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The Corrupt-A-Wish Game!

CaT in Rogue

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Granted. I retire as Batman and give the cowl to you. Unfortunately, you can't find anyone else willing to don a brightly colored outfit, and thus the villains always target you as you lack a human shield. Of course, this is a kid's show, so you're never seriously injured. It just makes it really really difficult to do your job. Also, working conditions are terrible. I wish I could be more serious. =/

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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Granted. You're now so serious, people try to cheer you up, but it never works. Eventually, you can't hear the phrase "Why so serious?" any more. You decide to laugh again, but you're too serious. Now, do you want surgery to plaster a permanent grin on your face?Ninja'dYou get your sunglasses. They're special, but they're also very, very ridiculous.I wish I could come up with better corruptions.

Edited by Taka Nuvia


 My art collection topic - updated! (21/09/2021)

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Granted. But let's be honest, my talent is something you're born with. -Tekulo continues to stroke his ego so much that he forgets what you wished for initially- Oh, right, here's your bland, flavorless rice cake, kid. -poofs a rice cake into your hands and laughs maniacally all the way home-I wish that corruption wouldn't be taken seriously (My self esteem is waaaay too low for me to have an ego. lol)

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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Granted. However, it is so pointy, everyone mistakes you for a unicorn with a bunch of horns. You then get sent to a circus as a sideshow, until you wash your hair and the green and the Mohawk go away. You are then fired from the circus, and everyone hates you now, because you entertained them.I wish for an entertaining book.

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Granted. A big tree named tree now lives right next to your bedroom. And he talks, keeping you up all night, never allowing you to get any sleep. Plus he's kinda annoying, but he talks, so it just doesn't feel right to cut him down with your chainsaw. You end up going insane, because of the annoying talking tree that you can now do nothing about.I wish for a pie. You know, for Pi day.

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Granted. You're a professional stunt person with no prior training! Now, you just have to jump over seventeen buses on a rickety motorcycle while avoiding the sharks jumping between tanks on either side while fire arrows shoot down from the audience because it's free fire arrow day!I'll be over here taping all of this feeding this action live all over the world where people will be judging your every move, so if you back down you'll be a total loser the rest of your life, but you know, no pressure. >=3I wish I used the smiley >=3 more often XDD

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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Granted. Since you're now immune to it, you decide to walk outside during a strong thunderstorm with a tin foil hat to impress your friends. As you get hit by lightning, nothing happens. Everyone cheers for you, and you want to go back in again (the rains is quite cold) BUT aliens, who've been in earth orbit with their spaceship observed the incident, and now beam you up to find out where you got your new ability from. When you tell them about BZPower, they don't believe you. You end up in an outer-space carnival sideshow as the Electric human. Woot.I wish I could free you from that carnival.


 My art collection topic - updated! (21/09/2021)

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Granted. You free him from that Carnival but are now part of it yourself.I wish i could be on Bzp everyday

"I don't fight crime because I want fame and glory. I do it because there are villains who are to powerful for regular police to handle"- Batman


92% of bzpower don't like smooth jazz. If you are part of the 8% who feel sorry for those who don't, copy this and paste it to your signature.

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(XD)Granted, you barge into the alien spaceship... somehow... and you make it to the carnival animal cages at night when everyone is asleep (which is odd because due to the orbit of the spaceship night and day don't really happen). As you make this observation, you find my cage and use your patent pending cage-be-gone and thus we plan our escape. Now, I don't want to spoil anything, but it ends with the both of us in Victorian clothing hanging above a vat of mutagen alien goo being slowly lowered as the aliens A new reply XDGranted, you get sucked into the internet and can never leave back to real life. You feel empty inside as you are trapped in BZP when everyone is offline.I wish I had hammer spaceNinja'd twice. XDAnyway, granted, but you can never think of anything to wish for ever again. Still wish for hammer space. XD

Edited by Tekulo: Toa of Gales

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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Granted. The new rules are so out of line and bizarre that most of the members rage quit. Though, the whole forums war was pretty sweet. I mean, Black six leading the staff into battle? Priceless. Too bad we didn't have a film crew running, it would have made for an awesome movie (or GA contest entry XD).I wish I had a hug.

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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Granted. You're now so super awake that everyone thinks you've got a sugar rush. but they are just so slow they can't see the unicorn - it is real! I wish for coffee xD Ninja'd - but ahaha same wish xD And since the corruption works for your wish too, I'll just leave it at that x3

Edited by Taka Nuvia


 My art collection topic - updated! (21/09/2021)

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