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Everything posted by Cambion

  1. are we looking for darth vader cakes? okay here's one for joshua and wow, another one for sarah? dang still none for pat though. what a shame [happy birthday]
  2. hey look it's bfahome (not very original of a MOC, as it's just a Toamod in the most literal sense, but it's DJ Kumo, so...)
  3. Cambion


    please contact me if you own one of the six corporations who controls 90% of the american media or if you're of the dragen race
  4. Cambion


    why are you even asking of course we would
  5. Cambion


    it's gonna happen
  6. Cambion

    zoo thoughts

  7. Cambion

    zoo thoughts

    please keep my denny's coupon gender rant off of wikipedia's list of notable tantrums-- it is NOT notable
  8. heyyy, this is a neat idea. could definitely help spread the word about this dying site. i really hope this helps boost BZPower's activity, this place needs attention so badly.
  9. Cambion

    One Week

  10. Cambion

    brickfair NE

    my MOCs didnt make it there did they :/
  11. i see you've been paying close attention to Chro's MOCs... this is even better than the last Toamod you posted; the armor is more solid and flows better. there's a few blocky spots here and there, but nothing too bad. the back armor could really stand to be changed, though, in part due to the lack of flow and in part because it breaks the color layering. which brings me to my next point - you've got black on silver on black here, and it's not working. keeping the mask black is fine, but all-silver armor would work much better. but like i said, this is once again definitely a step up for you. good work.
  12. i hope i have provided lego with valuable information about my experiences with The LEGO Hobby
  14. Cambion

    new blog title

    turn on c-span, therse a man with an anonymous mask doing parkour on the senate floor and im rubbing my face on the tv to absorb his energy
  15. Cambion

    new blog title

    if your grave doesnt say "rest in peace" on it you are automatically drafted into the skeleton war
  16. what is this "earth orange" you're all talking about that mask is burnt orange or dark orange. certainly not """earth""" this isn't a bad MOC, not bad at all. the color scheme is consistent (except for the mask), and the custom arms and torso are nice. the lower legs look weird from the sides, but the armoring there actually flows pretty well with the rest of the MOC. i'm not a fan of the Rahkshi head on the lower torso; if it stuck out a bit less it'd be fine. and i'm a little disappointed in the non-custom legs compared to the very nice custom arms, but one step at a time i guess. also i see how you used the cape to cover up the so-so back armoring. don't think i don't know that trick. overall though, this is fairly good, and a definite step up for you. keep at it.
  17. Cambion

    new blog title

    let me explain it to you nerds one more time; this aaccount is Above Humor. You will not find jokes on it.
  18. the only way this could be improved is by changing the name on the shirt to "VahkiPower"
  19. Vezon. you know, author's favorite and all.
  20. Yeah, great Kanohi are fine (to my knowledge at least), I mean, Marka had a great Hau, Hahli had a great Kaukau, Huki had a great Kakama, etc. Makuta is a master of concealment, so he could easily (in my opinion) pull off an invisible mask trick feasibly. For Vakama, however, I just figured that it was shaped to fit over Vakama's mask, so they (LEGO) went with it. Takua is sort of the same deal as Vakama, only it looks like his great Pakari was replaced by the Avohkii. i think you're missing the point here. the shape doesn't matter - the examples you mentioned were all powerless masks in the shape of Great Masks. we're talking about actual Great Masks being worn by Matoran. and the illusion thing is a good point. it could definintely just be a Makuta power.
  21. maybe not exactly a suva, cause as far as i know those are specific to Toa. but it's highly likely that the Makuta (or even just Teridax) invented their own equivalent. although...it could just be artistic license in both cases. *sages nods* but we can dream can't we? yea...alt-suvas are a neat idea. and i'm modest
  22. maybe not exactly a suva, cause as far as i know those are specific to Toa. but it's highly likely that the Makuta (or even just Teridax) invented their own equivalent. although...it could just be artistic license in both cases.
  23. I thought that was due to the mask being sent to the respective toa's suva? Since they could call upon the masks from the suva... only real advantage to a golden mask over a suva is in case of destruction of suva or masks since if a mask is destroyed or suva is then the toa could not call upon the mask... hence tahu nuva's issue but with the golden masks it is litterly one mask.. and i have derailed a bit. But point in case, isnt the mata's example because of the old masking being sent to the suva? oh! huh. i actually never knew that, but now that you mention it, it makes a lot of sense. i can't believe i never knew that Yeah it wasn't exactly something explained canonically but explained later on by greg or something i think Ta-da.. found it officially on biosector01... gosh i love that site. Has saved me more times than i care to admit that's a beautiful little bit of lore o: it also conveniently explains the Toa Mata's canister lids
  24. I thought that was due to the mask being sent to the respective toa's suva? Since they could call upon the masks from the suva... only real advantage to a golden mask over a suva is in case of destruction of suva or masks since if a mask is destroyed or suva is then the toa could not call upon the mask... hence tahu nuva's issue but with the golden masks it is litterly one mask.. and i have derailed a bit. But point in case, isnt the mata's example because of the old masking being sent to the suva? oh! huh. i actually never knew that, but now that you mention it, it makes a lot of sense. i can't believe i never knew that
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