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A Shocking and Chilling Discovery!

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Grab some cake, people, we have celebrating to do!


We have two birthday brothers today: Akano: Toa of Electricity and Kopaka Kurahk!


Eh, if you have no idea who they are, don't worry. I grew up with them and I'm still surprised I know their names, let alone their birthday.


Akano is a comic maker who started his series a long time ago when we were kids. For whatever reason, he's kept at it (although I can't remember when his last update was. =P). Kopaka Kurahk isn't as active on BZP, but he still lurks around, popping up in Akano's comics and all.


Also, I believe it's -Reznas-'s birthday too, so be sure to give that guy some attention as well. ^^


Happy birthday bros! May you forever be older than me. =P

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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