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What Do You Want to Ask LEGO?

Black Six


If you had the opportunity to ask LEGO a question, what would you ask?


Similarly, is there anything you'd like to ask TLG's very own Kevin Hinkle? I hear he's a pretty big deal.


Post in the comments or send me a PM with your question. No guarantees that you'll get and answer (or one you'll like) but I'll try.


Recommended Comments

How much more are swirled color parts, like Carapar armor, in comparison to the same part without color mixing?


How does the process for transparent colors differ from solid ones, if at all?


How are some of the specialty pieces designed, like the Hero Factory hex shields?


What's the Quality Control process like at Lego?


do you dream about farm animals

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Should we be expecting more Constraction figures even after Hero Factory's (eventual) end? Do you have any current plans?

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Why is Lego so hesitant to make a set/theme that utilizes large amounts of purple? Seriously, apart from licensed sets based on very purple objects or beings (Knight Bus, Construct-a-Zurg), purple has exclusively been used as a highlight color - never as a primary or secondary.

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Are purple or teal pieces costly to make?


If a set designer made a giant monster or something out of HF parts, would that design be considered for production or would it just be rejected because of the market appeal of standard humanoid builds?

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