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Terton's Comics

Taria Pakari

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Just when you think I'm dead... BOOM, TERT OUT OF NOWHERE!

So where do I start, ah yes


I have once again begun making comics and I have Gavla to thank for it. Talking to him through steam for the past few months, we've been talking a lot about his comics and my interest in comics began to slowly rise. Eventually I told him I was thinking of starting up again but I had no ideas. After asking the awkward question he allowed me to base my comics in his current universe and then the ideas began to flow to me.


And don't worry about me vanishing any time soon, I've got Gav behind me ready to give me a kick up the backside if I slack off.




The Comics


The Name

The Void





A Catch



I may or may not do guest stars. No PGSs though as this will be story based rather than the usual rubbish I used to churn out. I'll keep you posted.


Other bits and bobs


The Death




Soran, Dark709, King Lehvak, Gerlicky, Feline Oneker and Vataki Teridax for the Chimoru R kit.

Gavla for The Void and Death AND for getting me back here.


Expect more soon!


And yes, I do have permission from Gav to use Death and the Void.

Edited by Terton


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Yay, you're back! I've always been looking forward to when you'd reboot your comics.


Anyway, I like the mysterious idea and flow of the comic. The way it connects with Gavla's comics is also quite cool because it adds almost extra information to these comics. Like information on already existing objects/elements/stories. Your character design not only looks cool, but it also shows that your character has been through some sort of struggle because of the cracked mask and the comic's story so far. The backgrounds look simple, but I find that it looks quite nice actually, because of the description of the island, it almost fits. The graphics are quite nice, and I do enjoy how you used different perspectives. I'm also happy that you didn't just use one pose throughout the whole comic. With the different poses itself, it makes the characters seem very expressive.


All around its a great start to the series, and I'll be sure to check up on these often. I look forward to your next comic.




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Lovely, just lovely.


To be honest, I was expecting the topic up after a few more comics. Chaha.


However, I'm quite glad to see these show up at last.


You're quite welcome, too. Always happy to help, plus I'm very interested in seeing what you do with these comics and the bits I've talked/shown you.


So as others stated, I look forward to the next comical comic.


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i like your version of death the mask just seems to work well with that color. i like these comics very intresting you'll be hearing form me again soon.

one day this will contain greatness only the best. But take this with the ocean of salt then you will know what to expect from this

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You keep the character of Death in order, which is good.


It's wave pose is pretty neat, I should incorporate that sometimes.


Anyway, yes. That was a nice comic. Seeing him sitting on the void is disturbing, when you take into mind what the Void is meant to be.



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Its nice to see you making comics again Terton and your new series look interesting.

Edited by Felinuva


If you've come across any of my topics such, as my comic series which are now lost, I just want to say is I have since DISOWNED them as of 2020. Looking back at them I'm no longer proud of what I've made here on BZPower.

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That girl is very...impatient. I mean, I noticed it earlier, but even more so now.


Wondering what the village will look like.


Being stalked by Death doesn't seem fun.


It's been a while, but your comics are worth the wait.

Yeah, the only reason it took so long was because college was sort of taking all my brain power, so by the time I got home each day I really couldn't be bothered to work on anything serious. But now I'm done with that so comics will be more frequent!


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WAIT, THATS DEATH!?!?!? it tis so similar to gav's! (mostly because you build off his comics) COOL!


That's the idea, it's the exact same Death from my work.


The idea is Death looks different to everyone, thus he looks different.


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The Mask Maker's mask reminds me of someone else. Chah.

he kinda looks like me and hewkii, but red.


speaking of which, (not suprising for me to be the first one to ask) when will you accept cameos and such?


Ah, sorry, usual habbit! :P

great comic BTW.

Edited by Loganto The Bo-Matoran


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