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Getting hit by a car on your bike hurts and ruins your wheels.


I am mostly okay but I have this nasty deep bruise on my chest from where the handlebars and I became close, close, close friends. It hurts pretty bad.


The car that hit me wasn't going very fast, it was a kid who was turning right on a red light and was looking the wrong direction, decided to go and then discovered two feet later that I was there. So nothing fast or dangerous but it was still not fun.


And now I have to walk the two miles to work. Boooooooooooooo.


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Portland is notorious for cars hitting bicyclists. The news always seems to be reporting on new fatalities, and that doesn't even count minor incidents like yours.


Sounds like a major bummer tho. :( Glad you're okay, and make sure to watch out for those stupid drivers out there!



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Yeah, that's not even remotely funny. I got hit by a car, dude.

If I offended you, then I sincerely apologize.


Guess I just keep forgetting how incredibly different you are from my usual circle of friends. My bad.


In any case, glad to hear you're relatively unscathed.


«Takuma Nuva»

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Sorry to hear that, Deevs....Next time, I'll be sure to finish the job. :evilgrin:

«Takuma Nuva»

Ok, wow, that is not ok for you to say something like that. That is not even remotely funny, regardless of who it is you are saying it to.

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Dude, hope you're alright man. I honestly can't say I've been hit by anything on a bike, but I've been in my fair share of bike accidents. They ain't fun.


Also two miles is a bit of a bummer, but if I could walk it in my condition, I'm sure you'll be fine. Still not a great thing though.

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Despite the seriousness of this, I did laugh at the bit about the handlebars. :(


Motorcyclists and cyclists are always more likely to be hit than other cars, because people generally set their minds to look out for other cars, and just don't think about cyclists.

I hope the bruise goes away soon enough. :)

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I guess there's no chance that cool dude kid's insurance will cover your bike?

Seeing as it looked like a simple hit, nothing crazy, I doubt they even kept in contact.

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