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IC : "Very well Lady Superior, your proposal has sparked my interest greatly and this Churnabog even more" Von Corvus looked at the woman on front of him now up close she seems to remind him even more of his sister "Well Corvy when are you going to accept this fine offer" the woman turned only to see a talkIng Raven now perched on the shoulder of Von Corvus "forgive this interruption this The Raven my advisor this meeting would not have happen If not for him, he may be filthy scum but he is to be trusted, now onto your proposal I accept it and I look forward to meeting Churnabog, but I must warn you of one thing I fear one may cause us trouble My dear, He is my sisters old advisor The Magic Mirror..."

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IC: Lady Superior cocked her head and raised an eyebrow. "Her magic mirror? Why would that pose a problem, my Lord?"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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OOC: Run on sentences....Just wondering, is English your first language?IC: Simba's ears perked up as they continued walking."What exactly is a sword?"IC: Scar nodded, and signalled to his two warriors. With a nod to Chernabog, he turned and strode through the portal, the emissary of death itself.OOC: Yzma and Kronk are welcome to follow if you like.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: Flyn and Rapunzel looked at each other in surprise. Rapunzel shrugged, and Flyn explained: "A sword is... Well, one end is a handle, where you can hold it safely. Usually that's just big enough for one or two hands. The rest of it, anywhere from two to four feet, is a large blade. A large, /sharp/ blade. It'll slice you open like nobody's business!"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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Everyone I Have/Underland, Chessboard BattlefieldIC:

"Never!" screamed the Red Queen in response to her sister's weak plea for peace. She motioned, and the army under her command charged forward. The red knights lowered their spears and plowed into the white soldiers. Soon the armies were locked in deathly combat, and the sounds of drawn swords echoed throughout the field.The Mad Hatter drew his claymore and, giggling with glee, turned to the Naive. In moments, they were locked in fierce, if comical combat. The Hatter kept tripping his opponent, dancing around slashes, and otherwise acting like himself.Alice ran up the stairs, trying desperately to not get devoured or charred by the Jabberwocky. He seemed to guess every move of hers, and she had barely escaped with her life multiple times now. But she was still alive, and she had the Vorpal Sword in hand. Finding the moment to use it was the difficult part.The Cheshire Cat floated above the battlefield, and he might as well have been anywhere else. He waqsn't really doing anything - after all, if he helped either side, then he risked injury. If he would have helped them, he would have chosen the White Queen's side, of course. She was much nicer. And he liked Alice, she was a good girl. Plus there was the Hatter... and his lovely hat. Such a perfect hat... The rest of them were good, too. But for now, he simply floated above the field....What was that? The ground seemed to ripple slightly... The soldiers seemed rather off-balance. Chesire lowered slightly, cocking his head at this interesting phenomenon. Was it an earthquake? No, it seemed to only be that area... Now there were cracks running along the ground. Interesting. Oh... did a piece of the world just fall into itself? Well, either way, it was comical to watch the foot-soldier accidentally step into the sudden void and fall up to his thigh."Wrong way," said the Jabberwocky, his maw opening to blast Alice with flames. She had tried to dodge a swipe of his tail, only to find herself trapped on the edge of the tower. Now he could easily defeat her, and make sure the Vorpal Sword was safely destroyed. Then he would be invincible and forever powered... What need was there for the Red Queen once he couldn't be killed? As he felt the fire billow from his mouth, he laughed.Alice did the one thing she could think of that didn't mean death that very moment. She rolled forward, through the flames of the Jabberwocky. she screamed as her hair caught fire and her skin was charred; still, she managed to escape without being immolated. Fumbling with the Vorpal Sword, she tried to stab the dragon through the heart. He shifted to the side, but she caught his wing. He roared and jerked the wing upwards, bringing her with it.That would have been the moment where she cried the utterly cliche yet exceedingly epic phrase, "Off with your head!" Problem was, there was a rather large distraction - namely, a gigantic hole appeared in the center of the battlefield, taking a large chunk of either army. This included the Hatter, and that was another reason that Alice failed in her crowning moment. The Vorpal Sword struck the Jabberwocky's neck, but at an odd angle. It cut, but did not sever it. He roared and flung her off the tower. She went into the hole, which was rather disappointing considering that she wasn't crushed in his sight.Still, it was victory. Alice was defeated, or so he believed. Though he was wounded, he was alive, and she likely wasn't, wherever that deep hole went.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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IC: Flyn's eyes widened at the sight of the knife, and he nodded. "Much longer. And made of metal. Usually steel, which is much lighter than cast iron, but stronger in a lot of ways."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Flyn grimaced at the question and shrugged slowly. "It's... Possible. I've always wanted to try smithing. But see, we'd need the right rock, a furnace, an anvil, hammer... There's a lot that goes into it. To be honest, if you want a sword so badly... There seems to be a good chance we'll be adventuring, you could probably /find/ a sword out there."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: "I see..." Flyn rumbled, thinking. "Actually... Back home, I know a guy. Always up for a challenge. If we make it back there, I could convince him to go with you, he could set up a smithshop and supply your army for you."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Flyn smiled a little, it seemed like they'd finally bonded with their companions. He looked at Rapunzel and found her staring at the crown he'd passed to her, a confused look on her face. "Hey, Blondie...?" She looked up at him, seeming distracted. "Huh?" "You okay?" He asked, concerned. "I... Yeah... It's just... I know I've seen this before. Like, before we met..." She suddenly dug in the pocket of her dress and pulled out the small purple flag of the kingdom. She stared at the bright sunburst, then gasped. It was like a switch had been flipped in her mind, and those fuzzy memories she had earlier were sharpened and fully remembered. The kind and gentle faces of the king and queen, smiling down at her, their newborn daughter! The sunburst hanging above her crib! And... And... That night. The song, the scissors... She'd felt a bit of strength leave her that night, and then... cold hands, cold night, screams, guard! And then... All gone. The night she was kidnapped... The night Mother stole her. Rapunzel gasped, tears filling her eyes as she fell to her knees, clutching the crown and the flag tightly. "Rapunzel?!" Flyn cried, kneeling next to her. "Rapunzel, what's wrong?!"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: "I don't know!" Flyn cried, starting to panic. He made a move to get up, but Rapunzels hand shot out, grabbing his wrist and dropping the flag in the process. She slowlt got to her feet and placed the crown on her head, biting her lower lip. "I... I remember now. Eugene, I... I'm the lost princess. I remember it all, my parents, the castle, the kingdom... And I remember being kidnapped, taken to the tower, locked there for my whole life... I-I'm fine now, I think... It was just a rush of memories, a lot to deal with... I'm sorry."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: "If it pleases my lord, I will be taking my leave as well," Yzma said in the sickly sweet voice she normally reserved for Kuzko. Hearing no counterorder from Churnabog's liason, she beckoned to Kronk and followed Scar into the portal.Once she could no longer feel the presence of Cherenbog staring at her back, she reached for the left side of her waist and felt it with the pad of her claw. She was relieved to feel her satchel, still concealed under her dress as usual. Her collection of potions were limited, so she would have to use them sparingly or find the means of creating more in the near future. Still, it was reassuring to know that she would not be completely helpless in a fight.She emerged in the middle of what seemed to be a battlefield, behind the towering profile of the dragon Churnabog had mentioned.OOC: A Kuzko post will have to wait for a bit, although I don't think anybody is waiting for him to do anything at the moment.Meanwhile, I imagine those Hyna's eyes are bugging out at the sight of so many shiny metal weapons. ;)

Edited by Keizah the Kaleidoscope


[æzɚæθ mɛtriɔn zɪnθos]

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OOC : Nope english is my second language and my grammar is far from perfect so sorry if its bad.IC :Von Corvus chuckled ever so slightly and replied. ''Had you spent any time in those Dwarven taverns you would know much about him.'' His voice changing to a much more grim demeanor in his reply, answering.''The Magic Mirror is a slave to those who own him, and after my sister the Queen died some foolish brave hearted Knight claimed the Mirror, needless to say that knight changed him ever so greatly''.''Well I slayed that pitiful knight and, the Mirror was not too happy about that. He swore revenge and possessed the Knights armor, He is possibly the sole reason I do not rule this land ''. Von Corvus Lifted himself up from his throne and now stood before Lady Superior. ''For he is now a powerful warrior wise, all knowing possesing a sworn hatred of evil, he has knowledge of all that goes on and has ruined my most brilliant plans... And will no doubt try to ruin this''

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OOC: Oh, alright. My apologies. That post was much better, by the way. :)IC: Simba patiently waited for Rapunzel to get up, tapping his foot slightly. He had no idea what they were talking about, but if this girl was subject to random fainting spells.... That could prove quite dangerous in the places they were going.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: Rapunzel took off the crown and handed it back to Flyn, who put it in his satchel. "I... I apologize for that, everybody." She said, blushing slightly. "It's a bit overwhelming to discover your whole life has been a lie... I'm fine now though, we can continue."--------------------------------Mother Gothel listened to the story, a smile slowly growin on her face. "Well, Lord Corvus, my master, the great Churnabog has the power to grant you the ability to destroy this mirror-knight. Possibly enslave him, if that appeals to you." In truth, she had no idea if the black monster could do that, but she had been told to manipulate, and manipulate she would.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Lady Superior smiled widely and stood tall. "All you need to do is come with me. There is a portal in your world that leads to Fantasia, where Churnabog dwells. I can take you to him."OOC: I dunno exactly where said portal is, so that's your call. ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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Jabberwocky/Underland, Chessboard BattlefieldIC:

The Jabberwock turned to the new voice and saw... a lion? Maybe. He couldn't really tell, because this creature was rather different... Maybe it was a talking frinulous. Either way, he snorted fire just to the right of the creature and replied, "What was that? If you want to ally with me to save your own hide, then you should be prepared to meet an untimely end."

Edited by Ballistic Jello Pickles

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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OOC: Kraggh, where exactly are they going? :P

OOC: Kraggh said he would be offline until next Monday, right?IC (The Emperor's New Groove): In the emperor's throne room, a solitary maid was sweeping the floor. As she came near the throne, she stopped and looked over her shoulder. The rest of the castle was busy either trying to locate the emperor's body or seize control in the power vacuum. Seeing nobody in or near the throne room, she debated with herself. Sitting in it for a second couldn't hurt right?She had just settled in the throne when she heard the sound of stone grinding against stone. Her eyes widened in shock as a creature covered in fur, a llama, fell from directly above her screaming bloody murder."DEMON LLAMA!!!!" she screamed as she ran from the room with her arms flailing above her. Meanwhile, Kuzko landed headfirst on the hard golden throne. He had just barely realized where he was when Pacha landed on top of him, causing him to wheeze in pain.It took a sort time for Pacha to realize he had landed on Kuzko, which was around the same time that the guards arrived following the hysterical maid. "Get them! They are going to take over the empire and make it descend into the underworld!!!" It was such a ridiculous claim that, rather than apprehending the llama and peasant, the guards burst out into laughter."Anyhow, I'm the emperor," Kuzko said bluntly. The guard's eyes jumped between a nearby portrait of the emperor and the soggy llama perched on the throne. "It's been a rough week. Just bring the members of the court, and I'll validate my claim in front of them." Since the llama certainly sounded like the emperor, the guards decided it would serve as decent entertainment for the lords and ladies of the court to see the talking animal imitate him.As the plump men and women wearing colorful robes and peacock-like headdresses began to congregate, Pacha leaned over to whisper something to Kuzko, "You have a plan, right?""C'mon Pacha, lighten up. These are my people, after all!"OOC: Yes, I realize that no one would logically let a llama rule an empire, but I need to get out of this dead end somehow. Edited by Keizah the Kaleidoscope


[æzɚæθ mɛtriɔn zɪnθos]

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OOC : The Portals on the cliff where the Queen diedIC : Von Corvus smiled and turned his attention to his Advisor the Raven''Well bird, you spoke of a portal now where is it.'' 'O Corvy you make such a fuss over such petty details'' The Raven replied''Don’t toy with me bird now tell me where this portal is!'' ''I think you know of its location after all it's where the Queen died you sister I can lead you two to it if you want.''''Of course I want to you pitiful bird!'' Von Corvus quickly returning to his calm demeanor turning his attention to Lady Superior''Very well then, Guards send for a messenger and tell him that my top three generals are to be in charge of my armies until you hear word from me, and as for you Lady Superior we leave now. Raven lead the way we are going alone'' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------IC : Somwhere miles away from the lair of Von Corvus, a knight sat in a small cavern light coming from only the moon and stars. ‘'Hey what are we guna do next'' some one spoke. The knight turned his head, concealed by his helmet, to a doorway where a small dwarf stood with a purple hat and light green armor. ''Dopey we are in grave danger.''Dopey replied all to light heartedly to this saying ''Whatca mean is that Von Corvus up to somthin new now?‘‘ The knight slowly rose from his seated position and spoke ''Von Corvus has found a new ally one named Lady Superior and is going to meet a bieng of ultimate evil named Churnabog one who will apparently grant him unlimited power'' ''Ya know you scare me when ya do that,... so what are going to do now?'' Dopey replied in a more concerned tone one he rarely spoke in. ''We must attempt to to find the ultimate good , for where there is Ultimate evil there is Ultimate good and we must find others who oppose this Churnabog if we are to finally defeat Von Corvus, we must find them or my name is no longer The Mirror''----------------------------------OOC: Note Dopey's text has numerous grammatical errors to show that he really is Dopey if it’s too hard to read just tell me :Pand the Mirror knows everything that happens In the Snow White and the Seven Dwarves Universe Only. So in any other universe he doesn’t have this ability as it would be overpowered. And go to page one for The Mirror and Dopey’s bios.

Edited by Deltus

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IC: Lady Superior nodded and turned to follow the Raven, glancing at Corvus. "If you have any more questions, Lord Corvus, I would be happy to answer them, although I have only recently found Master Churnabog myself."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC:Von Corvus and Lady Superior both followed the Raven. After an hour of following the Raven. who turned every now and then saying how much time left until they reached their destination.After an hour Von Corvus turned his head to Lady Superior and said ''Tell me why do you serve this Churnabog?''

Edited by Deltus

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IC: Lady Superior chuckled and looked ahead. "Now that is a story that needs some background... In my world, over a thousand years ago, I lived out my life. I was an old woman. But, I was not ready to die yet. So one night, when I looked to the sky and saw a brilliant drop of sunlight fall to earth, I knew this was my chance. The sun holds great power, you see, and I knew this drop could give me what I wanted. After several days of searching, I finally found it... The sundrop had sprouted a beautiful golden flower. When I touched it, the words of a song filled my head. When sung, the power of the sun flowed into me, restoring my lost youth. For the next thousand years I kept myself alive that way. Then... Solders from the kingdom came. They stole my flower to give to their ailing queen. I followed them back, knowing that without that flower, I would die quickly. But I was too late. They had turned my flower into a broth and fed it to that stupid queen! However... There was a ray of hope. The queen had a child very soon after, and I could feel the power of the sun coming from this child. So one night, I broke into the castle and stole the princess. Singing to her had the same effect as singing to the flower, and my youth returned. Eighteen years I kept her, keeping myself young, telling her I was her mother... I kept her imprisoned in a tower, but because I needed her, I was in prison as well. Then... She escaped. A man broke into the tower and took her away. I began to follow, but... Then I got a message from Chernabog. He promised me immortality if I would serve him. Think of my joy! Immortality without the chains of the girl! I found Chernabog and haven't looked back!"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC : Von Corvus suddenly broke into a fit of laughter upon hearing Lady Superior's answer ''Bwahahahaa my dear that is the most Ironic thing I’ve heard in years Hahaha anyways forgive my outbust and let me explai-'' TWENTY MINUTES TILL WE REACH THE PORTAL CORVY!'' ''SHUT UP BIRD! Anyways forgive my outburst you see your story cant help but remind of my poor sister''

Edited by Deltus

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OOC:Me and Onarax are sharing this universe, so if you see him controlling these characters, it's okay.Movie: Treasure PlanetStory: Follows the plot of the movies, up until the Conversion Point. Also, even though the trap on treasure planet was supposed to destroy the planet, it malfunctioned, and the planet survived..Conversion Point: When the main characters are heading through the portal to escapePortal: The portal on treasure planet.Borders: The Mulan universe and the Treasure Planet Universe are the same, but due to the merging, if you go to the forest on Treasure Planet, you end up just outside the Imperial City.Character: JimStrengths & Weaknesses: Jim is a talented mechanic, being able to build a ton of stuff. He carries around a Laser pistol, and a solar board.Personality: Same as Movie-Jim.Background: Same as Movie-Jim.Objectives: Get enough money to rebuild his house and help his mother.Misc: N/ACharacter: Captain AmeliaStrengths & Weaknesses: Captain Amelia is as swift as a cat, having reflexes far beyond a human’s. She’s also is much stronger than the average Joe. She has above average shooting skills when using her Laser Pistol.Personality: Same as Movie-Amelia.Background: Same as Movie-Amelia.Objectives: To gain riches, and defeat evil.Misc: N/ACharacter: MorphStrengths & Weaknesses: Can transform into of objects and people, and mimic words. This version of Morph can change his size, as well as his shape. He can also fly.Personality: Same as Movie-Morph.Background: Same as Movie-Morph.Objectives: None really.Misc:N/ACharacter: Dr. Delbert DopplerStrengths & Weaknesses: He has a large intellect, and is naturally clever. He has abnormally small wrists, and also posses good aim.Personality: Same as Movie-Doppler.Background: Same as Movie-Doppler.Objectives: None currently.Misc: N/ACharacter: B.E.N. Bio Electric NavigatorStrengths & Weaknesses: B.E.N. is absent minded,(even though he has his memory chip, it was damaged during the escape) and often forgets things because of his messed up memory. He is an expert Navigator.Personality: Same as Movie-B.E.N.Background: Same as Movie-B.E.N.Objectives: Fix his recently found Memory Chip.Misc: N/ACharacter: John SilverStrengths & Weaknesses: His cyborg arm has many functions, and his cyborg eye improves his aim. He has good mechanical skills. He also is a great cook.Personality: Same as Movie-John.Background: Same as Movie-John.Objectives: Avoid incarceration.Misc: N/A

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Lady Superior raised an eyebrow and drilled Von Corvus with a glare. "And what exactly is /that/ supposed to mean?"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC : Von Corvus chuckled quietly and replied to Lady Superior saying "nothing much merely the fact that my idiotic sister was so obsessed with beauty, and always talked about some nonsense about being the fairest in the land. Going so far as to hide away her step daughter in rags to do she could be fairest in the land. reminded me somewhat of your story." " TEN MINUTES TILL WE REACH THE PORTAL AND WATCH WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT THE QUEEN" The Raven interrupted. "Bah stupid bird" Von Corvus spit out " now Lady Gothel I mean Superior what am I to expect from Churnabog upon meeting him?"

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IC: Lady Superior trudged ahead for a moment, angry at being compared to the sister that Chernabog had described as a fool. "Meeting Chernabog... He'll be in a dark place, surrounded by minions. He'll send a subject to act as his voice. He himself is a huge black monster with a soul-piercing stare. He will ask you to pledge undying loyalty to him. It would be wise for you to accept."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC : Von Corvus thought for a moment noticing Lady Superiors indifference to being compared to his sister "Well he sounds like a most powerful being loyalty to him should not be a problem if the rewards are as great as you say, and if it allows me to finally slay The Mirror".

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IC: Lady Superior nodded. "The rewards are great. He offers power, yes. But I would not cross him. Especially by insulting the others that he has chosen."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC : Von Corvus upon hearing Lady Superiors response was suddenly struck with curiosity saying "Others in Churnabogs fold tell me who are these other beings? "---------------------------—-------——IC : The MirrorThe Mirror ran as fast as he could with Dopey following right behind him. "Hey when we gunna reach Corvus ima tired a runnin" "Patience Dopey we will reach him now hurry for we have little time left."

Edited by Deltus

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IC:Crew of the Legacy“We gotta turn around.” Jim muttered, jumping towards the deck of the ship.“What!?” Amelia asked, confused by Jim’s statement.“There’s a portal back there! It can get us out of here!”John glanced back at the portal in question, using his cyborg eye to enhance the sight.“Pardon me Jim, but didn’t that portal open onto a RAGING INFERNO!?” Delbert cried in desperation.“Yes,” Jim grunted as he pulled out a solarboard base. “But I’m gonna change that! I’m gonna open a different door!”Delbert sputtered, and glanced at Captain Amelia. “Captain really, I just don’t see how this could possibly-““Listen to ‘da boy!” John cried, rushing to Jim’s side.“One minute, twenty nine seconds till the planet’s destruction!” B.E.N. yelled.“What do ya’ need Jim?” John asked, crouching next to Jim who had lugged a broken engine to his Solarboard base.“Just, some way to attach this!” Jim responded, futility attempting to tie the engine to the base with a rope.“Alright, stand back. Stand back!” John muttered as his arm transformed into a blowtorch, which he used to fuse the engine to the board. “There ‘ya go.” He and Jim picked the creation up, and attempted to put it on the ship’s safety railing, succeeding when Morph gave them the final umph that they needed. “There ‘ya go.”Jim hopped on, and prepared to launch himself into the sky, when he looked back at John. “Okay, now no matter what happens, keep the ship heading straight for that portal!” “FIFTY EIGHT SECONDS!” And with that, Jim launched into the sky on the board, propelled by the fused engine.John watched Jim for a second, before turning around towards Amelia and Delbert. “Well you ‘eard ‘im! Get this blasted heap turned around!”Amelia hesitated, then turned to Delbert. “Doctor, head us back to the portal.” “Aye Captain.”Jim bobbed and weaved through the various explosions and debris falling because of the various explosions. He ducked under one metal block, and narrowly dodged the second one. He grimaced, as the portal came into view.“No! To the right! To the right! TO THE RIGHT!” Amelia yelled at Delbert, as Delbert expertly piloted the ship through the debris. “I KNOW! WOULD YOU JUST LET ME DRIVE?!” “TWENTY FIVE SECONDS!”Jim’s grimace turned into a full on frown when the engine on his makeshift solar board began to sputter, then die out, sending him plummeting towards lava. “No… No! No!” Jim cried, pumping the fuel pedal as fast as he could. But it was to no avail, as he continued falling towards the lava below.John balled up his hands into fists, the tension almost killing him. “C’mon lad…” “SEVENTEEN SECONDS!”Jim continued pumping the pedal, even though he knew it would do him no good. The engine needed a spark of energy… A spark of energy! With new found determination Jim turned around and slammed the board into a nearby block of metal, causing sparks to fall onto the engine. C’mon… C’mon… He drew closer and closer towards the lava until, finally a spark hit the right spot, restarting the engine. Jim grinned, and zoomed upwards as the Legacy continued on above him. He raced towards the portal.“SEVEN, SIX, FIVE, FOUR…” Jim and the ship were neck and neck, and Jim knew he needed to get there first, else the Legacy and it’s crew would be destroyed.“THREE,” Jim pulled ahead of the ship, the g-forces taking their toll on his face as he reached out towards the portal’s location picker.“TWO,” He reached further, further…“ONE!” Success! Jim pushed a random planet and watched as the Fortune pulled ahead of him and entered the portal. But then something strange happened. While the Fortune was halfway through the portal, the portal turned a dark black and he watched as the ship and it’s crew disappeared, before he himself disappeared.~~~Jim glanced around, it seemed he had landed in some kind of ancient land. There were fireworks, maybe a kind of celebration? He glanced up, and saw the Fortune crash into what seemed to be the back of some kind of palace. “Where am I?”~~~Morph floated around, searching for Jim and John. He had somehow gotten separated from the rest of the crew. He let out a cry of delight, and floated towards John, who was rubbing his head as he stood up. “Did it work Morph?” John questioned, looking around.OOC: Morph and John are in Toccata and Fugue, Jim and the Legacy are in the Mulan Universe(waiting for Zoma/Pryhhon to post) and Captain Amelia B.E.N. and Delbert are currently missing in action.And remember they're colored coordinated. Jim = Brown, Amelia = Gold, Morph = Pink, John = Silver/Grey, Delbert = Dark Red, and B.E.N. = different shade of brown.Anyone in Toccata and Fugue?

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Lady Superior shrugged. "As I said, I have not been there long. The only one he mentioned by name was one called Scar, although I'm sure as more worlds appear he will find more representatives."OOC: I /think/ the Tangled and Lion King characters are there, or near there. I don't remember any specific post saying they left, anyway.

Edited by Toa Korkoa: Toa of plasma

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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