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To Save The World!

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IC:As far as Fade was concerned, any plan that involved him not killing this blasted Guardian was extremely risky at best, insane at worst. But he'd been in enough tight spots to know that stopping to ask Shard what his idea was would take just enough time to ensure its failure. He jumped off Guardian X's back, digging his grappling hook into the ceiling to avoid being sucked out into space. He hoped Shard knew what he was doing... but just in case he screwed up, he was ready to swing back in at a moments notice. [For Science!]

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

and that is beautiful.

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IC: Shard grinned to himself, clutching the Guardian X robot tighter. "C'mon, ugly, we're going for a ride!" He began pulling back as hard as he could, enough that he would either pull the thing off into the depths of space or tear it apart trying. Not that he was particularly picky about which, to be honest. *H-D*

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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IC: Gaurdian X "howled" with seeming artifical rage as arm nearing the controls suddenly disconnected from his body, Fade causing a catatrosphic joint failure in that arm. Their combined pestering and the still-rushing air forced X into a standing postion with Shard still forcing it back even further, only it's magnetised foot and stinger, dug into the floor, keeping it in place. Then, out of either acceptance of it's failure or outright malicious desire on Shard's behalf, it's stinger shot upwards to try and stab it's attacker violently to death. X was on it's last legs, and even that failed. The sheer force of everything against it caused the weakened leg joint to shear off under stress, sending both X and Shard tumbling away into the vacuum of space. A metal barrier rapidly began to slide across the window frame to seal the breach, but suffered a horrific system jam at the worst possible moment, unable to prevent the pair being ejected before it struggled to seal the hull breach completely, the rapid air loss ceasing as the environment stablised. While Shard's plan may have been coming under fire from inside, outside in the lifeless void, Gaurdian X was pretty annoyed. After being ganged up on so badly only it's torso, one full arm, one stump, and it's stinger bladetail remained... and it was intent to take Shard apart with those assets in any manner possible. ********************************************************** The Hunter was close enough to lunge a strike at her, just barely missing as Sluice threw herself to the floor and it slashed the wall where her head had been moments. As it began to redirect its blades her application of water hit something not designed to get wet and it shorted out, sparks showering from the electrified point as something inside critically failed and exploded, toppling it as critical inner workings failed completely and it just couldn't function properly anymore. Taking the oppotunities as they came in case his window suddenly closed for whatever reason, Silver had rushed foward down the pathway as he was cleared, the Extinction Cannon core blindly bright ahead of him until only five good long strides seperated him from the giant green crystal.... any closer and he was sure he'd burn out of retinas and be relying entirely on chance to hit the thing at all. Only one sheild remained close around the crystal, a radiation barrier that allow all other matter through, but prevented what he was sure was very deadly substances from pouring all over him. "Everyone, I am now at the Extinction Cannon's core. According to Esp we only have.... three minutes until it fires, and that's not a big window. Blowing this thing could take out the entire Mothership at once, so you all need to fall back to Esp in a hanger as quick as you can. Sluice, that means you too. Time for you to go" Silver contacted everyone (even Shard, had he not lost his earpeice.... diamonds have ears, right?), swallowing hard. The stress was starting to pile up, with good reason since the burden he'd placed upon himself was astronomical... if he failed, Earth would be destroyed. Well, there was the device attached to his arm from earlier in the battle: a small but potent warhead that would detonate if he screwed up.... but all simulations saw the combined force of such a blast with the Cannon's destruction as killing everyone on board, including his friends. He could not allow it to come to that...



The light becomes the dark...

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NPC: Scorchmark, having recieved the message, gathered as much energy as he could. He'd been saving up so far simply for dear life, but now he should have enough to make it to safety. With great difficulty he pushed himself up until he had some traction, mustered the reserves of his energy and set off. In moments he was out of the room and hiding behind a corner from the continued pull of the vacuum. Now another problem: He didn't know where the hangar was. Wonderful. And didn't this ship have airtight security doors in case of a hull breach? What kind of deathtrap was Technax flying around in, anyway? XH-DX IC: Shard's mouth moved, but despite the air rushing out around them from inside the ship, hardly a sound came out. In space no one can hear your bad Clint Eastwood quotes, he thought. For that matter he couldn't hear much of anything either, unless you counted the voice in his head, which thankfully sounded like Silver and thus meant he probably wasn't going completely insane. One thing he did fancy he could hear, though, was the sound of tearing metal as he focused on ripping the Guardian X robot apart, now that they were both well out of his allies' ways. Either the vibrations were carrying through the crystal rather than through air or he was imagining it, but he could have sworn he heard too the chink sound as the robot's blades bounced off his body. Of course any half-witted jeweler's kid could tell it that diamond was almost impossible to cut or pierce without using more diamond, and his own substance was compacted to increase durability. Apparantly Guardian X had never met a jeweler's kid before. Returning his focus to the task at hand, Shard raised his bladed arm and thrust it back into the robot's chest cavity, twisting it around and messing with the circuitry inside. His other, more normal hand caught the blade-tail as it made to attack him again and began pulling harshly. With all the stress the metal had to be going through, he wouldn't be surprised if it snapped there and then... *H-D*

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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OOC: My appologies for not posting before, but I wanted to be sure of my character count and went through the entirety of my posts in the archived RPG before I started namedropping people. As it turns out, I have, officially, 99 characters in this game, both PC and NPC, which means that, if I debut my super-special 100th character now, I can finally have the freedom to introduce new characters as I see fit. Without further ado, allow me to introduce Le Gardien! IC: (NPC-Le Gardien)Amid the wreckage of downtown Paris, an armored figure chopped down the last of a battalion of Skeletal Drones, pulling his oversized greatsword from the sparking robot and sheathing it on his back. He surveyed the area, and, having determined that there were no more drones in his immediate vicinity, stalked off through the rubble. The SuperHero known as Le Gardien was an imposing figure, both in appearance and legend. He wore a suit of knight's armor, polished silver with blue accents, that seemed to have been progressively upgraded over the years. The visor of the helmet was polished black glass, most likely containing a HUD; computerized controls were grafted to the back of the gauntlets; thick platforms were built into the base of the boots to encase rocket boosters; and several connective parts of the suit were missing, revealing a padded suit of black kevlar body armor underneath. He carried an enormous sword that noone without augmented strength would have been able to even lift, let alone use with proficiency, a blue cross inlaid in its circular pommel. The Heroes he passed gave him a courteous nod, or else completely ignored him. Le Gardien was known to be reclusive and antisocial, and they knew better than to try to engage him in conversation. Those few civilians who chanced being out amidst the remnants of the invasion pointed and whispered as he walked by. Le Gardien was legendary, both in France and the SuperHuman community, for having defended France for the past 183 years. It was commonly disputed among historians, but it was believed that Le Gardien was actually the first SuperHuman to ever become a "SuperHero" - a SuperHuman who donned a costume and personna to fight crime, leading a double life to protect both his identity and the country. Whether or not he was indeed the first SuperHero, Le Gardien carried an enormous amount of respect for his years of service to the nation of France. Over recent years that respect had begun to falter, however, as he clashed time and again with the League of Salvation. Refusing to join a worldwide network of Heroes he was convinced would only get in his way, Le Gardien brought forth a harsh sense of justice, maiming Villains as often as he captured them. People were beginning to view him as outdated, an archaic version of heroism long overdue for retirement. If only they had the nerve to say it to his face.... OOC: Ta-dah! He'll play a larger role in future plots, but I wanted to make sure that the first SuperHero ever was my 100th character. Now, had I gotten to it sooner, I would have had Loadstone hurl that piece of metal at the window and seal it before Shard and GX had been sucked out. Now I'm not sure what to do with him; he came in all dramatic only to do nothing and head out... IC: (Loadstone)The sudden vacuum had forced Loadstone to abandon his metallic sphere and focus his sole attention on keeping his boots magnetized to the floor - and keeping his glasses on his face. He straightened himself up as the hull shields activated, cursing his lack of action. Upon receiving the call from Silver, he snapped his fingers and summoned his magnaboard, which he had left in the hallway behind him. "Anyone need a lift?" he asked, stepping up onto the hovering metallic surfboard. IC: (Aquarius)Aquarius's delayed response had been a byproduct of trying to recall who Hivemind was, and how he knew her. It finally dawned on him that she was a fellow genetic scientist, one he had worked with once but had never actually liked. Just by listening to her absurd conversation now he remembered why - she was easily distracted, none too eloquent, and had little care for her fellow Coalition members, including the other scientists that they employed. He much preferred working with G-Nome or Contagion; at least they viewed their work with a more serious attitude. Not to mention she clearly didn't know what a distress signal was for. "Whether I could actually do as you suggest or not, I would advise against it," Aquarius said. "The League has an entire aquatic division of Atlanteans that they could use to capture us both, and confiscate your cargo. With the invasion dieing down, aerial transport seems to be your best option, but I'm no pilot, and I don't have a tiltrotor on hand, either." He paused for a moment, then added, "The best substitute I have would be to call in Apparition and see if he could either teleport your cargo to wherever it is you're headed, or if not to acquire transportation for you." EDIT: TPTI, to fix the spacing in the first post, delete the spacing you have already and hit Enter from the line above it. That usually works for me. ~Lord Rahl~

Edited by Lord Rahl
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IC: Sluice got to her feet. She sublimated the covering of ice that had formed across the floor, walking carefully around the smoking remains of the Hunter - half-expecting it to suddenly spring to life again and make a deadly swing - but once she had passed it safely and reached the doorway that served as the room's only entrance and exit, she turned around and looked at Silver. She could barely make him out now that he was standing against the brilliant bright green glow emanating from the Extinction Cannon's power crystal, but she kept her gaze on him for several seconds anyway. She wanted to wish him 'good luck' through his earpiece, but what if it only added to the incredible pressure he was feeling? What if it distracted him from a crucial thought? She was too afraid that any kind of message would be the wrong thing to say, and so ended up saying nothing at all. She turned away. Before her now spanned the unlit corridor. Her path back toward the elevator was unhindered - Esp must have done a good job of disabling most security systems in the area. She stepped onto the metal platform, drawing breath through clenched teeth. Parts of her body were almost numb, and it would be so easy for her to just collapse and give in. She wrapped an arm around her cracked rib to ease the pain. She couldn't stop now. Silver had deliberately given her this chance to survive and she was going to honour his last efforts. Last as in 'most recent', she assured herself, not last as in- She looked down at her arm, the one wrapped round her chest. It was getting wet for some reason. Using her other hand she felt her face. She was aching so much that she hadn't even realised she was crying...

Edited by Kumata
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ICDropping to the floor, Fade made a dash for the closing hatch, trying to throw out a grappling hook in time for Shard to catch. But he was too late, and his grappler bounced off a heavy metal barrier. Fade cursed; if he'd known that was the plan, he'd never have let Shard do it. Still, it looked like Shard was still alive out there in the void, so all Fade could do was hope he could manage to join back up with them... somehow. "Esp, can you give me Silver's location?" he asked. "Silver, I'm heading down to you. When you're ready to blow this thing, I can phase you through the decks back up to the hanger, got it?" Or at least, that was Fade's plan. Honestly, he wasn't entirely sure he'd be able to get down there and back, even accounting for phasing, in time. But when it came down to it, he'd much rather be risking himself in the thick of it than waiting helplessly on some spaceship. --- Hivemind frowned. This Aquarius guy wasn't about to be cooperative, although the fact he'd said "The League could catch us" as opposed to "You want me to move the ocean?" implied he thought he might be able to do it. Still, Hivemind wasn't about to give up just yet. She could be very persuasive if she needed to be... and by that she meant good at annoying people until they just gave in. "Apparition? You want me to call in a teleporter for this? Buddy, there's a war going on, we can't be wasting a valuable resource like that transporting some scientist's junk! Someone like that's needed on the front lines!" It was actually a pretty reasonable point, which was why Hivemind was just as shocked as anyone she'd thought of it. "And anyway, I never thought I'd need to explain this to someone called Aquarius, but the reason they call it the Big Blue Sea is because it's big. Like, one of the biggest things on Earth. The odds of actually running into anyone out there are astronomically slim. Besides, last I checked we didn't put much stock in the League's opinion." Hivemind let out a sly chuckle. "Come on, Aquarius! Don't tell me you're afraid of a little adventure..." [For Science!]

Edited by Chronicler of Ko-Koro

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

and that is beautiful.

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OOC: I'll point out that the vacuum has just been sealed, and Half-Dragon pratically begged me to throw Shard into space so you weren't really meant to "save" him =P ......... not that you ICly know that, of course. Carry on. IC: In a normal environment, Shard would've been able to hear the sound of stressed metal easily. Instead he just had to guess correctly that the blade-tail was struggling to stay attached to the rest of the body, but despite having a diamond blade through it's chest. Gaurdian X still 'clawed' at Shard's face with it's remaining hand, even fine with trying to fistycuffs him to death. It was clear X was outmatched, but Technax has also programmed it to never surrender, so it'd keep going and probably attempt to attack as just a torso. ********************************* Silver wished Fade was by him right that moment.... just so he could punch the phaser in the face. Hard. "No. Don't you dare come down here after me, any of you. No-one else is getting hurt because of my mistakes. The Extinction Cannon still has one final defense: the focusing crystal itself has an impregnable surface when idle... but at the apex of it's power storage, it'll be fragile... all the shielding was to prevent something hitting it, and now they're all disabled, I'm about to do that... but it'll only work when the Cannon is about to fire. When I trash this thing, all the stored energy that would've destroyed Earth will do....we don't know. So nobody else is coming down here with me, and even if I fail, Esp created a backup: the device Sluice delivered to me earlier is a powerful bomb that will detontate just before the firing sequence ends. We're sure that will multiple the power of the damage a hundred fold, and if you are anywhere even remotely close to the center of the ship, we'll all by killed" Silver replied bluntly into the comm to all the Mothership-bound heroes and allies, even those in the void right now. The psychic paced back and forth as the huge crystal lowered further downward in the chamber, the mass of stored energy starting to flow into at a rapid rate as the firing sequence entered the final stage. All or nothing. "Everyone, Esp will lead you to her in a hangar, and you need to all get on board as quick as you can.... or at least get a close as possible before the countdown ends. We have less than two minutes now, and Technax won't just let us fly out once his prized ship starts to go down. Esp, the protocol I told you about earlier, activate it now for me.... please. The rest of you.... try to stay alive until I get back to you, alright? And one more thing..." the psychic continued, before pausing. He felt like he was leaving something out, that something needed to be said to reassure everyone in the faith he had in the plan, and his decision to take on the Extinction Cannon alone. "........... we're all heroes, and we all have a destiny. Some are glorious and some are terrible, but right now we've all got one destiny. Something I wouldn't entrust to any other people anywhere over all of you. We're destined to save the world, all of us. They have faith in us to come back to them so let's not let them down for even a second" OOC: You've all got a brief window to say anything you feel appropiate yet not mindbogglingly "I am your father", just feels like the sappy time for it. But if anyone asks Silver where he left Photon's flat keys, a pidgeon flew off with them. Really. :P

Edited by Transairion



The light becomes the dark...

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Silver wished Fade was by him right that moment.... just so he could punch the phaser in the face. Hard.

OOC: Nyaah, you can't! Phasing! It wins again! And (assuming the bit about Shard was directed at me), I was aware of that, which is why Fade's attempt was foiled by liberal application of wall. He's just not to type to let a guy gets spaced if he can do anything about it. IC:Fade muttered a few choice words under his breath. He wasn't happy with the thought of leaving a man behind, even if it might be the only way to save the planet. And telling him it was a matter of destiny wasn't enough to move Fade either; as far as he was concerned, he was the only allowed to decide his own fate. He'd broken the barriers of time itself and changed the course of history, that was more than enough to convince him that nothing was set in stone. But still... the others needed to get back to Esp safely, which they could do a lot better with his phasing powers. When it came down to one of them dying versus all of them... it wasn't a choice Fade was eager to make, but it was one he supposed he'd have to make all the same. "...Very well," he muttered, even if the tone of his voice said otherwise. He paused, as if struggling to find the proper words for the moment. "Uh... Look, kid, I can't say what mistakes you've made; in the end, I guess you're the only one who can decide that. Just... just make sure you know whether or not they're worth doing something stupid over, okay?" [For Science!] Edited by Chronicler of Ko-Koro

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

and that is beautiful.

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IC: Sluice was gobsmacked. If she'd known that the device Esp had asked her to deliver was a bomb... She sniffed and wiped her eyes before activating her headpiece. "Tim." She wanted to say something nonchalant and reassuring. The signs were all there but she refused to make this a final goodbye. "I'll see you later." She inwardly cursed herself for not coming up with something better, but in her current state it was the best she could think of. Besides, the messages of the others were starting to crackle through her headpiece now. Her window was gone. The elevator had finished its descent now. Sluice hopped off and, limping slightly, followed the path that should lead her back toward the other heroes... OOC: Feel free to run into Sluice at any point now.

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IC: At this point it wasn't much of a fight. It was Shard cutting loose and getting back at Guardian X for causing him so much trouble. This was made even more abundantly clear when the appendage he was pulling at came loose in a flurry of sparks, and he promptly turned it over and hovered back, holding it in both arms (he'd re-formed one) and raised it up. Slash! The one remaining arm was severed immediately, floating away in the endless abyss. Swipe! The blade-tail swept down through the Guardian's torso, severing it diagonally in two. Stab! The larger of the two halves was impaled on the Guardian's former limb. Finally, Shard launched a tiny crystal at each dismembered piece of the robot, pulled them around with his mind (Isn't it great how nothing in space weighs anything?) and finally thrust them all forward, right in the direction of the sun. If this thing came back to bother him now, he would officially be impressed. *H-D* NPC: Scorchmark followed the path laid out for him in bursts of super-speed, punctuated by brief stops to breathe, thinking over the matter of Silver. The psychic was tossing his life on a gamble for them where the deck was stacked against him. This could be the last chance he'd have to say something - thank him, maybe, or wish him well. Perhaps utter some kind of profound wisdom. In the end he went with his first choice: "Shut up and focus on not dying." Nobody ever said Scorchmark was the sentimental type. Not twice, anyway. XH-DX

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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IC: When Dr. Anatomy triedto ring the pizza place there was no answer, nor an answer for any other delivery service, he decided that the only course of action was to visit the town he lived near, he needed more food anyways. He grabbed his communicator, locked the doors and set out to the town. Along the way he was suspicous of the giant craters on the side of the road but assumed nothing of it, he'd ask the store clerk about it. However when he reached the city limits he found that the whole town had been destroyed, He fealt anger and despair rise in him at the same time. 'My town, has been destroyed, my family estate, in ruins, who did this? WHO DID THIS?' were the only thoughts going through his mind. He couldn't muster a grin so that he could rampage without injury. Then he saw some remaining skeletal soldiers, 'Who do they belong to?' he thought, 'Obviously whoever did this to the town!' After a minute or so he deliberately pulled outhis Coalition communicator and boradcasted to all active communicators and asked, with a fair amount of anger in his voice "Does anyone know anything about an invasion of any kind?" OOC: Do we need permission to make NPCs?

Lonliness echoes through my mind like the reaper's footsteps,

Creeping, crawling until every reverberation of it fills my thoughts,

As the inky blackness of night overwhelms me and I begin to despair,

His hand, the One, will always be there to pull me through.



Don't you just love it when you lose all your BZPower info as well as your email info and are forced to use an old alt? I know I do!

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OOC: Do we need permission to make NPCs?

OOC: I should hope not, seeing as I've probably made fifty without thinking about asking permission :P But yeah, as far as I know there isn't any real restriction on NPCs, outside of the fact you can't just use them all the time to get extra characters in everything but name. [For Science!]

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

and that is beautiful.

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OOC: Thanks.IC: A gruff voice came over the communicator, "Where have you been? A giant horde of alien robots invaded!" "I was in a hole in the ground" Dr.Anatomy said, his anger adding an edge to his voice. "Calm down Or you'll get yourself killed, by me." The voice responded. "Shut up." Dr. Anatomy yelled throwing the communicator against the skeleton of a building, smashing it to pieces. '####' he thought. He collapsed, now in complete sorrow and almost cried, but then something deep down steeled his heart and banished all emotions but anger. He gave a wicked smile, '95% carbon, rearange atoms 5% other, increase muscle mass' he thought. The entirty of his body except his muscles, organs, and joints became hard as diamond and his arms got stronger, he rushed towards the skeletal soldiers.

Lonliness echoes through my mind like the reaper's footsteps,

Creeping, crawling until every reverberation of it fills my thoughts,

As the inky blackness of night overwhelms me and I begin to despair,

His hand, the One, will always be there to pull me through.



Don't you just love it when you lose all your BZPower info as well as your email info and are forced to use an old alt? I know I do!

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OOC: I'm not quite sure where to start despite reading the posts so far, so I guess I'll just start out by myself and try and catch everyone up later. IC: George awoke with a groan. His head was pounding and his left arm felt twisted out of place. Shifting his weight onto his right arm he stood up to better inspect his wounds. The arm was fine if a little bruised. He was covered in various other scratches and bruises but mostly unharmed. He was surprised to have survived the fall."I fear how I would have fared there if not for my good luck," he said to himself. His crown lay a few feet from him. It wasn't particularly rare and had cost him little but it carried sentimental value for him now. He stooped to pick it up and then froze. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a solitary robot. It stood there motionless. He wondered how long it had been there and whether it was currently registering him as a threat. Moving slowly he picked up his crown and placed it on his head. He then reached for his cane which lay a few feet to the left. The robot was still motionless. There was silence for a moment. Then George made his move. Pressing a button concealed in the cane's head a metal spike extended from the end. George threw the cane hitting the robot in the torso and impaling it on the wall behind."Oh how I love my good luck," he said aloud. He had clearly spoken too soon however as several more robots rounded the corner behind him.


Credit to Grape Juice City from

Spectral Avohkii Enterprises for the Avatar and Banner.

My Writing: Bharadimir's Journal

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OOC: Bharadimir - If it helps, there's going to be a timeskip of about a month after the invasion wraps up. Everyone'll be starting new plots at that point, so you'll have lots of opportunity to join up with other characters then. :) IC: (Loadstone)Loadstone wasn't really the sentimental type; he'd gotten on numerous Heroes' bad sides by cracking jokes at the wrong time. Even so, he knew now was not the time to make fun of the circumstances. "I can think of a dozen cracks to make right now, but I'll keep it simple," he said. "Good luck, Silver. If you need us, we'll be here." IC: (Aquarius)"I'm merely trying to be realistic about this," Aquarius said in an annoyed but offhanded tone. "If you'd rather drive for a week across the sea floor, or float your 'junk' for several months on an iceberg, then you're more than entitled to. You'll just have to find another aquakinetic to do it for you." ~Lord Rahl~

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IC:"...'Float my junk'? Is that what they're calling it now?" Hivemind asked, with a great deal more immature chucking than was truly required. She wondered if coming across as a childish moron was perhaps unwise at the moment, then decided she didn't particularly care. "Well, 'realistically' speaking, I shouldn't have been able to infiltrate one of the enemy's most highly guarded bases and top it off by destroying one of their most powerful weapons, so being realistic isn't really a concern of mine today. If you don't want to help me, fine. I stole a truck, I imagine it shouldn't be too hard to steal a boat. And I'm sure the Armada has more important targets than some solitary ship out in the middle of the ocean. It'll be perfectly safe. "But, suppose something does go wrong, and my boat does get scuttled. Imagine how the Coalition might react if they find out one of their own - ideally suited for assisting an ocean crossing, I might add - just sat back and allowed it to happen?" she asked. "And of course, even if I did make it back, you're still the guy who wouldn't help ensure it got to safety because he was too busy being an uncooperative stick-in-the-mud. "...But that's all purely hypothetical, of course. Nothing to worry your pretty little head - I'm making the assumption you have a head, you never know with us super types - over. I'm sure I'll get the hang of driving a boat quick enough; by the way, you wouldn't know which button makes it go forward?" [For Science!]

Edited by Chronicler of Ko-Koro

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

and that is beautiful.

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IC: (Loadstone)As Loadstone flew down the corridor, he saw Sluice walking toward him. He slowed the magnaboard to a halt beside her. "Sluice?" he said, concern in his voice. He held a hand out to help her up onto his board. "Are you okay?" IC: (Aquarius)Oh my god, she makes me miss Loadstone, Aquarius thought with a grimace. "All right, if it'll shut you up, I'll help you commandere a ship," he said. And if something happens to her along the way, and I take full credit for the entire haul, this might actually be worth the trouble. "I'm on the outskirts of New York City...or what's left of it. If you want to meet me at the Hudson River, we can find a ship and be on our way. Where are you heading, anyway?" ~Lord Rahl~

Edited by Lord Rahl
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IC: "Not really." Sluice answered as she climbed up onto Loadstone's magna-board, trying to keep the weight off of her most injured leg. It said something about the condition she was in that she wasn't reluctant to ride on it. "Don't worry about me though. Let's just go..."

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OOC: I was waiting for Rahl to slip in before I continued, but seems I've overshot a bit! But not my fault, I'm still breaking in my TARDIS :lookaround: Also, that bit about the breach was actually directed at H-D I think, since the Scorchmark IC suggested there was still a giant hole somewhere that needed to be plugged. IC: Shard was right to be confident, for Gaurdian X finally had nothing left to fight with.... in more spare parts that was likely considered humane, and those parts on a long, long trip towards the Sun, X was defeated for good. That just left the pressing problem of floating through the lifeless void of space.... since you couldn't do that forever. Well, diamonds ARE forever but... that'd be more of a Shard fossil than a Shard. ********************************** "Thank you.... all of you. Get as far from the centre as you can, you've got.... 32 seconds. Make the most of it, and if you're all still alive I'll see you in minutes. Take care of yourselves" Silver mused contently, removing his earpeice. He could no longer afford to be distracted no matter how much he wanted to, so tossed his communication device away and out of his sight, having no idea where it landed. Sighing, the psychic stepped closer to the ever-brighter glowing Extinction Cannon core, the mammoth crystal rotating as raw destructive power was poured into it's form. This was it... all or nothing. He focused on his palm, forming a psychic orb: a relatively new explosive move he'd toyed with recently. Except now he didn't need to worry about collateral. Bending his mental power to his will, he forced every ounce of power he could into the orb, which grew and pulsed as it's instability grew... 28 seconds As the escaping groups headed towards the hangar a rather immediate problem assailed their ears. Familar rolling of metal on metal.... Rollers, shielded gattling guns. A lot of them. Dozens. Technax had activated every single one on his Mothership, hundreds in all, and their were all swarming from all ends towards the hangar the organic signatures were being tracked to. He had clearly decided he wouldn't tolerate any of the group leaving alive. The first of the rollers shot around a corner behind Sluice and Loadstone, racing after them as it's dual-weapons began deploying from it's spherical body mid-travel, while two more were trying to catch up to the others. 25 seconds until the Extinction Cannon fires OOC: Basically..... run. Very very fast. Rollers are also pretty magnetic, if that helps 8D



The light becomes the dark...

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IC:Fade darted away from the rest of the group, rushing between of the rollers targeting the group. Fighting them would be nothing short of suicidal; not only did Fade not want to find out if their shields were phase-resistant, but the sheer numbers coming at them were just too many to hold off before the extinction cannon fired. All Fade could do was try to draw the rollers' fire away from the group; the more there were shooting at him, the less there were taking shots at the rest of the group. Phasing in between a volley of shots, Fade unclipped a smoke bomb and flung it into the group. Smokescreens would probably do little to impair their targeting systems, but the preceding flash of heat and light ought to screw with it for a few seconds; the few vital seconds that could mean the difference between life and death for the group. --- Hivemind took a moment to slide the Inferno Crystal's container under her seat. What this Aquarius didn't need to know wouldn't hurt him. And if he did stumble across it... that was why she'd left a few hornets guarding it, and they certainly would hurt him. "...Well, technically, if I shut up I can't answer your questions, but I'll do my best," she said, glancing up at the quickly approaching skyline. "And you're in luck; looks like I'm just about to hit the city limits. With the speed this truck is going at, that statement might be interpreted very literally, so I'll probably need both hands to drive. See you on the Hudson! ...At the Hudson. Hopefully, anyway." [For Science!]

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

and that is beautiful.

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IC: Sluice had one arm wrapped around Loadstone's waist as the magna-board carried them speedily down the corridor. As the first roller made its noisy emergence behind, she pointed her free arm towards the floor and willed chunks of ice to form. At her current strength levels they were only big enough to cause slight bumps as the roller moved over them, but even those minor disruptions threw off the robot's aim - as it unleashed the first barrage of gunfire the walls and ceiling rattled and sparked with misdirected shells...

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IC: (Loadstone)Loadstone fired a magnetic pulse behind them as they flew, the roller's shots magnetically forced back toward their origin. The pulse hit the roller dead-on, hurtling it backwards into the next few rollers that were unlucky enough to have been next to turn the corner. "Hold on, this might get a little bumpy," he warned Sluice, forming a magnetic wall behind the magnaboard. The magnaboard began to wobble slightly, caught between the forward pull that Loadstone was exerting on it and the shield behind it pulling it backwards. Compared to some of the stunts that Loadstone was known for pulling, though, the board's vibration was relatively mild. The theory was, with a magnetic barrier between the rollers and the Heroes, neither artillery shells nor the rollers themselves would be able to get anywhere near them. With the amount of rollers piling up behind them, it was a theory about to be put to the test... IC: (Aquarius)"Roger that," Aquarius said, cutting off the channel on his communicator. "Nitwit," he added, once he was sure that the communicator was no longer transmitting. He motioned to the Sharkmen bodyguards he had acquired shortly before he had received Hivemind's distress signal and, as a group, they began heading for the rendezvous point. ~Lord Rahl~

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NPC: Scorchmark zoomed through the ranks of the rollers, knocking several aside by sheer force generated by his super-speed, and slowed down enough to match Lodestone and Sluice. His metal ventilator tore itself from his face, as did the visor he wore over his eyes, and flew off down the hallway, revealing char-black skin, but he could care less at the moment. "The walls are metal!" He yells. "Close them off! We don't have time to dodge their attacks!" Fade would be fine - going through solid objects was kind of his thing. XH-DX IC: Shard realized something as he was floating through the endless abyss, somewhere between gloating to himself about his victory and watching the bits of Guardian X fly off toward the sun (they wouldn't actually reach the sun for, oh, maybe a week, but still fun to watch) : "I did not think this through." He folded his arms, frowning. Okay, he won... now he was floating through the endless abyss. Sure, he could fly, but if he got near the Earth's atmosphere... he might survive the heat, but there was no guarantee he'd be able to stop himself before impact. Wonderful. So for the time being there was a diamond statue of a man with his arms crossed, looking distinctly annoyed, floating through the endless abyss. *H-D*

Edited by Half-Dragon

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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IC:The green and brown blur that probably represented fields and trees was quickly replaced with a brown and grey blur that probably represented bridges and buildings as Hivemind sped by. Even if they were attempting to subjugate the human race - which Hivemind didn't have a problem with, really, as long as that didn't include herself - those bots had at least one point in their favor; the roads were absolutely empty. During the usual unnatural disasters and supervillain attacks, abandoned cars could be relied upon to litter the road and generally make getting anywhere in the city impossible. But hover tanks and walkers needed ample space to maneuver, so they'd been courteous enough to blast a pathway through the city that allowed Hivemind to speed through at speeds the average commuter couldn't even dream of. Of course, the problem with such breakneck speeds was... well, the "break neck" part, and Hivemind soon found herself needing to stop before she hit the river bank, presumably achieving escape velocity in the process. She slammed on the brakes - that was another word she was starting to dislike, so much about breaking going on - and the truck skidded wildly as all the speed built up over the pretty-much nonstop drive was canceled out in an instant. The trailer - overloaded with heavy machinery and battle armor - pushed the truck forward by sheer mass and momentum, getting dangerously close to the river ahead. The semi screeched out onto a pier with a hideous hiss of metal, coming a halt only a few inches from the water. Hivemind peered out the driver's side window; it was practically necessary, given the smoke rising off the engine. "...Well, any one you can walk away from, huh?" she muttered to no one in particular, then began to look about the waterfront for her Coalition contact. [For Science!]

Edited by Chronicler of Ko-Koro

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

and that is beautiful.

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IC: "Ten seconds!" Esp informed the lollygaggers frantically as they ran, flew and smashed their way towards the hangar and their escape, time of the essence in this situation. Even more so as the entryway to the storage ring of the whole Mothership superstructure was locking down, and trying to unlock it once it closed would take valuable time they did not have to spare. Down on Earth, military considered launching ever weapon in their arsenal at once to stave off extinction, but every scenario with a shred of success also risked massive blowback onto the Earth, at best crippling and irradiating entire sections of the planet. It was far too late to enact such a do or die stratergy, and many eyes were turned to the growing green glow out past the Moon. Shard himself would have the best, and worst view... he would either see the Mothership go down, or Earth reduced to nothingness, and be relatively helpless to act against it. "Three...." Even with his eyes closed in focus, Silver was still certain the painful glow at near pointblank range was making him go blind... not that he risk worried him, considering what was at stake. The psychic orb in his palm pulsed and rippled in extreme instability after he'd poured all the power he could spare into it, praying it would be enough. "Two" His focus increased and he forced himself to lurch foward, sensing the immeniant future. His timing had to be exact, or he would fail and the bomb would activate, very likely taking all his allies with it. It would become vulnerable in heartbeat, and he had to succeed. For his home, for everyone on Earth, for his friends, for...... "One" Silver's eyes snapped open, his psychic blue aura flaring up brightly. It was time. Though he couldn't see it, he sensed the Extinction Cannon crystal's surface going vulnerable as the power held within peaked and the glow reached eye-scalding porportions. The psychic thrust his palm foward and launched the orb with everything he had as the Extinction Cannon began to discharge. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The small blue projectile sailed onwards.... ...... and impacted. The very heart of the Extinction Cannon and the Mothership itself fractured and had a huge, important chunk missing as the explosive mental creation impacted with all the force the conjuring mind could muster. Unfathomable amounts of energy backed up upon itself, minute amounts surging back into the energy systems and causing a critical overload.The crystal was unable to release as designed, nor could it contain the vast amount of power, and it shook under sheer stress as the energy began to amass. Silver stumbled backward, attempting to throw a shield over himself as his body burned: the radiation barrier had failed and exposed him to whatever the superweapon gave off. Despite this, the psychic managed to smile contently to himself, even as he saw the stored energy amass at a tiny point in the comprised structure.


green_explosion_3259.jpg The central top and bottom sections of the Armarda Mothership exploded outwards in a shower of 'impregnable armour' before being immediatly disintergrated by the green energy that caused it, flares lancing out in all directions that drew anything towards them just to share the same fate. The entire saucer's superstructure was comprominised, metal twisting and folding inwards as a huge sphere of destructive power was born at it's heart, like a new star consuming it from the inside out. The sheer force of the blast was enough to send everyone, human alien or robot sprawling and dazed as alarms began to blare all over the ship: every of the four power crystals had been outright destroyed or was overloading, systems recieving too much power and violently exploding. The destructive sphere at the heart of the ship was growing, drawing more and more of the craft into it while flares lashed out and destroyed anything they touched. Failsafes began to seperate and launch sections of the craft away into the void, but the impossible to predict flares annilated just as many that got out of range.... if not more. The Aramda Mothership was completely and utterly crippled and was not far from complete destruction. All this had occured in under half a minute, and already those within the Mothership were recovering from the inital blast. The only question now would be if they would live to tell the tale.

Edited by Transairion



The light becomes the dark...

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NPC: "Ten seconds!" Wonderful. Sure, Scorchmark could make the rest of the trip in about half that, but these three probably couldn't. Unless Lodestone tried shooting his magnaboard forward, using the metal tunnel as a magnetic rail, but that would likely result in him and Sluice ending up splattered on the wall. Plus Fade would still be back there. Growling to himself, Scorch came to the conclusion there was really nothing he could do for them now - they would have to make their own way. Without so much as a 'good luck' to slow him down, he took a deep breath and went full speed ahead down the corridor. It wasn't long before he found Esp, and he wasted no time zooming inside. He looked out the hatch, waiting for the others to hurry up already... XH-DX IC: Shard had no blood at this point, and being transparent he couldn't get much paler, but if he could right now, he would. Explosions of that magnitude do that to a guy. After a brief period spent paralyzed in terror, he began flying as fast as he could away from the incoming debris - not fast enough, as it turned out, but at least what hit him didn't do any damage thanks to the relatively minor difference between their speeds. This left him standing as if on top of it (which, considering the lack of proper gravity, was true enough) for a short moment, followed by quickly moving around it (and the other debris coming at him) and searching desperately for some hint that the others got out okay... *H-D*

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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IC:Fade was nearly floored by the blast as the entire ship lurched violently. He whirled about towards the sound of destruction... and the momentary distraction proved just enough opportunity for a shot from a roller to strike him square in the chest. The impact blew him backwards, tumbling across the shaking metal floor. Fade gasped and groaned; he was pretty sure his armor had taken most of the force out of the impact - or at the very least, stopped it from hitting anything vital - but every inch of his body was wracked with pain. No time to worry about that though, not while the Mothership was exploding around them. He could check his own condition when he was safely off this thing, he had to worry about getting everyone to safety first. And there was also the issue of the roller which shot him, which had regained control after the blast and was now barreling forward to finish the job. Fade threw a smoke bomb in its path to slow it down and, ignoring the pain trying to tell his body to do otherwise, attempted to drag himself to his feet. Fade staggered and stumbled towards the ramp waiting just ahead, shots from the roller bouncing off the metal floor dangerously close to his feet. [For Science!]

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

and that is beautiful.

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IC(NPC): Laser fire sailed over Robert Parker's head. He responded with a laser of his own. He was dressed in the same white-and-gold supersuit - his alias of Photon - that he'd been wearing for the past couple days. He'd had no time to properly wash, eat, or sleep. Quick snacks and naps were all he had allowed himself, before moving back out onto the battles that occupied the streets of England. Since the majority of units had been called back into the Mothership his task, and the task of the many other heroes, had gotten easier. But there were still areas occupied by the enemy forces, and he'd been travelling up and down the country to help combat them. It was late afternoon and the sun was setting as he tackled another stray group of Skeletal Soldiers. They had been parrying laser fire and bolts of light for a while when all of a sudden the sky turned green. Photon paused mid-flight, swivelling to look at the strange new sun that had appeared in the sky. His visor allowed him to look at it safely - from what he could tell it was an orb of light, settled in the middle of the mothership's dark shape and steadily growing. This new light source seemed even more sheer after the motherships's shadow had kept half the world covered in darkness. Something significant was happening, but whether it was good news for Earth or for the aliens Photon couldn't say. For some reason, at that moment he couldn't help thinking of his flat-mates, Sluice and Silver. He hadn't heard from them since the invasion began. He hoped they were both surviving somehow...

Edited by Kumata
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OOC: I can't find the proper Emoticon for this moment. It'd be a combination of these two: http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png :popcorn: You can imagine what that'd look like. IC: (Loadstone)You would think that, as they were hovering, Loadstone and Sluice would have been immune to the Mothership's shuddering. Quite the opposite, in fact. Loadstone was magnetically repulsing his magnaboard off of the metallic floor. When the floor shook, so did the magnaboard. "Hang on!" he yelled over the rumble of the explosion. The magnaboard went spinning as Loadstone adjusted the magnetic field moving it so that they were no longer bound to the Mothership. It was disorienting, watching the corridor shake and collapse around them while they soared through the middle of it. The doors at the end of the corridor were sealing off as they approached, but metal wouldn't keep Loadstone back. Dropping the magnetic wall he had formed behind the magnaboard, he let loose with a concentrated magnetic pulse at the barred door. With a ear-splitting shriek and a hollow kaboom, a sizeable chunk ripped away from the door, allowing Loadstone and Sluice to fly through unscathed. "Go!" he yelled to Sluice as they neared Esp. "I've got to go back and get Fade!" IC: (Aquarius)Aquarius and his Sharkmen arrived within minutes of Hivemind. He was about to make a derogatory comment when the a green pulse lit the sky. "What the..." he said, gawking up at the explosion... OOC: I assume, what with the timeskip fast approaching, that Aquarius and Hivemind's voyage is going to be left to the imagination. What a shame. ~Lord Rahl~

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IC:Hivemind spotted Aquarius approaching with the Sharkmen. Locking the door to the cab, she waved at the group and walked over to them."Oh, hey! You didn't tell me you were bringing the Landshark Patrol!" she said. "Are you trying to tell me you were really afraid of some overgrown Sea Monkeys catching us when you've got these guys-"Noticing Aquarius wasn't paying much attention to her, she glanced up at the sky to see what he was looking at. Up in the sky she say bright green glow hovering in the sky, so bright that Hivemind wished she hadn't lost her sunglasses in the War Factory."Whoa, shiny!" Hivemind said. Realization started to sink in, and fear started to appear in her voice. "So... W-what're you think is going on up there? Maybe... maybe they got tired of messing around with us and just decided to... k-kill us all... or nuke the planet or s-something..."[For Science!]

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

and that is beautiful.

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OOC: Hey, mind if I restart, join back in? I had a character idea I'd been writing for a long while, and was planning to start back up sooner, but then I saw the forum was down. I have a whole (tiiiiiiiny) story bible for him written up. I know he seems overpower, but I'm confident that his physical, mental, and metaphysical disadvantages balance him. Real Name: Ori 
 None, as of yet. Appearance: A tall young man, with a handsome face, very lean, to the point of seeming malnourished at times. His shirt is a tattered old white tee, with faded letters on it. The only letters that are legible are ORI, before they fade out. His pants are the same way, white and tattered. He has no shoes. His hair and eyes are brown, and he appears to be growing a light stubble. The most abnormal feature about Ori is his gloves, if they can be called that. Massive, and composed of an unknown metal (It’s obviously not a conventional metal, but Ori won’t let anyone touch them out of fear), they are giant gauntlets inscribed with black lines that are sunken into the metal, and they appear to be bonded to his wrist, more like shackles than proper gloves. When Ori activates his power, the lines and his eyes glow teal. Power:
 Ori is one of the most powerful psychics ever encountered, period. His abilities manifest in his hands, and align themselves most with altering memory and perception, but he is able to form psychokinetic limbs to push and throw things, and an upper limit to their strength has not been observed, though this is because Ori refuses to test this, mostly out of fear. When his full power is activated, one of two things happens. The first thing is that Ori releases a psychic field of varying size, enveloping all living things within that field. All things in this field have their perceptions and senses completely under the control of the field. However, this can only be used when Ori’s mind is in sync with another; i.e.: telepathically connected. A more simple way of explaining this is that Ori can be considered a tool when this power is used, or a vehicle. The other person in the connection is the pilot, controlling the field’s properties, and what the beings within it experience. There is no limit to the number of people that can be connected; in fact, the more people that are connected to Ori’s mind, the greater the range. This does unfortunately occasionally cause conflicts between “pilots” about what the field will project, and can weaken it. However, when Ori attempts this when no one is connected, the second thing happens, something truly horrible: The Mental Bomb. This effect only occurs when Ori's gloves are off. The field expands as it would with a pilot, but its effect causes people to experience absolute nothingness. Everything in the field dies due to believing that they tooare nothing, and therefore never lived. Psychics have resistance to this, but they too fall unless someone can connect to Ori’s mind. For Ori, this is always at least near-fatal, and severely damages his body. The psychic powers also activate when Ori’s gloves fall off. When using the powers “non-gloved,” Ori has far less control over his abilities. This dependance on others for Ori's full powers renders him incredibly succeptible to psychic control and possession as well. Allegiance: Solo Neutral at introduction. Area: It is unknown where Ori is actually from, but he was discovered in a “Dead zone” caused by the mind-bomb ability in Hungary. In the area, what appears to be a superhuman holding area and testing zone was discovered, and it is believed that Ori escaped from there. Bio: A newsflash, of the “Dead Zone,” a small area in Hungary where all living things within just died all at once. A team of heroes was dispatched to study the zone, but began dying the second they entered the field. The psychic of the group managed to warn others about what was happening before dying himself. A second group soon came, armed with the knowledge of the nature of the zone, to hear a young man screaming in pain, the only sound in an otherwise entirely silent area. The group’s psychic discovered the boy, but had to enter the zone to reach him, subjecting herself to the field’s effects. Recognizing the power of the gloves by the boy, both of which had fallen off, she used the last of her strength to telekinetically put the gloves on the boy, stopping the field at the cost of her life. The young man also fell, blood pouring from his nose. The remaining heroes, not wanting their compatriots’ sacrifices to be in vain, took the young man, bringing him to the League’s headquarters in New York after a long trip. His story starts as he is brought there, and begins to wake up…

Edited by Chalcon Crunch
Crunchitize me, Chalcon!
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OOC: If I may add my personal opinion, by him being a tool he simply becomes the instrument of mass destruction, not the causer of it. If Ori wouldn't harm anyone under his own power, removing his control of this power and putting it into the hands of someone else basically negates any saftey measures you're putting in place. If someone dastardly (and there are oh so many people out there that are) were to get a hold of him, it's basically doomsday waiting to happen. I definitely like the concept of this character, but I think he's a bit too godmoddy for a PC. (For instance, while I will strongly defend my character Mr. Mystery, who is basically the essence of godmoding, I would never dream of having him as a PC.) Also, as I'll probably be the only one to note this before the day's over, it's the RPG's 4th birthday! TSTW! is now officially 4 years old! I'm sorry to say that we had a special birthday present planned, but we're a bit behind on it at the moment and it most likely won't be ready for a few more months. It'll be worth the wait, though, trust me. :) IC: (Loadstone)There were a number of protests as Sluice climbed off of the magnaboard, but Loadstone wouldn't listen to them. He rocketed off back down the hallway, magnetically grabbing Scorchmark's mask and ventilator as he did. Rollers smashed into the walls as he passed, magnetic waves shoving them aside as he sped back toward where Fade was dueling with the rollers. IC: (Aquarius)"I'm not sure," Aquarius said, shielding his eyes as the glow got progressively brighter. "It's disconcerting, to say the least." He nervously looked away, though he glanced back up repeatedly. "Maybe we should get moving...get our minds off...whatever that is..." ~Lord Rahl~

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Also, as I'll probably be the only one to note this before the day's over, it's the RPG's 4th birthday! TSTW! is now officially 4 years old! I'm sorry to say that we had a special birthday present planned, but we're a bit behind on it at the moment and it most likely won't be ready for a few more months. It'll be worth the wait, though, trust me. :)

OOC: *sniff* They grow up so fast, don't they? IC:"Yeah... I guess... figures the world ends and I get to spend it in some rusty boat," Hivemind shrugged, only occasionally looking away from the glow in the sky when it started to get to bright. "Speaking of which, did you see any on your way here? Preferably one large enough to drive a truck onto? Loading that blasted thing up was enough of a pain, I don't really feel like unloading it until I have to, y'know?" --- A shot whizzed by dangerously close to Fade's head, ringing in his ear as it passed. It probably figured, Fade thought to himself: he could hold his own against the leader of the most powerful army Earth had ever encountered, but one of his lowly security drones was about to do him in. Making matters worse, it had brought friends; with most of the group back aboard Esp, the remainder were starting to turn their attention to him. Well, he had been trying to divert attention from the others, and now he was sure getting that wish. He was still reeling from that near-fatal blast; he couldn't focus enough to phase, and he didn't really have the energy to dodge around them. That just about left running - or at least as close to running as one could get after absorbing a shot to the chest - and Fade was moving as fast as he could towards the ramp, trying to get aboard before time ran out. He hoped he could make it in time... or that if he couldn't, the others wouldn't wait around for him and miss their own window. Getting himself killed to ensure their safety would be of no use if they were locked in here with him. [For Science!]

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

and that is beautiful.

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