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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Heh. I'll take that as confirmation that he does want Akino to kill Soran on account of the whole zombie thing. There's the creative censor again too.
  2. Heh. I may have seen it coming, but Akino's line at the end was surprising enough that it was still funny. I was certainly not expecting that. Swinging a real snake around? There's an idea. I remembered the name after reading it aloud 10 times, which was done for the express purpose of learning to say it from memory.
  3. LOL. Well, you're not alone. I had security called on me for swinging a rubber snake around. Fancy name. I want to see where this goes next. The name itself reminds me of the fake name I give all the substitute teachers I get when asked. "Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Nepumuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso," all delivered extremely fast and while maintaining a Spanish accent.
  4. Hm... "Never" is such a strong word, my friend. You'll find out, just not this season. Hey, I thought that was what you said. LOL
  5. THIS ISN'T PUNNY ANYMORE! Not the comic. The puns. The comic was still pretty funny. And someone you know in real life got security called in for playing with a ball?
  6. Oh, right. Forgot about that. I find it hilarious that you nearly topped Akutahn and had to stand there holding him until Kayru fixed the problem. That must have been awkward to do, and funny to look at (or look back at). And those hands...I remember now. Are those the ones that you said will probably never have their purpose revealed?
  7. Whoa...how'd you get permission to film this all over the convention displays? The entire comic was great to look at. Lots of great angles and poses for the characters, and a nice look at the models people built. I also didn't know that you could mount the sword on the back of the Axilus Prime MOC like that. That's a nice touch, quite the attention to detail you've got as well. Akutahn's absolutely massive, never knew just how big he was until now. Is that hand in the last panel supposed to be reaching for the Cap's back, or is it just in the shot by coincidence?
  8. ...Well this was the last thing I expected. Yet you actually pulled it off...
  9. Don't worry, Soran, I can see the characters against the background just fine. And there's a pun that doesn't make my eyes bleed just reading it. Seriously, with the last few puns, I just They kind of are...
  10. (Cracks knuckles) Ah yes, I was wondering when you would show up. Gavla, I think you'll find that you forgot someone. Someone important. Aka Axilus Prime, the OTHER Red and Blue guy on here. This is just red vs blue now. Wouldn't that actually mean all three of us are attempting to beat ourselves up? On to the comic. First off, I have to say I love the effects in the third and fourth panel. The comic was funny too, as usual. I have a feeling Akino will just assume that Swimmy learned how to talk and think nothing suspicious of this new development.
  11. I actually burst out laughing at this comic because of how perfect it is. The characterization was so spot-on (and similar to my new stance on that annoying person I mentioned) and I loved it. Great comic. (Cracks knuckles)
  12. Ah, I get it now. And the puns are no less terrible in comic form. I agree with Mal here. These puns were a danger to the sanity of so many innocent people.
  13. ...That is amazing. Looks like it's pulled straight out of a movie. I certainly hope you do make the others. I'd take this as their canon appearance if I could see all of them together in this style.
  14. I...don't quite get this one.
  15. First off, to the recent chain of fish jokes...I normally like puns, but that was atrocious. Aaaaand now for the comic. I get the feeling Zyglak might actually want Akino to kill Soran.
  16. "We mUsT woork TOGETHUR" The delivery of that line. The delivery of all the lines in this episode, particularly that one, was so bad it draws attention away from how bad the voices themselves are. When will Lego release something legitimately awesome for new Bionicle? Besides the sets I mean.
  17. Well...he "took care" of the fish.
  18. Huh. I wonder how trustworthy the guy who just tried to kill Soran is for this...but at the least, he should be able to take care of the fish. I wonder what Akino's up to as well. This comic looks like it'll lead into something very interesting.
  19. Thanks. And all of them are done on Xerox paper, so they're the size of...typical paper.
  20. Even better is that it's similar to a real life experience from just the day before I read the comic. There's this really annoying person in my Biology class. It got to the point where I looked at the guy who hates him more than anyone else in the class does, and said "Remember day one, when I told you to be nicer to him? I was so wrong." I'm surprised the fish is still alive after all this. Or maybe it isn't, and Akino just thinks it is. Either way, this was funny too.
  21. AHAHAHAHAHA--Ahem. (Keeps sword up to block, just in case) I like my head where it is. Seriously though, something about that decapitation line was hilarious. Ok, on to the comic. Heh. I didn't realize how similar Onua was to Gorzan. Probably because until just now, I never saw Gorzan. Never got into Chima. Still would take Onua over Gorzan any day. Tahu and Lhikan I already saw. Tahu vs Tahu...or not. That was funnier though. I like seeing my favorite Bionicle 2015 set show up in a comic, that's for sure. Welcome back.
  22. Heh. I ran into both these comics at the same time, which I suppose is lucky because they go great together. And yeah...I think I need to change my answer. It's made even funnier by the fact that in real life I tend to try and see the best in people at first...and occasionally this does result in embarrassment when I find out they really are terrible people.
  23. Oh, so we only get the literal versions of the weapons now. Oh well, knives work for me too. And YES FINALLY VENGEANCE. I died in the process, but it wasn't by Aerixx so YES FINALLY VENGEANCE.
  24. The Fallen actually has a similar thing with his toes, only there are a lot more of them. And yeah, I really pay attention to the movies. The movies kind of demand that you pay close attention, or the plot will appear to be a nonsensical mess. If you do though, it all makes sense from start to finish. In this case, I didn't notice that detail naturally. I noticed it while analyzing his body structure for the drawing.
  25. Heh. That does seem to be the most likely explanation for where they went...I half expected someone to go Hordika, but I realize how much trouble it would be to sprite that.
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