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Magnus Greel

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Everything posted by Magnus Greel

  1. I think we can conclude something here: don't mess with the Empowered! :PSeriously, I thought that they'd all fall at Droth's claws. But, in a heroic and suspenseful way, put an end to the madman. A few times I thought that Indusko might make an appearance in their battle, since he was an awesome (and insane) character. I can just imagine them all fighting against two utterly mad Makuta, though Indusko would probably start arguing with himself. :PAlso, I liked seeing the use of the Mask of Mutation to reverse (or iniciate and undo, in Barrest's case) the alterations of Nestra and Barrest.
  2. IC: Day RunFrom out of the shadow cast by one of the Day Run buildings, Hexxon and his pet appeared. For a moment, both glanced at their surroundings; they saw people, snow, more structures, and a Rock Lion lazily walking down a path. The Odinan's eyes settled on the Lounge, and once the way was clear, he headed for it, moving casually, yet cautious on the inside.While Anar waited outside, his master stepped through the doorway and into the hotel. Hexxon stood in the lobby, looking for someone who might be waiting to meet and pass on on his package to him. The front desk, maybe?IC: West DistrictRacing through the streets of West Districts, Kaytana increased her speed. As she scanned the life around her, the Skakdi was reminded that this way the same road she took when she first traveled to the HQ. IC: The BarrensWasponax switched to his cloud form, perferring to travel this way, rather than push his insects through the frigid snow. Together, the creatures form a thought as they buzzed into the air: I must really invest in some sort of vehicle.Indeed, it was probably a good idea to meet with Lyxek to get paid. With that money, he could purchase something to keep out the cold of Kai-Nam while he roamed the island. Moving around in this type of enviroment and temperature would put a toll on him.
  3. IC: South DistrictResting against a building wall, Hexxon scanned his surrounding area mentally. Upon finding they were alone, he turned his attention to Anar, who was lying on the ground, bored. The Odinan reached out a hand to pet the dragon, but suddenly paused as he realized something.A message was waiting for him, sent by one of the Day Run workers. Apparently, they had a parcel made for him at the Day Run Lounge, and it seemed like he could come out of hiding now.Grateful to return to to the world and perhaps some interaction, Hexxon gestured to Anar. Taking one last look around, he willed the shadows covering them to teleport them away.IC: The BarrensKaytana steered her speeder through the snowy Barrens. City was up ahead, and although the Skakdi would cross through it, she didn't feel like spending her time among the citizens right now... maybe later she would. But now she was off the Ring HQ again.IC: Day RunGreel turned away from the Day Run boards, hands behind his back again. As he walked down the path, he began humming to himself. Behind, Rocky pulled himself up, following his master. Neither had a destination set, simply preferring to wander around the centers.IC: The BarrensWasponax considered. Perhaps he should meet with this Toa Lyxek -- after all, he had risked his life just to hunt for some strange flower. He might even get to see what importance the Rose served. Money didn't interest him -- only meals of meat and the sound of screams pleased him."I'll come," the insects said in sync. "I want to see what this plant is worth."
  4. IC: Day RunGreel stood before the information boards at the Day Run, his hands clasped behind his back as he read the new announcement. Beside him laid Rocky, lazily watching the people and events proceeding around them. It had been a week since the race; the strain put on the lion had left him recharging hours after, his gems sucking in the heat provided around the Day Run offices. During the rest of the week, both had gone sightseeing around City, wanting to become more familiar with the island that served as their home for the time of the Day Run. They had learned quite a bit, such as places to go, stay away from, explore, somethings of the war between the authorities and the Ring, and more.At last, Greel thought, growing increasingly excited as he read more. Such a creative arrangement of terrains. It will make a most intriguing game to fight in. He tapped his teal-colored fingers on his new Team Crest, deep in thought of how to plan out the team's tactics. There were so many possibilities! His eyes glanced quickly at the three cards of his symbol, then back at the board. It was also a week ago that he gained the Team Crest, being accepted into Team Slight in the process. He was in such joy that day, getting closer to the games he craved, and later celebrated the event.Something appeared in his peripheral vision -- a taloned foot, followed by the sprouting of things green, slimy, and weedy...IC: Day RunKaytana stepped up to the boards, hungrily scanning the announcement with her crimson eyes. This was one of her many trips back to the Day Run from the Ring HQ. Each time she checked to see if any new information was revealed about the CTF match on the boards. It was the only other thing she could do, besides kill time in City. Not much had gone on in the base that she was interested in, so she supposed learning some things about the city.Once the Skakdi had finished reading all the information, she turned away from the boards, ignoring the strange individual next to her. Upon seeing his Rahi friend -- who began snarling at her -- she hissed and smirked at the creature and his master, then walked away. As she approached her vehicle, she wondered about the current status of her partner. Where's is Hexxon? It's been over a week since I heard from that guy! Multiple time Kaytana had tried reaching him via their Team Crest, but that had proven fruitless. Several times she supposed it was his police work, though she still wondered. Shrugging and switching on her transport, she guessed he'd turn up soon. He wouldn't pass up a Day Run match to sharpen his skill for just about anything. The Skakdi proceeded to race off into the snowy distance, keeping her mind off the subject with the thoughts of what suprise prize could be awaiting Team Comet if they won.IC: Kai-NamGrateful to be off the ships and sea and away from that dreadful island crawling with those... creatures, Wasponax exited the boat in a stream of buzzing insects. Reforming into his featureless humanoid form, the bugs gazed at the land they would be inhabiting for however long they could.Ugh!Snow. Ice. Cold. Nothing but frozen water and low temperatures wherever he looked! Who would want to live here besides Ko-Matoran and Toa of Ice!Oh, well. This is a new place -- a new island to start on! I will have some fun here...The insects around the mouth area of his face shifted into a ghastly smile.IC: South DistrictHidden in the darkness of the alleyways, concealed by shadows purposefully attracted to their forms, Hexxon and Anar stayed. South District -- the best place to hide that they could find. No one came around here like the other districts, as it was widely abandoned. It was nice and dark here, perfect to stay out of sight, especially if one commanded the shadows.The two would crept around the edge of South District and the Barrens, sometimes even near the other districts, so as to gather more information about current events and the city from citizens minds with telepathy.Just a little longer, Anar, Hexxon spoke telepathically. I'm sure Kerid will contact us when it's safe, or Kaytana might. She has been calling lately.... It might be time to inform her of what's happened.
  5. IC: Day RunHexxon nodded to Kerid, and then proceeded to climb onto Anar's back. A moment later, a mass of black Shadow energies endulfed the pair, and an instant later they were gone. He would take Kerid's suggestion to stay hidden, since he didn't want to end up in trouble with the Director or his officers if he found out about the Odinan's defection. Maybe he could even contact Kaytana to let the Skakdi know -- for her own safety, or he might just use the time to allow all the revelations and information to sink in and settle.The second option seemed more favorable to him.
  6. Should I assume that Greel will have possession of a Team Crest after the timeskip or will he need to visit the Registration Office to acquire one after?
  7. For Team Slight after the timeslip, it would be: [*]Calik[*]Traxin[*]Greel
  8. IC: The Barrens"That does make sense when you think about it," Hexxon replied, realizing how obvious it was just by examining the whole situation between the KNPD and the Ring. "Anything else about the KNPD?"Turning his attention ahead, the Odinan could make out the buildings of the Day Run in the distance. They were coming close to the end of their walk there.
  9. IC: The BarrensKnowing that the mask Key was secured and out of reach of Lyxek, Hexxon decided that the Eyes on Kia island could be worried about later. The only other piece of information that interested him was the part with the Director, which would bring them right into her knowledge of the KNPD."So, what do you know of the KNPD in all this? And are you aware of why the Director wants these alternate Lyxeks?" Hexxon asked.IC: The Barrens/Near Day Run Greel watched as Calik slowed until both him and Traxin were in front, and he was in the lead. Just a bio or two away were the buildings of the Day Run, and going at full power would surely bring victory. Rocky's eyes were fixed on the point ahead, while Greel's were on his opponents.Neither seemed concerned that they might crash into one of the nearby structures at this speed, or how drained the Rock Lion would be after the race. He just ran...
  10. IC: The BarrensHexxon reviewed the information in his head, looking back to see if there wasn't anything he understood or if there was more he needed to know. So far, the things he heard sounded crazier than what Kerid had explained earlier about the Director and Lyxek connections. From what he knew now about this Toa's plans, the former KNPD officer thought how difficult it would be to fight back against the Ring leader.Pushing aside those thoughts for the moment, Hexxon focused on one point. This Heart and "Rhashahk" person -- or thing -- seemed to be the gist of his plans, and he held some keys to use the Heart. If he had a number of them...."These Keys," Hexxon began. "Where are the others? And are they safe from his hands?"IC: The BarrensGreel watched with eyes opened wide as Calik broke through the line of their vehicles. Up ahead was the Day Run, and it seemed the Toa of Fire was sure to win. Maybe if he pushed Rock's speed to its limits, they could just make it. But doing so could possibly shut down the Rock Lion, due to power loss. If only it wasn't so cold, victory would be guaranteed! Already Rocky would need to recharge from the race, and heat lay right ahead at the centers. They might make those few bio...Giving it all they had, Greel and his pet shoved through the snow toward the "finish line" of the race, gaining on Calik. He gripped the lion tightly with his teal-colored hands, and his eyes were fixed on the way ahead behind his jewel-like goggles. The distance rapidly decreased between the racers...
  11. Yeah, I could use one of those. =P Thanks.
  12. Lots of good things in this chapter. I, too, like the way Grodak died by the spewing acid geysers, when they threatened the survival of Tobduk, like, two or three times. And, yay! Kylodus is back! I was hoping he'd return soon. This episode is coming along very well, with a grand ending to chapter five. It's good to know what the purpose of the sludge is for now, and what it will do.I think the thing that I like most about this episode is how well you capture Droth's sheer insanity.
  13. IC: The BarrensHexxon listened intently to Kerid as they traversed the Barrens. His eyes were set ahead as he silently processed the information in his head. The Odinan asked no questions yet, only keeping quiet as they neared the Day Run.IC: The BarrensGreel kept his eyes on his two other opponents while Rocky was focused on any obstacles in the way. Once or twice the thought that this race through the cold and snow might deplete his pet's energy supply. Hopefully, the Rock Lion wouldn't collapse once they arrived at the Day Run centers.The teal-armored racer couldn't help but see how close they all were. If only the field was hot and sunny, Rocky would be able to break through the line.
  14. IC: The BarrensHexxon was slightly surprised by the decline, but then very quickly realized that her offer would be in his favor. "Very well," he said, drawing back his hand to his side. "But I warn you, it's a long walk back."Patting Anar on the head, the former KNPD officer and dragon began walking in the direction of the Searcher.
  15. IC: The Barrens"That would be nice," Hexxon replied, holding out a hand for Kerid while the other rested on Anar's head. "Also, apologies for the attempted arrest."
  16. IC: The BarrensRocky sprung into motion, kicking off the ground with his claws and talons at the sign to start. The cloud of debris created by Calik's Ragnorak appeared behind the animal as both racers took off.Oh, this will be such fun. Greel thought to himself as they left the Searcher far behind.
  17. IC: The Barrens The Odinan sighed, lowering his head back to the ground. This was the way to go, he guessed, and maybe this time it would work out. So, he turned back to Kerid hesitantly, his eyes shifting through soft hues."I will join you, then." Hexxon said.IC: The BarrensGrinning, Greel and Rocky readied themselves. The Rock Lion dug his paws and feet into the snow and ground, prepared to lunge forward. Neither moved except for their eyes, which shifted back and forth from Team Slight to the distance ahead.
  18. IC: The BarrensWas this a second chance? A real opportunity to defy crime and defend law? It certainly sounded so.... Maybe this was the way to go.Wait, Hexxon thought, looking up from the ground and into the snowy distance. "What do you mean 'helping to do virtually the same to another island'?"IC: The BarrensGreel shrugged again in response. Only a suggestion. I'll follow you both on my own vehicle, he replied,climbing onto his steed. Ready to go?The dimentional gateway closed; he decided to travel there via Rocky with the others. Maybe he could even have a race on the way to the offices with them.
  19. IC: The BarrensHexxon's eyes flared a bright, fiery red. He had no explanation or rebuttal for the body, or for anything Kerid pointed out. When he thought about it, albeit hesitantly, it all seemed to make sense. He didn't want to accept it, or at least fully, but there was no evidence to disprove her beliefs.The Odinan looked around, gnashing his teeth, raging in his mind. He felt like throwing his staff at something, or blasting apart his surroundings, regardless of the two around him that would be hurt. Ever since the Shadowed One and his companion razed Odina of his species, all Hexxon wanted was to stamp out crime and enforce justice. Employment under the KNPD offered him that dream, but now he was a pawn, part of the Director's plan to aide the Ring in their goals.His back to Kerid, Hexxon faced Anar, looking into the dragon's eyes. You understand that, Anar? he said, focusing his words into his pet's mind. We're being used by some creation of the enemy. We've done no good.Anar looked back at him, his facial features displaying the feelings of worry and of failure. The officer shifted his eyes onto the white snow."What do we do now?" he said silently, the question not directed at anyone in particular.IC: The BarrensAs Greel waited for both Calik's and Traxin's responses, he glanced at the enormous Searcher. It was quite a strange thing, sitting peacefully in the snow. How much harm did this monster do, and why was it just resting here?Shrugging, the stout being turned back to the pair, summoning a portal. If they wished to travel to the Day Run in their vehicles, then he would use the gateway to transport himself and Rocky there. If not, they could just steer their vehicles into it.
  20. IC: Northern VolcanoSo, there seemed to be nothing within the volcano's crater. Arketh turned his attention to the lands around the mountain. Nearby was some city, and far off was the other one. Maybe there was some action going on that he could insert himself in.Yes, he decided, making his way down the volcano with his wings and gateways. Cities were always full of action, and brimming with citizens that he could interact with.
  21. IC: The BarrensHexxon looked at Kerid as if she was insane. What she claimed baffled him: none of that could possibly be true, and his meeting with the Director confirmed that. He hadn't heard of him or the KNPD commiting murder either. Yet, could that all have been an act? Hexxon wasn't too certain with the details of the KNPD retaliations to the Ring's threats. And he didn't know of this Ring member's release. Somehow, if even just a tiny bit, the thought of all of it seemed plausible.But why should I believe her? These could be lies just to save herself, or the beliefs of a madwomen. Gripping his staff firmly, the officer watched the Steltian carefully. Hexxon was, like Kerid, examining their situation. She may have looked peaceful now, but she might be up to something. If a fight broke out, she could prove to be a challenge to bring in. But it wasn't like he hadn't expected that."You raise... interesting... points, Kerid. But, how can you be sure that you're right?" he asked.
  22. IC: The BarrensHexxon stumbled a little as he was thrown out of his prisoner's mind -- or rather, his former prisoner's mind. Kerid had managed to free herself from the energy bonds, and was proceeding to stand up against him. But this didn't surprise him; he suspected the Steltian could do it after noting her choice of equipment."What could possibly make you think that?" Hexxon snarled, ignoring the rest of what Kerid said.
  23. IC: The Barrens“Perhaps... but maybe he can elaborate on it better than I can,” Hexxon answered. The officer gently petted Anar’s head as he spoke and prepared his energies, his eyes still on Kerid. “Why don’t we take a look at your own thoughts of the Director and KNPD?”Telepathy enveloped the Day Run Organizer’s mind. Hexxon burrowed through her most recent thoughts, like some Rahi digging into the earth, not being subtle at all. He swiftly made his way past their conversations, searching her memories of before their meeting near the Construct, while she was examining it, then with Ehjoras. One memory in particular caught his attention as progressed in his hunt.“What’s this?” he asked spitefully, pulling up the thoughts and images like some files or records for her to view with him.“What should we do?” Ehjoras asked.Kerid looked at him. “We’re going to start fighting back,” she answered. “Alan, Kairan, Elithes and everyone else may be out now, but we aren’t. It’s time to bring down the KNPD and the Ring.” She smiled. “And believe me, the Director and Lyxek will fall. This ends now.”IC: GynelAfter hearing Reaper's orders, Wasponax hurriedly moved around to get the ship he was on to sail off. The sooner the Hunters were away from this island, the safer they were.
  24. IC: The Barrens:Hexxon simply shrugged, though not in answer to Kerid's question. While not the best and favorable place, this spot could serve his purposes. Glancing over at her, he focused the power of his staff on the Day Run organizer.Three rings of energy materialized around Kerid, a small one surrounding her legs, the largest one restraining her torso and arms, and the last one keeping her neck in place. There was little space between her and the bands, enough for very limited movement, but it effectively kept her in place without touching the Steltian. A tendril of energy, connecting the rings to each other, snaked into his open hand.Now glaring at Kerid, Hexxon said in and almost proud tone, "As an officer of the KNPD, I hereby arrest you, Kerid, for disobedience and crimes of rebellious acts commited against the Director."IC: The BarrensWhat good news! All he needed to do was get to the competition centers to join a team. Membership into a Day Run team was but a dimensional portal away! Greel shook his head, I do not require a lift to the Day Run, but I can provide instantaneous transport there, for both you all and your vehicles. IC: GynelIn an effort to leave the island faster, Wasponax split into several Matoran-sized forms of joined insects. Each one was busy trying to ready the ship with the work of four at each task. Once they had finished one, the new group sped to the next spot to complete the job needed to be done there.
  25. IC: The BarrensHexxon grasped Kerid's hand and proceeded to close his eyes; blackness engulfed the trio, immediately whisking them away to another location. All that remained to see were their footprints in the snow.When vision was restored, Kerid would see snow, whiteness, Hexxon, and Anar again, but nothing new other than that. There were no Day Run buildings in the distance, no people walking by... just the two of them, and maybe the outline of the Seacher (for it was so big, one might see it from almost anywhere in the Barrens). Hexxon had teleported them to the northwestern wastes, far from the gathered and the Day Run. And from what his Suletu told him, no other intelligent beings were closeby."Hmm," the officer thought aloud, a curious look on his face.IC: The BarrensGreel's eyes settled on two beings: Calik and Traxin. His telepathy had picked very recent information pertaining to the Day Run in their minds. In fact, the Toa of Fire had just recruited the Toa of Sonics onto his team... his team of two. Jogging over to their spot, the teal-armored man focused a message into their heads, Hello there! I noticed you two are in the Day Run competition, with open spots on your team. Mind if you included another?IC: GynelWasponax drifted onto one of the ships, figuring he'd be almost useless in the battle with the giant Feranaki. Around the vessel he moved, attempting to provide any help with sailing off where he could.
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