretty excited) Quote Other great bands: Iron Maiden Journey Mercenary The Unguided Trivium Boston Stratovarius Symphony X Epica
Laughing Man Posted July 22, 2016 Author Posted July 22, 2016 Oh Megadeth's drumming isn't that bad. nah it's pretty mediocre, especially since Dave does (as Johnny Truant said) have a tendency to hold the other members back. either way though: Dirk Verbeuren is simply too good for them. he's one of the most highly acclaimed, technically proficient and talented drummers in all of metal right now and he was allowed to shine in Soilwork. his playing style is simply too complex and too different for Megadeth's songwriting. unless they completely rewrite the drum parts for the bulk of their material to accommodate his playing, he will be held back and that's an absolute waste of talent. as for 2016 releases: check out The Fall of Hearts by Katatonia, Arktis by Ihsahn, Terminal Redux by Vektor, Ursa by Novembre, Seraphical Euphony by Hyperion, and Magma by Gojira. Quote
Evergrey: Toa of Music Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 New Epica song released recently. Definitely worth checking out. I personally find them to be the best group in the symphonic metal genre and one of the few to actually live up to the metal expectation and not just noodle around with the orchestral arrangements. Quote Other great bands: Iron Maiden Journey Mercenary The Unguided Trivium Boston Stratovarius Symphony X Epica
Bambi Posted August 1, 2016 Posted August 1, 2016 Just ordered my tickets to see Fallujah and Between the Buried and Me in September~I'm happy it's a local show I'm going to this time around lol. Quote [my blog] [custom emotes]
Laughing Man Posted August 2, 2016 Author Posted August 2, 2016 Deafheaven is touring with Slipknot I don't know why this is so hilarious to me Quote
Bambi Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 The Agony Scene added a new photo on Facebook!! Not really much of anything, but it's great to see a sign of life after over a year of silence~ Quote [my blog] [custom emotes]
Laughing Man Posted August 3, 2016 Author Posted August 3, 2016 yup, just came here to post about that, haha let the rampant speculation begin Quote
Johnny Truant Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 Deafheaven is touring with Slipknot I don't know why this is so hilarious to me hahahaha whut those are two very different kinds of fans although i am a big fan of both man i really wanna go Quote only in dreams.
Laughing Man Posted August 3, 2016 Author Posted August 3, 2016 blackgaze is the new nu-metal I guess speaking of which I've been on a Korn kick lately and I don't know why Quote
Johnny Truant Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 lol cuz korn is awesome and their new single aint bad either, i mean its no kill you or divine but its a lot better than their more recent output YALL WANNA SINGLE SAY well, dont say that here but if yall want a single, say it...to yourself i guess Quote only in dreams.
Laughing Man Posted August 3, 2016 Author Posted August 3, 2016 (edited) yeah the new single was surprisingly solid which got me revisiting them. dug out my old copy of Greatest Hits Vol. 1, realized how fun so many of the songs were, ended up buying copies of the self-titled, Follow the Leader, and Issues for $3 each also pre-ordered the new album since it's currently $3.99 on Google Play and I had some leftover credit from Google Opinion Rewards surveys Edited August 7, 2016 by Scythey Quote
Johnny Truant Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 oooooh deals, nice the breakdown in kill you is currently my favorite thing all the seasick guitar noise and jon gettin scary with it fieldy and silvera holdin down that punishing groove Quote only in dreams.
Laughing Man Posted August 3, 2016 Author Posted August 3, 2016 (edited) might pick up Life Is Peachy and maybe Untouchables if I find them for cheap, but any Korn past that is no bueno for me (besides the new album which sounds promising so far) update: got 'em both, $5 and $4 respectively Edited August 10, 2016 by Scythey Quote
Takaru 1111 Posted August 10, 2016 Posted August 10, 2016 I see the old metal topic is still here. I'm liking the new Devin Townsend song off Transcendence, Failure. Getting some nice Ocean Machine vibes from it. Quote
Laughing Man Posted August 10, 2016 Author Posted August 10, 2016 (edited) Allegaeon released a new song featuring Björn "Speed" Strid, accompanied by a very amusing playthrough video. I'll be honest, their past stuff did nothing for me, but this song is actually pretty killer (and not just because I'm a Strid fangirl). I'll be checking out their new album for sure. also the new Devy song is definitely good. here's hoping Transcendence is better than Epicloud and Sky Blue, both of which have worn off me pretty hard tbh oooooh deals, nice the breakdown in kill you is currently my favorite thing all the seasick guitar noise and jon gettin scary with it fieldy and silvera holdin down that punishing groove out of curiosity, which of their albums do you like/which are your favorites? I know fan opinion is divided up into like a billion different sections as to when they started sucking, whether their later stuff is any good, etc. like I stated previously, I dig everything through Untouchables. everything after that ranges from mediocre (Take a Look in the Mirror) to downright garbage (The Path of Totality) in my opinion. Edited August 10, 2016 by Scythey Quote
Johnny Truant Posted August 10, 2016 Posted August 10, 2016 (edited) s/t and life is peachy are g.o.a.t, follow the leader has some classics but i presonally just dont like it as much as the first two, plus it loses points for wasting a great riff on that piece of garbage All In The Family (although its pretty funny that jon had to help fred durst with his verses so he didnt get completely humiliatingly destroyed, even tho jon still won cuz its their cd) not really a fan of issues, cept for falling away from me and dirty after that ive only really dug individual songs, like yall want a single (whatever thats from) or twisted transistor after take a look in the mirror i cant really say anything cuz i never bothered with em that much but from what ive heard of them untitled an alright cd, korn 3 isnt awful, path of totality is trash, paradigm shift doesnt do much for me honestly this new single got me excited tho Edited August 10, 2016 by Johnny Truant Quote only in dreams.
Laughing Man Posted August 10, 2016 Author Posted August 10, 2016 Issues is one of my favorites tbh, probably second after the self-titled. I thought it was an improvement over Follow the Leader (which was kinda hit-or-miss for me as well) and really liked the darker, more textured sound they tried for. I think Untouchables is pretty underrated for the same reason. Life Is Peachy is honestly my least favorite of the first five albums. the band said it was rushed and it really shows imo. performances aren't as tight and my god if it doesn't have some of the worst lyrics Jonathan Davis has ever put to paper. Quote
Laughing Man Posted August 11, 2016 Author Posted August 11, 2016 The Agony Scene have finally given us an update. despite being completely silent for over a year, they're still together and have been working on writing new songs for an EP which they'll be recording soon. I'll admit, I'm a little sad that their promise of a "new album" has turned into a "new EP", but still, it's better than nothing at all. 1 Quote
Johnny Truant Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 peachy has some god awful songs, but overall its still my favorite just because of how raw and angry and loose it is i guess im drawn to it because i hear punk rock roots through a nu-metal filter if only the s/t had peachys production (not saying the production is bad on the s/t cuz its excellent, especially the drums and bass, but the guitars are just too muddy sometimes) Quote only in dreams.
Laughing Man Posted August 24, 2016 Author Posted August 24, 2016 Mike Williams from The Agony Scene did a 2-hour interview with the Camp Metal podcast to discuss the past, present, and future of the band. it's a really interesting interview, lots of great band history and cool stories, but I took some notes on some of the important stuff regarding their new material: - drummer Brent Masters has left again, they've found a replacement; Mike, Chris Emmons, and Brian Hodges are the band's principle songwriters so lineup changes will not affect the sound- new music is more "straightforward metal" as opposed to metalcore; he described it as "black-thrash", "like the faster parts of The Darkest Red but with more of the feel of the self-titled" - lyrics will be more topical and political akin to Get Darned- they don't have much of a plan beyond the new EP, it pretty much depends on the reception and whether there's interest, they'd like to tour if possible- says they hope to have some material recorded that they can share by the end of the year surprisingly no talk about label or funding stuff. I imagine they'll do a crowdfunding campaign of some sort, but I'm still holding onto the hope they'll get signed to a new label. Napalm is one I've thought would be a good fit, they've signed a bunch of reunited bands from the 2000s over the past couple years. 1 Quote
Bambi Posted August 25, 2016 Posted August 25, 2016 (edited) Yooo, someone is selling a copy of Beyond the Infinite on Amazon for about $12, including shipping. If I hadn't already ordered Death Resonance I'd be all over this. Edited August 25, 2016 by Bambi Quote [my blog] [custom emotes]
Laughing Man Posted August 25, 2016 Author Posted August 25, 2016 dang, that's a great price. mine was about $25 including shipping speaking of Swedish (former) melodic death metal bands.. new In Flames album, Battles, was announced. first single "The End" was released and it's.. better than anything off of Siren Charms, but still not great. most distressingly of all is that it was produced by Howard Benson, AKA the guy who brought us bands like Daughtry, Three Days Grace, Theory of a Deadman, and Creed. not exactly promising. Quote
Laughing Man Posted September 11, 2016 Author Posted September 11, 2016 new Devin Townsend Project album is super good what's everybody been listening to? it's a bit premature since autumn doesn't officially start till later this month but I'm already starting on my black metal/doom metal/gothic metal kick that's customary around this time of year. in particularly been listening to a lot of Celtic Frost, Triptykon, Darkthrone, Agalloch, and Code this past week Quote
Johnny Truant Posted September 11, 2016 Posted September 11, 2016 (edited) dang, that's a great price. mine was about $25 including shipping speaking of Swedish (former) melodic death metal bands.. new In Flames album, Battles, was announced. first single "The End" was released and it's.. better than anything off of Siren Charms, but still not great. most distressingly of all is that it was produced by Howard Benson, AKA the guy who brought us bands like Daughtry, Three Days Grace, Theory of a Deadman, and Creed. not exactly promising. oh geez is theory of a deadman still a band ive been listening to copious amounts of alice in chains. not exactly metal but one of the heavier grunge bands for sure Edited September 11, 2016 by Johnny Truant Quote only in dreams.
Laughing Man Posted September 11, 2016 Author Posted September 11, 2016 (edited) eh, I've always considered Alice in Chains metal. they were more metal than grunge tbh their last two albums in particular were pretty much full-on sludge metal also, Theory of a Deadman is unfortunately still a band, and I hate you for making me google to check Edited September 11, 2016 by Scythey Quote
Johnny Truant Posted September 11, 2016 Posted September 11, 2016 :[ sorry i just really wanted to believe it had finally stopped but alas... yeah, i wish i could get into the newer stuffa looking in view is a really great song and i wish something else from those albums would grab me the way a looking in view did Quote only in dreams.
Laughing Man Posted September 11, 2016 Author Posted September 11, 2016 (edited) "Last of My Kind"? or "Check My Brain" with that groovy as, uhhhh, heck main riff? The Devil Put Dinosaurs here was a bit of a letdown but man, Black Gives Way to Blue is chock full of jams also shout-out to Queen of Liars for showing me this, it's fantastic Edited September 11, 2016 by Scythey Quote
Laughing Man Posted September 17, 2016 Author Posted September 17, 2016 so the new drummer for In Flames has been announced, and it's Joe Rickard formerly of the Christian radio rock band Red. as if we needed another sign that they're never going back to making good music again.. Quote
Johnny Truant Posted September 24, 2016 Posted September 24, 2016 ok so ETID just dropped the aoty, and this is why: Quote only in dreams.
Laughing Man Posted September 24, 2016 Author Posted September 24, 2016 listened to it today, definitely one of their best albums definitely not AotY though Quote
Johnny Truant Posted September 24, 2016 Posted September 24, 2016 (edited) ...yeah youre right. but i am consumed by the first 50 seconds of fear and trembling that riff tho and keiths lyrics are the lyrical embodiment of the 100 emoji as usual i wish he would write a book of poems id buy that so fast Edited September 24, 2016 by Johnny Truant Quote only in dreams.
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