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  1. Great to see that the forms are back! Hopefully I'll start to be more active too.


    I find it weird that I can even add an entry, considering I'm not a premier member...




    - Rahkashi

  2. Javi
    Latest Entry

    Pick 5 bands / artists that you love before reading the following questions:

    1. fun.
    2. The National
    3. The Airborne Toxic Event
    4. The Hold Steady
    5. Bright Eyes

    What was the first song you ever heard by 1?


    "Walking the Dog". I still remember the day my best friend showed it to me..like..vividly. =P I had no idea that I had just been introduced to an artist that was gonna have such a huge impact on my life..it's weird, thinking back on it, that fun. wasn't ALWAYS a part of my life.


    Is there a song by 2 that makes you sad?


    Hah..it's The National! All of them. =) "Runaway" once made me cry.."Mr. November".."Slow Show".."Baby, We'll be Fine".."Lucky You"..


    What is your favorite song of 3?


    Hah..basically all of them except "Neda". =P I guess I'd have to say my absolute favourite is and will always be "Wishing Well"..I was so blown away when I heard that song. It's hard to say that I like any Airborne song more than another, though...


    What is your favorite song of 5?


    Either "Haligh, Haligh, a Lie, Haligh" or "First Day of My Life". They're both pretty equal to me..


    What kind of impact has 1 left on your life?


    Oh my God..I can't really describe the impact fun.'s had on my life. I happened to be introduced to them right before a period of ups and downs, lost friends, a crush on a certain girl I couldn't be with (but am with anyway)..fun. was there through all of that, making things better, whether things were good or bad. We drove six hours from North Carolina to Macon, Georgia to see them in concert. Words cannot describe the love I have for this band.


    What are your favorite lyrics of 5?


    "Besides, maybe this time it's different - I mean, I really think you like me."


    How many times have you seen 4 live?


    I'd love to see The Hold Steady live..but I'm still waiting for a concert in the area. =P


    What is your favorite song by 2?


    Oh, god. I would try to make a condensed list, but even that would come out to over thirty songs, I'm sure. I guess I'll just say "Slow Show", because I think I listen to it most frequently. Not that that's that much more frequently than the others. xD


    Is there any song by 4 that makes you sad?


    "First Night". Less because of the lyrics, and more because I fell in love with "Separation Sunday" and its characters: Charlemagne, Holly, Gideon, and the narrator. Hearing Craig sing about them like this - not partying, not being born again, not hopping from Stillwater to Ybor City, not doing hoodrat things - there's something incredibly sad about hearing how these characters self-destructed.


    What is your favorite song by 1?


    I can't answer that. It's fun.


    When did you first get into 2?


    Hah - I saw "Alligator" as a similar items listing on iTunes. I clicked it, read a really pretentious interview from some guy, and then listened to "All the Wine". I remember being unimpressed, leaving the page, and forgetting all about it. Later, I read about a favourable review for "Boxer" somewhere and decided to give them another shot. I immediately fell in love with "Fake Empire", and the rest of the album not long after. It was awhile before I got into their other records, but once I did, The National became one of my biggest musical influences. Since then, I've always been careful to never judge a band based on one song or one review. =P


    how did you get into 3?


    I'd been listening to "Wishing Well" for a week or so. I was staying up late one night. I happened to be sad, and I wanted to hear more songs like "Wishing Well", so I started the rest of the album. Needless to say, I was incredibly disappointed when I heard these upbeat indie-rock songs (it took awhile before I realised how dismal they really are lyrically). However, I came back to the album awhile later and slowly listened through the whole thing over the course of a few days. It just sort of grew on me and became a favourite record, and not long after that, a favourite band.


    What is your favorite song by 4?


    I guess I'd have to say "Your Little Hoodrat Friend". Though "How a Resurrection Really Feels", "First Night", and "Cattle and the Creeping Things" all might as well be tied, too.

  3. In these days I am trying contact lenses for the first time. It has been two days since my first time.



    You don't need glasses.

    It makes you forget the problems of your eyes.



    If you are a beginner (just like me) it takes a lot to put them on and remove them.

    They don't hurt but you can feel that you have them on


    Still, even if I have them on, sometimes I look for my glasses where I don't need them at all.

    It an impulse of us glasses wearers! ^^


    I noticed that When the Wolven broke free publshed an blog entry where he/she (is not written on the profile :P) is reviewing the City Advent Calendar too. He/She put a link of my review too so I thought I could do the same on my blog.


    Here it is.

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    Tifosi 94
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    As all of you know, I went on a major rules rant awhile back. Since the day I’ve deleted all of my previous entries, I have actually been in talks with Watashi Wa over the rules I’ve complained about. We’ve been exchanging questions back and forth. Some things have gotten clearer and I think we can both say that we’ve gotten a different perspective on a few issues.


    So yeah, I haven’t just fallen off the face of the Earth. I’m talking to staff and working things out. Maybe in the future I’ll post some of things we’ve talked about (with permission of course. =P).



  4. Well, excuse my language but holy ###### was this a pleasant surprise.


    I've managed to completely forget about BZP and all the great friends I made here, hadn't visited the site for just shy of a year now...heard about the "downtime" over the summer but that's the only news I'd heard about the BZP. Decided on a whim to pop in for a visit, and what is this?


    Wow. New format. So much cleaner and professional looking. Can't even remember the old look, trying not to so nostalgia doesn't overwhelm me.


    ...I'll keep poking around. See if any oldies are still here...if any of you remember me, please give a shout. I'd love to catch up.


    Nostalgic and pleasantly surprised,

    -- Lazzy

  5. But there is one they fear...

    in their tounge, she is DOVAHNEIGH!


    FUS RO DAaaaa....

    Twilight: What was that?

    Fluttershy: It was my dragon shout...

    Twilight: Well, it sounds like it needs practice.

    Spike: What about Force, Balance, and push?

  6. Will_billy
    Latest Entry

    Why do I have a blog








    do i get a prize for bzp being offline?


    Because I hope it's permanent


  7. kongutohunga
    Latest Entry

    How are you

  8. It could be from any religion and from any time of the year.


    Mine used to be Sukkot (I'm half jewish), but now, seeing as I spent the most time in the kitchen/working, I might hate Thanksgiving. A lot.

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    Chip Wiseman
    Latest Entry

    Well, I like this new blog system! Just thought I'd try it out, get one in, stuff like that. Better get something to fill it with, though, so how about...



    The New MVM Adventures: A comic series I'm doing, based on the hit line, 'Makuta Versus Mata Nui' by The_Eliminator. Plenty of scanning to do here.

    The New MVM Game: Pretty much the same, but an RPG. Cliched Genre, but oh well. Got almost level 1 of 6 done, should post demo soon.

    Nuhrii's Forge: A little something I got tumblin' through the pipeline. Custom Kanohi, 100% casts of originals I have made, you send nothing except the payment. This is not quite ready yet, but all I have to do is sort prices out and I'm on the market! Major inspiration from (and thanks to)

    Heir Of The Chronicler.

  9. If you're someone who's been following the story from the very beginning, you've probably noticed a change in the names of characters, places, etc. Instead of Makuta, Tahu, and Mata Nui, we have Teridax, Chirox, and Zakaz. There's also been a trend towards names referencing real-world things, such as Photok (photon), Vamprah (vampire), and even the prefixes ce- and fe-. In order to see if there actually was a trend, I compiled a list of Matoran words using the updated BIONICLE Encyclopedia, plus all major names from 2008 (the updated B.E. only goes through '07). Then, I divided this into two lists: 2001-2003 and 2006-2008 (2004 and 2005 I left out because I wasn't sure whether they use the old or new naming style, or something in between). I found the following consonant and vowel frequencies:

    'Old' Names ('01-'03)

    Consonant Frequency:

    b - 1.914%

    c - 1.435%

    d - 1.435%

    f - 1.914%

    g - 3.349%

    h - 11.005%

    j - 1.435%

    k - 20.01%

    l - 5.263%

    m - 7.416%

    n - 8.612%

    p - 3.828%

    q - not used

    r - 10.766%

    s - 2.838%

    t - 6.938%

    v - 4.545%

    w - 2.632%

    x - 0.957%

    y - 0.478%

    z - 1.196%

    In order from most common to least common: k,h,r,n,m,t,l,v,p,g,s,w,b,f,c,d,j,z,x,y.

    Vowel Frequency:

    a - 48.25%

    e - 5.5%

    i - 13.5%

    o - 14.25%

    u - 18.5%

    y - not used

    In order from most common to least common: a,u,o,i,e

    'New' Names ('06-'08)

    Consonant Frequency:

    b - 2.469%

    c - 2.469%

    d - 7.407%

    f - 1.543%

    g - 2.469%

    h - 4.63%

    j - 0.309% (I think j only ever appeared in 'Jovan')

    k - 15.432%

    l - 7.407%

    m - 4.012%

    n - 11.11%

    p - 2.778%

    q - not used

    r - 13.889%

    s - 3.395%

    t - 7.407%

    v - 4.012%

    w - not used

    x - 5.556%

    y - 0.309% (I think y was only ever used as a consonant in 'Voya Nui')

    z - 1.196%

    In order from most common to least common: k,r,n,d,l,t,x,h,m,v,s,z,p,b,c,g,f,j,y

    Vowel Frequency:

    a - 50.48% (Wow!)

    e - 9.615%

    i - 16.827%

    o - 14.423%

    u - 6.25%

    y - 2.404%


    While some things stayed the same (k remained the most common consonant, a remained the most common vowel [and in '06 and beyond, over half of all the vowels in names were a!], most rare letters stayed rare), some things obviously changed. l, n, r, z, a, and i all got more common; y, never before seen as a vowel, now became used almost exclusively as one; m, once one of the top 5 consonants, dropped down to 9th place. The most obvious changes, however, are these:

    1. D, once very rarely used, became one of the top 5 consonants
    2. X, once the second-least-common consonant, shot up to 7th place
    3. E, once the rarest of the vowels, is now squarely in the middle
    4. H, once the second-most-common consonant, dropped all the way down to 8th, lower than x!
    5. K, once one out of every 5 consonants[!], is barely more common than r and n.
    6. U, once solidly the second-most-common vowel, is now by far the least common (other than y).

    On a somewhat related topic, I then used these percentages to make a program to generate Matoran-sounding names ('01-'03 style). The first four words it generated were:

    1. Wuhe
    2. Koda
    3. Zasu
    4. Jabu

    Not bad!

  10. Shadonix
    Latest Entry

    Is coming out in 3 days.


    I need a viable way to make $30 between now and then.

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    As you can probably figure out from the title, it's four days until a special event in my life, Novermber 19. Is it when I finally finish my frustrating Eagle Scout project? No, though that's getting close too. Thanksgiving? Obviously not. Everybody knows that Thanksgiving is on November Eleventeenth. Give up? It's going to be the day I turn 13! Might not seem that important, but I personally think it's the most important birthday. Not only can I join some of the Sites-That-Must-Not-Be-Named, but I also become a teenager. Kind of weird when I think about it. Only 72 years until I die. Oh well, who cares? PRESENTS!!!

  11. So, ever since BZPower forums have come back online, we've had Premier Membership perks. I wasn't really sure what to do about this, as I don't really enjoy writing blogs, but I just thought that I'd let you know a few things about one of LEGO's recent collaborations, with a charity called Children In Need, here in the UK.



    Children in Need has been around since the 1980s, and is a televised charity event. It involves raising money for the less fortunate children and young people in the UK, such as those who live in poverty. Since 1980, it has raised over £500 million, and this year Children in Need has teamed up with LEGO to bring us this, a LEGO set of the mascot of Children In Need, Pudsey Bear. It costs £4 from LEGO Shop@Home, and is also available in Asda shops throughout the UK. All profit from this LEGO Pudsey will go to Children in Need, and this will be at least £1, which is a quarter of the entire cost of the set.


    In my opinion, this is a fantastic cause, and a great reason to buy another set. So, if you live in the UK, I really hope you'll buy one of these, and help support the disadvantaged young people around us.




  12. Wow, this entry is not clichéd in the LEAST.


    With that warranted sarcasm aside, this actually is one of those advice-giving/"Ask Overlord" sort of blog posts. You may ask me questions about anything, including serious questions. This means that the seriousness of my answer will depend on the seriousness of your question.


    Though this may or may not be a bad idea, ask away.





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    Takaru 1111
    Latest Entry

    Alright, I keep getting the urge to go read Cupcakes, could someone suggest a different fic to read

  13. Hey guys. Chapter 5 was released yesterday so go check it out. It took longer but it's about 2800 words so there's your reason. That's probably longer than one of my entire comedies as a newb, true statement.


    Chapter 6 may be up tomorrow. Tuesdays are usually easier days for me and I don't have much lined up.


    Also the Ravens game last night was incredible, great comeback at the end.

  14. So, I entered this Adobe Imagination Challenge, and I need votes to win $10 000.




    If you could, help a brotha out and vote for me here: [You may not link to sites with comment systems. -Shine]


    aiya shine, pretty please? i thought this was a cooler bzpower :(


    well then just go to the website and go to entries and mine's on page 6


    You have to register an account. Don't worry, it takes like 5 minutes.


    Spread the word on BZPower! Put a link to this in your blog.


    Thanks everyone.

  15. Remember, Remember,

    The Fifth of November,

    Of Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot

    For I know of no reason

    The Gunpowder Treason

    Should ever be forgot.


    Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes,

    T'was his intent

    To blow up the King and Parliament!

    Three score barrels of powder below

    To prove old England's overthrow!

    By Providence he was catch'd

    With dark lamp and with burning match!

    Hulla boys, hulla boys, let the bells ring!

    Hulla boys, hulla boys, God save the King!


    What shall we do with him? Burn him!

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    Go and watch the official video clip. Do it. Now.

    As a word of warning, beware the awesome.

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    I'm back on BZPower. Hello everybody. If I'm correct, this PMship will only stay around for a month?

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    Rigth then, so this my BZP blog, whilst I have one,, and I'm goign to put it to use drumming up voice actors/support for an audio series that I am working on in my spare time. For the first episode, which is a pilot, there will be 5 voiced characters. So here is what it is all about.


    There are two Fire Matoran; a warrior and a normal villager, a Ce-matoran(this one is female), who is a hunter, and the Turaga of the fire village. Their names are Dolan, Atyran, Senah and Koln, respectively. There will also be a Narrator.


    Dolan is strict and uncompromising.

    Atyran is naiive and easily frightened.

    Senah is independent and reckless.

    Koln is stoic and conservative.


    The story is set in a cut off area of the southlands, where no one has ever heard of Toa and doens't know about Mata Nui, the Makuta or any of the usual plot. Through the aations of an unseen enemy, their world is slowly pulled back into contact with the MU (at about the time of Teridax's takeover). Later on there will be need of more characters, but I'm working on this as a pilot to start off with.


    All voice actors will be requested to use a free piece of software called Audacity to record thier lines (although you don't need thsi to audition) and Skype for voice recording sessions, so that they can play off eachother and recieve feedback.


    If you are at all interested in auditioning, then please pm me to ask for lines. You will then need to email a sound file of your audition to creators_16@hotmail.com. Otherwise, comments and questions can go here for the time being. Once the frst episode is done, I will create a topic in the Media Forum.


    Thanks everybody, I'm outty!

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    Well this is kewl. I'll probably forget about this until next year so feel free not to look here anymoar





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