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  1. Zeddy
    Latest Entry

    I have mixed feelings about that finale... I'm sad that it's ended and season 2 is nowhere in sight, but also excited for Agents of Shield to finally start again. :P For me it was probably one of the better shows I've seen, and I think like Breaking Bad since they had a clear time frame going in they were better able to craft a decent (great), no-loose-ends type of story.


    I'm just gonna sit here hoping and praying that they renew it coz we need more shows like it on TV.

  2. I lol'd at his mtrix he found on Flickr! If you haven't seen it, check it out, it's the link to the right called 'Open Book'.


    Also, a few entries back he posted abput how he (somewhat) regrets not being able to be more active throughout the forums and other websites unmentioned, and I too have been feeling a little saddened over this issue. I recently have been working on a WIP, off and on the last few months, which you can find new pictures of on my Flickr tomorrow, but other than that, I've pretty much died and went off to Imaginary Highschool land. Which makes me sad. But, like all things amazing, my popularity (or at least self love, haha) on BZP has been rolled over by the tidal wave known as 2009. I'll try to be more active, but can't really say much. Swim season is coming to an end though here in San Anton, and that will be an extra hour and a half, so I might have some free time to build.


    I've also been trying to give back to the community that has helped me through the last few years of my life, for good and bad. What I'm trying to say is this: if you need parts, I've got plenty and am willing to give you some if you need. Now, I'm not syaing I'm getting rid of my entire collection, but I have tens of thousands of parts and really don't need them all. I've got a job, I can just buy new stuff when I need it (which is no time soon). So let me know.


    For anyone interested, my lifes pretty good right now. I made the JV team freshmen year, and currently have shaved off 4 seconds on my 50 free, and 12 seconds on my hundred free. I'm mainly and backstroke/free kind of guy, and I'm pretty happy on my accomplishments. I'm in 5 pre-AP classes, all of which I maintain anything from a mid B to low A, which is an enormous improvement from last year where I was getting 1-2 C's per report card. I've been through a few relationships, had some drama in my life, and am still trying to figure it all out. Relationships are just too complex haha. Skate boarding is also a recent hobbie I picked up, mostly long boarding and cruising, but I can trey flip, varial, moonwalk, ollie, etc., on my Element.


    So, I'm about done talking for tonight. I'll try to upload those WIP pics tomorrow night, so If you care you can check this post out tomorrow or something. I'm off to watch some Bones before Texas and Bama go at it.


    G'night peeps:).



  3. null

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  4. And/or the usual "hey world! I'm still alive!" post :happy:

    So where have I been?
    Mostly busy with life, and finally with a stable internet connection at my PC so expect some more activity from me, I guess. Occasionally, anyway.

    Other than that, I missed this place, a lot. And can't help but get nostalgic about the old times of lots of daily activity. Regular display name changes, especially around April 1st (my, what a coincidence) or with whatever tiny trend floated by. (On a side note, I'm delighted to see that the old emoticons are still around. Love these :biggrin:)

    Hope you're all doing well! I'll see you around. ^^

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    Been browsing through old posts and blog entries. I realized how much I've grown since joining BZP. I first joined when I was in just 3rd grade, over 8 years ago...think how young you were in 3rd grade! Yet I was glued to a computer screen, for BZP, among other reasons.


    I think back to my childhood and teenage years. So much of my life now is defined by the things I did here. It was through someone I met on BZPower that I first got into web development, which then inexplicably led me to work on KanohiJournal and other projects that let me hone my programming skills. I am now a freshman in college majoring in Computer Science.


    It's all just really interesting for me. Looking back through my activity on this site is like seeing myself grow. I haven't been very active at all for the past few years, but I spent a lot of my formative ones on this site.


    Cheers to BZP. It's played a bigger part in my life than I ever thought. If I could just get unbanned from the Facebook group...yeah, that's be great. :P


    If you're one of the followers of this blog (major points if you still are), or if you're one of my closer friends on here (you know who you are), thanks for everything you contributed to my experience on BZP. After graduating high school, I realized we take friends for granted. So if you're one of the people reading this and we've communicated on this site before, ever, thanks to you. Wish you all the best! Maybe I'll post on here every so often. :)

  5. -SZ-
    Latest Entry

    I wasn't excited.


    Then gears.


    I'm excited.


    I would actually just buy a pile of gears at this point.

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  6. I have been receiving emails of late indicating new blog entries from a number of old friends here on BZP.  Apparently the blogging system just returned after a lengthy hiatus?  It has been years since I've visited the forums, but I've never forgotten all the fun I had as a part of this community.  I am still alive, and I would enjoy reconnecting with anyone who remembers me from quite literally a decade ago!  My absence over the last 10 years can largely be explained by school.  I began my freshman year of college in 2010, and in the years since, I have completed an AA (2012), two BAs (2014), a BS major-equivalency (2015), and an MA (2019).  I have been a college student for 7 years of this decade, taught at a high school for 2 years between my BAs and MA, and was hired this fall as an adjunct professor at a local college.  Needless to say, it's been a long journey that's kept me very busy!  Reading my old blog after this long feels like looking back in time, and it sounds like at least a few others are having similar experiences as they return to BZP.

    So let's talk!  What's been going on in everyone's lives since 2009?  If you remember me, let's catch up!  If not, introduce yourself!

  7. Onuki
    Latest Entry

    I find it fairly ironic that the longer I'm here the less I recognize the x-year masks that my profile obtains. At this point I have no idea what the mask I have is supposed to be. :P Of course, this is entirely my fault for not bothering to learn the current story. Kudos regardless to the staff for taking the extra time to recognize members who have been around longer!

  8. Remember the old days when we had rules about the combined file size of avatars and sig banners? What was it, 150kb max?

    Man, I miss those days.

    Hey, all y'all. Bet practically nobody here even remembers or knows me at this point. But, for those of you old codgers that do and have possibly wondered what I've been up to lately, here's the sitch.

    First and probably the biggest, in the time since I was last around I've moved on from having jobs to finally landing a career. No longer do I spend my days washing dishes or flipping burgers. I am now the Product Support Manager for a company specializing in candidate sourcing and a jobs search/data engine. I spend my days managing a team of programmers including a rotating internship wherein I can help other up-and-coming developers learn some of the ins and outs of the industry. It is very stressful but very rewarding work and while I'm definitely not yet being paid as much as I "should" be, I love my job and wouldn't trade it for anything.

    Outside of the job, I'm living it up as a bachelor in my own digs. Rather than sink money into nothing, I skipped the whole "apartment phase" and jumped feet-first into the world of home ownership. It's been a wild ride and I'm learning new things all the time. My neighbors are pretty swell and I'm actually surprised that none of them have really voiced any complaints about the state of my yard/lawn that I've definitely not been keeping up with (it's been a crazy year between the promotion and grandparents). Also, I didn't know this when I bought the place, but I have six frickin' fruit trees: 1 apple, 1 cherry, 2 plum, and 2 that I'm not sure if they're weird-looking apples or weird-looking pears.

    Recreationally, I'm still loving my time as part of the TTV Channel. It's been a wild roller-coaster ride with all kinds of ups and downs, but we've done some great stuff (go watch Biocraft Chronicles if you haven't yet) and I've definitely made life-long friends. I also continue to play too much Warframe but I'm trying to get back into the swing of playing my ocarina too. I'm still very novice in terms of skill, but my goal is to be able to play the Ducktales theme before 2020 rolls around.

    A'ight, that's me. Peace.

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  10. GreenBioGuy
    Latest Entry

    I will not be entering, due mainly to the fact that I simply have not had time to build something really good, and no mind-blowing ideas came to me to begin with. Sad, yes, but you can't enter them all. There are some really amazing entries this time around; stuff which I would have no hope of competing with. I sorta built a Han Solo, but there wasn't anything innovative about him really... BBCC's just don't hold the weight with me as they used to (I'm growing up I guess) I am looking forward to the voting process though.


    In other MoCing news my Fusion Project is very close to completion and once it's done a college friend of mine who is a Photography major (I think) has agreed to do professional photography of the model in an actual studio setting (which will be SO much better than my set-up at home). I look forward to showing him to you guys. :)


    So... yeah. Life is good, school is busy (but good), and I'm glad the weekend's here. I can't wait for LEGO Universe to be released but in the mean-time I do believe I'm going to go back to some of my old PC games to crack back open (i.e. Star Wars: Republic Commando)


    EF (GBG)

  11. Any coffee aficionados here? Lately I've been drinking coffee in lieu of energy drinks, and I'm looking for different types to try. I'm not really into anything bitter, but I'm also trying not to use too much creamer or anything lol.

    Also, sometimes my dog rolls onto his back while he's laying in his bed, and I got this hilarious picture


    He just sat like that for about thirty seconds lol. He's whacked out

    Can you believe tomorrow is March?? Goodbye winter avatars and banners... ;-;

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    i'm teemaich and these new emotes are great :matt-sign: :lol-sign:

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  12. My BZP membership should be deleted, tomorrow.


    I've been here for... ooh... nearly four years. I had a good time, I just grew out of Bionicle. I had been with it since the beginning.


    Most of my friends either left this place or grew out of contact.


    So it was time for me.

  13. Lyger
    Latest Entry

    Thankfully I've gotten rid of most of the annoying things (like asking for permission for EVERYTHING. "Did you copy this file?" "Did you start this installation?" YES I DID DARNIT) but there's this one thing the source of which I simply haven't a clue... these noises.


    For one thing, Vista is significantly noisier than XP. Either that or the noises are just more obtrusive, instead of the very functional, to-the-point digital beeps and clicks of normal XP usage... Vista seems to have replaced those with various chimes and tones.


    But when I delete to the beginning of a form, click on something, perform a function, and it makes a sound, I at least get what's causing that. But every now and then there will be these odd low-pitched chime noises... which I can't even find the source of-- there, it happened again, it was like a doo-dee-doo-doo, and I haven't a clue what's even causing it! Augh, there it goes again! There are two variations, one rising pitch, one falling pitch, they always come in pairs... and I dunno what's doing it.


    Like, seriously, whose idea was it to make Vista make all these noises anyway? I play a lot of videos and music. I don't want Windows noises going off constantly. I mean, you've seriously got a problem when you've got so many noises that you can't even find the source of all of them.



  14. Well, it's been a long time since I've been on here and I'm quite content to say I regret nothing.


    No, I'm not here to socialize, nor am I here to act like a harlequin. That doesn't mean I won't jot some stuff down here, but I'm not interested in being an entertainer- and no, I don't plan on being one of those passive agressive guys in the corner, mumbling and rolling their eyes either.


    Trimming the fat away, I'm here to sell off my Bionicle collection and I plan to provide information on that here if any of you would happen to be interested.


    But hey, hello again everyone!




    P.S: I plan on ignoring all the nonsense I've jibbered on here before, as nearly two years have passed and would serve as a poor example of who I am now, so I would be thankfull if you could give me the benefit of the doubt and do the same.

  15. Utopia
    Latest Entry

    Heyyyyyyy alllll.... :P


    It's been a while since I've used this. Or made a post for that matter. Yes, I have been busy with real life -- lot's of things going on my junior year. But hopefully it'll bog down some so I can get in a little time each week on BZP. No promises though... :D


    I visited BZP a few times while I was gone, and I'm caught up on BStory.com and everything, but I still feel like I'm out of the loop with the story (especially with the books... darn it I need to be in a bigger city <_<). So anyone care to fill me on what has happened since I think... Bionicle Legends#7 (second book for 2007, right? :P)



  16. You know what I'm talking about. Biodegradable coffins, no formaldehyde stuff, more ecological burial, etc, general environmental welfare stuff. So if people are gonna go with coffins that break down shortly, and without any sort of thing to slow down decomposition, this means their bodies will decay, rot, and become one with the Earth much faster. So has anybody thought about the potential for abusing this? I mean, you could somebody who has it in their will that they want a green funeral in a non-conspicuous manner, and they'd be buried, and the body would be too decayed to determine the cause of death or whatnot from by the time anybody got suspicious. Geez. Another case of humanity not thinking things over.
  17. Guys...


    Complaint topics aren't cool.


    I'll say it again.


    Complaint topics aren't cool.


    That being said, I'm not opposed to people expressing their opinions on things. Dude, if you don't like the Mistika, you don't have to, and I don't mind you telling me why you don't. Tastes differ. I get that. Odds are, I agree with you on at least one or two points.


    The thing that isn't really cool is just coming up and saying, "Hey! I don't like this! Let's all talk about it!"


    What makes this worse is when it whittles down to, "You don't agree with me and/or I don't think you articulated your opinion very well... I'm going to be insulting now!"


    And then the person in turn goes, "Hey, they're insulting me. What a #####!" and return the favor.


    First of all, guys, if you post a topic about it, all it really tells us is that you want to wallow in your dislike of something, and that's not very awesome.


    And yeah, I know, I know... it's just an honest display of your opinion.


    However, the thing that distinguishes an honest display of opinion and wallowing is the way you go about it expressing it. If you want to honestly display your opinion, go to the appropriate topic (if such exists), and give your opinion. If you don't like the Mistika, go to a topic about the Mistika and say it.


    A not-so-honest display of opinion desires to draw attention to itself. Walk into a topic and say, "Seriously, this ____ is really stupid" then you're just asking for attention to be drawn to you (if you didn't know that and don't like that, then you see your problem). When you post a topic, particularly in that manner, then that's where we get into wallowing.


    I'm not saying your complaints are stupid or aren't legitimate. I'm saying that there are better ways of handling it.


    I have rarely seen a complaint topic that couldn't be discussed somewhere else or PMed to somebody or simply expressed elsewhere. If you have a blog, go vent your crazy heart out (within BZP guidelines, of course :psychotwitch: ). Topics are not necessary and, in case you haven't notice, only cause havoc.


    Honestly guys, we don't need to discuss exclusively disliking something. Like it or not, your discussions on a website of this side will almost never be one-sided. Someone out there is going to disagree with you. There's no need to condescend them, complain them and/or people like them, or assume that a topic complaining will keep them away (in fact, it tends to have the opposite effect).


    Yes, I know... this whole thing is somewhat ironic, but I'm just saying...


    Cool your jets and easy on the complaint topics.




    Dr. Bionicle




  18. Meant to stop by earlier this month for quick drop-in. I can't believe it's been 20 years since I first found this site. I rarely visit anymore, but I'm still alive and kickin', though I'm more active on other social sites.

    The world has changed and so have I. Within the past decade, I got married and now have a kid.

    So anyway, see you around. I may not visit much, but I haven't forgotten this place.

    (C)1984-2023 Toaraga EAM 

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