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Magnus Greel

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Everything posted by Magnus Greel

  1. IC: Day Run Arena Greel had followed behind the Day Run Organizer, descending the newly erected staircase. He held his spear in both hands, more than ready to defend himself with its powers. It was time they all proved to the Ring that they couldn't do whatever they pleased. His boots ignited with red energy, shooting him into the air. The Team Slight member closed his eyes for but a few seconds, sending a mental message to Rocky. He would need the aid of his pet to take down their enemies. IC: Day Run Arena The Ring members fought intensely against Kerid and Kairan. One, a Toa of Ice, used his powers on the ground, beginning to ice it so as to take the Steltian off her feet. Another threw several flat, cresent-shaped boomerangs of metal at the Toa of Lightning, attempting to slice him to pieces. As he was not the criminals' target, there was no need to throw gentle attacks at him. He, unlike his ally, could be killed. Kaytana had found herself a spot on higher ground atop a platform. She watched the fight, her mechanical arm stretched out toward the gathered. It was aimed for Kerid, and fitted with one of her toxin-tipped darts. The poison had been altered by the Skakdi with her plant powers; instead of paralyzing the Steltian, it would render her unconscious. All Kaytana needed was an opportunity to strike. No one could see or hear her up here (courtesy of her Day Run generators), giving her peace to prepare her attack.
  2. IC: Day Run ArenaGreel pondered on that thought, though not for long in case someone started attacking again. He agreed with Kairan on the subject. If the spear's power could stun a person for three minutes, a more developed version of the weapon would be quite potent. "How 'bout we teach those other Ring members a lesson?" he asked the two, looking down at the battlefield.IC: Day Run Arena"Alright, gents," Kaytana said, walking up to her assembled fellow Ring members, her club-staff resting on her right shoulder again. They all turned from what they were doing, watching the cybernetic Skakdi approach. "I've got a new assignment for y'all to do." She pointed with the end of her weapon at the platform which Kerid stood upon, passed all the other pillars. "That tall Steltian, head of the Day Run. Dalmia wants that one. Grab her now." Kaytana whispered in a tone of voice only they could hear.Once she motivaded them enough, the group spread out. They all headed for the column in different directions so as to be unsuspecting, and continued to bash innocents along the way. As for Kaytana, she maneuvered her way around with her generators towards her destination.IC: Day Run Arena"Bring on the fire!" Wasponax said cheerfully, before rolling away from the shower of flames. Most of the fires landed on the ground, creating black scorch marks, though some touched the metallic shell of the Dark Hunter. He come to a stop, adopting a defensive position. While he appeared to only be waiting for another attack, he was actually releasing a small number of his insects. Though he was still ready if another assault came his way.
  3. IC: Day Run ArenaGreel looked impressed by the spear's effects, hefting it up and glanicing at its smooth, glistening surface. It reminded him of his own skin as it gleamed in the light. His eyes shifted from the weapon to the Toa of Fire. To his left he willed a dimensional doorway into existence, which led directly to the vertiginous Ring member's side. Fingers closed tightly into a large fist, the Team Slight member threw it into the portal. The idea in mind was to puch his adversary in the head -- and a punch from him didn't just bring pain, but also possible unconsciousness, something which he aimed for with this one. "It's a good weapon," Greel said, nodding to Kerid. IC: Day Run ArenaKaytana looked around in all directions for the source of the voice that suddenly appeared, though she stopped after realizing it was a mental one. At first she couldn't tell who it was, until she recognized it as Dalmia.Who this ''her" was, the Skakdi didn't know, but she had to be important if the Ring needed her. And who's significant enough to be captured around here...It was that Steltian, Kaytana guessed. Owner of the Day Run -- the last stand against the Ring. If that was the person needed, then she was eager to have Kerid taken out.With a smirk on her face, she walked toward a group of her fellow criminals, who were busying themselves with battle. They would be enough to defeat the Day Run Oragnizer, she hoped. OOC: It is Kerid the Ring wants -- right, Parugi? =P
  4. Yep. Both Kairan and Greel got it back to base for Red Team.
  5. IC: Day Run ArenaWasponax landed on one knee, with one of his saws embedded the floor and the other putting gashes into it. He looked up to face Calik, tearing out the weapon from the ground, resulting in a deep cut surrounded by smaller ones. The Mech smiled again, representing the insects comfort of the newly created heat surrounding them. "Let's see what you can do, flamethrower!" he said to the Toa in an insulting tone.
  6. IC: Day Run ArenaHmm... Greel thought, glancing at the golden Vinet spear. Short-range teleports for disorientation? The Toa of Fire's flaming sword alerted the Day Run contestant to his incoming presence. As his weapon was focused on the charging foe, all he need to do was apply a little concentration to the forked javelin's ability for its power to become active.IC: Day Run Arena The Hive turned its body to the side, its right angular eye staring at Calik. The teeth-like mandibles on the mouth piece jerked into a grin. "Oh, another playmate!" Wasponax giggled. "A Toa, too. It will be fun to watch you fall to pieces!"He spun around fully, folding into his spherical form and rolling towards the Team Slight leader. Once he gained enough momentum, he transform back into the humanoid-insectoid form, lauching himself into the air. The Dark Hunter activaded his shields again while in mid-air, twirling them around for show as he came flying at Calik.IC: Day Run ArenaKaytana did not watch Hexxon or his pet fall to the silvery and featureless arena floor. With her allegiance finally revealed and her ally/enemy dispatched, it was time to officially join the fight. Her weapons and vehicle were at the ready, so all she needed was a worthy opponent. She steered her speeder off the platform, its levitation disks that suspended it in the air saving it from possible damage that came with impacting with the ground. With her elemental powers, the Skakdi called back the poison-tipped and filled arrows she had launched eariler to her metallic hand as she passed them. Let's see... Kaytana thought quickly checking to see if the generators and weapons she equiped herself with were still availiable.
  7. IC: Day Run Arena"Not at all," Greel said, shaking his head in answer to Amalia's offer. In demonstration, he lifted himself off his platform, the soles of his boots shining with crimson energy. Pulling the lustrous rod from the box, he watched as it grew to a longer length and sprouted prongs. It was an interesting tool, which he examined in the light, watching the gleam run down the shaft. "Sure thing," he said in reply to Kerid's plea, jumping into action with Kairan, and pointing his spear at the offending Toa.IC: Day Run Arena"Alright... Kaytana?" His words came out slowly, as he was still recovering from the recent onslaught to his mind. "We need to... help these people... to safety. Can you --"Hexxon was interrupted by a blow to the back of his head, the cause being the club apex of Kaytana's staff. It was struck with such force that a few of the long, slender barbs broke off and landed on the floor, though not enough to render him unconscious. Anar, stunned at the action, looked incredulously at the female warrior, an expression composed of both slight irritation and betrayal on her face. Her weapon was in a position that indicated she had just delivered the attack onto her ''friend''."Be quiet," she snapped. "I'm already getting tired of hearing you babble on."He groaned, pushing against the floor in an attempt to get back up. Watching without any pity for the suffering and struggling being, Kaytana blasted him in the back with her vertigo-inducing eyebeams. Although she didn't share the feeling, the Skakdi could tell the world twirled and tilted around him -- a sensation she liked inflicting on her opponents. Anar watched the rays strike his master, knowing now it was time to take action against the female, even if she was friendly with his owner. Before he could even aim at her for a plasma burst, another pair of energy lights erupted from Kaytana's eyes, hitting the dragon in the forehead. A smirk on her face, she reached down and grabbed Hexxon by the top of head, lifting it up enough for him to see the battles between Ring members and Kai-Nam citizens occuring around them. "You've been fooled, my dear Hexxon," she crooned in his ear, whispering in a viperous hiss of a voice. "Ever since I first saw you, I knew you'd fall for a sad story. It worked, even up to this point. That's right -- I'm with the Ring." Her grin stretching across her face, she continue to mock the Odinan. "Look at it. If you can see straight yet, you'll see how glorious the carnage is going. Is it worse than the one on your homeland? Or do they actually stand a chance?"Without another word, Kaytana stabbed into Hexxon's shoulder with her blade of grass, forcing it in hard so that it penetrated his armor. The sword slipped out of his body as she kicked him off the column, letting him fall towards the arena floor below, followed by Anar.
  8. IC: Day Run Arena Greel stared wide-eyed at where Dalmia had once been perched. So that explained the Ring member's strange behavior during the match. All along he had been planing for this, the teal-armored being guessed. His followers -- unsuspecting contestants of the match -- were taking up arms now, lashing out at the crowds of people in the Arena. Surely there was something he could do...The Team Slight member reached out for his prize, seeing that Kairan had recieved what looked like some sort of weapon from the box. "Let's just see how much this Ring organization will regret their ambush on the Day Run," Greel said, opening the case. "They shall see what force can be mustered on short notice."IC: Day Run ArenaHexxon had forced himself to his feet, an effort to do after the mental attack from Greel. As Ehjoras and the crowd celebrated Red Team's victory with cheers and annoucements, the Team Comet leader used his Suletu to sooth the mind of his pet dragon. He let a sigh, disappointed that he had lost the flag for his own team. Though it wasn't too big of a deal -- he only did this for training, after all, and perhaps even stress relief after recent events.The explosion of the Searcher sent him and Anar back to the ground. Dalmia's revelation of the Ring's motives here brought both anger and terror to his mind and physical features -- his eyes, specifically. He had to do something, make up for error of working with the KNPD and any wrong doings he could have performed under them. First he needed to find Kaytana, then he could participate in the fight.Black Shadow energy enveloped Hexxon and Anar, whisking them away from their platform to his Skakdi partner's. There he took a position to defend her -- almost like royalty -- against any threats incoming threats, and informed her of what they should do.IC: Day Run ArenaWasponax came rushing through the crowds, hurling blasts of fire at whover wasn't a Ring member. This, he believed, was what Vailian had implied eariler. It looked like whatever was happening was going to be a fun event, even more thrilling than the fight he had participated in during the game. His buzzsaw-shields raced to life, spinning rapidly in The Hive's hands, with the orange color and light of heat spreading across their flat faces. At every weapon swung at him, the Dark Hunter sliced back with his tools, cutting through the metals of his enemies' equipment and leaving a quickly fading glow on the severed ends.
  9. IC: Arena - Red Team Base (Red Team)Greel pushed down on the pole as well, intent on finishing the match and bringing victory for Red Team. It was the fruit of his and others' labors of locating and activating each spire, bringing a smile to his face. The thought of that mysterious and motionless being standing atop the mountain the flag had been revealed on came back to mind. He found it rather odd that another player would just stay there so still, especially with a clock accompanying him. Why not search for a tower or dispatch competitors? And why disappear once the flag appeared?Intriguing as it was, the strange contestant and his actions weren't of great importance for Greel at the moment. That was something he could ponder on -- and even look deeper into -- if he really wanted to later.
  10. IC: Arena - Red Team Base (Blue Team)Thanks to his intangibility, physical onsets flew through Hexxon's form. The mental attack, however, kept him from achieving his goal in fleeing with the flag. He couldn't comprehend what exactly was happening at the moment.Fortunately, everyone seemed to forget about Anar. The dragon spat a blast of plasma from his maw directly at the wounded Amalia. With his tail he slapped Hexxon in the side of the head a few times, trying to get the Odinan's focus back into the game. Though the whacking didn't seem to help much, the Blue Team member attempted to use his own telepathy to transfer the mind-affecting assault on someone else -- Kairan. IC: Arena - Red Team Base (Red Team)Good, they had been transported to the Red Team base. Greel caught sight of the slot in the floor in the corner of his vision. There he guessed the flag needed to be placed in to secure victory. The only thing that kept his team from doing so was the struggling Blue Team member holding onto the rod. Tapping into his as of yet unused Psionics powers, he focused a mind blast on both Hexxon's and Anar's mentality. As a result, both Rahi and rider were knocked to the ground, too stunned to continue fighting. "Done," Greel said, indicating that their enemies were taken care of. With the Blue Team contestant's powers no longer affecting the flagshaft, it fell back into the Red Team's hands. "Let's finish this game." Handeling the prize again, he grinned and nodded at his fellow teammates. Pulling it along towards the slot, he positioned the flagpole just over the opening. "Ready?'' he asked, looking at Kairan. Once they both fixed it in place, the match would be over.
  11. IC: Arena - Mountainous Region (Blue Team)The sound must have been caused by sounding else, as Hexxon Silence generator allowed him to go about without making any noises. His hand now securing a position on the pole, the Odinan prepared to turn intangible...However, only he became ghost-like as a sudden bolt of energy colored crimson surprised him. As it phased harmlessly through his body, Hexxon dealt with the aggressive Shadow energy with his own control over darkness. He caused them to slam together, making it seem as though they had touched nothing -- and thanks to his current state of being they hadn't.Knowing he needed to secure the flag for Blue Team, Hexxon gripped the shaft of metal with a solid hand, before willing himself and it to decrease in density. Already it seemed the shadows were ready to teleport them all away, forcing him to work quickly. IC: Arena - Mountainous Region (Red Team)Greel, feeling the flagpole beginning to slip from his hands, attempted to get a better hold on it. The problem was, it wasn't falling out of his hands, but rather phasing through them.Taking one gauntlet off the almost weightless rod, he slipped his special goggles over his eyes. With their heat-seeking properties, Greel easily identified the location of the hidden being, which resembled a mass of heat energy, as if a being were sitting atop a dragon-like creature..."There," he whispered, giving a quick point toward Hexxon, who didn't take notice to the word or action as he performed his efforts.OOC: Is there a specific slot at either of the bases to place the flagpole in, or do we only have to bring it back to base?
  12. OOC: Pit: Apparently, I had the whole situation mixed up when posting, probably due to being too tired to do so. What I saw happening was Hexxon came there, spotting two other Blue Team members (Kairan and Marx), and looking at the flagpole before Greel or Kairan pulled it free. I have no idea why I thought both Kairan and Marx were part of Blue Team. :PAlso, my previous post has been edited to suit this one.IC: Arena - Mountainous Region (Red Team)As he saw only Red Team members around the flagpole, Greel switched off his generators, allowing Kairan and Marx to see him. While it would be wise to do a mental scan of the area, the teal-armored contestant didn't want to waste the time and energy searching when handling the flag. After all, there were two other team members here to help protect the prize from any Blue Team enemies.He acknowledged Kairan with a nod of his own and helped hoist the flag into the air. "Let's do this," he said, ready to be teleported back to base with his comrades. What he didn't notice, though, was the invisible and tacit Hexxon closing his gauntleted hand around the metal flagstaff, preparing to use his density control powers on it to foil their attempts of retrieving the flag...IC: Arena - Wasteland/Central Region (Blue Team)Kaytana and her flipped to the side as a result, knock both her and the speeder to the ground. The dazed Skakdi groaned and watched the world spin around her, waiting for it to stop so she could stand. Once it did, she picked herself up and lifted her vehicle back into the air, where it floated above the ground. Her foes sped away again, and forced Kaytana to curse in her native tongue. Grumbling, she stowed away her weapons and mounted herself on her transport. There were other Red Team members around here, she supposed, not expecting a shrouded enemy to ambush them.
  13. IC: Arena - Mountainous Region (Blue Team)Like all the others who had noticed the flag's reveal, Hexxon and Anar disappeared in an unseen flash of Shadow energy. The teleport transported the pair to the mountain's summit, where he immediately saw two Red Team members already there, the crimson glow of their Team Crests marking them enemies of the Odinan.Let's see, Hexxon throught, moving towards the flagpole in a stealthy fashion with his generators. If he could get a hold on the tall rod while in an intangible state, it would slip right through the hands of the Toa of Lightning pulling at it. After that, all he would need to do was teleport to the Blue Team Base in the region. This should do the trick... The Team Comet leader reached out a disguised arm to make contact with the flag. IC: Arena - Mountainous Region (Red Team)Beginning to feel the struggle of yanking a metal pole this large from the ground, Greel focused much of his attention into his goal. He had to, of course, keep an eye on those around in case they tried to interrupt. Tension growing in his golden muscles, the Red Team member began hefting the rod from the ground. Soon the problem wouldn't be getting it out of the earth, but bringing it back to base. Perhaps an intradimensional gateway might just work?
  14. IC: Arena - Mountainous Region (Red Team)From in the air over the wastes, Greel could see the giant rod appear -- a thin line against the background, thanks to the lustrous light beam pointing it out to him. It intrigued him that it was on the summit of the tallest mountain -- the same one as that odd being had been perched on. He didn't ponder on it for too long, however, as a gateway instantly brought him directly next to the flag in the sky.Perfectly hidden and quiet with his generators, the Team Red member reached out to grab the prize of the game. His fingers and palms touched it, and he attempted to pull the pole with his massive strength.IC: Arena - Wasteland/Central (Blue Team)Kaytana was forced to shift her entire weight to the opposide of the vehicle, so as to keep it balanced as it closed it for Amalia. Being a large creature or muscle and metal naturally, her plan should work. Her lance-like sword was primed to piece the Toa's armor and stab into her.
  15. IC: Arena - Wasteland/Central (Blue Team) Seeing the chunks of rock soaring through the air towards her, Kaytana fired at them with forcebolts, reducing the projectiles into harmless pebbles. Her gaze turned from the fragements to Amalia, who was coming back into view. I thought I ran her off, the female Skakdi thought, shrugging a moment later. She'd just have to be thorough this time with finishing off the Toa. From inside the thicket, a blade of grass was pulled underground, tunneling through the earth and sprout by it controller. It vanished a second later after Kaytana grabbed it. Using her Plant Life elemental capabilities, she altered its form, turning it into a real blade. The lengthy weapon became something a spiked dagger plant, so dangerous that it was included in the torture of Skakdi. Pointing her razor-edged sword at Amalia, Kaytana sped on the vehicle right for her, aiming to impale her opponent in a jousting-like way.
  16. IC: Arena - Wasteland/Central (Blue Team)As Artorre jabbed his flaming sword at the plant monster's large stem, one of its spike-covered roots parried the blade aside with a swat. The tendril became alighted with a miniature fire, though by shoving it into the ground, the soil smothered the flames.Its fellow wasn't allowing the Toa an opening by hesitating. While the other plant dealt with the fire, it lashed out with its own roots, sending a tentacle-like appendage slithering through the air for his waist, and two more for his ankles. The first retaliated by launching a small burst of venom from its mouth.Kaytana maneuvered her way around the brush, returning to the spot her speeder was parked on. The grasses weren't strong enough to lift the mechanical construct, so were smushed underneath. Tapping into her powers, the Skakdi used the enhanced roots of the plants around her to erect a ramp of earth by scooping and pushing the dirt into shape, push the pile up, and compact it. She used this to fly over the ring of fire surrounding the battlefield in complete silence.Once outside, she could "observe" the fight with her "plant radar", as she had in the charred jungle, the plants within feeling around.
  17. IC: Arena - Wasteland/Central Region (Blue Team)Kaytana gave an unheard sigh as Amalia retreated. She shook off the weak mental assault on her thoughts, and hefted her weapon into the air, allowing its shaft to rest on her shoulder. Toa were tricky to defeat, but they stood no chance to a Skakdi! If she really wanted to, the Team Blue member would have pursued the hobbling, yet speedy Team Red member.Before she could even give a shrug and depart from the spot, Kaytana noticed another Toa, this one clad in a crimson and black suit of armor, appear on the scene. Red and black... weren't those the hues of Fire? A hastily crafted band of flames suddenly formed around the spot of land, answering that question easily.He must have been the cause of the forest fire! Who else would do such as thing? It was through his deeds that killed her great advantage in the game, and ruined her plants -- all of them.Glaring at Artorre, she watched him glance around at the grasses growing across the ground. The action placed an idea in her head... a very good idea. Indeed, for she combined her ability to strengthen plants and control over the element of Jungle to have every blade's rate of growth increase dramatically. It resulted in the plants standing taller than even her -- but she didn't stop there. Even as the grass grew, the compounding powers touched several blades surrounding the Toa of Fire, causing them to transform into stocky beasts of plant matter. Each sported pedals colored sickly hues, and razor, teeth-like thorns, dripping with a liquid tinged with the green of poison. Giggling within her field of silence, Kaytana directed herself through the thicket of tall grass back to her vehicle, willing the monsters she had created to attack Artorre. The poison-spitting, thick-bodied creatures would last long enough to allow their creator time, even when against a Fire-wielder, while they used their roots to ensare the Toa, toxins to infect, and teeth to shred him.
  18. IC: Arena - Wasteland/Central Region (Blue Team)By the time Amalia was lifting herself back up, Kaytana had leapt off her vehicle, landing unheared and unseen with her spiked club-staff in hand. With her power over plants, the Skakdi deflected the returning arrows, and charged at the Toa. Weapon raised, she brought it down towards the Toa.
  19. IC: New Metru NuiArketh lay sprawled on the roof of another building. The Psionic onslaught to his mind had almost ripped it apart. It had also deprived him of the power of a god, forcing his blade to retreat. The specter of Shadow craned his neck, lifting his head to see the destruction he had caused.It was glorious. Buildings had shattered, smoke rose from the areas that had suffered his various attacks, and residents below bore minimal wounds, though were effectively frightened from the cataclysmic event. Up above, the storm of Shadow energy ceased its rage and began dissolving, bringing light back to New Metru Nui.He didn't look to see where his sword had fallen. Kopraga had lost his chance for freedom by fleeing, no doubt relieving Song and Aclaraung. Someone else would probably become the demon's tool, he supposed.Getting back to his feet, the extremely weakened and possibly crazed Arketh stood. To his disappointment, he couldn't hunt down and defeat his enemies, for he was too impaired. Even his powers had diminished from the battle. With the tiny bit of strength remaining, he gathered shadows to teleport him away from the battlefield.
  20. IC: Arena - Wasteland/Central Region (Blue Team)Despite what Amalia thought, Kaytana was still disguised and silenced. She wanted to reply with, "That's not how I play games," but her silence generator kept her from doing so. Perhaps the Toa would hear it in her mind?The Skakdi launched a few arrows filled with her plant toxins at her opponent. If that didn't hit, maybe the force bolts aimed at the ground around her would work.
  21. IC: Arketh's MindMoving at the speed of thought again, Arketh had summoned the worst, darkest, most eldritch and malicious piece of his mind. Like his scythe, the avatar of the skeleton crafted it into a deadly weapon. Once it was prepared, he hefted it up to his shoulder.Aclaraung's mental blast of anger was cancelled out by a counterattack of greed. I am powerful -- possibly the most powerful creature on this planet. First I will deal with you, and then settle things with the demon. Not for a momentdid he trust Kopraga. The winged being was probably strong enough to break free from the bonds that held him to Blacklight.Without another word, Arketh swung his tool at Song. The Toa, who seemed far too occupied with preparing her devastating mental attack, would realize how wrong her last words were. If he successfully landed the blow, her projection would be destroyed and her mind ejected from his. The plan was that this weapon of pure malice would be too much for her weak and erratic heart, which he hoped would electrocute her with its dark properties and kill the Toa.
  22. IC: New Metru Nui/Arketh's MindArketh was already in a Shadow portal, transporting himself to a new location far from his opponents. There, he could cause more devastation upon the city without being interupted after every attack. Hopefully, the power increase from Blacklight would allow him a greater range of teleporting.No longer satisfied with his avatar, the specter granted himself a new one. His adversaries' ignorance of him gave him the time necessary to change, which was at the speed of thought. This projection was identical to his real form, only even larger. Reaching out, he snatched the dark idea of murder and shaped it into a weapon to use.Snapping off a rib from his chest, he poised an arm to throw it. And then what will happen to me? Arketh asked, hurling the curved bone at Song and stabbing his scythe at Aclaraung. I shall cease to be, won't I?
  23. IC: New Metru Nui/Arketh's MindSeeing a bolt come for him again, Arketh willed another construct from his shadowy surroundings. A wide buckler took shape, but not for long as the electricty disintregrated it. Also, not having much time to prepare the shield, the force of it slammed him down in the air. Thankfully, it brought him away from the disks' wake.His tumbling through the sky came to a stop as he regained control. Unexpected giggling erupted from him as he floated around. "So nice of you all to pay attention to me," Arketh shouted, his voice sounding off. "But I don't notice much of you helping your people below."Swinging Blacklight, the skeleton used more of the darness to create blades of Shadow, which he fired down at the residents of New Metru Nui. The pointy, razor swords would shred any unprepared victims to pieces.Laughing some more, Arketh flew into a portal of Shadow. He needed to get away from those attackers to both survive and create chaos. His current state of mind wasn't primed for physical combat. There you go again, the projection said, thoroughly annoyed with Aclaraung, ranting on about things.The skull opened its mouth and breathed out pure darkness and malice that battered the flames away. Song's memory attack seemed to rattle him, but those were the types of things he lived for -- terror, suffering, pain... but such an intensity damaged him.You think you will survive in here?! Arketh creamed at Song, possibly blowing the Toa's projection away from his image.Gathering every bit of himself, all of his intellect, memories, and the like, the projection reared back. Not wasting even a moment, he unleashed everything he had at them all. That, he believed, should force the invaders of his mind outward and be enough to temporarily stun them.
  24. IC: New Metru Nui/Arketh's MindA bolt of electricity was, thankfully, not a sutle thing -- neither was a great blast of fire, or a dramatic rise in temperture. Fast action led to a portal consuming the energy attack, storing it for later use. Teleporting again saved Arketh's physical body from disintregration. The burst instead hit a building formerly behind the Shadow warrior, causing the area struck to melt. Keisael's disks just missed their target, though as Arketh didn't know of the deadly, buzzsaw-like projectiles, it was likely that he wouldn't be prepared for the next set.He had no retaliation for either opponent. The master of Shadows only continued to blow up sections and floors of buildings all around with the darkness inside them. Several of the explosions were focused on the lower parts of structures, so their upper halves would collapse.Even if Aclaraung's targets weren't as dark as the ones in Arketh's subconsciousness, they were still evil and potent -- and difficult to succumb to light. The skull twitched in response to the assault, but resumed his forces of thought against his foes. Pressure was still building over Kopraga, and memories stabbed out at the dragon and Toa. If impaled, fear would pulse throughout their "bodies".Do be quiet, Arketh snarled. I don't need to hear nonsense before I end you.
  25. IC: New Metru Nui/Arketh's MindNormally, the sharpened spears of dirt would be no challenge to deflect with but a flick of his wrist and some flashy Shadow defense. But now, occupied with a battle of wills within his mind, Arketh could barely keep up. One lance slipped right passed a thigh bone, the second became wedged between two ribs, and the last splinted to particles with a swipe of Blacklight, sending the soily remains drifting down.Glancing around for Keisael, the tall, skeletal being located the column of earth by the mansion. Obviously struggling, he reached out with a claw to the lofty abode, grabbing onto the darkness and natural shadows cast within one of the upper rooms close to the roof under the Toa. With a snap of his bony fingers, he ordered them to explode in a burst.Inside the mentality of Arketh, the realm of dreams, thoughts, imagination, and will, the giant skull gained a crazed look to its skeletal facial features. You call the devastation of a great and glorious city built by suvivors in hope worthless ambitions?! You interloper, this is my land you inhabit! You are at my mercy! I claimed you as my tool to use! I don't take orders, I give them! Especially from a relic like yourself. You have died, no doubt, living in a sword. I own a true form, I live now, and I shall live always! What can kill me, end my life forever?With your skills and abilities given to me and augmenting my own, I shall ascend to godship! The lights of the projection's eyes shifted over to Song's and Aclaraung's mental versions. No one can stop me, he told the images. Once I kill you both in here, your physical bodies will dissolve under my Shadows! Prepared for a fight you cannot possibly win?Thoughts and memories transformed into weapons for Arketh's use. For Kopraga, he forced the deep, dark recollections and intellections surrounding the demon to crush and squeeze him into a pulp. All around Song and her dragon friend, the darkest parts of their enemy's mind lashed out at them, meant to destroy and corrupt them. They unleashed screams, horrible scenes, and mental pain on the pair.
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