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Superman vs. Batman

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Area of comparison: Everything. Just argue the heck out of which character you like more, which has a greater meaning, which is cooler, which is the crown jewel of DC, which you aspire more to be like, etc.

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uh hi


i've never watched Doctor Who or Mary Poppins(so sue me) but i know that Daleks exterminate stuff and Mary Poppins just flies around on a bicycle or something


so i say Daleks

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Mary Poppins could not possibly take the Daleks. There is simply no argument.


Look, the Daleks wipe out entire civilizations from existence, and their single greatest enemy - a Time Lord over a thousand years old now - hasn't stopped them yet.


Mary Poppins flies on bicycles and lives on clouds. Daleks fly around killing everything that's not a Dalek. I don't believe much more needs to be said on the matter. Poppins would be fried before she could excoriate the Daleks for bad behavior.

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Daleks by far.



:kaukau: Unfortunately, the Daleks won this round by one vote. Hopefully, this next round shouldn't be any competition: The Daleks vs. Mary Poppins.






Why is that unfortunate?

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The difference between her and the Doctor? I dunno. Spoonful of sugar. How can a maniacal killer resist sugar?

Mary Poppins does not regenerate, does not have a TARDIS nor any other method of traveling through time, does not have a Sonic Screwdriver, and probably doesn't even think fezzes are cool.


Take those things away from the Doctor and he's helpless against a horde of Daleks as well.

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Mary Poppins is practically perfect in every way. This renders your argument invalid.

Hey, you're supposed to be moderating the debate. Why are you taking sides? :(

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Michael Phelps, on , said:


Mary Poppins is practically perfect in every way. This renders your argument invalid.

Hey, you're supposed to be moderating the debate. Why are you taking sides? :(



Because he's right.

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:kaukau: Moderation didn't occur to me, though now that you mention that sounds like a good idea, especially if it helps people to come back and vote again tomorrow. I'd still like to cast in my vote in my own blog, though, so in case I didn't make it official, I'm voting for Mary Poppins.



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I don't even like the Daleks in the slightest, but I'm voting for them. They at least have an interesting backstory. And lasers.

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Obligatory reminder of Dalek World Blasting Missle Swarm Powers.


Which totally sounds like an attack from a Dalek-themed magical girl.

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Obligatory reminder of Dalek World Blasting Missle Swarm Powers.


Which totally sounds like an attack from a Dalek-themed magical girl.


*planet obliteration*


*Mary Poppins snaps her fingers and the planet pulls itself back together*


Now what?




(Come to think of it, she's one of the most powerful beings in fiction, yet she spends her time being a nanny. I find that somewhat scary.)

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:kaukau: Daleks: 8

Mary Poppins: 7


Looks like the Daleks won another round, even though the competition was objectively better and uses actual magic rather than plot magic to pull off the impossible.


Anyway, today's round is The Daleks vs. The Makuta.



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Universe obliterating power vs. a guy who is a universe. And it took a moon to kill him.


I'm guessing that Dalek's world-destroying Barrage would be far less effective if they had to face a universe that was a giant robot, alive, and had 42 Rahkshi powers.


For crying out loud, magnetism alone could give them trouble.

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