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Garreg Mach

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ask me anything



been awhile since i did one i think so like, what the title says


serious and not serious welcome, we are all equals here


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where are ü now


in a world of black and white



Why are you still in Gen V


You're super out of date



it's cool to be retro


Who is your favorite video game character of all time?


i thought it would be obvious, considering past display names


it's the pyro

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where are ü now


in a world of black and white



Why are you still in Gen V


You're super out of date



it's cool to be retro


Who told you that?


 the retro man at the retro store

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Do you pursue self-enlightenment via scholarly stuff and spiritual/philosophical thought?

Yes or No.




What is the location of a 2x2 LEGO brick that goes by the name of Samantha?


I'm trying to can and I literally just can't. Advice???


didn't i toss it into an alternate dimension or something


Did it hurt, when you fell from heaven?


just a little

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What is the name of a scale that starts on the 3rd scale degree of a major scale and uses the same notes from that scale?



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do you dream about cough syrup




do you dream about cough syrup

And can you give me said cough syrup




How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood

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