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Blog Comments posted by Neelh

  1. It's okay. I have read your list of points and, though I disagree with some aspects of them, understand how you were trying to explain and would also like to apologise for not understanding. I get how you were trying to explain, but it really wasn't a good way of going about it and showed you in the wrong light.

  2. No, it was another website where people can unfortunately be anonymous. However, when I blocked them (you can see who they are from the ignored users list), I still only had the three I had blocked before, since two of them were being highly misogynistic and the other was just being really immature when it comes to Ninjago.

  3. EDIT: oh my gosh i'm so sorry how did this post become so long i am too tired for this now


    *skis back into discussion*


    I am a cis girl, but I'm also pansexual with a preference for girls. Just getting that out of the way so that you can call me out if need be. Also, if I start describing things really weirdly, it's because I'm autistic and my mind can't really translate all of the things I think into normal people words.


    From what I've experienced, 9/10 people who have physically intimidated me, touched me inappropriately, invaded my personal space without my consent and verbally and physically attacked me would not have if I was a cis male.


    Also, let me explain to you a thing. There's something that feminists call Schrodinger's ------- (guess the missing word!). It refers to a man, who could assault you. If you feel the need to protest your innocence, let me explain.


    Imagine if 45% of the people around you carried a knife. Most were wearing body armour, so they couldn't be stabbed by the others. Quite often, one of the knife-holders - usually part of a group - waved his knife at you and told you that he was going to stab you. You have no armour and no knife, so there is no defence against them. You live in fear of being stabbed, especially when on public transport alone with someone with a knife. One of your friends was stabbed. It didn't kill them, but they still have the scars. They are told that they should have worn armour, despite the fact that even if they did, the only armour they were allowed to buy would have not protected them at all.


    This metaphor is getting out of hand, so I'll end it here.


    If it were also a question of not wearing little clothing, then women wearing hijabs wouldn't be assaulted in the way we are discussing.


    They are.


    Thing is, ---- isn't about what the woman is wearing or how late out they were; it's about the ------'s power and dominance over the victim. It's not about men not being able to keep it in their pants, as I have found through some statistics that would make me a banned member if I posted them here, because if that were so, men would be the only perpetrators of this crime. Guess what, guys? They aren't, and if anyone tells you so, they're wrong.


    Feminism is about equal rights. It started as voting equality, and it has evolved somehow into rights for their own bodily autonomy, preventing damaging media photographs that give anyone bad heart feelings. Like the ones when you feel like there's a hole in your internal organs and like you can never be what you are told you must be.


    I really like wearing short shorts. Short shorts are cool and they make my butt look great. Some people think this means that I must want anybody who touches my butt. I send a message out to them, and that is that my reflex is to punch them in the face. I'm working on suppressing it because people don't mean to do it because sometimes it's their bag and then I feel really bad.


    I used to partake in shaming people who enjoyed things that they did in the bedroom with other people, but now I realise that if they find it fun and everything is consensual, then they should do it! I mean, I enjoy making clothes and pretending to be fictional characters, and they don't make me feel bad for it. Private things should remain that.


    ugh where was i even going with this in the first plaice


    can you tell how tired i am i just typoed a fish


    *does the worm outta here*




    I just got sent a message asking me to show someone my boobs.


    Needless to say I blocked them.


    I'm just so tired of being told that I need to do things to be considered a woman et freaking cetera and ugh I'm too tired for this defecation of male cows.

  4. A woman's private life should not affect her social standing. Unless she's a murderer, or someone who participates in what we are discussing. Neither should a man's.


    And believe me, the government is sexist. An example that happened last night over here springs to mind.


    Feminism is about dismantling the patriarchy, therefore bringing down all of the societal norms it has bought about, such as men being told to be strong and women being told to bear children and raise them and stay in the kitchen.


    Also, saying that you're not sexist kind of makes you sound like you're saying, "I'm not a misogynist, but women are evil." Not exactly that, but it is seriously not encouraged.

  5. I'm not sure if this is sarcastic, because some people make things like that for no reason, but that is basically my emotions towards this.


    Also, don't forget that the patriarchy is also the cause of men being told to be hard and basically just 'masculine', and why being 'feminine' is seen as weak. Like, I want to be really good at sewing, but I also want a six pack.

  6. I like japaneseness and Pokemon. If it weren't for Pokemon, I wouldn't have watched Princess Mononoke, Kiki's Delivery Service, or My Neighbor Totoro.


    And can't people watch some anime without being thought of as that stereotype?


    And 10-year-olds watch NARUTO?


    How much did they censor from it? He uss the not-that-bad swear word, and turns into a nude girl every 5 seconds! The manga's rated teen!

  7. @YUM: That's because it's going to be exactly what the next plot is, and strangely, you don't reveal it until 5 seconds after the next episode finishes! :o


    And she's married. Were you expecting no mini-Amys?


    And I bet the spacegirl is her daughter.


    Hang on, you get DW at the same time as us now?

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