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IC: Alex"Seriously, guys. I designed some of the security these guys use. It'll be easier than when I found the Brotherhood hideout, I'm just going to need you guys' help to make sure nothing goes wrong." He grinned. None of what he said was a lie. Well, he might have understated the risk. But that was all.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Shawn IC: "As long as I get my rematch with Quicky! you got my support." Shawn looks down and with a low voice says "besides you guys have a whole lot going for ya, I'll do my part to make sure you guys get to see another sunrise."Emily IC: Emily watches the technopath, shaking her head. *he is brilliant, watch out for him.*

Edited by The_Shawn_Legend


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: The storm flew out of Shockbolt until he grew tired, having exhausted himself in his raging tantrum. Eventually the storm subsided as Derrick collapsed on the ground. He fell on the ground not quite asleep or unconscious but in sort of a trance like state. His mind was completely scattered by a few simple words, showing memories to him of his entire life, and how almost everything that he had done up to this point was largely detrimental to his current predicament.He had a lot of thinking to do.


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IC: Windrider - Brotherhood Base, Savage Lands -I slowly got up as Demon got off me. "Thanks." I said, somewhat dazed, though I was smiling, the plan had worked, Shock Bolt was now one of us, a mutant. I started to go into a bit of a laughing fit. "It actually worked, what do ya know?" Name: Ashley LandesCodename: VinewhipAge: 16Gender: FemaleFaction: X-menPower(S): Control over plant-life. (Can manipulate all forms of plantlife, can control it's growth, movement, etc.) Limited ability to heal minor wounds with plantlife; can also telepathically communicate with plant-life that is capable of thoughts. (If such a plant existed anyway. :3)Appearance: She has dark green hair (This is her natural color.) and ruby eyes that glow. She is olive skinned, average height and a thin built. Weapons: She carries seeds of various plants in her pockets.Skills: Has studied herbology and is a decent Botanist Personality: She is rather perky and cheerfully, tends to be very strong willed and stubborn as well. Weakness: Without her powers she's pretty much useless in combat. Fire can harm her more severely than what is considered normal, and frequently needs water to stay hydrated. Bio: Her powers developed at a young age, which her parents noticed when her hair started to change green. They heard of Xavier's School for the gifted and sent her there, where she has stayed for many years, and is happy to be there.

Edited by Overlord Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Windrider - Brotherhood Base, Savage Lands -"I'll say." I said, my tone rather cheerful, still quite happy things had gone so smoothly. "Well, I guess we should tell Quicksilver of our success." IC: Vinewhip - War Room, Institute -"Hey whatever you guys are doing I'm coming!" A rather perky voice said as Alex spoke. Ash had stepped into the war room, she seemed to be covered in dirt, flowers, and leafs. Most likely she'd been working in the garden again.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: At this point, Nero wheeled into the War Room, for the most part up to date, having been listening on his way through the mansion since recieving the mental message. He wheeled himself into a free corner, and watched planning occur.

~Totally like a boomerang. I always come back. Just never when you want me to.~

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IC: Alaric (Dorm, Institute)He wanted to break something, and yet nothing came to mind, not the glass ornamental sculptures or the instruments hanging from his wall. He wanted to put his knee through any one of the Warhols or Picassos that hung from the deep purple, inviting walls of his dorm, yet he couldn't pick out one he would want to see maimed. He wanted to destroy something precious, something that mattered, much like Beast and Ashlynn and stupid, stupid John were doing in the other room, and yet the soft, beautiful part of Alaric, the part that cried along with his students when something happened back at home they couldn't be there for, the kind that specifically threw a party for a kid when he saw nobody wish them a happy birthday in history class, couldn't bear to cause any of even the inanimate objects in his room any sort of pain.Taking a deep breath, he looked at his suitcase, still lying packed on the bed beside him. He knew that the very concept of carrying seventeen years worth of memories on him was futile, and honestly, he felt like not even bringing it. What had this place brought him? A lifetime of pain, waiting, heartbreak, and all because of one girl who ends up dating a guy who barely deserves a Gorgon as a significant other? No, he didn't need to bring a suitcase. He would start fresh. That was the only thing he could do.Alaric walked out into the hallway after pinning a single sticky note onto his door with the word Vacant scrawled across it, he walked straight through the cafeteria, now almost empty and full of students laughing and eating breakfast, blissfully unaware they were all about to be marked for death because of the actions of those downstairs, and he didn't stop walking until he was in the driver's seat of his father's Corvette and driving out of the Westchester limits.-Teezy



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IC: BeastHe nodded at Alex, "You stay here then and try to hack the Sentinels and shut them down. Until then I want the rest of the team who is willing to go to follow Triblade to the Savage Lands so we can help them hold off the Sentinels until he finishes hacking them." he said. "I'll go to the Blackbird and meet you there." he said. "Move out X-Men we have innocents to save!" he said before running towards the hangar bay. As Beast ran he thought of Alaric, he hoped that he wouldn't do anything rash, that he wasn't correct in that Beast was signing the papers that would mean their death.IC: Triblade"Alright, everyone suit up." he said. He then walked into the boy's locker-room before pulling off his civilian clothes and then pulling on the sleek black and white suit that looked similar to the one his father had worn.IC: FeralJohn followed Matt into the locker-room. He walked up to his locker and took his normal clothes off before pulling on his black and grey dark wolverine suit. He pulled the mask on, the red filters covering his eyes and making them shine crimson. "Ready." he said walking towards the door.IC: Summer-flight"I need to go now honey, please go back to your room." she said smiling at Amy before getting up and entering the girls locker-room. She pulled on her yellow and black costume, feeling strangely numb, her thoughts on Alaric. Ric... Ashlynn said trying to contact him, but she couldn't find his mind within the mansion, he was gone. IC: QuicksilverQuicksilver turned to the strange mutant who'd invaded his throne room. "Who are you?" he demanded, ready to attack him at a moment's notice.OOC: You never posted his character sheet Zyke.

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Shawn IC: Shawn follows Beast, "Hey, I am going to fight the Quicksilver again. So I'm off to the savage lands!" He then turns around and heads to the locker room to change, where he changes into yet another skin tight suit that shows off his perfectly chiseled body. He then stands next to Matt and Feral and tells them "I swear these things are going to kill my unmentionables." he chuckles slightly.Emily IC: Emily walks over to Alex insiting "I am better off here helping you hack the Sentinel's, strategically I would be a waste out there. I would be an unnecessary casualty. When I can actually use my intellect to help you shut those things off. Two heads work better than one!"


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Vinewhip - War Room, Institute -Ash really wasn't one to take no for an answer, and had already started to suit up, so unless someone stopped her, she was coming. "I wonder what kind of plants they'll have..." She wondered out loud.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC:Katrina ~Heading to X-Men Hanger~

"Um... Mr. Beast?" Katrina's small voice would barely be heard by Beast as they headed to the hangers. "Well... I hate to bother you, but I'm not supposed to go on a mission without a partner, and my last partner died during my last mission. Have you found me a new partner yet?"

Mest Moore ~Weapon-X Database~

Mest read what was on the screen, then waited for Scorcher to finish reading.OOC:Can't really have Mest do much as Scorcher is using the computer, and I'm not sure how much Weapon-X would have on the Phoenix, so... :P

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: TribladeHe turned to Shawn, "You need to get something straight. We aren't attacking Quicksilver or the Brotherhood unless they attack us, we are going there to save the innocent mutants." he said.IC: Beast"Why dont you parter with Vinewhip?" he said to her.IC: Scorcher (Weapon-X base)He turned to Mest, "Well she certainly looks like Jean... You said she had telekinetic powers?" he asked.

Edited by Flex Nard
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Shawn IC: Shawn looks ahead as he says "Okay, relax...all I am saying is that when it happens because I am sure it will. I will be ready for him. I want to save those lives as much as you do. I am simply preparing myself for an inevitability."Emily IC: While everyone is busy getting ready for the new mission. Emily takes out her P.D.A and quickly sends out a message to Colonel Johnson about the operation the X-Men are about to run.


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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OOC:So we've decided to put the perky Vinewhip with the shy Torment? This seems more of a pair for a sitcom than a mission, but whatever. :P

IC:Katrina ~Heading to Hangers~

"Um..." Katrina analyzed Vinewhip for a second, then back down at her feet. "I guess, if it isn't too much trouble."

Mest Moore ~Database~

"I think so... She was mainly throwing fireballs at the car though so..."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC: Trolololol.IC: Vinewhip - X-Men Hanger -Ash smiled at Katrina, she liked shy people, actually she liked all kinds of people, but that was besides the point, she could see they were gonna be the best of friends! "My name is Ash, I can control plantlife!" To demonstrate she took out two sprouts she apparently had in her pocket, her ruby eyes flared up briefly and the sprouts quickly grew into two beautiful roses, she quickly put one in Katrina's hair, then she put the other one in her own long, dark green hair. "There! Now everyone will know we're partners!"

Edited by Overlord Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: AlexAlex watched the team gather and prepare, a small smile on his face. They were all going. Good. It would make his job easier.He turned around, and walked back to the War Room. He had already set his laptop down on a table. He pulled a chair up, and opened it. He had work to do.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: I know I didn't post his sheet. I'm gonna fully reveal him later ;)IC: ???The suited figure slowly stepped up to Quicksilver's throne."My name is not important," he said, "but it is important that you listen to me now."He paused when he was right in front of Quicksilver."The lives of every mutant in this base, and possibly of every mutant in the world are at stake."


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IC: AmaterasuThe veiled figure paced through the hallways of Quicksilver's throne room. She hesitated for a moment, about to step inI really don't want to do this, she thought. But I have no choice. My son...She walked in briskly.IC: Madness and WitchMadness dragged himself into the War Room, followed by Sara. "Sorry for this, but she insisted on following me. What's going on?"

Edited by TradTheMentalist

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC: AlexAlex looked up at Madness. "Sentinels attacking the Savage Lands." He gestured down the hall. "The team is gathering down there. I'm staying back to hack the Sentinels and shut them down."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Heh I thought her name was Empathy not Torment... Torment is a Brotherhood NPC I play. Also Trad, Quicksilver is in his throne room, big open room, she can just walk in.IC: Quicksilver (Brotherhood HQ, Savage Lands)He glared at the suited man. "Why should I believe a mutant who just took over the body of one of my companions?" he said. "How do I not know that this is a trap?" he said. "Besides how did you even get here... the location of the Savage Lands are not well know." he said. "Why shouldn't I just kill you now?" he asked him. IC: Beast (Blackbird)Beast climbed into the Blackbird, before firing up the engines and taking off into the sky, heading towards Antarctica.IC: Triblade (X-Mansion, basement)Matt waited outside the locker-rooms for the rest of the team to suit up, they'd be following his lead to the portal that led to the Savage Lands. They'd need to take some vehicles to get there the fastest. He looked for Dallas, "Is there anyway you could speed all of us up, or does it only work for you?" he asked. "We need to get to the portal quick, so unless anyone can make us all move fast we should take some vehicles in the garage." he said. IC: Summer-flight (X-Mansion, basement)Ashlynn stood next to Matt when she was fully suited up, her sleek suit making her red hair look even brighter, she waited for the rest of the team to finish up before they departed.IC: Feral (X-Mansion, basement)John leaned on one of the walls near Matt, chewing on a toothpick he'd found in his locker. Things were about to get very messy, and John could hardly wait. Already he could feel a dull itch in his knuckles as if his claws were begging to be released. "We could take two or three cars, I'll take my father's bike." he said. He then looked at Matt, "I still can't believe you were living with the Brotherhood." he said.IC: Scorcher (Weapon-X HQ)Scorcher nodded, "She kept calling Zack It." he said. "Sounds like to me they may be long lost brother or sister or something strange, maybe that's how she tracked him down." he said. "I should tell the colonel this, there may be two potential targets now." he said, looking at Blink.

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Emily IC: Emily then takes a seat next to Alex with the intent to stay behind to help with the shutting down of the sentinel's.Shawn IC: Shawn grunts "ugh...these suits are annoying." He looks around at the team getting ready. "Hey I can give someone a piggy back ride." he says scratching the back of his head and laughing.


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Alex"I know exactly what I'm doing." He smiled. "I'll be fine."He gave her hug. "I'm more worried about you. Take care of yourself, alright?"He looked at Emily. "You. Shoo. No one gets to see my trade secrets."

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:Madness and Witch."Oh."Both of them went down. Madness tried to drag himself away from her again. It failed."Sorry guys, but a friend here wants to join us." he said, indicating Sara.IC: AmaterasuWho are you? she asked silently. I can cleanse my mind of you at any given time, I warn you.

Edited by TradTheMentalist

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC: Windrider - Brotherhood Base, Savage Lands -I stepped out of the cell, leaving Demon with the new mutant. "I'm gonna report our results to Quicksilver, I'm sure he'll be quite pleased." With that I left Demon and went out the corridor and back to the upper levels, heading toward the throne room. When I arrived in the throne room Quicksilver was being confronted by some mysterious mutant I'd never seen before. Then there was a knock on the door of all things...I didn't even know the throne room had a door...ah well, I had always snuck in the back-way. I was tempted to say something, but I thought it best not to interrupt, I stayed in the shadows, just in case Quicksilver needed my help. I doubted it, knowing how powerful he was, but you never knew with these things. IC: Vinewhip - X-Mansion, basement -Ash took Katrina by the hand and dragged her to Triblade and the others. "We're ready!"

Edited by Overlord Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Emily IC: Emily sighed and said "Fine! but I think you could use some help, no "trade secrets" is worth innocent lives." She then walks off to the out of the room.Shawn IC: Shawn looks at Ash and Katrina and laughs "Hey, one petite turned into two petities. I like the little flowers in your hair." He smiles very adorably "you guys be careful! it's may get nasty out there, but you know what if things get dicey I got your back." he says while fixing his suit.

Edited by The_Shawn_Legend


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Madness and Witch."I want to go." "You stay here. It's was very hairy on my first mission.""No! You need a medic!""That role is fulfilled by someone else.""But I can take away pain...""True... Get yourself a suit. And don't go and pick a fight. It's far too dangerous."

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC: Vinewhip - X-Mansion, Basement -Ash puts her hand on her mouth and giggles, she thought it was adorable when people got concerned about her. "Don't worry, we'll be careful. I heard there are lots and lots of plants where we're going, so I'll be terrific!" She said with much optimism.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Shawn IC: Shawn smiles at the young lady's optimism. "Cool then! you say you will be terrific." Shawn turns his pretty face towards her and gives her a thumbs up. "and I believe you!" Emily IC: Emily walks out of the war room and catches up with the rest of the team. She then walks up behind Shawn and gives him a hug, placing her head on his back.


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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