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Magnus Greel

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Everything posted by Magnus Greel

  1. IC: The GardenGreel noticed the blows to the guardians before the Heart did not incapicitate them. Worse, they blocked the group's target and prevented anything from striking it. Even the combined barrage of assaults he and Rocky threw on their opponents didn't seem to last long...The Team Slight member called his blades back to their proper pockets within his jacket, and withdrew his golden spear. Advancing towards the earth-plant hybrids, he aimed the pronged weapon at them and blasted its navy blue energy mist. Hopefully, the teleporting and vertigo powers of the spear's power would clear the way. And to guarantee an opening, he tried tossing the guardians away from their spots with telekinesis.IC: Throne Room - Ring HQKaytana was, after being informed of the situation, shocked at first. Not only did Dalmia's betrayal surprise her, but also Vailian helping the Ring's enemies in and allowing them access to the Ringmaster's computers. The Hivena even let them free that imprisoned Turaga! Then, as each one had passed her or stood in the room, she glared at them, especially at Vertak. Even after all the time that had passed, she still harbored sour feelings toward the Matoran and his sword from their actions against her in the Day Run Arena. Now, she was furious that he wouldn't allow her to challenge them.Everything her fellow Ring member had told her didn't make sense. Even if this group had it in their goal to defeat Dalmia, they were still planning to stop Lyxek's schemes as well. And here he was feeding them information from the personal equipment of Lyxek. It didn't even worry her that Dalmia was against her master. She was fully confident the Toa could deal with any threats from the reptilian being. Standing up, the Skakdi pulled out her personal transporter. "I told you Lyxek could handle Dalmia," she muttered to Vailian as she stomped away, her back to all present. Once at the entrace to the throne room, she placed the silvery disk on the floor. She proceeded to withdraw two egg-shaped objects, her crimson slits gazing at them, and stood on the transporter.
  2. IC: KNPD HQ - CitadelHexxon walked with the group toward the maintenence level, withdrawing his staff. Anar followed closeby to his master, glancing around the rooms and halls they passed. Both were preparing themselves for anything they could think of that the Director might use against them.The last time the Odinan had seen the KNPD leader was when he assigned him the task of hunting down the "rebels" he now worked with. He only wondered how the AI would feel when seeing him again, after he had resigned from the police force.I know how I'll feel when I see him again, Hexxon thought darkly.IC: The GardenUsing his telekinetic powers, Greel concentrated on several heads of the Garden's guardians. He could twist and tear off their craniums without getting near the bizarre creatures. In addition, he had opened his coat, revealing a number of daggers suspended on the inside, and telekinetically caused them to fly towards the guardians. Each spun in the air, acting like buzz saws to chop off more heads.Meanwhile, Rocky blasted his heat vision at them, sending concentrated beams of thermal energy to shear off the body part. Absorbed heat from the fires of his mane allowed the Rock Lion to spray a fury of flames at their enemies' faces.IC: Ring HQWasponax weighed his choices. The Ringmaster was planning on destroying everything, which he believed the Shadowed One would definately oppose. That was where his loyalty was -- with the Dark Hunters. If this was something his master wanted stopped, then the insects would do what they could to end it."I'm coming, then," the Dark Hunter said, hurrying as best he could in the robotic mech as he could.
  3. IC: KNPD HQ Entrance - CitadelHexxon watched as the rest crept inside the Director's abode, surprised to see Elithes appear without warning. How he missed this particular Matoran following them was strange, though that could be pondered on about later. Besides, they could use all the help they could get, so the Team Comet leader was fine with his presence here.He slipped inside after Anar, and gently closed the door behind him. Usually, it would have been a welcoming sight to walk into the darkness, though the shadows here weren't entirely normal... along with the sheer silence and emptiness throughout the building. There was something he didn't quite like about the place now. It didn't have that same feeling of justice and security it had before when he was an officer.IC: The GardenBoth Greel and Rocky came to a slowed stop, seeing as nothing they -- or anyone -- had thrown managed to penetrate the sphere's surface. Somewhat disappointed but surprised to see the eye-like orange markings appear on the tree, he looked back at Zanth, beginning to say, "We might need som-- ".His sentence was interrupted by the Sherif's stance. It seemed he was preparing himself for some type of battle position -- against what, though?Tapping his pet on the jeweled shoulder, Greel tighted his grip on his sword. The Team Slight member cautiously approached the group leader, attempting to see what was coming with his goggles.IC: Ring HQ Entrance - Ring HQWasponax limped after the running Kovian, a shielded hand clutching the damaged appendage. "I got it with my pay earlier," he began. "I needed something to stay out of the cold and to get around easier." The Dark Hunter had the mech shake its head. "But it's not important at the moment." Its mechanical features gained a look of worry and confusion. "What are we going to do? Shouldn't we be helping those who hired us, and not their enemies? What exactly is going on?"As they passed Vailian, the insects stared at him. Should they bring him, too? He was an ally and brief partner, after all.They sighed. This was one of the reasons why he listened to superior's decisions and not his own.
  4. I generally visit the Bionicle RPG, along with Blogs and Storyline and Theories.
  5. IC: KNPD HQ Entrance - CitadelOne everyone had grasped another's hand, Hexxon focused. The shadows cast by the looming buildings and towers and the darkness from clouded sky swallowed the group, leaving only a plume of dark energy where they had been standing. An instant later they reappeared at the KNPD entrance, past all the dreadful Feranaki that would have blocked their way."He we are," the Odinan whispered. He released Sanshou's hand, as well as removed his other from Anar. Glancing at the doors, Hexxon placed a hand on one of the barriers. "Are we ready?"IC: The GardenBoth Greel and Rocky rocketed forward at Zanth's command, one dashing on all fours while the other raced through the air with his boots. The Rock Lion, his mane blazing with pale light that revealed the Garden's flora in his path, fired his heat vision at the shadowy sphere of blackness. His flying master had pulled out one of his larger blades, grasping it in hand as he concentrated his telekinesis on their target, intent on making its inky surface crack apart. IC: Ring HQ Entrance - Ring HQDalmia's dark deed against Vailian and claim to murder Lyxek had spelt out his denouncement. If that wasn't disloyalty, then the insects didn't know what was. That also left with who to side with -- the enemies of the Ring, which include fellow Dark Hunter Reaper, or Lyxek's band of criminals, which he didn't know too well.Wasponax dragged his injured mech over to the assembled beings. He wasn't sure of just who to join, though Reaper, he was definate, would.
  6. Magnus Greel


    Oh, boy. This is gonna be epic. I just hope we all survive...
  7. IC: South District - City "No worries," Hexxon said to assure her. "My powers provide teleportation. We can slip right past them and head inside the KNPD headquarters." He placed a hand on Anar's head, while holding the other out to Sanshou. "It requires a link, though, so everyone will need to hold each other's hands."IC: Throne Room - Ring HQAll around Kaytana the throne room rumbled, dust falling to the ground and cracks appearing in the walls and ceiling. Her crimson eyes flashed open, darting first at the door, then at the damage fortifications. In her mechanical claw was a brightly hued flower, poisonous of course, which she had been smelling. From what the Skakdi saw, heard, and felt, it sounded like there was an attack or fight going on outside. Hopefully Vailian and whoever else might have shown up were able to handle it...If not, she thought, they'll just have to get past me.IC: Ring HQ Entrance - Ring HQWasponax leapt to the side to avoid being crushed by the energy. However, the Dark Hunter hadn't moved fast enough, as a piece of rubble damaged his mech's right leg. It was quite a surprise to see the Ring member lash out at his comrades, betray them so suddenly. The insects noticed through the blue-tinted eyes of the machine one notable individual standing among their enemies: Reaper. More confusion entered the hive mind as he tired to get the Hive to its feet.What is he doing?! IC: The GardenGreel beamed at Zanth. "Oh, good!" he said cheerfully. His head turned forward, back to the Garden as they ventured in farther. "So, what are we looking at here?"
  8. IC: South District - CityNormally, if he didn't pick up any minds, Hexxon would have reported back with no findings. However, earlier events with little to no access to another's mentality had left the Odnian deciding that mental searches were no longer effective as they once were. It also had him wondering if he himself should go about learning some mental techniques for defense...As he and Anar floated higher into the air and drifted farther ahead, they spotted the grotesque creatures. Each one seemed to be heading in the same direction, which also happened to be the one his and Sanshou's group were walking in. This was definately going to be a problem. Hexxon wretched at the Feranaki and teleported back to the others, deactivating the sound-dampening and other devices to report what he had noted. IC: The GardenGreel joined in with the assembled beings as they entered the Garden. "Is this group part of the 'glorious and probably suicidial battle' I heard about?" he asked one of the persons.He heard some of the words of their conversation, something about a heart with the ability to be damaged. It sounded to him that this was the thing Calik was talking about.IC: Ring HQ Entrance - Ring HQThe action attracted the attention of Wasponax, who watched from his own hidden spot near the Ring base's front doors. It appeared that there was going to be another battle -- and at the Ring's very HQ. He did not get involved yet, as it looked like that Dalmia character who led the attack at the Day Run Arena has things under control.This should be interesting, the collective of insect minds thought.
  9. IC: South District - CityHexxon and Anar stepped up to Sanshou's side, their attention up ahead. "We'll check things out," the Odinan told her, switching on his and the dargon's Day Run generators.The pair shimmered from sight and were completely silenced as a result. Unseen by the others, they drifted just above the ground, intangible enough so that an attempted attack would pass right through them. In this stealthy state, Hexxon and his pet moved away from the gathered, his mask power reaching out around to feel for the presence of another.IC: Seacher's Chasm - Northern BarrensMental energies swept across the chasm's bottom, probing the area for signs of life and radiating from where Greel stood. Not too long after beginning, he picked up on the minds of those he had spotted with the mechs... and also a few newer ones. The Psionic energy dispersed as he turned his head in Zanth's direction. A look toward that spot revealed the heat of their bodies. As he could see and sensed with his mind, there were a number of them. Both he and Rocky headed that way, believing they were here for the same reason. If they were, that was a good thing. If not, he always enjoyed a fight.
  10. IC: Seacher's Chasm - Northern BarrensThe gateway opened, giving Greel a view into the pitch blackness of the chasm's secluded recesses. He beckoned for Rocky to follow inside, the lion's mane flaring with bright white fires to illuminate their surroundings. Faint and distant lights could be seen in various areas of the pit's bottom, unmoving as they radiated a pale glow.Switching on the heat-seeking function of his goggles, the Team Slight member surveyed the vast land around him, searching for the presence of any other beings. While his eyes glanced around, his mind reached out as he telepathically scanned the place. Slowly and carefully, the pair advanced further into the Garden.Behind them, the portal was still opened, it too shedding any light from the world above into the chasm's bottom. Should Calik wish to join, he could slip right through.
  11. IC: Searcher's Chasm - Northern BarrensThe action concerning the giant flying mechs and others diving into the hole caught Greel's attention, causing the Team Slight member to watch them descend into the darkness below. "Hmm," he though aloud. "Calik, does this battle include entering this massive pit?" His eyes were set where the mechs, Swerv, and Kairan had drifted down towards; he felt like he was gazing into the abyss, for it was too deep and dark to tell how far it went down, or what was within.In the case that they were required to head inside, Greel focused his transportation abilities on opening a gateway that would lead to the bottom. It would also be great for taking a look at what was down there without actually having to jump in. A blazing fire from his Toa friend could reveal the surroundings as well.
  12. IC: Southern BarrensHexxon followed Sanshou, accompanied by Anar and beckoning to the others as he trudged through the layer of snow.IC: Northern BarrensGreel turned his head away from the chasm to face Calik. He pulled his hat down a little and held a thumbs up to the Toa of Fire. "Sounds like my kind of fun," he grinned. "Where do we start?"IC: Ring HQThe crimson-colored sphere that was the Hive's vehicle mode sped across the frozen Barrens, cleaving a path in the snow, which was covered up soon after being created. Up ahead was the mountain he knew to be the Ring base, looming over the white wastes of Kai-Nam.Wasponax's mech slowed, coming to a halt and breaking apart its near perfect sphereical surface into limbs, a torso, and head. Its ice blue eyes gazed at the headquarters before stepping over to the front doors.
  13. IC: Southern BarrensHexxon turned back to Zanth and nodded, having followed his gaze to the Ring's base. "I was already planning on facing the Director, so I guess this works out nicely for me."He understood how potentially dangerous it was to confront the AI alone; it was better to go in with allies. The lack of enforcers he noted would make getting into Central only made the task easier.IC: Northern Barrens Greel simply shrugged as Aranai fled. He made sure to shut the gateway behind her, so that if she attempted to return that way, her path would be barred by a vanished portal. He proceeded to enter the second dimensional doorway with Rocky, both taking a step into the snow-covered ground of the northern Barrens. What both saw throughly shocked them. Where there should have been a giant, dormant jellyfish creature, a massive abyss now took its place. It was one of the most devastating things he had seen in his life. Whatever caused the Searcher to disappear and a chasm to form must have been extremely powerful. "What do you suppose happened to that thing that was here, and made this?'' he asked Calik. "Or, more importantly, should I say why?"
  14. IC: Southern Barrens"Well, I guess I did a good job of it if you thought that," Hexxon replied, giving a slight smile. "I'd say it's good to be back, though lately things have been quite... shocking and painful for me."Then he glanced over to Zanth, the black and silver-armored being jogging his memories. "I remember you," he said. "You were at the arena match when that Construct appeared, and helped destroy it." Now that he remembered fully who the Sherif was, the Odinan changed the subject. "I assume it was you who sent the message through the Team Crests?"
  15. IC: Western Barrens Greel was prepared for the rushing water... but Calik's fiery intervention took care of the threat. With his gauntleted hand, he waved away some of the steam so as to see better. He could make out the outline of Rocky and the glow of his eyes, and clearly heard his growls. As more and more of the vapor dispersed from his swaying hand, the two Toa came into view.Raising his eyebrows, he replied with, "Another portal? Sure thing... " and focused on his gateway-opening powers, bringing the doorway into existence. Greel seemed to disregard Aranai as he spoke with Calik, though really did make sure not to let his guard down on an attacker.The burly man started for the gateway, launching a blast of navy blue, mist-like energy at the Toa of Water. His pet lion fired his charging eyebeams at her as well, aiming to heat her armor to searing temperatures before departing.IC: Southern BarrensThe Shadow energies were unveiled to reveal Hexxon and Anar. With light returning to them, they noticed the two other figures -- Zanth and Sanshou. In responce to her question, which had taken him back a little with surprise, he cocked his head. He couldn't quite recall who she exactly was."Yes," he said, an eyebrow raised. "I guess I'm just hard to kill -- ask any of my enemies." He paused for a moment, and continued with a question of his own. "Why do you ask?"
  16. IC: Throne Room - Ring HQKaytana cocked her head to the side. What did Vailian mean by possibly not seeing her again when it was all done? Was he not confident that he could guard the entrance well enough against their enemies? Or was there something darker and more sinister he hadn't told her... ?She didn't worry about it too much, giving a shrug for the subject. Now, she occupied herself with trivial things again, beginning to toy with one of her wooden darts she had retrieved earlier.IC: West District - CityHexxon had heard the message from Zanth from his Team Crest. Most of what the being said sounded like the fantasies of a Matoran, though not long ago he had heard similar talk from Kerid -- and it turned out to be right from what he understood. The Team Comet leader didn't know if he should join these people, or pursue his own goals in finding both Kaytana and the Director. Perhaps he could finally do some good with them, and maybe even run into the Skakdi while helping those people?Another shadowy shroud of energy surrounded the pair, translocating them into the southern Barrens.
  17. IC: Western BarrensAranai's axe stopped in mid-air, suddenly and unexpectedly. Attempts to take another swing, or move it for that matter, were entirely futile. Greel stared at the Toa of Water, hands still in pockets, and standing completely still. For what he was doing to her weapon, he didn't need physical movement."I don't think so," he said simply. There was a hint of glee in his voice, indicating his delight in battle.Further manipulation of her axe caused it -- and by extension, Aranai (if she still clung to the tool) -- to be repulsed back a number of feet by invisible force. He pulled out his spear while he did this with his telekinesis, watching what was happening across from Rocky, whose eyes flared with energy.IC: West District - CityHexxon and Anar descended into West District, the former increasing their density and the latter flying towards the area. They had spotted a group of beings fighting the bizarre creatures rampaging around this section. I believe they can help us, he told his pet via telepathy.
  18. IC: Throne Room - Ring HQKaytana stopped cleaning her nails, and instead brought the hand to her chin in thought as she considered the Hivena's question about Dalmia. The Skakdi didn't know the reptilian being too well, so she couldn't really tell if he was up to something. He did act strange, though that could be his usual behavior..."Not sure," she answered, glancing back at Vailian. "If he did try something, however, I'm sure Lyxek could deal with it easily. Am I right?" Her hands were now placed on the stairs, the pointed tips of her fingers drumming continuously on the step they rested on. She turned and looked down the hall that led to Lyxek's platform, then faced her fellow Ring member again.IC: CityObservation of City brought even more startling results to Hexxon and Anar. Nasty-looking creatures scurried all around in West District, some people seemed to be battling them, and structures all over had fallen apart. East District was the worst: the entire section of the city looked like a jungle, plant life growing all over it. More greeny could be seen dotting other areas of the city -- except South District. Confrontation with the Director seemed, at first, a very foolish and risky thing to do. A look over Central and its emptyness, however, made the idea more appealing to him. Though, it did worry him of just what the AI could do even in a situation like this.Perhaps I should head there later... Hexxon thought, sharing this with Anar via telepathy. It occured to him that the multiple generators he acquiered in the match were still on him, so maybe it wasn't such a bad plan at all...He still needed to find Kaytana, though. But just where she was, he didn't know. He glanced down, ready to sigh, when he noticed his Team Crest was still on hand...
  19. IC: Throne Room - Ring HQDalmia had left before the Skakdi could give a reply. She simply shrugged at this, and turned away from the door, picking her personal transporter up. After she stowed the silver disk away, she looked around the chamber."Well," Kaytana said to Vailian, stepping towards the throne itself, as if ready to sit upon it. "I think I shall wait here for any of those people." The Ring member walked up the stairs, eyes set on the chair meant for royalty... and plopped down on the steps leading to it, sitting casually on them. "No doubt they'll show up. You wouldn't believe how persistent they are."Her eyes darted to a raised claw, which she watched as she picked at any grime stuck under her metallic claws. "How about you?" she asked, sounding as if she didn't care what the answer would turn out to be. IC: Western BarrensGreel and Rocky watched as others fled through the portal from the other side, standing in the thick blanket of white. The Rock Lion looked uncomfortable in the chill and snow, surviving the experience only be the availiable light provided by the sky and heat from his mane. This caused snow drifting over his head to melt into water droplets, which turned into tiny clouds of vapor upon contact with the firey and burning tendrils around his head. "Calik?" Greel began to say, bewildered by the sight of his motorcycle barreling from the gateway along with the Toa of Fire. Though he was interrupted by the appearance of another coming through. "Who are you?" he asked, hands pocketed in his coat.IC: Western BarrensIn a flash of pitch blackness, Hexxon and his pet arrived in the snowy plains of the Barrens. By this time, Anar had already regained consciousness, and was grateful for the mental tending from his master. Both saw the ruins of City from where they stood, gaping at the broken buildings and apparent emptyness. Neither heard much sound, and from the Odinan's reach of telepathy revealed little present in the area. It also quickly became apparent that the outline of the Searcher was gone. Wherever something that large go go unnoticed was entirely unknown to him."The world is falling apart -- and quite literally, too," Hexxon told the dragon. "But maybe there is something we can still do..." His hand on Anar's neck, he reduced their densities until their bodies floated into the air. "Come on. There's still some fight left in us." The Team Comet leader's expression turned dark. "I have two people I'd like to have a word with. It's time I pay a visit to an old employer -- or meet up with an old friend."Regardless of the rashness of both descisions, Anar complied, flapping his wings toward what remained of City.
  20. IC: Day Run ArenaIf Kaytana cared at all that the Steltian was going the shield them from the fire with his body, she didn't show it. She wasted no time in activating the teleportation device, acting as a prop for the bound and unconscious Kerid as the two stood on the disk. Instantly, the pair vanished from the arena and were transported away to the Ring HQ.IC: Day Run ArenaGreel's attention was drawn away from the battle he was currently in by the order to flee given by Sanshou. It seemed the Ring had the same plan as well; the criminal he was facing had turned his back on his teal-colored opponent, running for the closest exit. Before Rocky could pursue the being, his master unlocked a gateway for them to depart in. He urged the lion to forget the Ring member, as there was no point in following them. Both had entered the opening, though Greel left it open for those around as a quick escape to outside.IC: Day Run Arena Hexxon, hearing the message, stopped his telepathic healing to Anar's mind. He didn't want to leave until he had Kaytana's body in hand, though he wasn't in the best of shape for hunting or fighting the Skakdi now -- and be left alone with any Ring members. A veil of Shadow covered the injured, consuming and teleporting them from the spot.
  21. IC: Day Run ArenaKaytana's grinned stretched out more, showing her growing malice. She leapted off the platform, landing on top a giant's shoulders and head before jumping onto the floor. As she made her way over to the downed Kerid, she transformed one of her arrows into a handful of plant spores for use against the Day Run Organizer. The Ring members attacking Kairan were pushed back from the Toa's responding assault. Until their target was definately in their possession, however, it was critical that they continued to hold any allies back. And so, the four-armed combatant tossed his net at Kairan, which crackled with pure energy along its webbing. His partner drew a vial of green liquid, proceeding to hurl it at his opponent's feet. Its glass casing shattered, releasing a sizzling acid onto the floor.The Skakdi strode past the fight, passing undetected by any of the three with her generators. Once she joined those holding Kerid, she revealed her presence. Shimmering back into view, she said, "Well done," before blowing the seeds at the unconscious Steltian. Kaytana's spores would transform into fast-growing vines and tendrils meant to bind her. Her expression indicating her satisfaction with her fellows' work, she pulled out a wide, silvery, and circular device -- her personal teleporter (which she had used to get to her vantage point) -- that reflected her unpleasent facial features.She cleared her throat before bellowing in a tone of voice she commonly used as a soldier on Zakaz for her war cry, "RETREAT!". It wasn't as loud as it would be with a microphone, but still reverberated throughout the arena. Her message was passed on by other Ring members, either from person to person or by Team Crest. That done, Kaytana placed the transporter on the ground and ordered the closest, strongest criminals to help lift Kerid onto it next to her. The Skakdi didn't want enemies possibly snatching her prize back as they fled the Coliseum. It would teleport them out of the battlefield, where they could leave from there.IC: Day Run Arena Every insect caught in the smoke coughed before flying back to the Hive for cover. Upon hearing Kaytana's order's to withdraw, Wasponax folded into a ball again, rocketing away from the scene. "Maybe next time, flamethrower!" the Dark Hunter called back to Calik, upset that he couldn't continue the fight.
  22. IC: Day Run ArenaKaytana saw her chance. She had been waiting for the perfect opportunity, trying to keep her aim as accurate as she could while doing so. The assembled Ring had finally got her to stay still; time to take the shot.Here goes nothing, the Skakdi thought, grinning wildly. Her mechanical arm fired the poisoned dart, shooting it towards the Steltian, pass the combatants and through the opening Kerid was visible in.
  23. IC: Day Run ArenaKairan's lightning bolt blasted the boomerang-thrower away and out of the fight. However, the opponent was soon replaced by his animating ally and a bat-wielding being. The animator was large, with four arms and curved horns protruding from his helmeted head. His armor and helmet design was reminiscent of a gladiator's, and held within his hands were the tools of such a warrior: a trident, net, and shortsword -- and the wrist-mounted Rhotuka Launcher. The limb bearing the device raised, hurling another wheel at the Toa, which was meant to bring his own armor plating to life and crush him before he could fire off another mist burst from his spear. If that didn't work, then he could expect a jab from the trident.The second assailant -- a modified Matoran -- simply swung his tool at Kairan's head in order to split it open. He and his partner tried keeping the Toa's attention away from the others, and instead on them. A bestial man -- a member of the Dark Hunter Conjurer's race -- joined those attacking Kerid. He approached from the side, focusing his natural telekinetic powers on her body. While his fellow criminal had succeeded in sticking her hand on the wall, he tried pressing the rest of her against the platform so as to restrain the Steltian. The being also tried calling her axe away to himself in case she attempted to retrieve it.Kaytana almost had an opening. Kerid had been pinned to the side of the column, and a Ring member with stretching appendages and that Lightning Toa had put her back in sight by removing some of the steps she was hidden behind. Once she was completely held in place, the Skakdi would take her shot at the Day Run Organizer.
  24. IC: Day Run ArenaThe Ring member dove to the side, avoiding the misty energy blast from the spear. His boomerangs were knocked off course by Kairan's blade, though he pulled out a few more and aimed at the Toa. The others weren't just standing around watching. A silvery Rhotuka spinner, powered with Animation, flew at the ground beneath his feet. Once struck, the wheel's power channeled into the floor, bringing it to life. Hands of metal reached up to seize Kairan and either crush him or pin him down for another to go in for the kill. Meanwhile, surrounding enemies closed in, weapons primed for battle. IC: Day Run ArenaIn answer to Greel's summons, Rocky came barreling through the battlefield. Any in his way marked as Ring members were slammed away, unable to move fast enough to keep up with the giant feline. He ran to where his master floated in the air, spotting him above the pillars.Greel watched the Rock Lion in action. The Rahi's mane was alight with fire, giving him an aura of both heat and anger. He swooped down to meet his pet, swerving around the raised platforms. "Time to take these guys down," he told Rocky, grinning as he fly alongside the charging lion.IC: Day Run ArenaBefore Hexxon's eyes, reality came back into focus. The world stopped its spinning, and the mental pain had eased a little. Beside him lay Anar, his body limp and still. A closer inspection revealed that the dragon was still breathing, just too dazed and unconscious to move around. He reached a hand over to his right shoulder, feeling a stinging sensation in that spot. His armor there had been breached, though thankfully its thickness had kept Kaytana's blade from piercing his entire shoulder.Kaytana... he thought, anger bubbling within him, causing his eyes flashed into a garish scarlet hue. It was almost unbelievable to Hexxon that his own friend had tricked him their entire time on Kai-Nam. Not only did it infuriate the Odinan that she had betrayed him, but that he had been played once again. First the KNPD, and now her. What else would turn out to be a enemy posing as a force of good?Slowly, he tried to pick himself up. Due to his injuries, he only managed to work his arms and a leg. This left him dragging himself over to his only true friend. Hexxon nudged the Rahi, an apparently unsuccessful attempt to wake him. All around people continued to fight, ignoring the pair for the moment. He didn't see the Skakdi of Plant Life anywhere, only others that didn't matter to him. He needed to find that traitor. She would pay.
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