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The Island isn't a gladiatorial thing. The Shepherds are dumping people on the Island purely because it makes more sense to put them there than to keep them working somewhere else. Either you're too troublesome to safely work in a factory or they've just been paid to put you there by an enemy.I just don't like the idea that this one character is some great figure within the Shepherd's organisation. The whole idea behind the RPG is that everyone starts on the same level. You're all slaves, every single one of you. What your character ends up as is what you make of them


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Well, that was a large part of why I created him. To be different. To be someone that isn't a slave. To break up the monotony. But, if he must just be a religious fanatic zyglak, then say so. XP

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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No sorry, but I'm putting my foot down on him being an agent of the Shepherds. That and the previously mentioned point about killing a Patronage just makes it seem like you're trying to sneak a character into Team Patronage without actually having to work at it. So yeah, he's going to have to be a religious fanatic Zyglak. Which means he's going to lose that armour as well


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Name: SkarlothSpecies: Microscopic Virus/MutantGender: MaleAppearance: A Skakdi sized being, with large bone white clawed hands and elongated head (More specifically, Pridak's feet in MoC form :P). His primary coloring his black, with a little gunmetal mixed in his shoulder armor (Stronius'). Other than that, he has pure, piercing golden eyes.Powers: 'Force', similar to the power the Jedi in Star Wars wield, but at a more powerful (and more responsive) level.Weapons/Equipment: Two one handed double bladed axes, along with a long sword that he will occasionally use.Bio: It would be nice to elaborate here, but the last time I did that, I ended up with a four or five paragraph bio. Skarloth was created by a group of cultist scientists, trying to create monsters of great destruction for Makuta. Instead, the real world gave them an uncontrollable beast, who killed them all, and went on a mad rampage of killing and chaos. You could say that's just what they wanted, but instead he was nearly recruited by the Dark Hunters; that didn't happen, however, and he killed the recruiter, going back to his pillaging and killing. The Shepherds found out about him, and learned of his extremely violent nature, so they sent four people after him, ordering them to bring him to the island of pain. And after a harsh hours long battle, and the passing of two of the soldiers sent to capture Skarloth, the brute was finally taken down, and shipped off to the island. Now of course, when he woke up, he was right at home; he was surrounded by people he didn't know, and they all wanted him dead. Well, he wants them dead to, and reasoning with him is not an option. k, there's the 'toa' of 'force'. :P-Skar

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Character Name: KopragaSpecies: Unique EntityGender: MaleAppearance: Kopraga stands at two Bio in height, with his body being a grey coloring with purple and red mixed in occasionally with some streaks of black. His hands and feet end in sharp claws. His hands claws can retract to only a ¼” or lengthen to 3”. He wears no mask, and his face has an unusual amount of organic parts. He has huge, ebony wings with a wingspan of about eight Bio. He can pull them up close, wrap them around him as a cloak, and manipulate them like any other limb. He can use the spikes at the tip of each wing to impale enemies. The wing appear plated, but don’t hamper flight, which is much faster than walking. He is very maneuverable, though not as much so as one flying under the power of a mask of flight and with the skills to use it properly. He has a long, sinuous tail with a barb at the end which he uses for balance.Powers: Kopraga has standard elemental power over shadows, including the abilities used by Shadow Stealer (though to a lower level of master than said being, the shadow transport being limited to about three Bio). His body is fragile and poorly armored, but his wings are almost indestructible - protosteel could not even dent them - and cannot feel pain. He can use them to block attacks or as a weapon. He understands all written and spoken languages used by intelligent species, though not those of Rahi. His face is contorted oddly, preventing him from physically using Kanohi Masks, despite having the necessary mental discipline. He can latch his talons through solid rock, and his claws can cut through metallic protodermis. He is immune to mind control, disease, and telepathy and slightly poison resistant. As a shadow user, his greatest weakness is to light. He has no inner light, like the Makuta.Equipment: Kopraga uses his claws as weapons, but in most cases makes use of his elemental powers or bashes enemies back with his wings, the ultimate defense mechanism. He wears a band of crystal around his right index finger that confers no powers, but has been permanently forced into place. It is inscribed with ancient matoran runes that spell out his name.Biography: Kopraga is an extremely ancient being, one of the oldest in the Matoran Universe. Few know of his existence; one could count on a single hand the number who know his name. His reason for existence is uncertain, even to him, though he believes that his purpose is to seek out power - something that he constantly is doing.It was during his quest for power that he learned of the Kanohi Ignika and Vahi, masks that were said to grant control over the universes fundamental laws. He went forth on his own personal quest for power and attempted to find knowledge of such items location. He narrowed down on both, but found his efforts frustrated - the Vahi was unaccounted for by anybody, and the volcano the Ignika was hidden within was simply gone completely - not even there.He knew of the Order of Mata-Nui - the group, though not their base on Daxia or all of their members - and managed to locate one of their allies. However, that ally just happened to be a Shepherds slave. His attempt to reach the slave was fruitless, as the slave had died in a mine. He was captured after killing a number of slaves and slavers alike and, after proving far too dangerous to let roam, was sentenced to the Island of Pain, where he has been deposited on the western shore of Toothy Bane.

Hope it looks good.Edit: Edited the characters Biography and Powers to appease TPTI.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa: Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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Name: SkarlothSpecies: Microscopic Virus/MutantGender: MaleAppearance: A Skakdi sized being, with large bone white clawed hands and elongated head (More specifically, Pridak's feet in MoC form :P). His primary coloring his black, with a little gunmetal mixed in his shoulder armor (Stronius'). Other than that, he has pure, piercing golden eyes.Powers: 'Force', telekinesis basically, but at an extremely powerful level (Toa level elemental control over it, pretty much). Abilities: Incredibly strong, can easily out do an average Toa in hand to hand combat. (He has to be, he has telekinesis as an element :P)Weapons/Equipment: Two one handed double bladed axes, along with a long sword that he will occasionally use.Bio: It would be nice to elaborate here, but the last time I did that, I ended up with a four or five paragraph bio. Skarloth was created by a group of cultist scientists, trying to create monsters of great destruction for Makuta. Instead, the real world gave them an uncontrollable beast, who killed them all, and went on a mad rampage of killing and chaos. You could say that's just what they wanted, but instead he was nearly recruited by the Dark Hunters; that didn't happen, however, and he killed the recruiter, going back to his pillaging and killing. The Shepherds found out about him, and learned of his extremely violent nature, so they sent four people after him, ordering them to bring him to the island of pain. And after a harsh hours long battle, and the passing of two of the soldiers sent to capture Skarloth, the brute was finally taken down, and shipped off to the island. Now of course, when he woke up, he was right at home; he was surrounded by people he didn't know, and they all wanted him dead. Well, he wants them dead to, and reasoning with him is not an option. k, there's the 'toa' of 'force'. :P

k now for the approvals. :3Oh, also, I added in that he's incredibly strong, just so he isn't owned by anyone.I wanna flesh him out a bit more, just in the powers area, but I can't think of anything more I could add onto him that could get approved...-Skar Edited by Skarloth
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Character Name: AeorauSpecies: Moruican: A gryffon-like warrior with a face resembling a feline and has acrobatic skills.Gender: FemaleAppearance: Glossy(shiny)Ebony colored armor with wing protruding out of the back. Cluster of light armor pads on each side of the body.Powers: Elemental Power of Sonics. Also very adept in acrobaticsWeapons/Equipment: Volitak and two scimitarsBiography: Aeorau was a merciless assassin who was tasked by the Dark Hunters to eliminate island leaders. The Makuta did not like what was happening, so they ordered her arrest. Using her Sonic powers and Volitak, she was able to sneak put undetected easily. The Sheperds captured her and stashed her in the Shadowtangle after many unsucessful attempts to force her into slave labor on Xia because she has escaped many times, but the Island-- well, that's a different story.

Edited by Rakata
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Name: LuminousSpecies: UnknownGender: MaleAppearance: Cloaked in a simple, light grey, hooded monk's robe that covers his whole body, except for his face. Skin resembles long strips of midnight-blue armor over -also midnight-blue- leather. Eyes appear to be glowing slits of energy. Always has a happy expression. wears a simple peice of armor over his mouth that resembles the bottom part of a medival's knight's helmet.Powers:-The ability to control, create, and absorb a mysterious energy. The energy can make various shapes, the simpler, the sturdier. Anything above ten feet tall or wide requires a immense amount of concentration. The energy can come in to forms, one is very similar to the blade of a light-saber (a powerful lazer), which requires more concentration, and the second is solid and dense, and can vary from leather to iron in strength and density. The "energy" is completely white.-The power to heal injuries on himself or others. It takes a maxium of 5 seconds to heal cuts and bruises, and up to 10 minutes broken bones. Can not heal very, very damaged organs, and can not heal the brain. When he heals, a soft light luminates from his hands, envolping the area.-Can not control Rahi, but they always let him (And any person he deems as a "Friend") pass, and will never hurt him, they will simply stop and be still until he is gone if they are being controled by a rahkshi or through the use of a mask.-A wide knowledge of herbs, plants, animals, fauna, and the such. Enjoys being in nature, no matter how harsh it is.Weapons/Equipment: A belt that goes around his shoulder, ringed with small pouches for holding herbs and the such. Is made out of very simple leather, and worth nothing. One pouch contains a mixing bowl for herbs, the rest are empty.Bio: Luminous was a traveling healer, never fighting, never arguing, helping anyone who asked for it. The Sheperds of the Flesh, angry at him for unknowningly healing and helping a ex-recruiter of theirs, captured him and put him on the Island. He never fought with them. In fact, he healed one of their goons as he was being attacked. Is extremely nice and kind, and violence is a concept he doesn't understand. Very, very childish in terms of knowledge of how to survive in a harsh populated world. Assumes everyone is as kind as him, and thus helps everyone he meets.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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Why does Aeorau have the Rahkshi power of teleportation? She isn't a Rahkshi. Oh, and since a griffin is an eagle's head/wings on a lion's body and you've given her a feline head...isn't she just a winged ailuranthrope?What makes the bomb 'empty' and why would you have been allowed to keep it?How come no-one figured out how she was escaping? Its not like she's the only one in the world with teleportation powers.Why would the Shepherds stick her on the Island? They don't run the place for their own amusement, they'd want an actual reason to put her thereIs Luminous power basically that of the Toa Nuva's Nynrah blasters? How has he survived on the Island if he has no concept of fighting back? Its not just Rahi he has to worry about, there's other contenders


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I don't see how he'd be much of an asset. His Rahi-whispering won't stop them attacking others, his knowledge of plants is useless if he's been in the Parched Wastes, and his Green Lantern powers are pointless if he won't use them in combat. That means his only useful trait is an ability to heal, something which you might get from any cache, and at least you don't have to lug round and protect that


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Well, I added that anyone he says is his friend and enter will not be attacked, and he also has spent all of his time in the parched Wastes. And because he doesn't use them for combat doesn't mean he doesn't use them. Say a Air user was trapped inside a ruin, and he had Luminous with him. He could cut through the walls, freeing them. He could also, say, create a small shield above him to protect something from falling rocks and the such, (Or a enemy's fireball) for example.


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He's still going to get murdered if he meets someone who just wants his stuff. Like, for example, most of the contendors on the Island.He has no concept of violence, you say so yourself, so he's not going to intervene if an ally gets attacked because he won't understand whats going on. And, as I said, if he's in the Parched Waste then there's no plants, so his herbological knowledge is useless.Sorry, its a great idea for a character and all, but I can't see it working in this RPG

Edited by The Power that Is


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Just because he doesn't understand violence doesn't mean he couldn't defend a ally. If who ever was getting attacked screamed "HELP!" Luminous would help them, such as creating a shield between the fighting people. (He'd probably go up and introduce himself to the attacker, however) Also, about the Parched Wastes thing, if I got to play with him, he would be there at the moment. Not saying he would stay. Also, he could have been in the other areas before.


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Name: PukenaSpecies: Devastator’s speciesGender: FemaleAppearance: Very similar to the Dark Hunter known as “Devastator”, but with bright green eyes instead. A large build with black as the primary colour and silver as the secondary. Spikes everywhere.Powers:-Great strength-Ability to transmute her body into sand.-Limited control over sand-Strong telekinetic abilitiesWeapons/Equipment: Pukena’s weapons are made from stone, so that they can dissolve into sand along with her body. She carries a long, thin blade and some flint throwing knives.Bio: Pukena’s home realm is Karzhani, in the chasms and deep fissures that riddle the wastes. She managed to escape to Stelt, wanting to escape Karzhani’s tyrannical rule. Her life on Stelt turned out to be not much better. She got into debt and was forced to fight as a slave-gladiator to pay it off. Eventually, she persuaded a senior gladiator, Turano, to help her lead the gladiators in a rebellion against their cruel masters. In yet more bad luck, the uprising was unsuccessful, and she was handed over to the Shepherds as an example to other slaves.Pukena has a fiery personality, ready to erupt at any moment into fierce anger. This gives her a tendency to be rash, and has gotten her into trouble in the past. She is determined to take everything life throws at her, and nothing lying down in order to win a better lot in life. This is what drove her escape from Karzhani and rebellion on Stelt, but it could just as easily lead her to take on challenges that are beyond her.Name: TuranoSpecies: Brutaka’s speciesGender: MaleAppearance: Similar to Brutaka – mostly gold, but with the dark blue parts replaced with metru-red ones instead. Rather than an Olmak, he bears a giant Gold Faxon.Powers: Not all of this species’ powers are known, so I took a bit of liberty and imagination here.-Resistance to Pit mutagen (takes longer to get mutated and effects are not as severe (useless on the IoP)).-Ability to absorb antidermis and become stronger (Also useless on the IoP).-Ability to emit energy from hands or a weapon.Weapons/Equipment: Turano wears a kanohi faxon. It allows him to copy the powers of rahi who share his general environment. He carries a large blade almost as tall as he is, which looks a bit like Tahu Nuva’s combined magma swords, and wields it with deadly precision and skill.Bio: Turano was once a gladiator on Stelt, fighting in the arena for others’ entertainment. He used to win most of his fight, and learned to dispatch his opponents with a minimum of fuss. The grizzled old warrior once helped to lead a rebellion of the gladiators against their employers with a being called Pukena, who felt they were being exploited. The rebellion was brutally put down by Steltian law enforcement, who decided to make an example to Turano. They handed him over to the Shepherds to be taken to the Island of Pain.Turano is a brutal fighter, but he can usually keep a cool head, and is not rash or hasty. He will look at a situation from many angles and determine his course of action with logic and reason. This can make him a little resistant to extravagant, daring plots, as he prefers down-to-earth solutions to his problems.

Edited by Mt Ihu


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Name: XavianSpecies: Mutated ToaGender: MaleAppearance: Whatever he wishes. (Read below) His "Normal" shape is a rust-orange and tan being the size of a toa, though much skinner. Has blue eyes in any humaniod shape he takes. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/namealot/Sprites/xavian.bmpPowers:-Elemental control over sand. (Very skilled in the use of it)-Is composed out of sand (Can transfer his consiousness to any body of sand) which he controls, and can shapeshift through it. Can solidify himself to take his normal shape, along with solidifing himself to higher density. (Like Sandman from spider-man) Can absorb other sand into himself, making himself larger and can control other sand into humanoid forms by "possesing" it. Weapons/Equipment: N/A (He can make it out of Sand)Bio: Xavian. The perfect example. Example of why not to mess with Toa energy, that is. Xavian was once a Toa of stone, one of the Toa Hagah of Mutran. Mutran's guards were constantly being destroyed by him, "For Science!" As he put it. With Xavian, he forced him into giving up his Toa energy into a simple handful of sand, instead of the normal Toa stone. The sand was then exposed to Makuta Viruses, among other chemicals. When Mutran was happy, he threw the Turaga and Sand into energized protodermis, and got a reaction. Quite a reaction. The energized protodermis spat out a single, Toa sized being. (Xavian's "normal" form) Mutran's guards attempted to make physical contact with the being, only to be killed. The new being, had the memory of his past life, and was about to attempt a murder of a makuta when the Makuta in question launched a heat beam at him. Xavian decided to run, turning himself into a dust cloud, which he controled to float over to a different island. Stelt. There he was captured by the sheperds, who decided that he would be quite the fighter after a "little display of power". The display in question was destroying a whole village in a controlled sand-storm.


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Name: HavolocRace: SkakdiGender: MaleAppearance: Grey and dark blue armor, red eyesPowers: Ability to channel lightning from his swordWeapons: Blade of Storms,Bio: Many have heard stories of a Skakdi who never attacks unless provoked and speaks the language of the Matoran, but they never believe it until they see him. Some of them say that Mata Nui gave him his ability to break free of the control of the Piraka, and others say that Mata Nui also gave him the ability to speak and think for himself. In truth, Havoloc had acquired these abilities without the Great Spirit. As soon as he had journeyed all across the island of Mata Nui, he left for an island called the "Island of Pain" thinking it would provide a challenge. Upon arrival, he had been ambushed by slavers. He allowed them to capture him, planning on freeing anyone else they had captured.

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Is the Blade of Storms just an ordinary sword but with a fancy name, or is it something special?Does he have any of the other Skakdi related powers?A Skakdi speaking Matoran isn't that unusual. All the ones we've seen could manage it. And what do you mean 'break free of the control of the Piraka'? The Piraka (assuming you mean the '06 villains) were never in control of the Skakdi.The island of Mata Nui is inaccessible if memory serves. You can only reach it from Metru Nui, and thats been closed up ever since the Great Cataclysm. There are plenty of islands inside the Matoran Universe for him to wander about on though.And finally, you can't just arrive at the Island of Pain. Its remote, largely unknown, and sealed off by a seemingly indestructible dome


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Name: YutanaSpecies: Toa of FireGender: FemaleAppearance: Yutana's main colour is red, and her armour is coloured that... However, she has a different secondary colour, to go along with her difference as a female Toa of Fire. Her secondary colour is blue, as if to reference blue flames. She wears a red Huna, which has a light blue clear visor.Powers: Yutana can manipulate fire, as a normal Toa of Fire could, and can turn invisible with help of her Huna.Weapons/Equipment: Rusted Iron LongswordBio: Yutana has had a... different life, to put it one way. She's been made fun of in the past for having such an odd colour scheme, and for being female in the midst of male Toa of Fire. However, there is no mistaking that she is a very handy fighter, as she proves when she gets the chance. However, one day, when she was on a diplomatic mission to a distant island, the ship she was part of was ambushed by people who were part of the Shepherds, and while most were killed fighting back, she had been tossed overboard, and saved from drowning, only to be captured. She was put onto the Island of Pain because, as it turns out, one of the people she had dealt with in the past had ordered her to be put there, due to her showing off and destroying his ego after fighting.

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  • 1 year later...

Name: Mirax

Species: Toa of Ice

Gender: Male

Appearance: To put it simple, Mirax resembles a polar bear. It is only the animal that is large and grand enough to be like him. A rugged-looking man, Mirax’s body is littered with nasty and painful scars. The worst of these is a brand that was burned on his Kanohi, a solid black ‘S’ to remind him of his place as a slave. His Kanohi is a Garai in the shape of a Hau, so it’s not particularly large, just positioned underneath his left eye. Besides the brutal scars and injuries, the other most noticeable thing about Mirax is his size. He’s tall and big which makes him a rather husky person, not fat, but layered with muscle and with incredibly wide shoulders. He wears bone-white armor, only increasing how big he appears to be. He also wears a fur coat made from the fur of wolves that he has slain while on the island.


His eyes are a cold blue and many who look into them feel as if they’re constantly being judged or analyzed.

Powers: Control over ice, Mirax wields his element with great ability. Perhaps it’s because his personality matches his element so well, but Mirax is vicious. He attacks with speed and precision, his opponent’s limbs frozen before they even have the chance to breath. A rather aggressive person, he rushes into battle and attacks without hesitation which can also be a weakness if possibly exploited.


His Kanohi gives him minor control over gravity, not to the level of a Toa of Gravity, but probably enough to increase or decrease the weight of a small boulder if he focuses hard enough.


He also has the ability to enter a berserker state of rage in which he will not stop until his body is incapable of moving on. He rarely enters this stage unless he remembers Surlea being taken away from him.

Weapons/Equipment: He utilizes two swords, nothing particularly fancy about them. They're old, metal swords that he found located around the island. His original swords were taken from by his slavers who wouldn't let him keep such awesome things due to their game-breaking awesomeness.

Bio: Mirax was a champion, a hero where he came from. In his home village, Mirax defended his people from all manners of threats; Rahi, pirates, and even the occasional Dark Hunter. He did this proudly alongside his lover and fellow Toa, Surlea. The two of the battled every manner of foe and they did it together. Mirax was happy and it seemed like no one could take this way from him. However, one day, a group of Dark Hunters raided the village, wanting to capture the Toa who had killed some of their comrades. The village was in ashes and the Dark Hunters were relentless. Mirax and Surlea were faced with only two options. Run or be killed.


Kissing one last time, the two took off in opposite directions, promising to reunite one day. However, Mirax was captured by a trap that the hunters had sprung on him. He was brought before the feet of their master, the dreaded Shadowed One. Breaking his body and branding him with a scar, they tortured the Toa for many days. Not because they needed knowledge, no, because they felt like it. They took sadistic glee in their torture of Mirax and ultimately they decided to send him to a place where no man could possibly survive. This place was the Island of Pain. Forced to survive on an island that he didn’t understand, there were only three things on his mind… Escaping from the island, getting revenge on the hunters and the man who had sent him there, and reunite with Surlea.


A man who will do anything to obtain what he wants; Mirax is no longer an ordinary Toa. No, he is something darker. He understands why the Toa Code exists, but he can longer obey it and has no problem with taking one. He is a true survivor and believes that surviving the hard days is the only thing that really matters in the long run…

Edited by CAPUA


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Name: Mataik pronunciation Mat-I-ik

Species: unknown

Gender: Male

Appearance: Height being a little taller than the average toa, but smaller than a Vortixx. Armor is a very dark blue, green and brown, so much it might be considered black. His armor is also patterned with dark red high lights, which are also hard to see.

Standing with noble posture and a straight back, His body is slightly thicker than that of a toa and is lean and athletic; despite this he has massive strength even without his mask. Altogether he has the basic build of a toa except is taller, and thicker.

Powers: He has no elemental powers but makes up for that with great speed, strength, agility, and skills in many different fields. His skills include, throwing; which he has leaned so well he can throw practically any item with speed and accuracy, he can deliver devastating kicks even with out his mask, his agility is matched by few and can easily out do a toa of water, and without his mask he has massive strength, greater than that of toa. He has skill with almost any weapon and in hand to hand combat, but with hand to hand combat even though he knows some moves, depends highly on fast and strong hits.

Weapons/Equipment: Pakari mask of strength. Feet attachments.

Bio: He is like a killer presentable to a king, though his early origins are unknown to most, this was most likely something that happened in his past. He can be charming and sophisticated when dealing with such beings and a rough rugged hunter when the time arises, even though he has been known to mix the personalities from time too time. Some of his earliest know history comes from the Dark Hunters, but he left do to his rivalry with Lariska, he was close to the same level as her but her wins were slightly greater, before he left and he said that he would one day beat her.

After the Dark Hunters he wondered for a while eventually being picked up by servants of the shepherds. After beating so many of them he was dropped off on the island of pain.


His favored attack plan is to end the fight before his enemy even knows it began, by means such as throwing a knife into his target before they even know he is there.


He prefers to remain a mystery and stay in the shadows while being a hunter.

Edited by light Laser

If wise man uses words, and strong man hits things, a wise strong man hits words.

Wait that doesn't seem right.



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