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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2024 in Posts

  1. I tried playing LEGO Xbox LOTR with my brother at Christmas which was glorious! But sadly sickness has struck me with slowness and senility-it was so hard I could barely play and just trotted along after him haha. We switched to Mario Party 8 Wii which suited my pseudograndma brain cells better but I was still zoning out on autopilot, forgetting to play & kept falling asleep. Hope tis temporary, learning my tired, toddler-level thinking abilities was a bit terrifying for us all. 😂🙈
    2 points
  2. Retiring Premier Membership BZPower has had the Premier Membership program for a long time, providing a way for people to help support the site financially while receiving some perks in return. Over the years, with changes to the forum software and the decrease in activity on the site, the allure of those perks has understandably been reduced, making the program much less appealing than it was in the past. Invision, the company that makes BZPower's forum software, announced that in their next major update they will be removing the store aspect of the forums, which is how Premier Memberships are managed. Keeping everything above in mind, this seems like the right time to cease the Premier Membership program. Of course, anyone who purchased a Lifetime membership will retain that title and the remaining perks, but memberships will no longer be for sale as of February 29th, 2024. The forum software does have new ways of doing subscriptions and accepting donations, so we may look into doing a new program in the future. If we do, it will be something that fits with the current activity level of the site and capabilities of the software. We appreciate everyone who has donated to support BZPower over the years! Every little bit has been helpful in keeping us running, and we thank you all!
    2 points
  3. Vidrar Built for the First Round of Biocup 2022, the theme was Kaiju, Subtheme Aquatic. I created a microscale undersea station where humans captured one of Vidrar's pups... now she has found the human base and is very angry. For the fin I used one of Ben 10's dark blue rubber wings while the pups were created using a Visorak foot. 16/06/22
    1 point
  4. IC Luten - Fowadi: "I *am* a little crystal person! I'm also a Kanohi! A Sanok, to be exact! And I'm very real, thank you very much!" the glow that suffused Luten's body turned red-purple as she placed tiny hands on equally tiny hips. "I came to life after my original host's mask was hit by lightning from the Red Star! But he passed away soon after, and then I met Mr. Lannon, and I got to sleep in a real bed, and then I met Mr. Oreius in the hospital, and then Mr. Kale found me and now I'm his mask, and I'm part of the crew here!" @Razgriz@otter@Snelly
    1 point
  5. Sorry, but that was Tuesday of last week. Normally, you could've tried again the following week, but as he mentioned in last week's stream, there will be no streams at all for the entire month of February. After that, your guess is as good as mine, as he's planning to spend this month adjusting his schedule or something like that. I don't know anything about his real life obligations, so you'll need to ask Black Six yourself if you want more information. Besides, it's should be obvious that 7:30 pm Eastern would mean 4:30 pm Pacific. Just basic math.
    1 point
  6. Nice! My favorite part has to be the fancy costumes/tools/rubber duckies to naturally place upon the figure’s heads/weapons in the free play/roaming treasure trove thing, haha! Aw how kind, thank you, it means a lot! I hope you are having a great year so far
    1 point
  7. Well, there's Hafu and Kamen on Metru Nui (https://www.bzpower.com/topic/33145-hafu-and-kamen-on-metru-nui-a-short-story/) but aside from that, I haven't yet had any story ideas for that story year.
    1 point
  8. I have Lego LOTR on PS3, it is definitely glorious! Sorry that you're sick though, that's no fun. Hope you get to back to 100% very soon!
    1 point
  9. Let me take a look through my masks and I'll get back to you tomorrow.
    1 point
  10. IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - "It was just a love tap." I grinned. @Krayzikk @otter @The UltimoScorp @Razgriz
    1 point
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