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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2014 in all areas

  1. I have been a member of BZPower for nearly seven and a half years. Every time speculation on new spinnies arises, I am there on the front lines campaigning for to become an official spinny. Today, my fellow members, I am proud to say that I have succeeded in this illustrious endeavor. I came to this web site with a mission, and now that mission is complete. Spin on, my friends. Spin on.
    6 points
  2. For too long have I suffered eating muffins. I have returned to BS01. It will be for the better of all.
    4 points
  3. Predictable April Fools jokes are boring, and frankly, they make my head -spin-.
    3 points
  4. ... Well, I got through the prolouge yesterday. And now I'm working on taking out the merchant... who my god his takeover attack does so much damage, I lost the first time going in. TIME TO GRIND TO LEVEL 20 INSTEAD OF 14!
    2 points
  5. It is April Fools and the site name is not BZKejigger, BionIcle Zoidberg Power, Chima Power, HipsterTohu, or Billy Lawn Power... What gives? I am disappoint. Edit: GET OFF MY LAWN! ~ Tekulo <3
    2 points
  6. KENTOKU ARCHIPELAGO The party continues to be planned. The First Son Paero game is about to begin. More hackling between the Tajaars' and Soraya. Eiyu's Gotsoko, Ankora, and Kwaiya all convene in the Lorekeeper's (Gotsoko's) office to study the ancient texts regarding Mata-Nui. KINI-NUI The vault is opened, revealing the secrets within! TA-WAHI The Treasure Hunters get the details of their quest laid out before them. Kohra escapes prison by way of a syringe that gives her new power. Korero and Oreius leave to meet with the other Maru. Lana chooses a name for her tavern: The Drunken Murderess. Angelus arrives at Kino Iho’s home for their date. PO-WAHI Qyntar and Athiel head back out into the desert after their brief internment in the Po-Koro jails. Once in the Motara they encounter a deadly sandstorm, but quick thinking by the toa leads them to temporary safety. Ardoku and Torvoth head to an inn. Rakona decides to enlist in the Aeronautical Reconnaissance Corps, so Blackrock doesn't end up on any map. Korru starts checking her out at Sentinel Headquarters. The clerk begins interviewing her, offering a position in the Kikanalo Corps. instead. Viima starts questioning Kaama, who he had been following him from Le-Koro. Farzan calls out to Miraul, not expecting to have seen the Akiru at the the Tech Expo. ONU-WAHI Oreius and Korero arrive in Onu-Koro. Wokapu, Ral’hen and Sucogu continue their argument. The Science Hunters are questioned at the Ussalry HQ. Kehuri seeks Stannis Maru for spiritual guidance. LE-WAHI Onuzek is alive. Varan loses control. Colx goes to the Bright-Star to arrange dinner. Zelvin, A.K.A ‘Mama Clench’, captures her latest bounty, and later runs into Vrina Tivosi at the bazaar. KO-WAHI Rune looks for a job in a Ko-Koro. Zadron continues his business ploy. GA-WAHI
    1 point
  7. I'm jealous that you only get moments of self loathing.
    1 point
  8. also that is the most normal thing to ever have happen. my brain runs through possible future scenarios as well and it just sucks I think most people do this
    1 point
  9. The news for Kini-Nui is an April Fool's day joke.
    1 point
  10. Why, you ask? Because it gave me Unikitty as my spinny! Oh, hey, it's that topic I haven't updated in over a year. I made myself sad.
    1 point
  11. how i met your mother ended tonight the season finale to one of my most favourite shows it has left me in a state of emotional disarray. in fact, i think t swift said it best: we're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way it's miserable and magical so yeah, i'm a wreck. it's really hard to say goodbye, because, after all, that show was legen- WAIT FOR IT ... dary. it was legendary.
    1 point
  12. One of the people I read stuff about this said that you should take a year off between high school and college and do something you really wanted to do with it. That way you would have a better perspective on this sort of thing: not only whether to go to college, but what degree to take. I sort of did this, but not really, but the parts of it I did do make me think it might be sound advice.
    1 point
  13. Today just so happens to be my six-year anniversary of joining BZP. It also happens to be the day I celebrate my three-yeah pony anniversary (exact date is unknown, but it is sometime within this week). So, that is a thing. I shall celebrate by watching the first two season one episodes.
    1 point
  14. So I was in O'Connell street in Dublin a while back. If you've ever been to O'Connell street or anywhere near it, you'll know that we have this giant pointy metal thing called the Spire of Dublin, which is I guess the Irish Government's idea of a tourist attraction. I've seen the Spire loads of times, and I've always thought it was a pretty bland idea for a monument. But last time, it hit me that there is actually a way to rectify the situation. Give me a Kaiju movie where a Jaeger rips out the Spire of Dublin and uses it as a weapon. Someone get me Guillermo del Toro on the phone.
    1 point
  15. Better yet, get the Irish government to build a second Spire, and have two Jaegers joust while riding Kaiju. -
    1 point
  16. Today was day one of Emerald City ComiCon. I didn't waste any time in this fac Click for OneDrive folder I had both 2001 Comic #1 and 2006 Comic #1 signed by their respective artists. Stuart Sayger is an amazing guy to meet, and I regretting not having other comics for him to sign so I could justify more time just talking and getting to learn more. I may consider commissioning art for BS01 from him down the line.' Carlos D'Anda was also very pleasant to meet, and I was in awe of his other works as well (if I had $300 in cash right there, I'd have gotten an official art sketch he did for Batman Arkham, but alas I'm stuck to $11 in my bank account right now.) One of the vendors on the fourth floor is selling custom figures, including (gasp) various Lantern Corps members, excepting Indigo Tribe and Star Sapphires. I picked up Green Lantern and White Lantern. I am sad I didn't have an extra $10 on me, or I'd have bought Blue Lantern as well. And finally, our SEALUG display is now its own floor, with the center attractions being an R2-D2 motorized full-size model, the city of Rivendell by Alice Finch (the same builder behind Hogwarts) and our Minecraft display I may have mentioned prior. If I didn't, we're building Minecraft for ECCC. It's done, by the way I'll be going back on Sunday. If you're going, I'll be at that Minecraft layout.
    1 point
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