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Magnus Greel

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Everything posted by Magnus Greel

  1. IC: BattlefieldTyrana grumbled something about the order and crept back into the battle, still concealed. As she moved through the crowds of Frezhahks, the thin figure searching for a certain opponent. Where's that Toa of Fire? she thought, scanning the area for Su'un with her red eyes. IC: BattlefieldThat last bit of information given by Frezhahk reached Hios' ears. He couldn't just lie there in his plants and wait asnd see if anyone could defeat the Skakdi. The Toa needed to help fight back, even if his creation were just barely providing him safety.All the glowing vines wrapped around Hios began to slither and writhe, twisting and lengthening their forms. Those closest to his body grasped him tighter, and others grew thicker. Slowly, the mass of plant matter rose off the icy ground, no longer resembling a cacoon, but a humanoid shape. Any frost-resistant plants he knew off were added to the growing collection, as well as a layer of bark to certain areas.Finally it stood -- a large and burly construct of plants, with Hios' head visible amoung the vines. Tendrils served as fingers and toes, with more acting as tentacles sprouting from the back. Armor in the form of wood and back coated sections of the body. Not only did it keep him warm, but also allowed movement and activity in the fight.Staff in hand (which seemed to be the source of all the plant matter, as vines could be seen originating from it that made up the right hand), the Toa of the Green advanced on the Skakdi. If killing them made the Skakdi stronger, then perhaps only incapacitating them would prevent that. Powerful blasts of energy came from the jewels of his weapon as he launched force bolts at Frezhahks' legs and feet, while the heat-producing vines on the back reached out to break off the claws and arms of others.
  2. IC: Battlefield Hios had been saved from decapitation from the ice sheet by his Kanohi Hau. Now he was on the ice, wrapped in a great, cacoon-like bundle of the heat vines to protect from the intense cold. From two small opening in the wrappings of glowing plant matter, his blue eyes had a limited view of the fight. The Freszhahks had iced over the plain of trees, robbing him of access to the plant life there. And he was trapped in one of his two weaknesses, protected only by his creations. His vines might not even last long from the decreasing temperature.IC: ForestTyrana watched the battle, still concealed by her Chameleon powered granted by the Faxon. So, that Skakdi was back, only in numbers this time, creating some sort of ice structure around them. What to do? she wondered. Continue fighting for this Skakdi, or make my escape?
  3. IC: The BarrensHexxon placed a hand on Anar's head, and held out his other to Kerid. "You're hand, please."IC: The BarrensOnce more a gateway opened up, with Greel and Rocky exiting onto the snowy ground. The sight of the Searcher greeted their eyes, filling them both with awe with its immensity and odd appearance. Neither knew if it was hostile or not, or what it was doing here, but that could wait. The burly figure turned his head to see clusters of beings around. Surely some of them were Day Run contestants, and he was about to find out. A wave of telepathy washed over their minds, searching them for the information he sought.IC: GynelWasponax had probably never flown so fast in his life as he did now. Already one Hunter was down, from what he heard from Reaper's message. Whoever it was, he didn't think about it too much as he rushed away with Mechanic.
  4. IC: Northern VolcanoArketh's dark and skeletal form emerged from a portal above the volcano's crater. Closing the gateway over him, he gazed down into the giant vent.What lies down there? he wondered as he drifted in the sky.
  5. IC: The Barrens"Excellent," Hexxon said, pulling his cape over his shoulders even more until his body was concealed by it, in an effort to keep out the cold. "I can provide quick transport to the Day Run center, if you'd like."Anar sniffed Kerid's hand as she reach out slowly to him, licking it as well and seemingly pleased by the gesture.IC: Feranaki Tunnels, GynelWasponax flew quickly down the tunnel, following the fleeing Mechanic. That screech didn't sound like it would bring joy for the Hunters, and so he hurried on, not even looking back.
  6. IC: Northern VolcanoThe volcano, other than its immense size, did not fill Arketh with any more awe. Nothing had captured his attention so far as he flew around above its slopes. But, maybe the mountain's points of interest were held within its crater, rather than on its outside.Changing direction, he propelled himself straight up to the summit... and into another portal. Much like his journey here, it would probably take a couple of gateways to reach the volcano's vent, because of its size.
  7. IC: The BarrensHexxon stopped. "We might want to meet somewhere else other than around here, for one of us gathered has enhanced hearing," he said, recalling Traxin naming his element in his conversation with Calik while he stood with the two. "Perferably someplace less crowded and out of an ear's reach that spans kios."Anar was no longer excitedly smelling and trying to lick Kerid. Instead, he just sat there in the snow, his tail still wagging and tongue hanging out. He looked like he wanted to be pet.IC: City, over West DistrictGreel and Rocky appeared drifting over West District, the gate closing behind them. The pair had their eyes searching the buildings below, and then all around the city, watching the dots that were citizens.Where to start? he asked himself, turning around in the air. There were so many places in this place, so much land to cover. His question was answered when he spotted the form of the giant Searcher in the snowy Barrens. What's that? Greel wondered, tilting his head. Maybe that's where can can start...Summoning another portal, him and Rocky exited the skies over City, heading for the northern Barrens.
  8. Yay! =DAll my characters are rather new to the island, so they probably aren't very well known. Unless Team Comet gained some fame for helping defeat the Contruct in the Arena during the match. I doubt many people even know that Hexxon is an officer.
  9. IC: The Barrens"I was hoping if I could meet with you in private," Hexxon said. "There were a few things I wanted to discuss, including the Day Run and other information I find important."It seemed Kerid had not sensed his telepathy. Noting this, he now carefully searched for knowledge of her abilities and equipment, just so he knew what to expect.IC: Feranaki Tunnels, Gynel"I'm fine," Wasponax replied, his swarm emerging from tiny cracks in the tunnel containing Mechanic and Fate. "Following Mechanic and Fate at the moment, and most of the creatures are still in the cavern. Few are in here."The insects darted after their fellow Hunters, their wings emitting a buzzing noise as they did so.IC: Day Run GroundsA teal and bulky being stood in front of one of the billboards on the Day Run grounds, with a large lion laying beside him. Apparently satisfied with what the posters read, he began to slowly ascend into the air, his heels glowing with red energy. Coming to a halt high in the air, the figure gained relaxed and thoughtful features to his form. Hmm, Greel thought, then realized that he was alone. Glancing below, he focused his telekinetic power on his pet, raising the Rock Lion into the sky. Rocky was in a resting position, all curled up like a napping house cat. When he noticed the sudden lifting of his body, he simply opened his yellow eyes a little, then closed them again. Now with both floating next to each other in the sky, Greel continued the conversation, looking like he was relaxing on an invisible hammock, hands behind his head and legs stretched out. There's going to be a Capture the Flag event soon in the tournament, he said mentally. Seems relatively easy to grab the flag before another does. Then again, things normally aren't that easy... sounds like it will be a real fun game. But were not part of a team yet, he sighed. Looks like we have some searching to do.Concentrating on an empty space in the sky, he opened an intradimensional gateway. Kicking his feet, Greel was propelled towards the portal, followed by Rocky, who he pulled forward with telekinesis. The Rahi opened his eyes once more, lifted his head, and yawned, revealing his pointy teeth. Resting his head on his arms, he looked into the gate. Both vanished from sight to anyone watching the odd scene.
  10. IC: Northern VolcanoIt had taken a couple of gates to get here, but finally Arketh arrived at the Northern Volcano. Even at his current height in the sky, the mountain still towered over him. To explore the entire thing, or most it, would take a while.Flapping his wings, he began gliding through the air over the rock just above the base. What sort of things would he see on this alien volcano, Arketh wondered, his long neck turning left and right as he examined the place from above.
  11. Here's that character. He'll probably end up joining Team Comet if he can't get on another team, and I'll add that in if it becomes official in the game.Hope everything looks good. Username: Magnus Greel Name: Greel Faction: Civilian (Day Run) Team Slight Species: Unknown – Greel’s species is rare, and not much is known about them, mostly because they keep to themselves – a lot. It is known that they tend to have beautiful golden skin and bulky bodies, and can develop elemental powers during their life. Certain individuals of this species can acquire their powers faster than others with special training. Many are also unable to wear and use Kanohi. Gender: Male Description: Greel is tall and very muscular, with bright gold skin and rippling muscles that sparkle even in low lit areas. He is rather bulky because of this, and his armor design has a many-faceted, smooth surface of triangles. Like the texture of nicely cut jewels. His eyes are circular and glow bright red, and his mouth resembles the mouth piece on a Noble Huna. He is clad in teal armor and wears gunmetal boots, a wide-brimmed hat, and a grey-brown, full length coat. The color of his armor can be shifted to royal blue with bright gold highlights on the points and edges of his armor’s surface. The hemming of his coat reaches his knees, despite being full length, due to his size, and the sleeves are tight against his thick arms.He has come to Kai-Nam for the tournaments and enjoys the competition. He loves winning, especially when he does so using well thought out or surprising plans. He also gives off an alien presence. Greel does not usually talk, but when he does, his voice is deep and echoing. Equipment: A collection of sharp and pointy blades hidden in his coat and on his person. He owns a wide variety of these blades, ranging from knives to almost sword-sized blades. Each one has a decorative jewel on the top of their hilts. He has special goggles that have the power of thermal imaging, allowing him to see the heat emitted by objects or beings. The lens looks very much like large, octagonal jewels. Finally, Greel owns a pair of rocket boots that grant him limited flight. But instead of using fire to lift him into the air, they emit crimson energy from the heels. On the ankles of the boots are four, bright red jewels, two on either side, that give the boots the energy to blast off the ground. Mask: None Powers: Greel has elemental control over Psionics, with his reserves of elemental energy being somewhat larger and stronger than a Toa’s. This allows him a broad array of mental powers, from high level telepathy and telekinesis to mental blasts and mental screening/disguising his presence. He is able to manipulate each aspect of the element with precision.He also has the power to open intradimensional gates, an ability identical to the Dark Hunter Vanisher. He can open gateways to travel great distances with others, and can also use them to capture energy attacks, store them for as long as he wants, and release a desired amount. These gates cannot actually be used to travel to other dimensions. Vehicle: Rocky – It is unknown if Rocky is a machine or truly alive. He appears large and mechanical, but acts like an animal and Greel treats him like one. Rocky looks and behaves like a Rock Lion, with bright blue and white armor, a dark grey mane (white-hot when he is angry), bright yellow, jewel-like eyes, and extremely sharp teeth and claws. Various jewels of different sizes adorn his body, located on places like his shoulders, wrists, hips, and ankles. These jewels absorb thermal energy to power him, and when there is little heat around, it can take in light instead. If neither is available, Rocky will go into a coma-like state until energized. He is also capable of moving at extreme speeds, faster than a normal lion.He has a wider range of fire powers than a normal Rock Lion: he can absorb heat, store it, and release it in a single blast from his maw; and project beams of heat vision from his eyes.Greel can summon him via telepathy, leading others to believe that he is real, though he may contain special circuits to receive the messages.Rocky thrives in the heat, but is weakened and slowed in the cold. Biography: Not much is known about Greel’s past. He mostly just wandered around as a loner, watching the Universe and studying from it. Before this, he unlocked his elemental abilities and became experienced with them, being one of the few to develop them and learn faster.Some time before coming to Kai-Nam, he participated in the gladiator matches on Stelt in the coliseums, winning gloriously a few times. After having lost interest in the games there, he stumbled upon stories of the Day Run tournament. With new excitement driving him, Greel traveled to the snowy island, craving the challenges.
  12. IC: The BarrensHexxon spotted the nearby group while looking around, and immediately recognized the face of Kerid when she glanced at them. Calik and the others were almost forgotten as he watched the Steltian while she observed the Searcher. He was very soon joined by Anar, who he had mentally summoned.The officer started torwards her, walking casually, instead of outright attacking her. Things like this needed to be handled cautiously, carefully. If he began what looked like a random conflict with one of the Day Run organizers, surely there would be unnecessary and unwanted trouble with those around them.Focusing his telepathy on Kerid's mind, Hexxon attempted to subtly scan her thoughts to find her name as he stepped closer. Anar reached her first, smelling, wagging his tail, and trying to lick the tall being, acting very much like a young dog would to a stranger."Pardon me, Madam," he began. "You are head of the Day Run, yes?" glancing down at his dragon, he added, "Don't mind him. He gets excited around strangers."
  13. Well, then. You can expect to see this character up sometime soon, with Vanisher-level of control and that elemental power level.I think some of you will remember this particular character from somewhere...Also, thanks for answering.
  14. Well, there are several characters (including mine) currently gathering by the giant, dormant, jellyfish-like Searcher in the northern Barrens. You could hop in there for some interaction.And speaking of characters, I was thinking of making my third one as sort of a late celebration of the RPG's return. Two questions with it: would the power to use interdimensional gateways be allowed as a power here? Here is a description of it taken from BS01: The level of control I have in mind is not as strong as Vanisher's is, having a limited distance and storage capacity.And would having control over an element slightly or somewhat stronger than a Toa's be acceptable?
  15. IC: The WastesSo far, Arketh hadn't spotted one being traversing the barren lands. While a little disappointing, it wasn't something needed to be worried about. His flying and searching had brought him closer to that great volcano. Since there didn't seem to be any prey around, maybe he could explore that mountain...Soaring through the air, the grim being unlocked an intradimensional gate and flew into it. While it may take a few portals to get there, travel by his gates were much faster than flying.
  16. IC: The Barrens"If you're looking for the Day Run centers," Hexxon said to Krayzikk, "they're on the west side of Kai-Nam. Just southwest from here, a little ways from City."Then he began staring around again, his eyes and mind reaching out into the snowy distance for any others present near the Searcher. There were bound to be at least one of those rebels still around.Up in the air, Anar circled his master, waiting for some command. He would occupy himself with glancing around for people, too, or bite at any falling snowflakes.IC: Feranaki Cavern, GynelThe groups of insects all flew rapidly for an exit. Hopefully one of his fellows had obtained that flower, because it was definately time to leave.
  17. IC: The WastesArketh flew through the sky, his wings flapping and strips of cloth whipping around in the air. Below him was the almost barren land north of New Metru Nui, which he scanned with his eyes. Rocky ground, minimal plant life... little life at all. This whole world was dark and barely sustained life with its thin atmosphere and scarce resources.It was like a paradise for him. Truly, with a nature like his, he could get used to this place fast. For a while he awaited for that space vessel to arrive at some alien planet, keeping to himself within shadowy alleys and tunnels. Those denizens of the city it contained had succeeded in crashing their ship. That didn't bother him too much; it only added to this grim place.Quite a distance away was that giant volcano, and over to his right was Eastern Canyon and Tencha Nui. What lay beyond those landmarks, he wondered? Well, he had all the time in the world to journey across this place, explore every area, and harass its new inhabitants. Speaking of which...Arketh swooped down, coming a little closer to the ground, but still high up. Eyes searching the plains of stone, the skeletal being looked for others. He could use some interaction.
  18. IC: ForestTyrana didn't need the illusion; the camouflage ability of the Roporak kept her hidden as she silently crept out to the southern half of the island. The thought of why it was blocked off before by a giant Skakdi and ice didn't sway her to turn back. There was safety around here, and she could afford to get caught again. Maybe Mala, Krokk, and her could hide out in these woods until things looked better. IC: BattlefieldHios tried his best not to slip on the ice covering the ground, using his staff for support as best he could. Coming onto this place of cold and ice made him hesitant, but perhaps he could see what others were up to if he just ignored the stuff.
  19. IC: The BarrensHexxon didn't even look at Traxin as he spoke. His eyes -- flickering through different colors -- were on the surrounding snow and scenery. "Just a giant, mechanical jellyfish that seems to be totally indestructible to every assault thrown against it," he replied. "This is the second of its kind I've seen in a week. And at least you could hurt the first one."
  20. IC: The BarrensHexxon's jaw nearly dropped when he heard Brother's words. The part about killing the Director stood out the most to him. That was something a criminal would say... or a rebel. In fact, that Rahkshi looked familiar, like he had seen him before...Of course! He was one of those rebels shown to him by the KNPD leader on the screens that he wanted captured. Now he vanished into a shadow, evidence of power that element? How easily he had escaped! Did he teleport, or was he just hiding out? Whichever it was, Brother was probably gone by now.Noting all the other information of the talk, he leaned over to Calik and said, "Calik, if you see that Rahkshi again, mind telling me, or send him to me? I really must to speak with him. In fact... " the ebony being summoned mental images of the rebels and transmitted their faces (Kairan, Kerid, Eryn, Elithes, Draxion, Alan, and Swerv) telepathically into the Toa's mind. "If you see any of them, can you tell me or send them to me? A meeting with any or all is vital for me,"Then he even feed the same things and a little more into Anar's head, just in case the dragon ever spotted them while both were hunting, then he would know what to do... And so occupied was Hexxon in this that he almost didn't notice Traxin's arrival."Oh, not much really. He left before stating his reasons or much else for these murders," he told the Toa of Sonics. "But it's very interesting to know."IC: Feranaki Cave The insects flew away from the Feranaki that tried to silence them, moving higher into the air. They began spreading out into small group, aiming to irritate more of the creatures in other parts of the cavern.
  21. IC: The BarrensHexxon's eyes flashed another color, symbolizing his change in mood as he heard Calik say something about murder. "Maybe later, since it doesn't seem to be a problem right now..." he said, wanting to get on the current subject between the two."What's this about killing someone?" he asked.
  22. IC: The Barrens Hexxon and Anar floated down from the air towards Brother... and Calik? It was a surprise to see the Toa again. He must have been attempting to attack that jellyfish-like Construct, too.Hello, Calik, Hexxon said via his telepathy as he neared.His boots landed in the snow as he jumped of his mount to the ground. Pulling his cape over his shoulders to cover up his his body, the very tall being looked at both. "Here to fight that... thing... are we? Or, at least try?" he asked. From what he saw, nothing seemed to affect the dormant Construct.IC: Feranaki CaveWasponax's insects flooded into the air, emitting an annoying buzzing noise as they did so. The plan formulated by the single mind was to distract the Feranaki below, so that his fellow Dark Hunters could attack them while they were off guard.
  23. Username: Magnus GreelName: HexxonFaction: KNPD (Day Run) Team Comet, crest symbol: looks like the Red Star here, inside two intercrossing rings shaped like an ‘’X’’ when looked at directly.Species: Hexxon is a member of the species that originally inhabited OdinaGender: MaleDescription: Hexxon is a very tall, thin being, with thick armor that is mostly black in color, with several plates of dark gold. Small, nasty looking, white spikes protrude through his armor on his shins and forearms, including two larger ones on his elbows and knees. He has short, white claws on the inside of his black boots, and wears a black cape. His mask is dark gold, and his eyes have the ability to change color to reflect his mood.With a life of grief and pain, Hexxon is often bitter towards others, and strives to preserve and spread justice. He is normally serious and has a no-nonsense attitude, though he has joined Day Run to hone his powers for work.Equipment: Hexxon carries a staff that seems to be made of some durable wood, with metal tipping on both ends. Two spiked maces dangle from their chains that connect them to the staff’s tip. The staff itself has the ability to channel his powers and create energy bonds, which usually materialize as rings around the target(s). When in the arena, Hexxon switches this weapon with a spike-covered blade.Mask: Great Kanohi Suletu, Mask of Telepathy (shaped like a Great Kualsi)Powers: Hexxon wields Shadow abilities he developed, and can manipulate them at around Toa level of control. In addition, he has experimented on himself, removing several mechanical parts of his body and replacing them with those of a Rahkshi of Density Control, giving him access to that power.Vehicle: Anar – the mutated result of a fusion between a Phase Dragon and an Energy Hound. Anar is a small dragon with peacock blue and brown armor and skin, both of which are rough and scaly. There are two rows of spikes, one on either side of him that resembles the spines on Spinax. He has the ability to track down objects and beings by following their energy signature, and cough up blasts of – not fire – plasma. Hexxon uses him to travel around the island by flying in the sky.Biography: Long ago, Hexxon was a peaceful villager, living with his fellows on Odina. Then came the day when the Shadowed One and his friend Ancient purged the island of the natives, forcing Hexxon to either flee forever or die. He narrowly escaped with his life, and became further enraged when he learned about the Dark Hunters now operating there.Furious, Hexxon modified himself, even adding Rahkshi parts to his body so he could never be weak and vanquished like his kind, and practiced for years how to control his new abilities.He knew he couldn’t take on the mercenaries that inhabited his homeland, and so turned to Kai-Nam and decided to work for the police there. With new hope, Hexxon tries to do his best to seek out criminals that would dare corrupt the island.Username: Magnus GreelName: KaytanaFaction: Civilian, though she is secretly allied with the Ring (Day Run) Team CometSpecies: SkakdiGender: FemaleDescription: Kaytana resembles a normal Skakdi, looking like the Piraka, only with a more feminine-shaped form. Her skin, face, and spine are a sickly green, with blotches of dark brown spotted all over them. The spikes on her spine look like branches on a tree. Her armor is sickly green as well and dark brown. Several parts and sections of her body are mechanical replacements, colored gunmetal gray and copper. These include her right arm, which is a complicated mechanism with sharp claws that resembles thorns, and her left eye. A mossy material has seemed to grow over the mechanical replacements. Also, her eyes are a bright, gleaming red. Kaytana has a symbol – similar to this one – tattooed on her right shoulder armor.Fierce and highly destructive like all female Skakdi, Kaytana is also charismatic and has no problem with lying to others, both of which she used to convince Hexxon to join together as a team.Equipment: Kaytana’s right armor is completely mechanical, and has two additional functions: it can manufacture and shoot darts or arrows filled with her poison power, and tap into her element independent of another Skakdi. Her eye replacement can channel the vision power from her left eye outward. She owns a wooden staff that is greenish brown in color, which looks very much like a spiked club, only with a longer handle. She also carries around a green vine covered in thorns, with its base a wooden handle bare of any spikes. Both these tools are kept living by her powers.Mask: NonePowers: Elemental Plant Life powers, however, after the accident, Kaytana has a limited use of the element. Wherever she goes, she leaves a trail of slippery, unpleasant weeds; she can strengthen or cause plants to wither and decompose; create plant poisons; and can control any existing plants in the area. She also has Vertigo Vision, inducing dizziness and loss of balance in others when hit by the eyebeams.Vehicle: This. Kaytana’s speeder is capable of floating via levitation Kanoka, and can fire force bolts from two blasters mounted on the front. It is fast, sleek, and able to detect nearby objects through sensors.Biography: During one of the wars on Zakaz, Kaytana fought with her fellow warriors in a battle on some mountains. She proved highly determined to defeat the enemy, damaging much of the battlefield. However, she was too destructive, causing a section of the land she stood on to become unstable. A stray blast of energy struck the ground, crumbling it and sending Kaytana falling down the mountains.She was thought dead, but was found and given mechanical replacements for her broken body, which succeeded in amplifying her rage and viciousness, and then was shipped off Zakaz.Sometime later, Kaytana made her way to Kai-Nam, where she met Hexxon. The Jungle Skakdi convinced him to join her to form a team for Day Run, telling him a modified version of her story. He, like her, dealt with a similar, sad problem, and allied with her.She now pretends to be a Civilian, actually a member of the Ring, and has been able to hide this affliction from her partner, despite being telepathic.Username: Magnus GreelName: WasponaxFaction: Dark HuntersSpecies: Insect RahiGender: MaleDescription: Wasponax is actually a swarm of extremely tiny, buzzing insects. Each one has four arms and two long legs, all of which are clawed. They all have natural stingers mounted on their forearms of their upper arms, tails, and spiked elbows on their lower arms. They possess twin wings, allowing them to fly. The insects can be a cloud, or come together to make a solid body of different shapes. There is a small amount of magnetism in their armor that keeps them better connected should they get hit, so they do not disperse easily, though if enough force hits them, the mass will dissipate. Wasponax can detach parts of his mass and spread out his swarm.While composed of tiny entities, Wasponax is a permanent hive mind of the combined insects. On their own, the bugs are pretty much mindless, and hungry – very hungry. They are capable of eating through different substances, even dissolving objects if there are enough of them, like their relatives, Devourers. When more came together, they become more intelligent, forming a mind. That mind is Wasponax, who possesses a level of intelligence greater than his components. He can think more rationally, though still has small traces of the hunger his insects hold when apart. Wasponax enjoys his kills, and also has a fear of bird-like Rahi, and extreme cold.Equipment: Stingers, teeth, and spikes.Mask: NonePowers: Venom. The venom of a single insect is not deadly; it is barely felt at all. Several can make a painful pinching sensation, and larger groups can make infected areas sore or numb. A massive amount stinging together can kill targets within half an hour and sicken them.Vehicle: N/ABiography: Wasponax originates from a perilous, forested island, where he was multiple groups of insects. When a few Dark Hunters arrived on the land, looking for their target, they attracted the attention of the bugs. The mercenaries kept killing the attacking groups, though couldn't stop them from coming. The more that came together, the smarter they got, deciding to work together instead of fighting each other for food. Eventually, enough came to the point where an intelligent consciousness was formed – Wasponax. With a new goal and strength, he viciously struck out at the Hunters, killing one in the process. He was trapped though, and was thought to have potential. Under the Shadowed One, he was convinced to serve, in exchange for more meals and power.Wasponax was chosen to participate in the journey to Gynel for his familiarity of forests, his effectiveness, ability to cover more ground, and his ability to take orders without question. He'll almost always agree to follow the demands of his superiors, believing they can make better choices then him.
  24. Yes, they are unable to access other dimensions, and are limited to transport within his close vicinity.
  25. IC: Battlefield The sword and Levacius passed right through Tyrana, as she had duplicated a Phase Dragon's intangibility power to evade the attacks. Seeing the Skakdi defeated by the efforts of her opponents did not fill her with joy. And although he was gone, she still felt his Ice powers within her. Those would be useful, especially for now. Things didn't look good right now for her or the others who aided the fallen giant. Perhaps it would be best to return later...Using the power of her mask as she backed away, Tyrana took the Chameleon ability of a Visorak Roporak to virtually become invisble. Carefully, the shark-like being silently escaped to what had been the other side of the ice wall, making sure not to make a sound. IC: Fallen Forest Hios watched the Skakdi fall, thanking to the Great Beings and Mata Nui that it was over. The island, inhabitants, and plants were safe now.Sighing in relief, the Toa of Plant Life walked towards the ice-coated battlefield where the others were.
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