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Asynchronous Eyebrow Movement



Just wanted to do a mini survey to figure out if raising one eyebrow is really as difficult as people say it is. Can you do it? Can you move both your eyebrows independently of one another? I've been able to for as long as I can remember and it absolutely amazes some people (granted, there are some people out there who don't know how to wink and I just feel sorry for them).


So yeah, in a similar vein, what other "party tricks" can you do? Vulcan salute? Ear wiggling? Nostril flaring? Asynchronous eye movement? Tongue curling (I also find it astounding that not everyone can do this either)? Elbow licking?


I only ask because I can do them all. :P


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Asynchronous eyebrow movement - check.

Vulcan Salute - Half-Check. I can only do it with my left hand, which is crazy because I am right handed.

Ear wiggling - check.

Nostril flaring - check.

Asynchronous eye movement - absolutely not. It hurts me.

Tongue curling - 85% of people can, and I am one of them.


All in all, I get a grade of 4.5/6. :D

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Asynchronous eyebrow movement - nope

Vulcan Salute - No idea what this is

Ear wiggling - Neither

Nostril flaring - Neither

Asynchronous eye movement - No idea

Tongue curling - Nope


BUT I can put my middle and index finger in this position: Γ


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Asynchronous eyebrow movement - a little, but not completely.

Vulcan Salute - Both hands

Ear wiggling - nope

Nostril flaring - a little

Asynchronous eye movement - nope

Tongue curling - yup

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Asynchronous eyebrow movement - check, when I was younger, I could do the wave ;)

Vulcan Salute - check, both :smeag:

Ear wiggling - nope

Nostril flaring - maybe, kinda

Asynchronous eye movement - if poking the eyelid and your eye looking slightly off from your un-poked eye while simultaneously blacking out counts, then yes

Tongue curling - not advanced, like a clover or anything, but yes

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I can do a few of those. I have some trouble moving eyebrows independently. How people can independently move their eyeballs and wiggle their ears I have no idea. They must be aliens.

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Asynchronous eyebrow movement - Absolutely. In fact I can switch between my eyebrows very rapidly, which amuses a lot of people. ^_^


Vulcan Salute - Very well, yes.


Ear wiggling - Yep, even though I only learned how to do it a year ago.


Nostril flaring - Yes, although I try not to. :P I think it just looks weird. (As if everything else here isn't.)


Asynchronous eye movement - All I can do here is go cross-eyed. I guess that's a half-yes.


Tongue curling - Nope.



I can't think of anything else I can do...

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Asynchronous eyebrow movement - Yup

Vulcan Salute - what is this i dont even

Ear wiggling - yus

Nostril flaring - Si

Asynchronous eye movement - Pretty sure this mean making yourself crosseyed so yeah I guess

Tongue curling - Totally

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I can put my feet behind my head, or place the soles together on the floor, and then touch both my knees and my forehead to the floor (like the 'butterfly' stretch in gym class, but more so).


Oh, and I can make my eyes twitch, like every proper evil villain! :::: D

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Well, I can do the vulcan salute(Took a little bit of practice, but I got it eventually). Asynchronous Eyebrow movement I can do, and i also can rotate my shoulders all the way around.




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Vulcan Salute: Yep, with both hands. At the same time!

Eybrows: yes. Makes for fun expressions:

Tongue curling: yep. Taco tongue!


That's about it that I can think of..

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  • Asynchronous eyebrow movement - Yes, both (although I'm significantly better at raising my left eyebrow than my right)
  • Vulcan Salute - Yep, that's easy. I can also move my pinky alone as well.
  • Ear wiggling - Nope
  • Nostril flaring - Yes. Figured out how to do it at will several years ago, have been annoying people ever since.
  • Asynchronous eye movement - No, unless you count crossing your eyes and then looking to one direction (one eye stays towards the middle while the other moves). My brother inadvertantly moves only one eye when he attempts (and fails) to cross his eyes. It's creepy. XD
  • Tongue curling - Yes, but I can't do the clover-shape variety, just the "tube".
BUT I can put my middle and index finger in this position: Γ
I can do this as well (bending only to the first joint while the rest of the finger is straight), with all of my fingers.



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Asynchronous eyebrow movement - I can arch one eyebrow (like Spock & Bones).

Vulcan Salute - Am I missing something about this? Because I can do--and always have been capable of doing--it with ease.

Ear wiggling - Not really

Nostril flaring - As in "anger causing you nostril to flare to increase intake of air into lungs" or some other definition I don't know?

Asynchronous eye movement - I can do this--just a bit.

Tongue curling - It depends on how much you mean.

Eye twitching - I can only do this if I really concentrate, but I can do so.


~ BioGaia

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Asynchronous eyebrow movement - Not really. I can move my right brow independently, but not my left.

Vulcan Salute - Only if forced, so not really.

Ear wiggling - Nope.

Nostril flaring - Yes.

Asynchronous eye movement - I have lazy eyes. :P

Tongue curling - Yes.



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I can move my eyebrows separately, roll my tounge, pop my thumbs in and out of joint, wiggle my ears and move my scalp back and forth ALL AT THE SAME TIME! :blink:


Also I can stick all the toes of one foot in my mouth. People don't usually want to see that one... probably scared of catching some disease. :rolleyes:

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Asynchronous eyebrow movement - Nope.

Vulcan Salute - Yep. Took me eight years though.

Ear wiggling - Yup.

Nostril flaring - Not sure.

Asynchronous eye movement - Somewhat. For all the trouble its source has caused me though I'm not happy about it.

Tongue curling - I can indeed.


I can also lick my nose.

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Asynchronous eyebrow movement - yes

Vulcan Salute -yes

Ear wiggling - yes

Nostril flaring - yes

Asynchronous eye movement - no idea

Tongue curling - yes, though painful


I can also hook both my feet over my head and touch my elbows behind my back.

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Asynchronous eyebrow movement: Somewhat, but only if I move one eyebrow down while I move the other one up.

Vulcan salute: Yes. Learned to do it before I even knew what it was called.

Ear wiggling: Kinda. Hard to do though.

Nostril flaring: Yes.

Asynchronous eye movement: I can cross my eyes, but that's it. I also can do this odd trickwhere my eyes appear to vibrate rapidly, but I'm not sure that counts.

Tounge curling: Yes.

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All I can do that you listed is curl my tongue and the Vulcan salute--as to the latter, I'm Jewish--and I can also do that funky thing where you curl your tongue into a four (three? Don't have a mirror in front of me)-leaf-clover shape.

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