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Techna: Breakdown

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IC: SongSong had a split second of advance notice.Even so, a blast caught her shoulder, instantly cauterizing. Another burnt a hole in her coattails, while two more tore off her sleeve.She grimaced. She saw Auress fall and then fought down her anger. Now revealed on her armor was a shining gauntlet. She had no choice. "Gauntlet. Activate." In one movement, she slotted her deck into the device. It shuffled, and Song drew three cards.OOC: Lev, the cards are listed in her profile. Your choice what three. It's the way the mechanic works.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Aclaraung:However, Aclaraung quickly released more fire, throwing Rinnder's target off slightly-the rifle's beam flew just over Aclaraung's shoulder. Once the smoke and flame were cleared, Aclaraung was right up against Rinnder, almost picking him up and throwing him against the wall. However, Aclaraung settled for quickly smacking away the rifle and tripping Rinnder up with his tail."Who sent you?" He nearly roared, prepared to disembowel the being beneath him. "And what are you truly?"

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IC: Rinnder / StreetRinnder moved to the side as the flames came, and fired more laser shots as the huge reptile approached. When Aclaraung attempted to disarm him, he dropped prone and did a somersault, moving underneath the beasts head whilst avoiding the tail. In an instant, he was thrusting his Energy Siphon Blade into the beasts chest.***Ace came up with the cards Stealth Coat, Terror Claw, Blast Shield.OOC: I rolled a d10 for this.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Good roll.IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung rolled over himself, though the blade just barely managed to scratch him, and the beams reflected off of his polished scale.. A small trickle of blood came out, though his blood clotted fast, and he aided it by quickly cauterizing his own wound.Aclaraung then stared down at Rinnder. "I see that you are a proficient hunter," he said, then rolled out of the way, revealing Song's attack.

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OOC: That amuses me beyond belief.IC: SongSong grinned. She could work with this.AShe slid all three cards into the Gauntlet. Immediately, they took effect, rendering Song nigh on invisible. She lunged forward, the air blurring as she did so. She slashed at Rinnder with her claw.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Lekar (A bar)Slurp. The sounds of a fight came from outside. Slurp. A roar. Flames dancing outside the window. Slurp. Lekar took a look at the bartender, who was crouched behind the bar, rocking in the fetal position. He sighed, and continued sipping his drink, seemingly not caring about the fight happening not more than 100 ft. away. Zakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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OOC: Responding to the ET comment; I had to react to that. If it was locked in as a hit by Song, that would be trouble. :PIC: Rinnder / StreetOf course, the danger of the sword wasn't in its cut, but in the aftereffect. The blade glowed with the small portion energy it had siphoned from Aclaraung - and a being so powerful certainly had a lot to go around - and Rinnder took it in for himself, feeling as fresh as when the fight had begun.Focusing on the dragon, Rinnder didn't spot Song until she was upon him. The claw cut into Rinnders shield with the first impact, ripping huge holes through Rinnders trench coat covered shoulder, but was repulsed back out as it made its way down, only ripping the blade but nothing else. No blood could be seen coming out, however.A drop of the crimson fluid dropped from a couple feet above the ground, leaving the cloaked range of Songs claw.He cut at the invisible presence with his blade.OOC: Just hope I don't roll 0, because it's a little early for that. :P-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung loosed a quick roar, distracting Rinnder slightly as he again swiped out his tail, towards the being's ankles-he'd either have to jump over them or be tripped and have his legs cut by the scales.OOC: Alright, hold to the order, PMing Krayzikk now.

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-==IC: Blade//Song Fight==-Blade drew his sword, even as he watched the fight go on. He dashed forward as the Vortixx slashed out with his sword at the cloaked being, and attempted to block the sword, in an attempt to buy some time for the others."Seems like you need some help." Blade said to Song and the Dragon, barely turning his head, as he stared at the Vortixx.

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IC: SongIf Rinnder tripped, Song would stab downward with her claws, before rolling to the side and initiating a mental attack.If he jumped, she would slash at his ribs while he was in the air before doing the same. She would make him pay.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: My horoscope said this would be the coolest thing to ever do. I do not have a horoscope, however, so it was probably just my brain.IC: Rinnder / StreetAs Blade deflected the, well, blade, with his blade, Rinnder heard the dragon roar. Not so easily spooked, he darted his eyes to find Song, and in the process spotted the tail. He fell backwards at that moment, landing on his back and allowing the tail to move under, whilst throwing sword and rifle in the air and back. Once on the ground, he immediately rolled and did a backflip, standing up incredibly quickly and catching both his weapons as they came back to the ground.Rinnder then aimed his rifle, accuracy down from having it in only one hand, and, from the incredibly short distance, fired a sweep of shots, thus going in the direction of Blade, the Dragon, and possibly Song (though he couldn't be certain). He stopped short; though the physical attack had been avoided, he had still been caught in the mental one. His laser shots went flying everywhere, and he backed away, uncomfortable.Well, more than uncomfortable.OOC: That was so epic in my head. I hope it was for you as well. :)-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Blade==-Blade rolled to the right to avoid the shots, and teleported behind Rinnder with his Kualsi, however, as he appeared, he noticed his shoulder had been struck by one of the shots, and Blade scowled, however, he looked up, turned around, and rediscovered when the Vortixx was, and then began to run toward him, his sword in his right hand.OOC: Just to say, we do have Airu back at least near the Citadel. Will that be expanded on, or should we just walk into the Citadel and such- Ah, whatever, I'll just do it anyway. =P-==IC: Kairan//Citadel Entrance==-Kairan sighed, and shrugged, as he walked toward the entrance of the Citadel, and walked inside, even as the rest of the party hopefully followed. Kairan walked up to the receptionist with a brief smile."Techna Guard Kairan here... I wish to report that we have retrieved General Airu." Kairan said, motioning to Airu, who was hopefully following the others in.

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IC: Gust (Citadel Entrance, New Metru Nui)"Well, that's a relief," said Gust, walking down to the group and meeting them: there were deep bags under his eyes, and in between his fingers was a lit cigarette. He looked half-dead, and Airu must have noticed."Reporting for duty, sir," he said loyally. "Stand down, General."-Teezy



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IC: Dorian (Shaddix Enterprises HQ, New Metru Nui)"And sir, your appointment has been moved to 1:00. Also, Techna Gust wants to meet with you tonight about upgrades to the CHI mainframe after the Hacker moles were discov--""I get it," he said with a laugh as he moved towards his personal assistant; her eyes grew wider with each step the charismatic, dapper Toa of Iron took."Now, how's the party planning coming?""Uhm...General Sin'Clair has promised added security personally, and if all goes as planned, we'll have eight government officials in attendance.""Good," Dorian replied, taking her hands in his. "Bring in Praggos, will you, love?"-Teezy



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IC: Zynethia, NMNZynethia appraised the newcomer quickly, responding only a second after he finished. "I'm a Zyglak. And even I didn't think killing was neccessary here." She growled, already turning her back on Hasil. Her frame was hidden by the cloak as she began to walk away, drawing the hood over her face.IC: Sikrin, NMNA lone Toa of Plasma leaned against a building, fingering his Toa Tool's handle nervously.


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IC-Hasil:"You don't seem to know who he was, then," Hasil said. "He was wanted-dead or alive. If you need it, I'll let you claim the reward that General Sin'clair put out. If not, then I'll probably tell them to donate the reward." The Toa of Air shrugged.IC-Praggos:Praggos turned, hearing his telephone ring. Others thought him odd for it, but he was fond of the old technology. He grabbed it off of it's stand, holding it up to his ear."Hello?" He asked, wondering who was calling him.

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IC: Dorian (Shaddix Enterprises HQ, New Metru Nui)"Uhm, sir? It's Juliana. Mr. Shaddix would like to speak to you."Dorian sat down in his plush leather chair, setting his feet up and tossing a business document into a small basketball hoop he had mounted on one of the side doors of his office.Swiiiiiiiiiiish.-Teezy



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IC: Zynethia, NMN"I want no blood money." She hissed. She was clearly a person that didn't like attention. Unfortunately for her, most people in Techna take that time of personality as a neon sign reading 'NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE NOT FOR A SECOND'.


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IC-Hasil:"Very well, then," Hasil said, slinging the body over his shoulder. "I shall take care of him as is needed." He then proceeded to walk back to the citadel, away from where the Zyglak was walking.IC-Praggos:Praggos smiled, thinking of Dorian. That man was always throwing parties...not that there was anything wrong with that, of course, but he was surprised the man wasn't dead yet from sheer over-excitation and overdosing on fun."Of course," he said, good naturedly. "Let me guess-another party? Or is he giving a tour of his mansion again? Maybe it's another estate sale because he wants to redecorate for the fifth time this year?"

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IC: Dorian (Shaddix Enterprises HQ, New Metru Nui)"Seventh time, you bloody ponce!" could be heard over Praggos' receiver."Um...another party, as well as a couple items of business," Juliana muttered weakly.-Teezy



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IC: "Watcher" (Techna/CHI Building/Edubard):61%, not much progress, but Watcher watched a street camera stunned at several events happening at once. Airu was back, which meant that big things were going to happen soon, be they good or bad, but that was less important than the battle unfolding in the streets. He found his daughter, lying on the ground, hurt, seemingly dead to the camera."No..."" Watcher whispered, oblivious to the fact that any being connected to the com network could hear him, "No, no, no, no, NO, NO!"The AI started to freak out, buzzing about, muttering "no"s and "my daughter" constantly for at least a minute.The AI started to calm down, a deadly steel within it's voice, "Code one alert, Possible Hackers detected inside the City, recommended course of action is to capture, or kill. Wounded civilians are on scene, use caution."The AI broadcasting that on all security-related channels, CHI, Citadel guard, etc. Watcher repeated the message for several minutes, whoever had hurt his daughter was going to pay, and the truth, was easily flexible.

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IC: Emma - CitadelEmma staggered out of the Albiore, utterly exhausted from trying to sustain the ship, "Well then, that was fuuuunn! But let's not do that again, shall we? I'd prefer not to die!"With that, she managed to lurch her way over to where the group was, with a weird grin on her face, "Now then, where's the party! I need some alcohol before I completely pass ouuuuuuuuu-"And then she did pass out.-Void



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IC-Edubard:"I take it," Edubard said, coming closer to New Metru-Nui, "That one of your subroutines found who you were looking for? I could hear some oddly toned-down screams coming through the comm."IC-Praggos:Praggos laughed slightly when Dorian jumped in on the conversation. "All right, all right," he said. "I'll come over. See you in a minute, Juliana," he said, purposefully leaving Dorian's name out. Just to make Dorian annoyed-it was a commonly applied tactic, the way they constantly joked with each other.

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OOC: Actually, Emissary, we're all at the CHI building. And so is Ema. :P I'll just say she got out last.IC, Kinvex: Kinvex realized Emma wasn't with them. He ran back to the Albiore and found her unconscious. He checked her vitals. "She's just in a bit of shock, but she'll be all right," he said quietly to himself. He picked her up and carried her into the CHI building. "Do you have any rooms to spare?" he asked the receptionist.OOC: Somebody play the receptionist. I'm too lazy. :P

Edited by Toa Xemnas of Crystal
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OOC: Thanks, Tyler. :biggrin:IC, Kinvex: Kinvex smiled. "Thank you," he said to the receptionist. He walked up the stairs and found Director Scylling's office. He opened the door and set Ema down on one of the chairs. He took a chair himself and waited for her to wake up.OOC: I have no idea who Directory Scylling is. :P I was just scared of what Esao would do if he found Kinvex and Emma in there. I would have had Kinvex place her on a bed, but I'm pretty sure people don't have beds in their offices.

Edited by Toa Xemnas of Crystal
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IC: Rinnder / Street FightRinnder hit the wall hard, and looked to see the dragon preparing another blast of fire. There was a Matoran spectator near him, and as quickly as he could, he pulled the Ta-Matoran before him. The flames hit the innocent bystandard directly, allowing safety to Rinnder. Tossing the Matoran forward, he grabbed both of his weapons again and ran to the side, fighting Song off as her mental attacks came into play.---> Golden Hammer, I may be in danger. Song is currently being assisted by another warrior and some manner of reptilian monster.---> Another failure? Whatever. Prepare yourself.IC: Kinksh / Hidden Base - Street Battle"I apologize, but I must take care of an issue."He opened another gate before them, and stepped through it....... appearing next to Rinnder, and quickly grabbing the Vortixx, pulling him into the Gate. He extended his hand, and quickly drew all of the flames created by the Mystix into a single orb, which he then amplified and slammed into the midst, creating a massive explosion of blinding heat and flame that stretched across the streets.He was gone before sight returned, having stepped through the gate and returned to the hidden base.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC-Aclaraung:Aclaraung grabbed Song quickly, wrapping her within his wings and settling down. He felt the heat run along his scales, some of them being forced off from the shockwave-they'd regrow soon-and some light even made it through the translucent wing-membrane, though not enough to blind them. Aclaraung's position also shielded Auress from most of the attack, though Blade would have to protect himself.Aclaraung drew his head up once the explosion was finished, releasing an Earth-shattering roar-quite a few windows blew themselves out from the sheer volume."That bloody changeling!" He yelled in his native language, a guttural growling that would be incomprehensible to all except Song-she would get the picture through the mental contact. "If ever I find him, he will become a snack at the first sighting!"

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IC: SongSong breathed deeply as she disengaged the Gauntlet. Whenever she used it, she had to fight down her emotions. Though it was more due to the situation than the tool."Allow me to recommend garlic."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Northern VolcanoArketh watched in intrigue and amazement as Blacklight launched a blast of red energy at Jasrich. A new ability, with an effect not pausing to present itself. This, along with the power to expand elemental energies? It made him wonder what more this weapon could do. Perhaps he would discover all of the sword's capabilities through combat...But for now, Arketh focused on dealing with the Toa of Data. How much longer could he avoid the skeleton's shadowy attacks?

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OOC: Actually, we were right the first time, we landed at the Citadel. xD Hence why Gust was there. =P-==IC: Kairan==-Kairan, however, had been close by when Emma was about to collapse, and luckily caught her before she fell, but nodded at the idea to move her, and helped Kinvex get her into the office, taking a second seat, as he sighed."So; what now?" Kairan asked, a relatively cheerful look on his face, as if nothing had happened.OOC: =P-==IC: Blade==-Blade jumped back, and shielded himself with his arm, the blast luckily not doing much simply because of it being hit into the ground. Blade calmed himself, as the blast faded, and showed the Vortixx, and that other mysterious guy, gone."Who were those people...?" Blade muttered, and looked over at the others."You two okay?" Blade asked, even as he walked over toward Auress, and then knelt down and checked her pulse, but nodded, as she did appear to still be alive."She needs help; but she's still alive." Blade commented, as he stood up, and walked over to the dragon, and the other Toa.-==IC: Jasrich==-Jasrich, however, seemingly had not emerged from the hole. ... Unless..."Looking for someone?" Jasrich commented from above Arketh."You really should take note to not just blindly teleport to places." Jasrich said with his enigmatic smile, as his manta ray hovered in the air.OOC: If the fear powers were in a circular pattern, I apologize, I expect it to effectively be a 'sonic wave'-like move, directly in front.

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IC-Aclaraung:"I do believe that Auress could use it more than us, though," Aclaraung growled, going back to the Matoran language. "If you will give me a moment..." Aclaraung used the mental connection he maintained with Song, extending a mental probe out towards Auress-he was becoming proficient in the usage of such powers again, even though he had to use a router for it.Get up, little one, he thought to the Toa. It is safe now, and you need to get your shoulder looked at soon.

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-==IC: Blade==-Blade glanced at his shoulder, and nodded, conceding her point."True. I more meant that she isn't dead." Blade pointed out, and sighed."The name's Blade, by the way." The Toa of Lightning said, not adding that he was actually Kairan, and the Kairan waltzing around right now was actually a Replica... Not that she was likely to know of Kairan anyway.

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IC: Song"Yeah, I know, Kairan." Song smirked. "No secrets from a psionicist."Without waiting for a response, Song immersed herself in Auress' mind. "Wake up, kid." she said, both verbally and mentally.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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