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Magnus Greel

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Everything posted by Magnus Greel

  1. Name: Arketh Gender: Assumed to be maleSpecies: Unknown, quite possibly a unique beingAppearance: Arketh resembles a large skeleton composed of some durable material entirely colored black. His face is skull-like and bears no mask. His eyes are simply pin points of light within his eye sockets. He seems to almost glide above the ground by the way he moves. A myriad of lengthy strips of black, non-flammable cloth are attached to his bones. On his back are a pair of large bird-like wings for flight that go with his vulture-like neck. There is no sign of any organic material on his bones. Arketh looks exactly like this and this, but colored black. Kanohi: NonePowers: Arketh has the power to open intradimensional gates, an ability nearly identical to the Dark Hunter Vanisher, with the exception that he cannot travel as far. He can open portals anywhere only within his surrounding area and step through them to travel to a desired location as if using a door, and use them as limited storage to hold onto trapped energy attacks, then release a desired amount on another.He also has elemental power over Shadow, which is at a power level on par with that of a Toa. Arketh can manipulate each aspect of the element with precision, except for the creation of a Shadow Hand.Weapons: A large scythe that looks like the type used for reaping crops (curved shaft or snath, razor sharp blade, and two grips or handles) that can channel his powers. The strips of cloth on his body can be used as appendages to wrap/feel around, handle, or entangle an object or foe.Implants: NonePersonality: Speaking in a whispery, eerie voice that echoes around, Arketh is a dark individual. He gives off an alien presence to those around, and takes delight in frightening others, even to death. He enjoys low lit areas, being accustomed to the dark and cold. And so, Arketh despises almost everything associated with light, making contact with it painful to him. Though he does realize that light is just as important and necessary as darkness is.Alignment: NeutralBio: According to Arketh, he originates from Spherus Magna, living there for quite a long time. He has been seen at least once around the battlefields of the Core War, drifting over the inert bodies, though he has not elaborated on what he has done during the events after the Shattering or Mata Nui’s return.When the Techna Nui was in the process of creation, Arketh watched, and followed on board once it was completed, wishing to visit other worlds for reasons he has not yet revealed. Although he hasn’t committed himself to a side of the Hacker-Techna conflict, he seemed to mostly side with the Toa Techna, but only for the journey’s continuation.In the aftermath of the battles, Arketh crept out from the almost convoluted remains of the Techna Nui, exiting the dark areas of the wreckage. From what he discovered of the new world of Karzahni Magna overjoyed him, as it seems the almost perfect place to inhabit for him.
  2. OOC: No, it's a real storm -- a miniature one, as opposed to a normal-sized one covering a large area. What do you mean? And snow is mostly -- if not all -- ice, not air.IC: Near the SkakdiThe fire was met by a blast of ice and cold just as it left his blade, with a trail of frost visible coming from Tyrana's hands. Heat from the flames melted the frozen water into its gaseous state right before the Toa.Now, due to Artorre and her evaporating most of the snow and hail, a cloud of steam surrounded him. Concentrating on that cloud, she swiftly used her Ice powers to drop the temperature of the vapor, aiming to turn it into water and splash the Toa within.
  3. IC: Near the SkakdiThe blade connected with the side pf Tyrana's torso, sending her sprawling towards the ground. Her head whirling and claw feeling the damaged armor plate, the shark-like being looked in surprise. It took only a few seconds to see Artorre standing with his sword. "Why do you still stand!" she roared, conjuring a small, violet snow and hail storm around the Toa of Fire. This, she knew, would slow, weaken, and hopefully freeze and bury him in its intensity. It was fueled by both her rage and absorbed cold from the air around her.Getting to her feet, Tyrana raised her own sword, ready to strike back with the weapon, or summon another power. IC: Fallen ForestYes! Hios' construct of plants had been a success! Now what to do -- create another, or something unexpected? The Toa of Plant Life scanned his area and the nearby battlefield, looking for some inspiration.
  4. IC: Near the SkakdiTyrana used the power of a Fader Bull's teleportation once more, leaving behing an afterimage as the fire made contact with the ground. As soon as she appeared again, the shark-like being hurled twin blasts of cold at Su'un, meant to freeze him in ice. Immediately after that, she triggered her mask's power, taking the abilities of an Electric Spider and Electric Bug to create bolts of lightning to blast at her enemy. Perfect, Tyrana thought as she watched the energies fly at the Trytan. Another Toa of Fire. Hopefully, this one will fall more easily.
  5. OOC: Hios is against the Skakdi.IC: Near the SkakdiAfter being placed carefully on top of the branch, Hios used his power to pull it back. The wood creaked as it bent back, and the glowing ball rolled slightly. He made sure to make everything as perfect as needed; no twig or stick or the branch was allowed to cling or be caught on the sphere; the branch was positioned toward the Skakdi; and the Toa checked repeatedly to make sure the ball was aimed straight at the monster.Once every little thing was in place, thick, wicked-looking thorns sprouted from the ball, giving it a menacing look. Then, giving one last check of the positions, plants, and all else of it, he released the makeshift catapult of a branch and pushed it forward. Applying his power to the plant ball, he tried to steer it in the right direction, even supply the necessary momentum.Hios planned that, if the projectile hits it target, the large thorns would keep the hot sphere attached to whatever section of the Skakdi it stuck to. The radiating vines would begin to melt the ice layers even as it neared, and the Cabolo would burst from the rough impact, hopefully destorying a section of the massive Skakdi. And if the Madu didn't explode from the hit (possibly safe within the bundle), he would force them to.Now Hios watched as the bomb-like ball of plants flew towards the Skakdi's abdomen, navigating the plants using his proficiency in the Green.Please work.IC: Near the SkakdiThe painful head noise made it difficult to focus on mustering enough fire to warm the spot, and even on the mental blast. Artorre would find it hard to eliminate the cold, and deliver mental force.Tyrana, noticing the Psionic attack with her telepathy, stopped sending din into Artorre's head. Instead, she produced a beam of cold from a clawed hand. The beam touched the ground, creating a coating of ice over it by the Toa's feet. That should send him slipping along once it spread out far enough. Light from electricity caught her attention, as well as giant tendrils of plants attacking the Skakdi and other assaults on him. As a police officer, she knew not to spend all her time on subduing one criminal, but any surrounding ones too. Growling, she headed for the the fire-wielding Toa-like thing clad in red and black armor. Focused on the fires around his head, her hands shone with bluish elemental energy as she made way for Su'un slowly.
  6. IC: Near the SkakdiThe fiery attack came close -- too close, in fact, for her liking. Tyrana chose the power of a Fader Bull, teleporting as the wall of flames neared. Because of the teleportation scramblers, she only reappeared a few bio away, though it was a successful trip nonetheless. An image of her was present where she once was, a byproduct of the Bull's power. Hopefully that would confuse Artorre -- that is, if he could tell it was there in his current state.Then Tyana felt the rush of energy fill her form as the Skakdi gifted her with his power. This would be fun... Eyes focused on her enemy, the newly empowered being began to work her new abilities. Toa of Fire, she knew, were strengthened by heat, yet weakened by the cold. Frost drifting around her hands, she pointed at the Toa, and concentrated hard. All around Artorre the temperature dropped dramatically; the already existing cold emanating from the Skakdi became even worse for him.To add on to this, she attempted to use Oohnorak telepathy again, this time to fill his head with intense mental noise and babble. IC: Fallen ForestTree branches, still under the power of Hios, had clumped the collected earth as best they could, like one would to form a snowball. The Toa of Jungle, tapping into his overflowing elemental energy, caused viny plants (the same heat-producing type used by Kelenorahk) glowing with thermal power to sprout from the dirt. Their roots helped as the lengthened, holding together the soil better. Soon, the result was a large ball of warm plants, slightly writhing as they took shape.Still clutching the sphere, the branches rested the construct upon the bigger, leafless branch prepared by Hios. Those leaves had been quite useful in providing extra elemental power to create the plants.Now the next part came. From inside, where a bit of unused space on the soil mound's surface remained, small vines appeared. Not the same heated ones, for these had coconut-like fruit growing on their ends. As the Madu Cabolo came into existance, they were carefully laid upon each other, filling the little space left inside the bundle.Almost finished...
  7. IC: Near the Skakdi Tyrana growled. She could hardly think that these two had betrayed the Eye for power. Serving some massive Skakdi wasn't going to get her off the island... or would it?Could that monster provide a transport for servitude? If she aided him in his revenge, perhaps she would be spared, and set free. Maybe he would create a glacier for her to float away on... The shark-like being copied the telepathic abilities of a Oohnorak. She sent a mental message and picture of herself to the Skakdi, in order to let him know her new alligence. Tyrana didn't much like the idea of him attacking her as she fought for him. Hands balled into fists and maw clenched, she moved into battle position. Just as she looked ready to attack, the colors of her armor changed, morphing into the hues representing Ice. Now symbolizing her loyalty, she turned on Artorre. In quick, fluid motions, Tyrana opened her claws and launched a blast of vertigo energy at him, emulating the power of Cable Crawlers.
  8. IC: Near the SkakdiTyrana emerged from the forest onto the plain of fallen trees, he eyes immediately fixed on the giant Skakdi. Then they shifted down, catching sight of her allies, apparently in a fight. Was that ice Krokk and Mala were sending at to others? Where had they gotten those icicles? Why was Artorre yelling about different sides? Shouldn't they all be attacking that monster? And had Krokk just attacked Artorre?Wanting an answer to these questions, the former officer shouted over to the three. "What's going on here?"IC: Fallen ForestHios worked hard on his plan, making sure everything was perfect for the idea he had. After moving as close to the Skakdi as he could without coming into contact with the cold, he chose the largest, best-looking of tree branches. The Toa of the Green had absorbed all leaves from the branches and sticks, both to build up elemental energy and clear the spot.Then, exercising his power over plant life, Hios moved branches of the lost trees, using them to shovel up soil from the edge of the still standing forest.
  9. IC: Forest near Camp C"Where do you think you're going?" Tyrana called to the fleeing Pluunar. The Matoran was lost from sight now, and she decided not to pursue.Starting for the others, the shark-like women gestured to Xyl'kath'ra to follow. She figured he would be quite useful against any elemental-wielding enemy."Dalmoth" shook his head. "You may want to risk yourself to fight that, but I don't."Turning, Tyrana glared at the Zyglak, her eyes now red slits. "Don't come?" she growled, "You'll probably survive the devastation of this place, but your precious Rahi prey will all be dead. If you still want to hunt for animals and beasts, then help."With that, she took off, expecting him to follow. And Dalmoth did, though not because of her temper, but because she was right.IC: Forest near the Giant SkakdiHios had scaled the layer of trees that now blanketed this section of the forest. Nearly heartbroken with the deaths of the plants, the Toa settled his focus on the massive Skakdi that towered over the jungle. He told himself repeatedly to forget the lost plants, as it would keep him from focusing on the most important situation on hand: the bizarre being, whose form glistened with the familiar, shiny substance of ice.Ice -- one of his greatest enemies and fears. How could he fight against something that was an effective power against his own? He might if become frozen solid if he got too close.Something caught Hios' attention -- the many large branches of the fallen trees. They gave him an idea; maybe he didn't have to get close to attack the monstrous Skakdi...
  10. Definately re-enter Dreamland next time. It's too much of a really great RPG with an interesting story and location to be lost.
  11. IC: Camp C"Then let's stop him," Tyrana hissed to the group. She didn't much favor the idea of getting killed on this island. If this Skakdi was going to ruin her chances of true freedom, then he was about to regret it. That is, if all the assembled were enough to help end it. IC: ForestHios continued his careful dash through the jungle, still following the Skakdi's great voice. The attack, however, had sent him to his knees as he felt the deaths of so much plant life. He could hear their screams as the ice beam tore them from the ground.When it finally died down, the Toa pushed himself up and headed south.
  12. IC: Camp CTyrana seethed in rage as she picked herself up. The former officer was lucky to not have been flattened by the Zyglak before her. Her fiery eyes searched around, looking for the source of that great voice. It seemed to come from above...Xyl'kath'ra was one of the few who hadn't fallen -- completely, at least. His taloned feet were dug into the ground and his spiked knees were on the ground. Most of his weapons were still on his person, though one had thudded to the ground, resulting in the portion it had touched to be instantly destroyed by the Zyglak knife. Now he rose, cursing in his native language at that force that had forced him down. Both were almost unconcerned with the change in weather, but preparing for what was coming next. IC: ForestA certain pale green and brown mottled Toa got to his feet, using his staff to stand. Hios' stroll through the jungle after searching the village was interrupted by the rumbling. He stayed calm, not wanting to panic and make things worse.Head whirling in different directions, the Toa of Plant Life attemped to find the source of that sound. He even made a cautious and careful sprint towards where he believed the sound to be emanating from.
  13. OOC: Apologies for the recent inactivity for those with my characters.So, we get to describe these six Hunters? I'll go with the Zyglak.IC: Camp CTyrana, who had stayed quiet for the whole time, ignored Pluunar's escape. She didn't care whether the little one stayed or not. Instead she surveyed the group of six, her red eyes coming to a halt on the green Zyglak. Tossing her round fruit that Krokk had created earlier up and down repeatedly, the shark-like women stepped up to the reptilian creature. There was no fear in her features, despite the fact that she was walking up to what most would refer to as a monster.He was large, with green as his flesh coloring, and black shades for the main hue with dull silver mixed and splashed in places, especially on his limbs. Large, spiked armor plating was attached to his shoulders, and scales covered the rippling muscles incorporated in his body. Meaty claws curled around his weapons, which included a javelin, knives, and a double-bladed axe. Golden eyes fixed on his angular, white head glared down at her, filled with hate that easily matched her own. It wasn't hard to tell the number of battles this creature faced; scars could be seen both on his armor and skin, even on the plates of different colored metal that hung around his neck. A few trophies from his past enemies, she supposed.Once she had inspected his form enough, Tyrana demanded the Zyglak of his name. "What do they call you, brute?"Razor sharp teeth were revealed as the being opened his mouth to speak, the words coming out roughly and the Matoran language. "Xyl'kath'ra, in my tongue. Though you may call me Dalmoth in yours." Tyrana showed her teeth as well in a vicious smile as she responded. "You'll do nicely."Normally, she wouldn't have conversed with such a being. But she knew of the Zyglak's corrosive touch and weapons, superior strength, and invulnerability to elemental powers. Already she could imagine his plauge eating away at the forestry as she made way in the jungle, his tools slashing, lengthy tail whipping, and claws shredding. No need to worry about heroic Toa that might be after her when their powers were useless against him. Plus, the backpack he carried told her that he may be carrying supplies, whether useful or just for his own self. All in all, ''Xyl'kath'ra" or "Dalmoth" was the best of the assembled, in her opinion. Now, there were that Vortixx and Steltian left.
  14. Finally active again, and time for some reviewing...You've got some really good ideas going here. I like the whole concept of Durgolund being poisonous, acidic, and crawling with venomous creatures. The idea of having the remaining members of Tobduk's species being able to manipulate an element through a specific emotion is interesting. I never thought of that, and that Tobduk wouldn't be the only one. I also like how Droth acts as if the devastating assaults on his tower are more like mere annoyances (unless, of course, they are compared to the importance of that concoction he had, or he's highly arrogant). And just how insane Grodak sounds.So, yeah. Great work with this episode.
  15. Magnus Greel


    It's doing so well in the polls now! =D Can't wait to get back into the game, Parugi!
  16. IC: Only Bay Passage:Tyrana paused for a moment, her days as a high-ranking police official coming back to her. There were times where she ordered fellow officers around that were below her, along with recieving orders from those above her. She could remember taking prisoners and being trained in order to carry out the law on her homeland. "I could say yes," Tyrana replied, "if this sort of military experience applies to a smaller force of individuals fighting to keep the peace of the land."
  17. OOC: For the Researchers, they are investigating a Matoran village that is protected by some strange leafy barrier. IC: Only Bay Passage The edge of Tyrana's mouth jerked to upwards to the side, forming a very toothy smile as she said, "I am fairly good at using a sword to quell threats, as well as quick enough to avoid many attacks." IC: Matoran VillageNow with the other Researchers inside the Matoran settlement contained within the tree shield-dome after lifting a section of it, Hios scrutinized a building, looking for anything that might hint at the inhabitants' seemingly everlasting slumber. Nothing seemed to indicate the truth, though, so he decided to look around a different structure. He felt sorrow for the poor Matoran of this place, but also amazement and wonder. How did they manage to stay safe in such a place like this, besides with the help of the tree wall?
  18. IC: Only Bay PassageTyrana slid over to Tempest's makeshift desk, watching him closely with red eyes. "And what is it you want to ask me first?'' she asked, the lips of her mask curling back to reveal her deadly teeth.
  19. IC: Path South from Camp BHios walked with the others through the forest to the Matoran village. He was partially satisfied that the plants around here were unable to be cut down, and thus able to survive. It did slow their journey, though, so it wasn't completely a good thing.Trying to keep his eyes on the route ahead, on all the colors of the jungle, and on all the life around them, Hios continued on.
  20. Almost forgot to review for this. :oTruly amazing, Angel Bob. Good thing we got to see this episode, because we would have missed all these great ideas. I never gave it thought that Luporax might be the Wolf, or guessed that Renfen was an Av-Matoran. Not only was it suspensful, but exciting as well, with much awesomeness. The whole idea that a Makuta becomes a Hordika at night to hunt for his target and manage to conceal the secret from everyone is fasinating.Poor Nestra, though. Sad to know that happens to her after all she's been through. But maybe Makuta Droth has a cure? Also makes me think that maybe Tobduk might bring along another old friend, like Kylodus, or if he'll gone on alone.Very good job with this episode. Can the story get even better? =D
  21. OOC: Thank you. ^_^And TPtI has answered that second part.IC: Only Bay PassageThe talk of ship building and sailing away reminded Tyrana of something important: Kroghun. She whirled to the path that her and her Skakdi allies had come from, and her crimson eyes scanned the jungle around it. Where was the Matoran? He was vital to escape from here, seeing as he was the only one she knew who was experience with sea craft. Hopefully a Rahi didn't get him, or a plant. Then I might never escape this accursed island. Deciding that he might have gotten lost or simply been looking for the right wood, Tyrana set about collecting her stolen equipment from the spot she placed them before the battle. Once all this explaining was over, she would search for Kroghun.
  22. IC: Only Bay PassageThe small, shark-like being disappeared into thin air to anyone watching her. Immediately after, Tyrana could be seen standing several Bio away, taller and of normal height. She had, ever since the battle began, used her mask to imitate the power of a Gate Guardian, and used its ability to project a smaller image of herself to trick her enemies. While Artorre fought the synthetic being, the real, invisible Tyrana stood to the side and reacted to all of his attacks so to make it appear that was the real her. When her Toa of Fire opponent had focused a mental blast on the image, nothing happened, for it was a mindless projection. Her mistake was not reacting to that, since she didn't know the true power of Artorre's mask, and so unintentionally hinted at her ploy. She was just waiting for the right time to strike him herself while invisible, but Tempest's intervention of their duel ended that plan. Now she sheathed her blade and placed a hand on her hips, with the other hand gripped on the hilt of her sword in case of another attack. She thought about this Toa's plan, and found it appealing. Though something nagged her."I have something to ask," Tyrana hissed. "Once all of this is over, how do you propose to get us off the island?"
  23. IC: Only Bay PassageInterestingly, Tyrana did not reel at the mental blast. Instead, she only reacted to his sword attack, leaping back as Artorre moved in, and Rayhoun's action helped. Mental shielding, possibly? Whether she did or not, it was another clue to her tactics, though only if Artorre could figure that out...Coming to a halt, she sneered at him and Tempest. "That depends, Toa. How do you intend to act?"Maybe, if Tyrana got him talking, they could figure out what his intentions were without exhausting themselves what might turn out in a long battle.
  24. IC: Only Bay PassageTyrana seemed to be using her new, smaller form to her advantage; she collasped to the ground as the jump-kick sliced the air above her. Then she proceded to roll across the rough terrain, quickly moving into a kneeling position after that. Growling at Artorre's continued assaults, she stayed where she was, awaiting his next move. "Give me your best shot, Toa!" Tyrana ordered, ready to pounce or counter his attack.IC: Camp BHios winced at the sound of the saws hacking at the plants. He stood with his back at the trailer as it chopped its way into the forest, not wanting to see any of it.Although given the option to travel on a different path, the Toa stayed where he was. The idea of studying plants along the way away from that ''murderous machine'' appealed to him greatly, but Hios knew very well to stick with the others in the camp for safety. If the plants here did answer to his power, he would have gone on alone without a second thought, not needing to worry about any danger when surround by his element.
  25. OOC: That would actually be me.IC: Only Bay PassageTyrana had prepared herself for battle ever since Krokk attempted to bind Tempest in vines. The talking Rahkshi and Toa of Fire were unexpected, but she quickly took action. As Artorre ran for her, she swiftly stepped aside with speed quick enough to match his. Turning back to the red and black-armored Toa and Kharish, she hissed, "Stay out of this! We are containing a possible threat."Something was strange about her appearance; Krokk might notice that she was shorter than before... IC: Camp BHios placed a hand on Garett's shoulder. "I know not who or where this 'Ena' is, but I thank you for assistance,''Looking over at Kioulp, he said, "Do what is nescessary to the plants, then. I will not be standing in the way of progress."The Toa of Plant Life turned away from the trailer, thinking hard about what had just happened. Normally, he would not stand for the deaths of the plants, but he had tried to help them, and they had not listened. Instead, they had attacked. What could he do? Trying to help those who did not want it was rather useless.These plants are not normal. Is it possible there might be something controlling them more powerful than Toa? Perhaps I might make it my mission to discover this, alongside the task of rescuing Matoran.
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