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The Corrupt-A-Wish Game!

CaT in Rogue

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Granted, but it never shuts up or stops swishing.

I wish more people stopped by for an Ask Lan.

(I'm hopping on yet another bandwagon.)

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Granted, but it's a box-office bomb and nobody likes it... except you.  You are immediately called a weirdo by all your friends for liking such a terrible piece of cinema.

I wish that my mom had bought me more G1 BIONICLE when it was still being sold in stores.

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Grant it, they're all in that new lavender purple that's being used, instead of the violet purple.



I wish for death.

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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You say you're doin' your part, but you just killed me, so... Instead you get a License to kill.



I wish I wasn't dead.

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Granted, but all your body parts are put together in a horribly mismatched pattern, making you essentially Frankenstein's monster.

I wish that I had a girlfriend.

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Granted. Now they're wasps.



I'm still a ghost. Please help.

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Granted, but now you're basically a keyboard with a soul.

Speaking of which... I wish I could play another instrument besides the piano.

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Grant it, you doomed us all with a universe eating Paradox.



I wish Paradox's weren't a thing.

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Granted, but now there's no plot for Doctor Who.  Not that there's one anyway.

I wish that the Wasteland RPG would get its GM back.  I've been wanting to join.

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Grant it, all the ball sockets break.



I wishfor love. But also..


Granted, but now there's no plot for Doctor Who.  Not that there's one anyway.

I wish that the Wasteland RPG would get its GM back.  I've been wanting to join.


Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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(I don't need the ball sockets; I'm just after that luscious glow-in-the-dark.  So your corruption of my wish had no effect on me.)

(Also, yes.  Wasteland has a GM.)

Granted, but your love comes from Peter Griffin.

I wish that Greg Farshtey had fleshed out the backstories of the Barraki more, and given their species canon names.

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Grant it, they suck in the end.



I wish I knew what GM means.

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Granted, but even though you're worthy, the hammer still weighs a ton and you can't lift it.

I wish that we got more Rahkshi in more colors than just the traditional six we had back in G1.

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Granted, But they had a very low budget for them and they ended up looking like Rahaga.


I wish they made Voriki a real set.

It exists...but LEGO decided never to make a Voriki set, so some backwater Chinese bootleg toy factory did it instead.  The plastic is weaker than the lime pieces from 2007, and it's all lead-painted.


I wish Soul Calibur 6 would come out already, and and it's universally praised to be better than all of the other ones.

---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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Granted. On launch it is a buggy mess, and no one buys it. After two years of very strong community feedback, bugfixing and content patching, it is brought to its position as the ultimate Soul Calibur experience, and is praised by its loving fanbase. All 429 of whats left of them.

The downtime did a number on its community.


I wish war would change.


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Granted, but it becomes a joke instead of the serious thing that it is.

I wish that in G1, we got more sets that weren't clones of each other, like the Barraki.

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Granted, but your life is stuck forever on Legendary difficulty, and the number of things that can instantly kill you are frustratingly high.

I wish that the Takadox head piece came in more colors, like red.  Or green; I like green.

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