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Techna: Breakdown

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-==IC: Kairan//Albiore II==-"Yeah; or at least far enough away from Krahzia, so that we don't get captured. With luck, they won't be able to get out for a while." Kairan said, and paused."Say; is there a comm link of sorts to the Citadel or CHI?" Kairan wondered, as he knew there was at least a remote link, but didn't know how to activate the main one; and figured it'd be best to get word back to New Metru Nui that they rescued Airu.

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IC: Gust (Cafeteria, The Citadel)"Get back!" he yelled, standing up and wiping a trickle of blood away from his lip. "Kal, get back." "Enearth!" he muttered, whipping out his own saber and slamming it into the ground: a crack ran through the ground, cutting the area of the floor between Desdemona and Gust in half vertically, and she had to jump to one side to avoid falling in."You're getting somewhere..." she repeated.-Teezy



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IC: "Hey!," Mars called to Grochi indignantly. The 'matoran's eyes glared out from her blood-spattered Kaukau and into his.Subject One thus only requires immense amounts of victuals and rest in order to survive, as this rest will allow the consumed material to be reformed into more viruses. Its biology requires no true organs."If the Cafeteria's going to karz and you're gonna bother me with 'standard procedure', at least get me four or five Tahu Burgers first!"Moreso, the smaller viruses of Subject One appear capable of taking over necrotic tissue and reforming it into a creature not dissimilar to Subject One. If the mimiviruses and their ilk are destroyed, Subject One is yet capable of 'rebirth'.

Edited by Francis Wisehead



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC-Kal:"I would get back," Kal yelled, "If you hadn't just forced me to do the splits!" Gust's attack had left Kal stuck with one foot on both sides of the gap, maintaining a precarious balance. However, he just rolled over to Gust's side, then sprang up quickly, blade in hand.Miraculously, he still hadn't lost his cinnamon roll...which he took another bite of.

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IC: Kinksh / New Metru-Nui"Sir, we're sending you a couple of video feeds from the Citadel. You might be interested..." came a voice from a transmitter adjacent to Kinksh, as multiple video files opened up on the screens before him.Kinksh was. The first, Gust being thrown through the doors; the second, him standing. The third was an unknown Glatorian standing there, and merely batting away what seemed to be... fire? From Gust? How could he have gained a new elemental power?"Computer, run a scan of that Glatorian." he said, pausing the third feed on a still of Desdemona. Within a few picoseconds, the computer pulled up a full profile of Jade... including her being deceased, killed in action during the Battle for Techna."Interesting..." he though to himself. "Interesting indeed."He noted the differences - blue wasn't the original color for this individual. What could be happening here...?The video feed was released, a few seconds behind real time, showing Gust now demonstrating powers of yet another element he shouldn't have. He was sorely disappointed to be unable to get sound, and no camera angles were right to do a perfect lip reading.What Kinksh did note was that the profile of Jade included a few notes from her final hours and bank expenditures... done with Gust.He flashed a grin. He had never considered that Gust might have had romantic interactions, but this showed him something else entirely. A possible exploitation... a weakness to this Toa Techna.How many others could there possibly be? Those slain, those he was friends with...So many things he could do now. So many things he could exploit with this Olmak...But what first?-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Albiore II==-"Make sure to include the fact that we might crash at any second." Kairan pointed out, as he did his best to keep the hovercraft in the air, even as it continued to move forward, toward the city.

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IC: Ezraftin / Housing District"Remember," Ezraftin said. "We must remain careful when out there. We don't really have a way to sneak past these Vahki, so we're just gonna have to dispatch them quickly and move with surgical precision through the area -"At that moment, the ground, predictably really, collapsed under his feet, where he landed with a *thud* on the ground of the tunnels directly below. "... though I think I might have found us an alternative."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: SkullSkull cursed as he got the message.>I'll be there.With that, he stepped back into the closet, and got rid of his outfit. He was once more Jikal. He started to walk briskly to the Wall of History.IC: Song"Let's move." Sobg walked over the dead bodies, and to her door.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Kinksh / Wall of HistoryKinksh stepped out from one of his dimensional gates in a janitors closet near the Wall of History, a large, grey cloak pulled over his body. He quickly walked out, making his way over to the designated meeting point, and waiting.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Watcher (Techna):Some of the low security channels were little trouble for the AI, but led to nowhere suitable for such a data transfer. He instantly ceased efforts on channels with little or none security, and began to move up to the high-security channels, scrambling passcodes, starting with basic encryptions, then moving onto more elaborate ones, trying to find the most matches in the entered passcode to what the security system would allow. At this rate, the AI estimated that he might break the encryption within the next hour. If he was able to get a response to his repeated entries, it would be much easier then to track the signal to it's origin. The AI immeadiately activated sweep and check subroutines, making sure that all systems were online, and if it's location inside Techna was in danger of being discovered.IC: Auress (New Metru Nui, Songs Apartment):Auress followed Song silently, there wasn't anything she had to say in reply.

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IC: JikalJikal arrived, his clean hat at odds with his tattered suit. He say down on a bench. There was a figure nearby. Jikal suspected he knew who.IC: SongSong stepped outside, and started walking to a particular bar, one known for its criminals.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Emma - Albiore II"Just keep her in the air Kairan, just keep her in the air..."Emma desperately activated, re-activated, and de-activated various functions and elements in the ship, trying to find some way to keep the Albiore aloft for as long as possible. The fuel gauges were in the extreme red zone, and the according to the readouts, they were steadily losing speed and altitude.Tapping a new order into the ship's computer, the Toa of Nucleons diverted all non-essential power to the thrusters. That included the shields, the weapons, as well as:"Life support. I'm diverting power from our life support to the engines. Thought I should let you know," she said, barely batting an eye.-Void



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-==IC: Kairan//Albiore II==-"Well, let's hope that no-one wants to try and die on us, or things might go badly." Kairan said, attempting to keep the atmosphere fairly light, even as he worked on keeping the hovercraft flying, Blade simply watching skeptically.

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IC: Northern VolcanoWith Edubard gone, Arketh only needed to focus on Jasrich and Mror, and he was determined to keep Blacklight for himself. Concentrating on the cliffs' shadows again, he hurled disks of solid, black energy at the Toa of Data at a high velocity, aimed to bash him in specific areas, such as his neck; sides; legs; and arms. The result, he hoped, would be another enemy tumbling or flying away, but this time with some broken bones if it worked completely.

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IC: Emma - Albiore IIAll while Emma was pounding out commands into the keyboard, she continued to holler out orders to her allies."Airu, Kinvex! Keep on the communications, try to find someone out there who can help us!" the Toa shouted, "Blade, take over the conduit controls! I'm gonna try something..."-Void



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-==IC: Jasrich//Northern Volcano==-Jasrich frowned, and let go of the sword, as he jumped away, onto the flying Manta Ray that had seemingly become his mount."Unfortunately, I know when a fight has been lost; and this is one of them." Jasrich said, as he attempted to retreat on the Manta Ray, hoping that would be enough.-==IC: Blade//Albiore II==-"I... I'll try." Blade said with a frown, as he made his way over to where the conduit controls were, and attempted to make them work correctly; but, that was not his area of expertise, at all.

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IC: SongSong quickly arrived at her destination, Honnak and Auress in tow.She opened the door, and stepped inside. The bar was not a friendly place, and had little to no class. The lights were almost nonexistent, and the air reeked of alcohol and body odor. Smoke filled the room, drifting from the many cigars clenched between patrons' teeth. Most of the people present were, in a word, unsavory. They had an air about them that spoke of crime and misfortune, and that was backed up by the bulges seen under coats and in pockets. Song walked up to the bar. The bartender has his back to her. "Whaddya want?" He asked."Information."The bartender whirled, aiming a gun right at Song's face as she leaned against the bar. "Yes, me." The Toa smirked.IC: Mror"Screw this, I'm out." Mror backflipped, landing several feet away. He broke into a jog back to his vehicle.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung stepped over to the building, leaning his head down and looking in through a window on it. A few patrons were frightened by the appearance of a large eye just above their table, drawing attention to Aclaraung from Song and her team.He blinked once in greeting.

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IC: Kinksh / Wall of HistoryKinsh turned away as Jikal spotted him, heading back into the darker areas of the building. Were Jikal to follow, he would find an isolated corner with a gaping portal in it. The hooded figure would beckon, before vanishing into the gate.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Honnak (Bar)The Glatorian caughed, drawing the attention of the bartender to him. Honnak was standing to side of Song, and his shotgun was pointed directly at the bartender. Thing was, the Glatorian was hiding the weapon from the view of others, and just the barrel was visible to the being."Yes, lets all have a civil conversation, eh?"



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IC: SongAll across the room, clicking was heard as guns were drawn.Then Song withdrew her deck, and the bartender paled. Honnak wouldn't know why, even he had never seen her use her last resort. But there was a reason she was called the Ace, though most didn't know it. Most didn't survive it. Song shuffled. "So, Krayn. How lucky do you feel? Do you wanna place a bet on it?"The bartender gulped. "You wouldn't. Not here, not now.""Try me."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung smashed into the side of the building with his tail, the shock causing a few of the hackers near it to drop their guns in surprise-the group up closest to the bar would be fine, though. The large Dragon then growled at the beings who were walking up towards his window.

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IC: Desdemona (Cafeteria, The Citadel)Finally, Desdemona and Gust stopped their duel; Gust's eyes were glinting in rage, and Desdemona had a satisfied smile on her face."Blind," she said, and Gust's vision went temporarily white. When it returned, Desdemona was no longer standing there: in her place was Jade."Hey, there, kiddo," said the Glatorian, walking towards him with a huge grin on her face. "You look great.""Enfire!""Jade's" eyes widened and she ducked as another blast of fire was thrown directly at her head."Stop. Right now. Switch back.""Baby, what's the problem?" she giggled, walking towards him and wrapping one arm around his neck. "I love you, you love me...we're back together. Me and you.""I can never love you.""But you love her. I wish to explore this affection.""Keep wishing. Switch back.""You don't want her back?"Gust lifted the Great Being into the air and slammed her into the wall; fissures and large cracks emanated from the imprint her body made. His eyes shimmered with tears, and when he spoke, his voice was choked with rage and pain."I can never have her back because of you. You have done enough damage as yourself; don't destroy my memories of her by waltzing around in her skin like it's a costume."Her eyes glinted in confusion and hurt before she finally changed back into her "regular" form."Very well, then," she whispered softly.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Honnak (Bar)"Oh, she would," the Glatorian said, despite not knowing exactly what Song was doing. Suddenly, without warning, Honnak's hand shot out, grabbed onto a nearby being's pistol; and ripped it from his grasp. All within the span of a second.A few being's didn't seem to like the fact that the ammount of weapons he was holding was increasing. That wasn't all, though, as the former cop was also reacing out with his implant. Around the room, those who were carrying plasma weaponry would find their guns unable to fire; as Honnak mentally disabled them.



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IC: Northern VolcanoAt last! The last combatant was fleeing, leaving Blacklight all for Arketh. But the skeletal specter of Shadow would not let the escape be painless -- for any of them. They had relentlessly fought him for the sword, trying to deny him its great power. One had even delivered a physical blow to his form, giving him a twisted wrist. He would show to them how potent the weapon's power was in his dark hands.Glancing at his prize, Arketh had the strips clinging to the weapon unravel, turned the tool around, and closed his claw on the leather handle. Then he pointed Blacklight at the retreating beings, his eyes on the pesky Vortixx, who had caused the most harm to him.Arketh spoke to the blade now, his voice, usually at the quiet level of a deathly whisper, echoing around for his enemies to hear. "Demonstrate to the fools your power -- let them taste the devastation you will cause!"

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IC: Song"Alright alright!" The bartender yelled. "Everyone, weapons down!" Hesitantly, the various patrons of the bar put away their weapons, and resumed their activities, always keeping watch on the group near the bar.Song put her cards away. "That's better. Now, about that information." Song smirked. "Somebody tried to kill me this morning. The team that did it were regulars here. Who hired them?""I-I don't know!" The bartender was lying, and everyone knew it.IC: JikalA mixture of curiosity and wariness was present on Jikal's face as he kept a hand on his pistol and stepped through the portal.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Honnak (Bar)"Well, that's not what some undercover people told us," the Glatorian said. He was lying, but the bartender wouldn't know that. "And at the moment, I feel a bit more inclined to trust them instead of you."Honnak glanced around the bar, a few of the beings in there he knew personally... From a long time ago.



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IC-Aclaraung:Despite what the bartender had said, the three beings who had stepped over to Aclaraung, weapons drawn, hadn't disarmed themselves. Instead, they were joking."Hey, just a minute, Krayn," the leader of the group, a hotheaded Toa of Fire with a high-power revolver, called back. "It looks like you got a bit of a Rahi infestation to take care of." He stepped forwards, pistol raised.Just as close as Aclaraung needed. He shoved an arm through the wall of the building, quickly grabbing the Toa of Fire's leg. He ripped the Toa out quickly. Aclaraung's head moved away, and after a moment it showed back up, in the wake of something that had broken the window.The other two Toa quickly disarmed themselves, stepping away from their comrade's head and mask and over to a different table.

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IC: Belthnor:Belthnor's glass dropped in shock as the blue being demanded an answer. He had not known of any being trying to kill the person, considering he barely knew anyone."Listen, why don't you just report it to the authorities? Because at the rate this is going, I will have to take action," Beltnor warned to Song.

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IC: SongSong reached into her sleeve."It was the Skull, okay?!" The bartender said, panicking. "And now I'm dead! He'll know I told you! He always knows!"Song looked over at Belthnor. "Buddy, you must be new here. Nobody threatens me."

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Light began to flash from Belthnor's crystaline body, triggered by his rush of adrenaline. If the bartender was going to get killed, he must stop the blue being from it."Both of you, stop!" he yelled, gripping his grip of the sword in his sling. As much as he didn't need this fight, a life was at hand, innocent or not.

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IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung was getting annoyed by this. "Enough!" He roared, a small amount of flame entering into the building as he did so. "There is no need to fight about this, and there is no need for threats. Do we truly have to have a battle, crystal?" He asked the being who was about to fight them.

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IC: SongSong sighed."I'm only going to say this once. Back down, walk away, and nobody will get hurt here." Her eyes flashed with anger, despite her attempt to keep calm. "Because if you insist on this, you will get hurt."She held up a hand. "Nobody interferes here. Got it?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Kinksh / Secret BaseThe portal closed behind Jikal, and Kinksh tossed aside the cloak. "Now then, onto business." he said.He turned to Jikal. "What do you have to report?"IC: Blacklight / Northern VolcanoThe blade crackled with red energy at that moment, and the blue crystal once more shone a terrible maroon. Everything seemed to become darker around both it and Arketh, and shadowy wisps began to emerge."Pursue them... kill them... murder them!"Arketh could already feel the increase in power that his elemental abilities had gained.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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