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  2. Rahkshi are one of my all-time favourite races in Bionicle. There's so much untapped potential and unexplored implications with them, which is a big part of why I gave them such a prominent role in this series. The gravity battle stemmed from the fact that while a lot of power scaling in Bionicle is vague and unspecified, Rahkshi have very clearly-defined power levels, with some of the Level 6 descriptions specifically stating they're stronger than even a Toa Nuva. For powers that overlap with Toa, like gravity, I felt like that would create some interesting room for strategic countering or cancelling-out of powers, and tug-of-war type struggles. Pira is definitely one of my favourite characters to write. With so many of the Toa basically being veterans who are set in their ways of faith and Duty, I felt that it was important to have a perspective that was essentially the complete opposite. She's very lightly inspired by Gavla, the Av-Matoran from 2008 who felt like she didn't fit in, and enjoyed being a Shadow Matoran. The ideas I posted in that other thread came together as I was working on this story. The history and fate of the League Of Six Kingdoms obviously have a pretty major role to play in Embers, so I spent a lot of time thinking and theorising about that. In the thread I framed the theories as being based on canon info, which is still the case, but they were influenced just as much by what would make for interesting plot points in this story. With Bionicle being a kids theme, there wasn't a lot of room for nuance or ambiguity. The antagonists were pretty much all moustache twirling, puppy kicking caricatures of villainy. But with so many different species and cultures in the Bionicle universe, surely there had to be members of other races who honoured Duty, who were seen as heroes by their own people? That's something I really wanted to dig into throughout this story, and a Makuta seemed like the perfect place to start. Thanks for reading, and for all of the feedback. I'm glad you've been enjoying the story. The next chapter will be out tomorrow.
  3. Yesterday
  4. I didn't mean to fall so behind on this series, and I am only catching up now. Chapter 3 review: another excellent continuation. I find complex battle scenes difficult to write and you did a good job keeping the reader's attention focused on a few concepts giving an idea of the general chaos. The Toa of Gravity having to mentally fight the Gravity Rahkshi was particularly creative and felt like an unusually hard sci-fi take on Bionicle powers, like the powers are radar beams that can have stronger or weaker signals. In general seeing the secondary Rahkshi in action was great. I always wished we got to see them more in canon. The few glimpses we got in the 2004 books was great and I was disappointed not much was done with the Rahkshi of Heat Vision in 2010, so this chapter really scratched that itch. Chapter 4 review: Pira is such a fascinating character. I'm curious to see what "Brother" capitalized like that specifically means. (On a lesser note, the consistent capitalization of "Of" in mask names throws me off.) Chapter 5 review: I knew I had read about Takadox's species being the original species of Odina on another topic, I looked it up and did not realize that was also you. I was going to ask if you got the idea from them, funnily enough. Chapter 6 review: this new Makuta is awesome. I've always been fascinated with the idea that the Makuta were ostensibly supposed to be "good" at some point and you've done a great job exploring this implication, plus everything about evidence vs. faith is well done and thought-provoking. I look forward to what's next.
  5. First I planned to build Kardas, already got Vezon & Fenrakk so I needed Axonn and Brutaka. But at the moment I'm more for buying the Barad-Dur + Fell Beast combo.
  6. Last week
  7. would you mind telling me what parts are needed? I'm making dumb myself on a budget
  8. Still got some interesting pieces for collectors. Piraka promo banner. Full set 10202 Ultimate Dume with box and instructions - SOLD Ebay taxes are ridiculous, and I can only send it within the EU. If you would be interested send me DM.
  9. Probably just as well that this week's build stream was for a set I didn't find particularly interesting, as I had a lot of other things to get caught up on while listening in. At least I had an opportunity to mention a few other things in the chat, like my good fortune with getting all 12 of the space-themed Series 26 Collectible Minifigures. Also just as well that you'll be off for the next two weeks. Let's just say I could really use those extra hours to clear up some things on my to-do list... Since I don't know when I'll have an opportunity to make any suggestions before you get started on going through Lego Indiana Jones 2, I might as well add it to this comment. As I've said before, it is a very uniquely structured Lego game. Probably the first thing worth mentioning is that while it does include a "level builder" feature that does in fact contribute to 100% game completion, I would highly recommend you save that section of the game for the very last few things to do, as much of the so-called progress in that section is mostly just purchasing items, so you'll want to be sure you have plenty of studs already collected by that point. As for where to begin, it should be noted that while each hub world has five Treasure Levels (alternate versions of the Story Levels where the objective is to collect a minikit) and five bonus levels (levels that must be found in the hub world and are structured as if they were made in the level builder with the objective also being to collect a minikit) to complete, there's also other things to do while exploring the hub world, such as characters and vehicles to purchase, some races to run to unlock some other characters and vehicles for purchase, and destroying a number of certain objects to unlock the colored bricks for purchase that provide special bonuses (red for a stud multiplier, blue for a special aid such as fast interactions, and green for a sillier bonus that's just for fun). Since I assume you'll want to start at the Raiders of the Lost Ark hub world, the very first thing I would recommend you do is unlock and purchase the red brick in that area, as I remember from experience that some levels are practically impossible to fill the stud meter without at least one stud multiplier active.
  10. me. I'm a massive hf fan, almost as much as a bionicle fan. I love the setting, sets, and comedic nature of it. I'm currently working on a stop-motion continuation/semi-soft reboot of it and have more hero factory Mocs than I have bionic Mocs. when I bought g2 kopaka, after building him, I tried to make him into brain attack stormer. I regularly rewatch hero factory fm and breakout, and I dream about hero factory sometimes. I do Mac megahertz impressions in the shower. I'm currently working on revamps of the entire alpha team. so...
  11. community toxicity is a big part of Bionicle's history, you can't just ignore the bad. but If you want to talk about good, I was going to say pushing boundaries. redefining what's possible for lego to pull off. weather that's cringe raps, direct to dvd movies, a fan base that's still around after almost zero support from the creators, or even but bionicle mythical atmosphere really sells it for me. I got back into it in 2022, and I was still amazed by the story and atmosphere of 2001. I WASN'T EVEN BORN THEN AND I STILL HAVE NOSTALGIA FOR IT... yeah, too that my perspective on It, seeing as I'm a g2 fan
  12. Nato G already sent a link with the original image in 1200x700px. Here it is.
  13. link is still non-functional, at least for me. Edit: never mind, reading it now thanks
  14. I'm not going to the event, but is there any way I can get one anyway?
  15. highest quality image I could find, ai upscaled with upscale.media
  16. Not so much skilled in editing images unfortunately
  17. I suppose you have a point there. And yeah, I know exactly which type of story you're talking about. That wasn't my intent at all.
  18. You're right, sorry. I'm not really sure. As he is written, Kalama sounds almost neurodivergent to me, thinking Agni is his friend and just being oblivious to how Agni really feels about him. I honestly feel pretty bad for him. To me at least, this reads like it is the introduction to a longer story about Agni and Kalama having a buddy adventure where they learn to see each other's points of view and gain a newfound respect for each other. As a complete story, though, with it ending abruptly with Agni just miserable and Kalama unaware that Agni isn't really his friend, it comes off as a little mean-spirited. To use another example from modern pop culture, some middle season episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants really get SpongeBob and Squidward's relationship wrong and just make it about SpongeBob annoying Squidward for no reason. Those episodes have an unofficial fan name that it would not be appropriate to say here, but you get the idea. It's a testament to your writing and the story's potential that I come away feeling so bad for both characters, but I found it frustrating how abruptly it concluded with no change in their relationship. Truthfully, I think the problem in the story is too fundamental to be fixed with just one or a few extra lines.
  19. You could also try using an image upscaler. Don't know how well it'll work though.
  20. Po-Matoran are canonically poor swimmers, Biosector goes as far as to say they have an instinctual fear of water (https://biosector01.com/wiki/Po-Matoran). The way I see it, if a Matoran hates water and would never even step near a body of water, having a Kaukau could be seen as completely useless. But of course, if a Po-Matoran (or any Matoran) could learn how to overcome that repulsion and learn how to swim, then the mask could become really useful. Maybe that Ice Mangai with a Kaukau went through that process... 🤔😉 Sorry, but you haven't answered my question regarding Agni and Kalama - would that extra line help contextualize their dynamic? Or would making Kalama a motor-mouth as opposed to a complainer/misery-guts be more appropriate given Agni's responses?
  21. Now that we've finished LEGO Indiana Jones, we're going to build a LEGO set this week! Come by the BZPower Twitch channel on Wednesday, June 5th as we build something Star Wars. If you want to know what specifically, you'll have to come watch! The stream will start around 7 PM Eastern and run until we finish building. This will be the last stream for a while as we're going to take the following two weeks off, so make sure you tune in before our summer break!View the full article
  22. No, they mean the shield is clipping through the hand piece in the unedited version. You can see that it and the hand are at different angles, causing the hand to clip through the shield.
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