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Aloft: Castle In The Sky

Blessed Blade

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IC: Joskirre: Airship:They had just about reached the city. Joskirre started to bring the airship down toward Dwinheim.OOC: *Cue Glitzville theme*IC: Okavaung: Dragon's Fire Tower:The Laiikoan approached his master."I've gathered everyone, Aclaraung," he said.IC: Janaalra: Resedomanadia:Janaalra stepped out of the airship. A chill ran down her spine as she looked around and a feeling that they shouldn't be here came over her.IC: Shaaltar: Resedomanadia:Shaaltar hopped backward and sheathed his blade. "I guess we don't have enough time for any more," he said as Cotan sheathed his blade too. He turned and hopped out of the airship. This place was creepy, even to him. Not that he'd let it show. He walked ahead toward the ruins.OOC: Minor bunny here, although you've done the same. =PIC: Crigg: Airship:Crigg grinned as he saw the airships ahead of them land. Goodness gracious, there was a third one! Oh, this was fantastic. He could barely refrain from hopping out of the airship and ransacking the others, although he knew that he'd probably die if he jumped out now.

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KaelenIC: "Finaly" He thought, standing up. He exited the airship with the rest of the Machine explorers and followed them into the ruins, his hand on his katana, ready to draw it at any time.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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-==IC: Sykar==-Sykar followed his team into the ruins, and then smirked, as a roar pierced the area.And as usual, it's right on time, following it's schedule as normal... I must thank those pirates who... 'offered' that information... Sykar thought, not looking back, as a youngling dragon flew into the area, enraged.-==IC: Seiran==-Seiran frowned, as she looked around for where Sykar was."This was planned... I don't know how, but it was..." Seiran muttered, as she noticed no sign of the Machine group anyway near the rest of the group; even as the biomechanical dragon flew toward the group. Seiran drew her weapon, but paused with a smile, as she looked toward Janaalra."Your turn." Seiran said with a nod, standing off to the side, as Arkara simply watched in horror, taking a step back."N-no... NO! RUN, JUST RUN, EVERYONE!" Arkara yelled out, not knowing how anyone could fight a flying dinosaur and live. Except those who simply get in the way; like him.-==IC: Kreinan==-"Alright, crew; let's go. Split up, and search around; don't leave any stone unturned!" Kreinan called out, as they stepped into the ruins as well, through a different entrance than what Sykar took.OOC: Machine players, the exploration officially starts.Burnmad, it's your turn to shine, kill that dragon for us, would you?Faithful players, you can either stand around and watch Janaalra either kill the beast or die, or you can attempt to make your way into the ruins and effectively split away from the group. That obviously isn't the recommended plan of action. =P

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IC: Saphrion / Faithful LandingSaphiron stood fast, and looked to Janaalra. She gave a nod as she moved to the side, and began barking orders at those who were still somewhat keeping a hold on themselves, quickly causing an almost arena like formation in the ruins clearing. She was ready, in case Janaalra couldn't deal with this one.And she really hoped Janaalra could deal with this one.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Hah, nice. =P-==IC: Krienan==-Kreinan sighed, and slapped his palm to his face, but shrugged; who knew, the robot might actually find something that way. He just hoped the robot would recognize if something was treasure.

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[Co-GM]In Location: ResedomanadiaNPCs ~ One of Those Air Pirates From That Post I Made EarlierAs Sykar moved through the ruins, distracted as he looked around, he was suddenly grabbed on the leg by a Glatorian. Looking down, he would see a Jungle Glatorian, only... different. His skin was completely pale, and the boiled dinosaur leather armor he was wearing looked like it was at least a couple hundred thousand years old, crumbling apart and turning to dust even as he sat there.The Glatorian, whose other equipment signified him to be an Air Pirate (though those trappings were falling apart) kept reaching out, gasping for air as he appeared to be aging by the decade each moment he sat there. In between the gasps, he mouthed the words, "Help me!" before finally collapsing. Another couple seconds, and he fell apart into a fine, white pile of dust, leaving only his rusting helmet and weapons, which were also falling apart at a slightly slower rate.OOC: That post I made where those Air Pirates were walking around the ruins? I ain't retconning it. :P-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: No, it just happened later than initially expected. =P And with a slightly different group than initially expected. =P-==IC: Sykar==-Sykar frowned, and kicked his leg free, even as the Glatorian turned to dust."Pathetic." Sykar muttered, as he continued to walk forward, not willing to listen to simple tricks; he would deal with that himself, and continue his own plans.-==IC: Kreinan==-"Yes; treasure." Kreinan said with a nod.

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IC: Joskirre: Dwinheim:Joskirre landed the airship. He put the gem and device back into his backpack. Taking the keys, he hopped out and began walking toward Yksfolt.IC: Janaalra: Resedomanadia:Oh, dear. Out of all the dinosaurs on Bota Magna, what were the odds she'd end up fighting one that can fly? Oh well, she couldn't chicken out, she had to fight it. As the dragon came closer, Janaalra drew her sword and raised her shield. She glanced at her surroundings for anything that might be of use as she waited for it to attack.OOC: And the only rule is that she has to kill it by herself, right?IC: Shaaltar: Resedomanadia:The Agori walked ahead of the others. He looked around the ruins.

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KaelenIC: Kaelen headed for the tallest building nearby. Those were always the places that people put the things more important then the silverware. Of course, you could find silverware in them as well, but that was not the only thing in them.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Zed Brakar - Airship, Nearing ResedomanadiaZed let loose a bark of laughter, "Three airships, Crigg! Three! This is even better than I could have hoped! Oh, it's like my our birthdays, my friend!"He glanced over at the ships, most of whom had already descended upon the city, "Alright Crigg! Take us in, gently! I don't want a repeat of last time!"-Void



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[Co-GM]In Location: ResedomanadiaAs Shaaltar took the lead and passed by Sykar, whispers began to roll through his head. There was a sound as if something big - or, rather, about his size - was moving in the darker areas here.Under his foot where he stepped was a fine, white pile of powder.OOC: @ Burnmad; I believe so, yes.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Joskirre: Dwinheim:Joskirre landed the airship. He put the gem and device back into his backpack. Taking the keys, he hopped out and began walking toward Yksfolt.IC: Janaalra: Resedomanadia:Oh, dear. Out of all the dinosaurs on Bota Magna, what were the odds she'd end up fighting one that can fly? Oh well, she couldn't chicken out, she had to fight it. As the dragon came closer, Janaalra drew her sword and raised her shield. She glanced at her surroundings for anything that might be of use as she waited for it to attack.OOC: And the only rule is that she has to kill it by herself, right?IC: Shaaltar: Resedomanadia:The Agori walked ahead of the others. He looked around the ruins.
OOC: Pretty much, yes. And she can't die, either. =P-==IC: Dragon==-The dragon roared out, and then attempted to breathe some flames at the pesky Agori that was attempting to stand up to it; apparently it was a fire dragon youngling.-==IC: Gem==-Still nothing happened... However; as someone passed by Joskirre; they seemingly called someone else, though he wouldn't see anyone, oddly enough. The odder thing, is that Endelig would not have noticed a thing, though whether that was the gem, or just paranoia, was to be seen.OOC: I wonder which actually was the worse idea. I stand by that you shouldn't have done that, though. =P-==IC: Sykar==-"Be careful." Sykar said with a slight growl."If you disturb something, or something attacks you because you aren't being careful, I might not save you." Sykar warned, as he continued to move forward.OOC: You going to have something happen to poor 7, or is he immune, due to being a robot? =P
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KaelenIC:"Don't worry," came the reply, "I value my life."He had reached the building by now and entered in a crouch, ready to spring away at the first sign of anything odd or dangerous.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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OOC: I wonder which actually was the worse idea. I stand by that you shouldn't have done that, though. =P
OOC: The more you say that, the more I'm going to throw my characters into deadly ruins. =P@EttV: I thought Zed was piloting. Crigg doesn't know how. =PIC: Joskirre: Yksfolt:Joskirre sighed and ducked into the first shop he saw, Geklan's Equipment. He approached the owner. "Hello, good sir!" He exclaimed. "Might I ask if you have any interest in buying a valuable-looking gem?" He pulled the gem out of his backpack.IC: Janaalra: Resedomanadia:Janaalra jumped to the side, away from the flames. So, it could breathe fire, then. Well, it better get bored of doing so fast, because she couldn't kill it until she could hit it.IC: Shaaltar: Resedomanadia:Shaaltar paused for a moment and looked around. He glanced at Sykar. "Do you hear that?" He asked, drawing his sword.

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-==IC: Dragon==-The dragon stopped, and then roared out at Janaalra, as he flew into the air, and then aimed to dive toward the Agori quickly.-==IC: Sykar==-"I'd bet you tripped a safeguard of the ruins." Sykar stated blatantly, simply choosing to walk forward.OOC: Can't do anything else yet. =P

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[Co-GM]In Location: ResedomanadiaNPCs - ???The sounds continued, but only Shaaltar seemed to hear them. Then came the feelings, as if something was crawling on his helmet, or on his back, and he had to swat it away. Small glimmers of movement in the corner of his eye, the feeling of something grabbing for him but unseen. The skittering sounds continued.For Sykar, a whisper echoed into his head. One word - "Why?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: The correct answer is "why not"? :P[Co-GM]In Location: ResedomanadiaNPCs - ???The voice - no, wait, a different voice - continued speaking to Sykar. He couldn't be certain, but he was certain that it was his own. Were he to try speaking, he would find it to be true - his voice was gone."Ehk thurnak relir? Nethir altra tenbera korth naz itra fil priok. Daldra ehk Resedomanadia!"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Arontak continued to walk, thinking of his plan.OOC: if someone could tell me what they're doing, it would be appreciated.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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OOC: Walking around getting haunted, looking for 'something'. =P-==IC: Sykar==-Sykar, though he noticed the voice thing and attempted to speak himself, simply shrugged it off, and continued. This would be worth temporary inconveniences like this...

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OOC: I'm not in charge of the designs of the ruin, just the theme and the overall appearance. Blade will find his 'something' whenever he feels like it. And hopefully not end up like that guy at the end of Indiana Jones 3.[Co-GM]In Location: ResedomanadiaNPCs - ???The voice spoke in the nonsensical language a few more times. Finally, it changed to a different tongue, that of the current Agori language."Must I speaketh to thou in thine barbaric tongue? This is an embarrassment, that thou doth not understand the elden tongues."Okay. Sort of the current Agori language.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sykar==-"Sorry; it kinda faded off." Sykar responded with his thoughts, since his voice wouldn't work."Would probably have otherwise. Maybe." Sykar thought, as he continued forward.OOC: Well, I'll let you play most of this out as you wish, though I have an idea for what Sykar's looking for. =P

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IC: Janaalra: Resedomanadia:The Agori jumped to the side again, swinging her sword at the dragon as it passed by.IC: Shaaltar: Resedomanadia:Shaaltar shrugged off the strange feelings and continued forward, albeit quite a bit slower than before, and with his sword in front of him.

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-==IC: Dragon==-The maneuver appeared to work; but the dragon wasn't damaged much, thanks to it's scales. However, it was annoyed, and attempted to claw out at Janaalra, as Arkara watched with a frown.

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-==IC: Dragon==-The dragon's claws, however, we about as sharp as the sword, and sturdy as one as well; and blocked the sword's strike, which was unfortunate for Janaalra. The dragon then swung around, and attempted to hit the Agori with it's tail quickly.

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OOC: You just want to minimize work.[Co-GM]In Location: ResedomanadiaNPCs - ???"Very well then." the voice replied. It was now speaking... more like him, it seemed. As if it was emulating Sykar's own speech pattern. As that happened, Sykar could feel his voice slowly returning. "Do you know where you are, Agori?"For Shaaltar, those odd feelings kept getting worse. Imagine, if you will, waking up in the middle of the night and feeling the legs of an insect crawling on your face. Your arm immediately goes, only now, there's nothing there. Imagine a spider moving across you arm - a small one, but with hundreds of friends, swarming up the length and coming no matter how many you swat off.He also continued to see things - things jumping out from the darkness, lunging at him. It reached its peak as a huge, hulking creature resembling a Skrall of the leader class lunged from the darkness and swung a huge sword, cleaving through him. He continued seeing through his eyes, but couldn't move - his head simply watched his body fall onto its knees and collapse.Then, it stopped, and he could feel himself thrust back into his body. He was still whole... that figure, it was just an illusion. A trick of his mind. It all was. He was alive, whole... or not. Was he really - was anybody in the room even really there? Was the room there?A similar thing was apparently happening to a Skrall guard, who suddenly let out a scream and fell to the ground, clambering away and trying to take shelter against one of the walls, his sword extended. Others were showing similar signs of fear.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sykar==-Sykar growled, his teeth clenching."I am not an Agori..." Sykar muttered, but then frowned."I know of this place; however; this is the land of the 'dead'; the resting place... The perfect hiding place. Resedomanadia, the crypt; the vault." Sykar stated, not caring much about the others; they were expendable at this very moment, and he had said to be careful anyway.

Edited by Pit: Arrow of Light
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[Co-GM]In Location: ResedomanadiaNPCs - ???"You are nothing more than a tall Agori. That is all you are, all you were, and all you ever will be."As Sykar continued walking, the environment around his vision changed. He was back up in the City above, walking through what he believed to be a funeral. A funeral for him - he could see his own corpse, cold and lifeless, placed upon a stone for proper disposal. A few of his closest companions were there, but not all - many who he would have expected to watch his departure were absent, and a few who surprised him. His body was disposed of quickly, and all walked away, even as he passed through the funeral.Everything returned to normal as the voice continued, "A simple Agori, who will die and be forgotten. Your name will be recorded nowhere. Nobody will remember you. But you... you seek to change that. But here, in this ancient, ruined city, you will find nothing to immortalize yourself. Here, neither god nor nature nor technological marvel hold power. Here, you are all powerless."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sykar==-Sykar smirked."You misunderstand me; whoever you are." Sykar said, as he stretched out, and slightly yawned."I don't want to immortalize myself. I don't care about being remembered. I'll do all of what I've always done; find stuff, and tinker with it. However, that's not why I came here." Sykar said, noticing the voice was seeming to get more and more agitated and defensive with these visions as they headed down the hall they were in."I want the things in this ruin, not for immortality of myself or my name; but for the actual contents of it. I want that... 'key'. But I also want something else now. And you know exactly what that is." Sykar stated, a malicious grin on his face, as he continued down the hall, his resolve stronger than even before.

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IC: Gontar went through Dragon's fire tower, looking for dragons to take on a hunt.IC: Tuaka walked through Yksfolt.OOC: Open for interaction.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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IC: Janaalra: Resedomanadia:Janaalra flung herself to the ground. As the tail passed over her, she jabbed her sword at the bottom of it.IC: Shaaltar: Resedomanadia:Shaaltar gasped (Not loud enough for anyone else to hear, though) as he emerged from the illusion. He took several deep breaths before continuing. The Agori walked forward, confident that if whatever was causing these nightmares could hurt him, it would already have done so, instead of relying on fear to keep people away.

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IC: Skarr: Yksfolt:Skarr was walking from Dwinheim where his attempted flight did not go so well. He decided to take a walk he was now in Yksfolt, than his wings went limp and rested on the ground, he tightened a few pieces and gave an adjustment and the wings lifted from the ground, and than fell again Skarr picked up a rock and whacked the mechanical part of the wings and they lifted.Skarr noticed a water glatorian walking though the sector and decided to say hello "Hello."OOC: This is for Tuaka, I guess it is kind of obvious.

Edited by light Laser

If wise man uses words, and strong man hits things, a wise strong man hits words.

Wait that doesn't seem right.



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