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Blog Comments posted by Aderia

  1. Yes haha, I put off getting Disney+ for a long time, like "I don't want to support the entertainment monopoly, and besides they're only doing remakes of classics at this point." But then enough people told me I just had to see the Mandalorian, and I also hadn't seen Iron Man 3 or Captain Marvel at that point, and the rest is history. (haha, also, my reasoning about not wanting to support a huge corporation by subscribing to their service was stupid because I currently am working at an Amazon warehouse to save up for school, so I'm literally working for one of the largest companies anyways xD) But yeah, I was able to watch TCW over the period of about 6 months. I've heard from others their stories powering through the cancellation and the sadness that ensued. Somewhat related note, I forgot to mention that I did read Dark Disciple, the continuation of Ventress' character arc, and would also recommend. I still enjoyed the Commando books more, but yeah. 

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  2. Funny story (well, I think it's funny), I got into the Republic Commando books because I saw funny/cute comics about Jango Fett getting 2 million Father's Day cards from all his clones, and I googled whether or not clones were sterile, and that's how I got pulled into the world of Star Wars Legends - meme power XD Fair warning, and perhaps you know this, the last novel in the Commando series was never written, but Karen Traviss published a bullet list of what would have happened. So be prepared to live in perpetual cliffhanger. Worth it, but still. Her Mandalorian language is super cool, too, and the worldbuilding she does with the culture. Definitley a highlight for me. 

    Let me know how you like the Thrawn books! Haha, you'll probably get to them before me. (I promised myself I'd give Dune another shot before the end of the year, after multiple recommendations from others, and with the new on-screen adaptation coming out. no shame in bandwagoning, right?) 

    Death Troopers sounds like a good read for Halloween season, maybe I'll see if I can get my hands on a copy. 

    Hahaha one of the main reasons I started TCW (disney+, because no cable growing up whoooo!) was because I've only ever heard awesome things about Ahsoka, and when I saw she was going to be in season 2 of Mando, I wanted to get in on the hype and be able to actually appreciate it. Super excited! 

  3. Rogue One is also a favorite of mine!! I like stories about the 'little people', not just big-name force-weilders. (although I'm learning that everyone in star wars has at least a novella or comic arc of a backstory though XD so the term 'little people' becomes relative, depending on what you count from Legends and the disney retconning and stuff). 

    I felt similarly about Rebels as opposed to TCW, although I think my problem was not letting myself digest TCW before starting Rebels. Grew up as the prequels were coming out, and I have really good memories of going to the theaters with my fam to see them, so I think the bent towards TCW is inherent. I'll probably give Rebels another try. I liked it, but just like, there's more to life than Jedi, people.

    Sequel trilogy, I enjoyed in theaters for what they were (space-Leia called for one ounce too much of suspension-of-disbelief, agreed that was a major negative for me) 

    Have you had the chance to watch The Mandalorian? 

    Also, have you read any of the novels? Although they were retconned to Legends, I really thoroughly enjoyed the Republic Commando novels recently, among other books from the franchise. The original Thrawn trilogy is on my bookshelf, as well as the Ahsoka and Leia books. Currently reading Queen's Shadow, the Padmé one. 

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  4. Ahhh! Mushy! Everything you create is astounding! The paintings, especially, show impressive finesse (...the little I know about painting), especially on both the pencil version and color version of the bunbun. Like, the texture you managed to capture with the fur. And PANDA!!!!!! Completely adorable, huge panda fan! The touch with the 3D bamboo is awesome! 

    Haha and super creative plant-0-lanterns! Great execution and clean cuts as well! Awesome work, as always! 

    Also, based on your camera contraption 1) you should consider a career as a Rube Goldberg machinist! and 2) You must have very strong ceiling fans, wow! XD 

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  5. Whoa!! Phantump is kind of spot on!! Haha, regrettably, I'm a bit behind on latest pokemon generations (I think the last game I played was Diamond, although I do play Showdown and have played some fan versions with newer generations included). And Hallopeno is genius, I LOVE it! Got a bona fide chuckle out of me 

    • Like 2
  6. 14 hours ago, Mushy the Mushroom said:

    Whoa, you have mad plant-growing skills! Looks glorious!


    Awwww! It's so cute-iful! Did you name it?

    Haha you give me too much credit!! I just made sure there was enough water, and that was about it XD 

    And I am totally open to name suggestions! 

    13 hours ago, Bambi said:

    It reminds me almost of a depressed Litwick from Pokemon for some reason (or some other Pokemon I can't recall at the moment). :P But I like it! I do also have some things planned for when it's a little closer pumpkin (or plant :sly:) carving time, later in October.

    Yes!! I definitely am getting the Litwick vibes!! Definitely will keep an eye out for other carvings later in October from you, then!

  7. Yeah, permanent body art really makes you weigh your choices carefully. I'm sure I can't say anything you haven't though of, but here's my line of reasoning for what I'd choose- I like words, so I'd probably get some meaningful word in Matoran font (the hexagon style, because it reminds me of bees and settlers of Catan, which are two good things) - it's minimalistic, no need for color unless I wanted it, so less expensive. I'd get it on a wrist so it's easy to hide, in case I need to for a job or something. The word can be meaningful to me, personally, and/or be a Bionicle related word, or both. 

    On that note - have you considered getting the lyrics of the Piraka rap tattooed in Voya Nui characters? You could go with just the chorus to start out with, and add more if you feel like it! 

  8. Giant UDD symbol on your forehead. 

    Or maybe your favorite Kanohi covering your whole face. 

    I'm out of good ideas for the day. But if you do get a Bionicle face tattoo, I expect pictures as proof. 

    But on a more serious note, why not? It would be a pretty cool conversation piece, forehead or not, whatever it ends up being. Were you thinking of anything in particular? 

  9. 19 hours ago, Mushy the Mushroom said:

    Aww, that's so lovely that the plants get names! They're such a beautiful little colony.  :spinsmile:


    They will grow strong together! And thank you!! apparently the puffin (with muffin) is a little pin you can buy, and I just might buy it someday 


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  10. 11 hours ago, Bambi said:

    Let me guess, cuppy was planted in a... Little baggie? :P

    I've been wanting to plant some stuff too, mainly pumpkins so they'll be ready for Halloween. I may be slightly too late, but if I ever stop being lazy and forgetful maybe I'll get some seeds and give it a shot lol.

    Cuppy was actually planted in the skull of a Chupacabra. You were really close, though XD 

    But definitely plant things! I also have no idea when's best to plant what. Usually when the sun is out? Gourd luck!

  11. On 6/9/2020 at 6:12 PM, Toa Smoke Monster said:

    That is a one neat mug. Your friend is really cool to make it for you.

    Thank you! Ahaha, even though she was a fine arts major in college, I believe she bought the mug from the internet. Having trouble finding the exact one, but really similar ones pop up on a google search. 

  12. So well-traveled! That's awesome! How long did you live in Paraguay for? The little I've seen of South and Central America was beautiful, I bet Paraguay is, as well. 

    Haha, I, too, wish I'd hung onto more Euros. I think I traded them all back in because of the exchange rate, but I don't remember. Now, getting some of the pre-Euro currencies of some of the European countries would be fun. And probably difficult. And I feel like I'd have to learn more about European history and politics. But still. 

  13. On 12/8/2019 at 12:37 PM, Distorted said:


    wait is there a link to this thread?? must know.

    edit: 10 minutes later, and my google search history has more combinations of 'bioncle/poop' searches than I would have previously thought possible, and I'm scared what ads are going to show up now, and what Amazon will suggest for me to buy next. sos. Help appreciated. 

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