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Magnus Greel

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Everything posted by Magnus Greel

  1. IC: Northern VolcanoThe transforming weapon thrusted at Arketh by Jasrich was deflected by the strips that had sought to grab it before. The darkness barrier on his wrist crumbled under the electricity released by the taser. As it did so, the specter twisted his forearm, grabbing Mror's wrist, and focused his powers of darkness to send pulses of Shadow energy into the Vortixx to create a similar effect.Undaughted by the attack (as a skeleton he felt no pain, and the Shadow armor protected him as it took the brunt of the onslaught as it faded), he flapped his wings to ascend into the sky, along with the tendrils gripping the sword tugging upward. Once up high enough, he would shake off and drop the Vortixx, in order to send him plummeting to his death.
  2. IC: Northern VolcanoArketh's responce came as more of his strips lashed out at the spear, pushing it off course and even tangling around it. The bullet from Mror's gun became implanted in the shadowy clothing on him, and its thickness protected him from whatever its effects were, and then regenerated.The towering skeleton retaliated with swipes of his large scythe, wanting to slice off their heads and create deep gashes in their torsos. Amplified feelings from Blacklight motivated him to pick off the competition, rather than just attempt to frighten them.As he slashed at the pair, Arketh pulled harder on the living sword with the tendrils to loosen it and also dislodge Mror's hand. It had to be his!
  3. IC: Northern VolcanoArketh, had he had a proper face and the muscles to do so, would have grinned. Taking advantage of Jasrich's and Mror's attacks on each other, a coating of dense Shadow covered his form to prevent such an attack on him from the gun. Tendrils, already close to the weapon, wraped around the sword, even crawling up towards Mror's hand and arm as they did so. Being able to transport himself in the blink of an eye allowed him to come as close to the tool as them.All three had a hold on the sword now, and Arketh intended to have it by wretching it free from them and the ground.
  4. IC: Northern Volcano Arketh, upon seeing his tendrils shot at by Mror in pitch darkness, fled into a gateway, avoiding contact with the explosive ammunition aimed at his head. If someone could retaliate that good in that level of darkness, it was not the best choice to stay where they could harm you. This brought him away from the Light trap focused on the spot he had occupied, and then another whisked him away from the blasts of air and Shadow from Twila after that.Now he appeared right next to the sword, firing a burst of his own Shadow concentrated on Mror and the incoming Jasrich to toss them both away. The specter proceeded to reach for the blade's handle with his free hand, and several strips surrounded the blade itself to free it from the rock.Normally, Arketh would probably leave the fight with this many opponents, but the desire to acquire the tool kept him at the scene. He glanced back at what unfolded around him, trying to keep the weapon in his possession once grabbed.OOC: Blade: Me, too.
  5. IC: Northern VolcanoThe glowing object -- along with everything else in sight -- vanished, replaced by inky blackness that snuffed out all light present. Within the field of darkness, strips of cloth slithered silently through the air toward Mror and the sword, one group meant to attack and restrain the Vortixx while the other sought to claim the much desired sword. With the loss of sight and iminent ambush on him, along with his implant probably notifying him that the other being was seemingly dead, the Vortixx could be in for a fright.Arketh floated above the scene with his wings, percieving the action via his eyes and tendrils. He had spotted the creature as he descended the slopes toward the sword, nd immediately went into action of assaulting him. After going so long without scaring a victim made the skeleton eager for interaction, and with a mere thought and step through a gateway, he was over Mror's head. With the loss of sight and iminent ambush on him, along with his implant probably telling him the other being was seemingly dead, the Vortixx could be in for a fright.
  6. IC: Northern VolcanoSeeing nothing worthy of his time in this direction, Arketh turned to that city close to the volcano. It was a dark-looking city, a place suited for his kind, maybe? Summoning another portal, the winged skeleton appeared closer to the city just by stepping through the "doorway". Yes, he could sense the shadows there... and something else?There were definately strange feelings emanating from around here, reaching out to him. He felt its call, the emotion of desire rising in him, which increased as he closed in on the source. In moments he could identify what he wanted dearly -- he wanted control of great power.
  7. So there is some action occuring around the volcano. Time for some interaction...
  8. OOC: I'll try to get back into this. Anyone near the volcano?IC: Northern VolcanoA gateway opened up a high point near the base of the Northern Volcano, revealing the black, skeletal form of Arketh. The dark specter peered down at his surroundings, then at the distance. That city he saw at the summit long before was closeby, near enough to make out details, and New Metru Nui was no longer in view.After having a few more inspections of this mountain (which proved to him even more an unimportant area of the planet, other than its impressive size), Arketh finally got around to deciding whether or not to visit one of those cities. So many inhabitants to scare... it would be fun.Once more he scanned the area with his almost empty eyes. No one was around here last time, but maybe that had changed during his exploration.
  9. IC: West District GarageWasponax's form broke apart as the insects swarmed the mech, each looking for a way in. Once they found a hatch, the Dark Hunter filled the cold metal interior and examined the internal workings, making out what they could in the little light.The inside was, much to their liking, hive-like, having alcoves lining the walls. Machinery filled its entirety, and a nearby set of devices beckoned to several of the creatures. Upon operating the technology, darkness was lifted by garish lights and the sounds of working machines emanated from every corner.Everywhere within the mech Wasponax's componets flew around to steer the vehicle; a twitching motion in the machine's features signaled to Yultin that he was ready to be lowered into the other room.
  10. IC: West District GarageA mech -- very insectoid in appearance -- was revealed standing in the containment unit. Empty light blue, crystalline, and angular eyes stared from either side of its curved head plate, which rested on a scrawny neck. It had a crimson hue to it, with fiery decals colored a reddish gold. Affixed to its hands were twin, shield-like buzzsaws, and two sharp teeth gave off a menacing appearance from its mouth. The mechanism's silvery feet, pauldrons, and joints reflected the light off its metallic body, making it glisten before the Dark Hunter."What a fancy toy you have here," Wasponax said, all eyes on the magnificent mech. "Mind if I give it a test run?"IC: East DistrictSure, I wouldn't mind, Greel answered, stroking Rocky's mane as he did so.The Rock Lion chewed hungrily on the meat, tearing pieces off with his razor teeth almost effortlessly. In under a minute the creature had eaten the whole thing, satisfying him for the moment.
  11. IC: East DistrictAs she drove down the street, Kaytana made an abrupt turn at a corner, steering her speeder into an alleyway. Once inside and hidden within the shadows, the Skakdi of Jungle climbed off her floating vehicle and unlimbered her club-staff. By activating her power to control existing plants, she commanded a small light vine to sprout from the living weapon, which illuminated her surroundings enough for her purposes.Kaytana withdrew her mission file, searching through the data until she found the directions she needed. At a perticular spot in the passage, she uncovered the materials planted here for her by the Ring. Inside the packages were everything she required, along with the circular personal transporter that would allow her instant transport to the places she wanted to drop off her "suprises".Placing the transporter on the ground, Kaytana stepped on it, focused on her destination, and disappeared immediately.
  12. IC: West District"I'm interested in looking for a vehicle," Wasponax told the Toa of Gravity. "Preferably one that keeps out the cold of this island, and fits my... nature." The Dark Hunter held up an open, club-like claw, a small group of his insects detaching, floating around over the palm and buzzing to imply his insectoid nature.IC: Day RunAnar kept himself warm and uncovered by snow by blowing spitting out miniature bursts of plasma, vaporizing the flakes into small clouds of steam. Besides that, the dragon watched the people walking and conversing around him.This was interrupted by his master, who patted him on the head to get his attention. "Come on, boy," he said. "We have a friend to find." Hexxon tapped into the Team Crest's ability to communicate with partners. "Kaytana, are you there?" the Team Comet leader asked. "Where are you?"There was no answer, which concerned him. Maybe there was something wrong... or perhaps she was busy doing other things. Shrugging, Hexxon walked away with Anar.
  13. Would it be okay if I say all the stuff needed by Kaytana was included with her mission file, along with a personal teleporter too, Parugi? Or maybe say it all was hidden in a cache that she finds with the datapad's help? The teleporter might help in getting the officers off her tail so she can get what she needs done without getting arrested or interrupted.
  14. IC: East DistrictKaytana cursed in her native language when the Matoran bumped into her. The thought of blasting him with her eyebeams appealed to her, but was dismissed when the being revealed who he was. Muttering as he left, the Skakdi placed her order on the table with one hand while the other seized the fallen datapad. She sat in the chair and turned on the mission file, her eyes lighting up as she read its contents. Now this was her kind of work. Kaytana quickly gobbled up her meal (much to other diners' disgust) and hurried back to her speeder. Once it was started up, she was off, ideas already forming in her head for what to use.IC: West DistrictWasponax gladly followed Vailian through the portal of shadows, relieved by the sight of West District -- less snow here than in the Barrens. His swarm swirled into a newer one, shaping itself into a Skakdi with large claws and talons."Shouldn't be too hard," the insects said together. As they walked into the street, he contemplated on releasing a miniature group of his components to search in different areas. "How about a city square?" Wasponax suggested.
  15. IC: Day Run, Player LoungeHexxon came to the end of his reading. The Odinan switched off the datapad, removing the little light in the room, and rose from the bed. Walking over to the door, he proceeded to open it and took one last look back. This place might just serve as a great retreat to return to in case there was another event that required hiding again -- or just for resting. His Team Crest could unlock the door before... maybe it would again later.Once more Hexxon made his way down the halls and stairways of the hotel. As he walked through the corriders, he couldn't help but feel powerless in this situation. It reminded him of the Dark Hunters' occupation of his homeland, where he could do nothing more than pick off a few and ruin their missions. Only here hefelt like saying one word to a KNPD officer would get him locked up.After reaching the lobby, he would look into contacting Kaytana about what he learned. It was time that he do so.IC: East DistrictKaytana directed pulled her speeder over to a nearby restaurant. Despite wanting to get to the Ring HQ a soon as possible, the Skakdi felt a little famished. And to quench her hunger, she ordered a large meal, quite possibly bad for for health too.The Skakdi of Jungle bite a chuck off the food and chewed it to bits with her sharp teeth, repulsing some customers near her.IC: The Barrens"Fairly decent, I'd say," Wasponax said to Vailian. Being able to spilt up and send out parts of your mass was an effective ability, especially when needed to observe or search.It was obvious that the Dark Hunter was uncomfortable in this terrain. Every step in the snow iritated the insects making up his feet, prompting the swarm to resort to a cloud drifting over the ground.IC: East DistrictGreel looked slightly surprised for a moment, but then relaxed again. Apparently the absence of his pet/vehicle didn't worry him much. Oh, that Rock Lion is probably around here somewhere, probably looking for somewhere nice to lay, or searching for something to eat, the Team Slight member grinned. Closing his eyes, Greel reached out with his long range telepathy. Almost immediately after he was out the door, heading for a restaurant. There he is, he said mentally, as he always did.Rockly could be seen standing near a table outside the establishment, nipping at a piece of meat on a customer's plate. Said customer cried out and ran into the building in fear, along with a few others The lion succeeded in knocking the food onto the ground, and now was lying on the pavement, chewing on the meat. Greel simply chuckled as he stepped over to the animal.
  16. I guess that announcement means that the KNPD officer tailing Kaytana for Theron will have to report back to Central. That'll keep her alliance with the Ring a secret. =D Just need to wait a little for the orders to reach East District... there is plenty for her to do there until then.
  17. IC: Ring HQ, Hall"Deal," Wasponax didn't hesitate for a moment. This Ring member knew of a place to buy a high-quality vehicle that would aid in his survival here, and had something interesting to do. It was just something he couldn't pass up.IC: East DistrictKaytana rode into East District, drifting deeper into her thoughts when at rest. While she did tell Theron she'd be heading here, the Skakdi had no intention of staying at all. The idea that he might have followed her (due to his suspcious feelings toward her) came to her so, but she ignored it.IC: East DistrictGreel was rummaging through a box of old tools when he heard Calik talking to him. A single dagger interested him, yet he shook his head, dropped it into the container, and placed it back on the shelf. Nope, he said mentally. I guess I have plenty of equipment at the moment.
  18. IC: Ring HQ"Then I should feel right at home here," Wasponax replied, directing his form toward the exits. Seeing as everyone -- or almost everyone -- was leaving, he guessed the party was over, though that didn't necessarily mean their conversation was done. Maybe the Rings memebers were all just moving into another room."Say," the Dark Hunter said. "With a life like that, you might know where I could find a successful vehicle shop to purchase a ride, right?"
  19. IC: Day Run, Player Lounge Hexxon continued his reading within the darkness of C74, eyes staring at the datapad. The illuminating, soft light of its screen revealed only his face, causing the dark gold Kanohi he bore to gleam at every movement. Rubbing his chin with his fingers in thought, the Team Comet leader scrolled through the information, comforted by the overwhelming shadows and low amount of light.IC: West DistrictSpeeder gliding above the ground, Kaytana began to gradually pick up speed as the distance between her and Theron decreased. She thought at stops, quickly losing her attention on the streets at each one, but keeping a careful eye on the road when moving again. The Skakdi's focus was on that KNPD officer, and the many ways she could get back at him for stopping her. Maybe I'll catch up with that clanking colossus later, Kaytana said in her mind as her vehicle came to slowing halt. I really do need to cause some chaos in this place. It's what I live for!She seemed to snap out of it once it was time to move again.IC: East DistrictWeapon shopping! Greel replied to Calik cheerfully as he showed the two his tools. One of the most exciting types if you ask me. You might not believe what you could purchase here! I've heard all about the range of technology developed on this island...While the robust, teal-armored being followed the Toa of Fire, Rocky sniffed the air. Ignoring all the uninteresting odors floating around, he looked in the direction of a scented trail of food coming from a nearby restaurant. Drawn to the delightful smell, the Rock Lion walked over to the establishment, craving a juicy meal. IC: Ring HQ, Throne RoomAbout half the eyes of all the insects that composed Wasponax were directed on Vailian, while a majority watched Lyccir. The rest glanced around at closeby Ring members and Hunters. They all listened to what he had to say, giving the single mind ideas of the Turaga's story. Thoughts pooling inside the collective consciousness, the Dark Hunter believed that perhaps there had been a mutiny against the Turaga (or perhaps he was a Toa at the time and became the weaker form that he was now) for reasons like not having the wants of his fellows in mind, and replaced and imprisoned for it."I suppose so, given the circumstances -- whatever they were," Wasponax answered. "Just by looking at his position right now, I wouldn't doubt he's ashamed or humiliated right now."He turned to face the Hivena, but not like a normal being. Each individual insect shifted around instead of the head just rotating, creating an short, eerie scene there. Thinking he had figured out the situation, Wasponax changed the subject. ''This is a large bunch of intersting folks you have here. Not quite unlike my people... maybe slightly friendlier.... What's it like day to day here?"
  20. IC: East DistrictGreel stepped into the doorway-like portal, followed by Rocky. Immediately they were greeted by the hotels, shops, casinos, and other buildings of East District. It was quite clear that no one could be bored in a place like this, with all the relaxing and joyful things here.Where should we start first? he asked, his telepathic voice echoing in his teammates' minds. There are games to play, stores to shop at, places to eat, and plenty of other things to do!
  21. IC: Day Run, Player LoungeHexxon's eyes were drawn to the desk closest to him. After quickly spotting the datapad, he first picked up and read Kerid's note, then reached for it. Figuring he could spend some time in the vacant room, the Team Comet leader shut the door and sat on the bed.Hexxon activated the datapad as per the instructions, and began reading the information.IC: West DistrictKaytana swerved around the KNPD officer with her speeder. She resumed her journey through City, though moving at a much more appropiate speed this time. IC: Ring HQThe insects continued to relocate themselves to form a new shape, pushing past and squirming around each other. Beside the mass of creatures hovered the payment card, two groups suspending it up on either end and every one of them holding up their arms. They took on the forms of several beings present, eventually settling on the shape of what appeared to be a Zyglak-Skakdi hybrid.Satisfied with the new look that would no doubt inspire horror in others, the floating insects were summoned to the rest of swarm. They formed into sort of a pocket on the right shoulder, in which the card was inserted. Wasponax proceeded to glance up at the imprisoned Turaga, a look of wonder on his frightening face.IC: Day RunAgreed, Greel said. No doubt another race would put Rocky out, and it would be dangerous to go speeding through the city. We can take a much faster -- and much less hazardous -- route.Waving a hand, the Team Slight member opened a dimensional gateway to East District for the group to use.
  22. IC: West District"No," Kaytana said simply, turning her attention back to Theron. "Anyway, I was off to East District from the Day Run." She placed her arms back the bars of her vehicle and positioned her foot on the pedal. "Now, is that all?"
  23. IC: Player LoungeHexxon walked down a hallway on the third floor of the Player Lounge, eyes turning left and right as they searched for C74. He counted down the room numbers as he came closer to the place. C72... C73... C74... Coming to a halt at the doorway, the Odinan used his Team Crest adorned with the signature comet and rings to gain entry into the apartment. The door unlocked, Hexxon peeked into the room.IC: West DistrictOpening her mouth for a response, Kaytana was interrupted by the cloaked Toa Tarius. It looked as if the being was walking up to them, but apparently wasn't now, as he walked away. What kept her from speaking further was the slight nod he gave, which she believed was directed at the giant before her.A friend of his? What's going on here? she thought, watching the hooded figure move along with a slightly confused look on her face. If ther was something subtle happening, she prepared her self, although the Skakdi didn't show it. IC: Ring HQ"Wasponax," buzzed the Dark Hunter. "A pleasure to finally meet the employer."The insects loosened their hold on each other, making their body less compact and giving themselves room to move about. This form was getting boring; with their multitude of eyes, the creatures inspected the Ring memebers present around the room, looking for an appealing species to resemble.IC: Day Run... We can visit East District! Greel said telepathically. I've seen all sorts of interesting and fun things to do there to spend time.
  24. IC: Player LoungeHexxon, not seeing anyone or anything that might be there for him, reread the message sent to him. After seeing the exact spot where the package was waiting, he scolded himself for quickly looking at the news given to him, being too relieved to finally come out of hiding.The former KNPD officer made his way up to the third floor of the hotel, ascending a flight of stairs to his destination.IC: West District"I'll try to remember that," Kaytana replied. From how Theron talked, she supposed he might be a KNPD officer -- or someone who really cared about the city of the public. As for his warnings, she didn't care the slightest about how people would feel about her rushing. In fact, the Skakdi might even find their reactions amusing if they panicked. IC: Ring HQGlad to be out of the cold and snow, Wasponax's swarm condensed into their usual, featureless, humanoid form. He walked beside his partners, all the eyes of his insects studying the base's interior as they proceeded to the Throne Room.
  25. IC: West DistrictKaytana gasped and slammed her taloned feet on the brakes of her speeder, stopping right before the titanic Toa. She had too occupied with looking around and reminising to notice the being before her. "Excuse me!" Kaytana bellowed at the colossus. "You're standing in my way!"
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