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Bionicle Forsaken In Favour Of My Little Pony?



Unlike the majority of BZPers, I'm actually beginning to grow tired of the My Little Pony meme. I believe this meme has gotten so out of hand that everyone is favouring it over Bionicle, and I'm concerned.


If this keeps up, I fear it will seal Bionicle's fate as a dead toyline, and it will never come back because no-one else is interested in it anymore.


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I say Bionicle is banned because I'm a Bionicle addict, and because "banned" is always the first word I use when I can't do/have something.


Ugh, you can't just misuse a word like that. That's not what the word means, and that's not how people understand it to mean, so when you use it that way in a public blog entry you're just begging for problems.

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How much Star Wars discussion has taken place on this site over it's lifetime?


Far more than MLP probably ever will.


Did that kill Bionicle?


Ahahahano. Ergo, no grounds for thinking that anything else ever will either.

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MLP is an interest. We're into it so we discuss it and make sigs and avvies. We did the same with bionicle. The end.


Also, if you'd look more closely, you'd see that most of us still thoroughly discuss bionicle and lego. Every third blog post of mine (roughly) has something bionicle related./

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Because Lego stalks this site and sees what people like and when they realize that people like a little girl's TV show more than a constructable action figure line that they discontinued themselves it can only mean that Bionicle can not come back ever and it never will.

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Also, as far as I'm aware, MLP first came here with the last April Fool's Day. Correct me if I'm wrong.
That wasn't this generation of ponies; I think it was G3, which a good number of bronies dislike, bordering on outright hate. From what I've seen it was pretty shallow and lacking in some of the things that make FiM so appealing to us.

G1, actually. :P

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I really suggest you look up the word "banned" before using it again. :)


People, at first, always think that the current incarnation of My Little Pony is the same inane animation rehashed once again into unbearable corniness and sparkle-adorned cheap pink girly frilliness - even I did, before I knew really what it was. This is not the case, in any sense of the word. Friendship is Magic was not around when the MLP staff fad occurred, but it does misrepresent the show from people who seem to have been scarred by that prank.


I really abhor blatant misuses of words, so this entry in itself has probably given me several brain tumors. (I jest, of course, but you get my drift.) A meme implies that it's essentially an internet inside joke. The bronies have flourished due to the internet, I must say, but a legit fan base is something completely different than a meme. Are memes, to you, M_o_Z, the equivalent of a fan base that has a foothold on the internet? In that case, BIONICLE is a meme that has gone on for ten years plus. A lot of older fans enjoyed it for various reasons, and fan sites popped up. People tend to lose sight of the fact that LEGO made a line for kids, and called it BIONICLE. Hmmm ... maybe Doctor Who is a meme too?


Obviously, yes, there are some memes sprouting from MLP: FiM. What could you expect? The entire internet contains bronies, especially, it seems, sites that memes like to take hold and sprout - and you're not going to easily get away from them unless you drop off of the grid - or the planet, even. Sure, it has contributed maybe more than its fair share of memes, but so have so may other things. There are a lot of meme-fiable quotes and screenshots from the series.


And people do not have an inventory of interests. When an interest is picked up, the old ones stay. For example, I enjoy numismatics, the collection, research, and study of coins and mintage. When I got into that after I was already into LEGO, I didn't all of the sudden drop LEGO. It's the same thing with any other interest that I've had, or anyone has had. One might overshadow the other, but I still enjoy a lot of diverse things and hobbies.


How do you expect us to keep up such a steady stream of content and discussion when the sets have been cancelled for quite a while and the story's moving at the rate of a snail through pond water? BZP has to diversify, evolve, adapt if it wants to be on the internet in a few years' time. Sure, that wouldn't make it into some sort of PonyPower, but LEGO and Hero Factory have to make a step up. BIONICLE is still and will always be a part of our hearts and a part of this web site - maybe not as much, but what could you expect? What could anyone expect?


EDIT: holy cheese I've turned into bonesiii this post is huge

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Sumiki stated what I was going to try to say in a much better fashion, but I feel like I should still comment.


I feel this entry is completely ridiculous. Yes, we get that all you care about is bringing back Bionicle. I have no idea what MLP even has to do with that goal at all.


Whether anyone in this forum decides to take other interests isn't going to affect Bionicle in the slightest. The whole website could stop caring about Bionicle and it wouldn't make a difference, because it has been overshadowed by far more things than just MLP-- there is a considerably larger interest in other Lego themes and general COT content. MLP is just the bigger, more noticeable "meme" that has arisen.


And I think that if "the MLP meme" has outstayed its welcome, so has certain people's overbearing desire to revive a certain dead toyline. If it seems that people are losing interest in BIONICLE, it might be because they are. The toyline is discontinued, the story on hiatus. There is nothing we can do about that. MLP has no relation to Bionicle's state, it's just a following that has grown to ridiculous proportions over the past year. And this is everywhere on the internet, not just this site. (Heck, this site's following is small compared to some other I've seen).


edit: Oh wow this sounds pretty angry. I don't...

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The my little pony fandom extends far, faaaaaaar beyond this site. Near every site has lots of people who like it, BZPower is not unique this way.


I'm completely baffled at how you think its existence and fandom are going to hinder Bionicle ever coming back, which itself isn't particularly likely already. Even if something could affect those odds negatively, it would more likely be a large hero factory fandom rather than MLP. :/

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