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Year 15


About Mesonak

  • Birthday 08/17/1997

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  1. If we are already planning to attend BrickFair Virginia and would like to submit a MoC for this theme, can we bring our MoC in person as opposed to shipping it? -Mesonak
  2. It was an absolutely incredible contest, filled with a wealth of passion, skill, and creativity that is pretty refreshing in this post-BIONICLE world of ours. All the entrants did fantastic jobs, and the creativity and passion that they put into their submissions really shines through. It was very entertaining and illuminating to witness people transforming their G2-wishlists into a physical form for others to see; it definitely was a worthwhile prompt for the contest. My proverbial hat goes off to all the entrants who helped shape this contest, and to the BZP staff for hosting and managing it. I'm very glad to have been a part of it, and honored to have been selected as a winner. I deeply regret not entering more of G2's official contests; thankfully, I don't have to regret missing this one. -Mesonak
  3. I can't believe that after all these years, you're still active AND rocking the Vahki username. You're awesome XD

  4. teach me how to be good at life

  5. There used to be an unofficial BZP chatroom that had a pretty active member-base and moderating team; it wasn't perfect, but it lasted for several years and followed (most) of BZP's rules. As others have pointed out, however, it was very difficult to moderate. It required an incredibly large staff team who constantly had to have at least some kind of presence on the chat to take care of rule breakers. With all that being said, I think the odds of an official one being created are slim to none. -Mesonak
  6. Oh thanks! It was an absolutely wonderful interview. Merlin Mann's a great guy and the talk gave me great confidence (as if I needed more after NYCC) that despite all the flaws with BIONICLE 2015, the team has a great respect for the line and wants to see it succeed. Part 2 has a lot more interesting BIONICLE discussion and that should be releasing later today. -Mesonak
  7. I've had varying degrees of inactivity over the years and am currently in my largest spell ever at the moment. No particular reason; over the years my interest in different BZP sectors have gradually waned. I was active in the entire forum, then I became constrained to blogs and GD, then solely GD, then most recently the Games and Trivia forum. Now I've stopped frequenting that due to playing Mafia elsewhere. It's not even intentional; I've gravitated more towards lurking places rather than posting, nowadays (even on the TTVMB). -Mesonak
  8. Excellent creation! Glad to see this one got third place. Really love the mostly cohesive blend of piece aesthetics, and the expert level torso build. Congratulations. D -Mesonak
  9. #MesonakForNarrator2015

  10. I am extremely shocked by this development. (not really) My stance on the matter is exactly the same as it was during NYCC. I do believe that Lego is strongly hinting towards a possible bridge between old and new BIONICLE. Why put such a big emphasis on "time" as the way the Toa arrive on Okoto? Why reference the Vahi so many times if it was merely a simple easter eggs? Why specifically hint towards the Vahi and a time travel element at NYCC if it was simply an "example" of a way the new BIONICLE will handle things? I think that it's a bit presumptuous to make any definite claims of a bridge between the generations, but the evidence is certainly pointing in that direction and the possibility warrants consideration, at least. HOWEVER... with that being said, I do not personally believe that we'll ever be returning to the old universe or that the old universe will ever be explored significantly again. I think that the seeds that Lego is planting will merely be used to connect the generations, and nothing more than that. If anybody's expecting for this to suddenly become a concrete continuation where we journey back to Spherus Magna and fight Velika, I think they'll be sorely disappointed. This is definitely a reboot, no question about it, but I think Lego's aiming to please everybody in some way, and I applaud them for it. -Mesonak
  11. I shall submit a humble entry of mine as well, despite my relatively nonexistent chances of winning. Entry name: Ascendant Link to full gallery -Mesonak
  12. The final year of sets was pretty well done and featured some fresh takes on the constraction formula and some excellent designs. That being said, for a final wave... it was only "good." Story-wise, the "ending" was atrocious. -Mesonak
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