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That Darn Flaming Fox

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


I don't know if it just hates me or what, but for some reason, Firefox refuses to show me most images from Brickshelf. Not even one of those little red Xs or icons to show something's supposed to be there. Just... empty space.


I suspect there's some deep grudge behind this... like, maybe Brickshelf insulted Firefox's grandmother's knitting patterns or something...


It's getting really annoying when it comes to signature reports, 'cause people say, "His banner is too big!" and I click and say, "What banner? :blink: "


I have to switch browsers just to see the image! D= GRAAARGH!


And Firefox just laughs to itself...


*Glares at it.*





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Yeah, I never liked Firefox. Our school says that we must in order to get through with life (more implied, rather). I use Internet Explorer and rarely have problems. (except when I'm running way too many programs. :P)

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Then why can't I see most members' avatars and banners? =P


On multiple computers?



Maybe it has something to do with your Internet? Mine is perfectly fine, as is AT's, as is Ferret's... It seems to be just your problem.

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To the above three people:




Firefox > everything else.


That is all.



also I can see Brickshelf images just fine o_o

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Firefox > everything else.

Firefox fans are like Apple fans: they think their company/browser is SO AWESOME and beats Microsoft in EVERY WAY and they refuse to listen to any valid criticism.


EDIT: For clarification, this is directed to all people, not just you, CD. :P

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Firefox > everything else.

Firefox fans are like Apple fans: they think their company/browser is SO AWESOME and beats Microsoft in EVERY WAY and they refuse to listen to any valid criticism.

Never compare Firefox to Apple. That's like comparing a delicious chocolate bar to a rotten piece of meat.

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Firefox > everything else.

Firefox fans are like Apple fans: they think their company/browser is SO AWESOME and beats Microsoft in EVERY WAY and they refuse to listen to any valid criticism.


EDIT: For clarification, this is directed to all people, not just you, CD. :P

With the exceptions of course that Firefox is documented as being faster, smaller, and all those nifty IE8 features popped up in Firefox years ahead of IE.


And I can see Brickshelf images just fine. I've been using Firefox since the beginning, and I've never had an image problem with it. You should uninstall and re-install. Maybe that'll fix it?

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Maybe it has something to do with your Internet? Mine is perfectly fine, as is AT's, as is Ferret's... It seems to be just your problem.

Believe it or not, I've been having the problem too, albeit on all browsers. I suspect it has to do with my home network or internet provider, and usually a refresh or a hard-refresh fixes the view. (To hard-refresh, meaning it forces it to load all the images on the page again, hit Ctrl+F5)


It is definitely annoying, but I'm confident it's not Firefox's fault or it would be on their bug reports as a known issue.


Also, Firefox is the best, Chrome is second-best, and IE8 is not as bad as 6 or 7 but still has a long way to go to be as good as Firefox.



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By default settings, if the image the web page requests for isn't available, Firefox won't have a red X. It'll just be blank. But Brickshelf seems to be fine for me.
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Look at your options and see if Brickshelf, BZP, etc. are blocked from showing pictures. Might be it; it does some strange things, for as good of a browser as it is.

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Safari is your friend ;)

Ooo cool whats that?

It's Apple's browser. It's primarily for Macs, but it's downloadable for other OSs.


I like my Google Chrome. =D



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I always thought Firefox was indeed like Apple; it's technically superior but the world is not designed to work with it.

Websites these days work better on Firefox than they do IE, even though the IE market share is higher. The world is actually designed to work better with FF than any other browser. It helps that FF is always on the cutting edge in adapting and adopting Internet changes and ideas.

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FireFox and Opera refuse to work properly on dialup so IE is the only thing I can use... I have problems with FireFox on my laptop using Wi-Fi but it does usually run better than IE.

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